use slip44::{Coin, Symbol}; use walletd_hd_key::prelude::*; fn main() -> Result<(), walletd_hd_key::Error> { let seed_hex = "a2fd9c0522d84d52ee4c8533dc02d4b69b4df9b6255e1af20c9f1d4d691689f2a38637eb1ec778972bf845c32d5ae83c7536999b5666397ac32021b21e0accee"; let master_seed = Seed::from_str(seed_hex)?; // Setting a network type on the HDKey is required, you should select HDNetworkType::TestNet during development and testing purposes and to avoid using real funds and HDNetworkType::MainNet for production level code with caution. // Be sure to be consistent with HDNetworkType when connecting to the blockchain, make sure to use a compatible blockchain for the specified network type category let master_hd_key = HDKey::new_master(master_seed, HDNetworkType::TestNet)?; // Wallet Import Format (WIF) is a standard way to encode private keys println!("wif of master hd key {}", master_hd_key.to_wif().unwrap()); // The extended public key and extended private key can be serialized using the serialized string format println!( "master hd key extended public key: {}", master_hd_key.extended_public_key_serialized()? ); println!( "master hd key extended private key: {}", master_hd_key.extended_private_key_serialized()? ); assert_eq!(master_hd_key.depth(), 0); let default_deriv_path = HDPath::builder().build().to_string(); // without specifying the purpose the default derivation path is "m assert_eq!(default_deriv_path, "m"); println!("default derivation path: {}", default_deriv_path); let account_deriv_path = HDPath::builder() .purpose_index(HDPurpose::BIP44.to_shortform_num()) .coin_type_index(Coin::from(Symbol::ETH).id()) .account_index(0) .no_change_index() .no_address_index() .build() .to_string(); println!("account derivation path: {}", account_deriv_path); assert_eq!(&account_deriv_path, "m/44'/60'/0'"); let eth_first_account_key = master_hd_key.derive(&account_deriv_path)?; assert_eq!( eth_first_account_key.master_seed(), master_hd_key.master_seed() ); println!( "eth_first_account_key depth {}", eth_first_account_key.depth() ); assert_eq!(eth_first_account_key.depth(), 3); println!( "wif of eth_first_account_key {}", eth_first_account_key.to_wif()? ); // Can derive a child key from a master key or a parent key, the derivation path must be a valid derivation path starting from the master node let derive_from_master = master_hd_key.derive("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0")?; let derive_from_parent = eth_first_account_key.derive("m/44'/60'/0'/0/0")?; assert_eq!(derive_from_master, derive_from_parent); println!( "derive_from_master == derive_from_parent: {}", derive_from_master == derive_from_parent ); // Can flexibly specify the derivation path using the HDPathBuilder, specifying the derivation path using a string is even more flexible let custom_key_path = HDPath::builder() .purpose_index(HDPurpose::BIP84.to_shortform_num()) .coin_type_index( .account_index(0) .change_index(1) .address_index(0) .hardened_address() .build() .to_string(); assert_eq!(custom_key_path, "m/84'/1'/0'/1/0'"); // Can use ' or h to specify hardened derivation let custom_key = master_hd_key.derive(&custom_key_path)?; let key_compare = master_hd_key.derive("m/84h/1h/0h/1/0h")?; assert_eq!(custom_key, key_compare); // Shortcut to create a derived key directly from master seed let derived_key = HDKey::new( Seed::from_str(seed_hex)?, HDNetworkType::TestNet, &custom_key_path, )?; assert_eq!(derived_key, custom_key); println!("derived_key: {:?}", derived_key); println!("derived_key depth: {}", derived_key.depth()); println!("derived_key wif: {}", derived_key.to_wif()?); // Can display the extended public key and extended private key using the serialized string format println!( "derived_key public key: {}", derived_key.extended_public_key_serialized()? ); println!( "derived_key private key: {}", derived_key.extended_private_key_serialized()? ); Ok(()) }