This doc is intended for clarifying ERC-20 token creation # Interact with ERC-20 tokens ERC-20​ is a simple token standard and the most common contract type on Ethereum. You can: [Send ERC-20 transactions​ using eth_sendRawTransaction.]( [Observe event logs of mined ERC-20 transactions​ using eth_getLogs]( Follow [this tutorial]( to retrieve the balance of ERC-20 tokens. Follow [this tutorial]( to track ERC-20 token transfers. ## ERC-20 token functions and events An ERC-20 token must implement the following functions: totalSupply() - Returns the total token supply. balanceOf(owner) - Returns the account balance of another account with address owner. allowance(owner, spender) - Returns the amount which spender is still allowed to withdraw from owner. transfer(to, value) - Transfers value amount of tokens to address to. approve(spender, value) - Allows spender to withdraw from your account multiple times, up to the value amount. transferFrom(from, to, value) - Transfers value amount of tokens from address from to address to. At certain times, an ERC-20 token also must emit the following events: Transfer(from, to, value) - Must trigger when tokens are transferred, including zero value transfers. Approval(owner, spender, value) - Must trigger on any successful call to approve(spender, value). View for more details about how these functions work and when to emit these events.