# Waldl A basic wallpaper downloader written in rust, uses wallhaven API for downloading wallpapers in original format. Download is asynchronous downloads the images into `$HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/$(date "+%b_%d")/` eg: `/home/jobin/Pictures/wallpapers/aug_15/` ![waldl image](./images/waldl_image.png) ## Installation 1. Clone the repo to anywhere in your system - `git clone --depth https://github.com/Jobin-Nelson/waldl.git` 2. cd into the waldl, install the binary - `cd waldl && cargo install --path .` ## Usage `waldl Matthew McConaughey` If you don't give any arguments it will download latest or top lists. ## Dependencies - **reqwest** - **tokio** - **serde** - **futures** I've also build the same thing in python you can view that [here](https://github.com/Jobin-Nelson/.dotfiles/blob/main/scripts/waldl.py).