;;; TOOL: run-interp-spec ;;; STDIN_FILE: third_party/testsuite/elem.wast (;; STDOUT ;;; out/test/spec/elem.wast:143: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [0, 1) >= max value 0 out/test/spec/elem.wast:152: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [0, 1) >= max value 0 out/test/spec/elem.wast:161: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [0, 1) >= max value 0 out/test/spec/elem.wast:170: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [1, 1) >= max value 0 out/test/spec/elem.wast:178: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [10, 11) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:186: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [10, 11) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:195: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [10, 11) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:203: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [10, 11) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:212: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [4294967295, 4294967296) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:220: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [4294967295, 4294967296) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:229: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [4294967286, 4294967287) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:237: assert_unlinkable passed: error: out of bounds table access: elem segment is out of bounds: [4294967286, 4294967287) >= max value 10 out/test/spec/elem.wast:248: assert_invalid passed: 0000000: error: table variable out of range: 0 (max 0) 0000016: error: BeginElemSegment callback failed out/test/spec/elem.wast:258: assert_invalid passed: 0000014: error: expected i32 init_expr out/test/spec/elem.wast:266: assert_invalid passed: 0000015: error: expected END opcode after initializer expression out/test/spec/elem.wast:274: assert_invalid passed: 0000013: error: unexpected opcode in initializer expression: 0x1 out/test/spec/elem.wast:282: assert_invalid passed: 0000013: error: unexpected opcode in initializer expression: 0x1 out/test/spec/elem.wast:290: assert_invalid passed: 0000015: error: expected END opcode after initializer expression out/test/spec/elem.wast:353: assert_trap passed: uninitialized table element 31/31 tests passed. ;;; STDOUT ;;)