# WAKE Wake is a rust written "make" alternative. ## Installation from source Right now you can build the app just from source. ### Installation via ```cargo``` (git) * clone the repo and ```cd``` in it * ```cargo build -r``` and ```su -c 'install -Dm755 -t /bin/ target/release/wake && chmod +x /bin/wake'``` for global installation on GNU+Linux * ```cargo install --path .``` for local installation on Windows/GNU+Linux ### Installation via ```cargo``` (release) * ```cargo install wake``` for local installation on Windows/GNU+Linux ### Installation from source with existing ```wake``` binary on GNU+Linux * ```wake``` * ```wake -s .wake/install.Wakefile``` ### Installation from source via ```make``` on GNU+Linux * ```make``` * ```make install``` ### Installation on Arch Linux/Arch based distros * Available on [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wake-build-git/). ## Creating a new wake project * ```wake new -n -l ``` ## Configuring ```wake``` for an existing project * ```mkdir .wake``` * ```touch WakeFileList``` * ```touch .wake/main.Wakefile``` * fill ```.wake/main.Wakefile``` with your build instructions * fill ```WakeFileList``` with the .Wakefile(s) you want to build (if the file is in .wake folder, just put the name of the file + .Wakefile)