;;; TOOL: run-interp-spec ;;; STDIN_FILE: third_party/testsuite/proposals/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast ;;; ARGS*: --enable-bulk-memory (;; STDOUT ;;; fill(i32:1, i32:255, i32:3) => fill(i32:0, i32:48042, i32:2) => fill(i32:0, i32:0, i32:65536) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:43: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.fill out of bounds fill(i32:65536, i32:0, i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:52: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.fill out of bounds copy(i32:10, i32:0, i32:4) => copy(i32:8, i32:10, i32:4) => copy(i32:10, i32:7, i32:6) => copy(i32:65280, i32:0, i32:256) => copy(i32:65024, i32:65280, i32:256) => copy(i32:65536, i32:0, i32:0) => copy(i32:0, i32:65536, i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:108: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.copy out of bound out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:110: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.copy out of bound init(i32:0, i32:1, i32:2) => init(i32:65532, i32:0, i32:4) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:138: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.init out of bounds init(i32:65536, i32:0, i32:0) => init(i32:0, i32:4, i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:148: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.init out of bounds out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:150: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.init out of bounds init_passive(i32:1) => drop_passive() => drop_passive() => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:172: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.init out of bounds init_passive(i32:0) => drop_active() => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:176: assert_trap passed: out of bounds memory access: memory.init out of bounds init_active(i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:219: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.init out of bounds out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:221: assert_trap passed: uninitialized table element init(i32:0, i32:1, i32:2) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:227: assert_trap passed: uninitialized table element init(i32:1, i32:2, i32:2) => init(i32:3, i32:0, i32:0) => init(i32:0, i32:4, i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:237: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.init out of bounds out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:239: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.init out of bounds init_passive(i32:1) => drop_passive() => drop_passive() => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:265: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.init out of bounds init_passive(i32:0) => drop_active() => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:269: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.init out of bounds init_active(i32:0) => copy(i32:3, i32:0, i32:3) => copy(i32:0, i32:1, i32:3) => copy(i32:2, i32:0, i32:3) => copy(i32:6, i32:8, i32:2) => copy(i32:8, i32:6, i32:2) => copy(i32:10, i32:0, i32:0) => copy(i32:0, i32:10, i32:0) => out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:348: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.copy out of bounds out/test/spec/bulk-memory-operations/bulk.wast:350: assert_trap passed: out of bounds table access: table.copy out of bounds 104/104 tests passed. ;;; STDOUT ;;)