[global] deviation = 15 # How much the color varies within a shape. 0 for uniform shapes. weight = 25 # How far from the theme are the colors. 0 for theme-only colors, 100 for fully random. size = 30.0 # How big are tiles. Can be overriden for each tiling # You should set the dimensions TWICE AS BIG as you actual screen # resolution if you're going to generate SVG with line width 0.0 # This will truly hide the lines. # Warning: massive performance hit when converting to PNG, SVG is still fine # ("massive" being ~700ms instead of ~130ms in --release) width = 2732 # Screen dimension height = 1536 # Screen dimension [lines] # Set line appearance width = 0.0 color = "#000000" # Supports named colors as well # Tiling-specific overrides # Available: # del_width, del_color, rho_width, rho_color, # hex_width, hex_color, tri_width, tri_color, # hex_and_tri_width, hex_and_tri_color, # squ_and_tri_width, squ_and_tri_color, # pen_width, pen_color, [colors] # List of named colors # Either [r, g, b] (dec.) or #RRGGBB (hex.), both 0-255 # List of colors here: all SVG named colors black = "#000000" navy = "#000080" darkblue = "#00008B" mediumblue = "#0000CD" blue = "#0000FF" darkgreen = "#006400" green = "#008000" teal = "#008080" darkcyan = "#008B8B" deepskyblue = "#00BFFF" darkturquoise = "#00CED1" mediumspringgreen = "#00FA9A" lime = "#00FF00" springgreen = "#00FF7F" cyan = "#00FFFF" aqua = "#00FFFF" midnightblue = "#191970" dodgerblue = "#1E90FF" lightseagreen = "#20B2AA" forestgreen = "#228B22" seagreen = "#2E8B57" darkslategray = "#2F4F4F" darkslategrey = "#2F4F4F" limegreen = "#32CD32" mediumseagreen = "#3CB371" turquoise = "#40E0D0" royalblue = "#4169E1" steelblue = "#4682B4" darkslateblue = "#483D8B" mediumturquoise = "#48D1CC" indigo = "#4B0082" darkolivegreen = "#556B2F" cadetblue = "#5F9EA0" cornflowerblue = "#6495ED" mediumaquamarine = "#66CDAA" dimgrey = "#696969" dimgray = "#696969" slateblue = "#6A5ACD" olivedrab = "#6B8E23" slategrey = "#708090" slategray = "#708090" lightslategray = "#778899" lightslategrey = "#778899" mediumslateblue = "#7B68EE" lawngreen = "#7CFC00" chartreuse = "#7FFF00" aquamarine = "#7FFFD4" maroon = "#800000" purple = "#800080" olive = "#808000" gray = "#808080" grey = "#808080" skyblue = "#87CEEB" lightskyblue = "#87CEFA" blueviolet = "#8A2BE2" darkred = "#8B0000" darkmagenta = "#8B008B" saddlebrown = "#8B4513" darkseagreen = "#8FBC8F" lightgreen = "#90EE90" mediumpurple = "#9370DB" darkviolet = "#9400D3" palegreen = "#98FB98" darkorchid = "#9932CC" yellowgreen = "#9ACD32" sienna = "#A0522D" brown = "#A52A2A" darkgray = "#A9A9A9" darkgrey = "#A9A9A9" lightblue = "#ADD8E6" greenyellow = "#ADFF2F" paleturquoise = "#AFEEEE" lightsteelblue = "#B0C4DE" powderblue = "#B0E0E6" firebrick = "#B22222" darkgoldenrod = "#B8860B" mediumorchid = "#BA55D3" rosybrown = "#BC8F8F" darkkhaki = "#BDB76B" silver = "#C0C0C0" mediumvioletred = "#C71585" indianred = "#CD5C5C" peru = "#CD853F" chocolate = "#D2691E" tan = "#D2B48C" lightgray = "#D3D3D3" lightgrey = "#D3D3D3" thistle = "#D8BFD8" orchid = "#DA70D6" goldenrod = "#DAA520" palevioletred = "#DB7093" crimson = "#DC143C" gainsboro = "#DCDCDC" plum = "#DDA0DD" burlywood = "#DEB887" lightcyan = "#E0FFFF" lavender = "#E6E6FA" darksalmon = "#E9967A" violet = "#EE82EE" palegoldenrod = "#EEE8AA" lightcoral = "#F08080" khaki = "#F0E68C" aliceblue = "#F0F8FF" honeydew = "#F0FFF0" azure = "#F0FFFF" sandybrown = "#F4A460" wheat = "#F5DEB3" beige = "#F5F5DC" whitesmoke = "#F5F5F5" mintcream = "#F5FFFA" ghostwhite = "#F8F8FF" salmon = "#FA8072" antiquewhite = "#FAEBD7" linen = "#FAF0E6" lightgoldenrodyellow = "#FAFAD2" oldlace = "#FDF5E6" red = "#FF0000" fuchsia = "#FF00FF" magenta = "#FF00FF" deeppink = "#FF1493" orangered = "#FF4500" tomato = "#FF6347" hotpink = "#FF69B4" coral = "#FF7F50" darkorange = "#FF8C00" lightsalmon = "#FFA07A" orange = "#FFA500" lightpink = "#FFB6C1" pink = "#FFC0CB" gold = "#FFD700" peachpuff = "#FFDAB9" navajowhite = "#FFDEAD" moccasin = "#FFE4B5" bisque = "#FFE4C4" mistyrose = "#FFE4E1" blanchedalmond = "#FFEBCD" papayawhip = "#FFEFD5" lavenderblush = "#FFF0F5" seashell = "#FFF5EE" cornsilk = "#FFF8DC" lemonchiffon = "#FFFACD" floralwhite = "#FFFAF0" snow = "#FFFAFA" yellow = "#FFFF00" lightyellow = "#FFFFE0" ivory = "#FFFFF0" white = "#FFFFFF" [themes] # A theme is a list of weighted colors (named or not); e.g. theme1 = ["white x20 ~10", "black x10"] # You may include a previously created theme inside another; e.g. theme2 = ["theme2", "grey x20"] # A color can also be described by a table: { color, weight, distance, variability } # One can add a 'salt' field, described by an array of tables { color, likeliness, variability } # 'color' is any named color or [R, G, B] or #RRGGBB # 'likeliness' is the probability to choose a certain salt (recommended ~1%) # 'variability' is how much deviation there is in the salt # In summary, here is the recomended format: # = [ # { color = , weight = , distance = , variability = , salt = [ # { color = , likeliness = , variability = }, # ... # { color = , likeliness = , variability = }] }, # ... # { color = , weight = , distance = , variability = , salt = [ # { color = , likeliness = , variability = }, # ... # { color = , likeliness = , variability = }] }, night = [ { color = "#191970", weight = 40, distance = 20 }, { color = "#000000", weight = 30, distance = 5, variability = 10, salt = [ { color = "#CCCCCC", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#708090", weight = 10, distance = 10, variability = 5, salt = [ { color = "#445566", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 30 }] } ] dawn = [ { color = "#FF00FF", weight = 40, variability = 50, salt = [ { color = "#DAA520", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#00FFFF", weight = 30 }, { color = "#DAA520", weight = 20, distance = 10, salt = [ { color = "#FF00FF", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 10 }] } ] spring = [ { color = "#7CFC00", weight = 30, variability = 60, salt = [ { color = "#108000", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 20 }, { color = "#CCFF00", likeliness = 0.04, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#FFD700", weight = 10, salt = [ { color = "#108000", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 20 }, { color = "#CCFF00", likeliness = 0.04, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#00FFFF", weight = 10 , salt = [ { color = "#0022CC", likeliness = 0.007, variability = 50 }] }, { color = "#FF00FF", weight = 10, distance = 10, variability = 40 } ] sky = [ { color = "#00FFFF", weight = 50, salt = [ { color = "#0022CC", likeliness = 0.01, variability = 50 }] }, { color = "#87CEEB", weight = 50, salt = [ { color = "#CCCCCC", likeliness = 0.08, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#FFD700", weight = 30, variability = 50, salt = [ { color = "#990000", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 20 }] } ] rust = [ { color = "#FF7F50", weight = 40, distance = 20, salt = [ { color = "#BBBBBB", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 30 }] }, { color = "#FFA500", weight = 30, distance = 20 }, { color = "#C0C0C0", weight = 20, distance = 10, variability = 10, salt = [ { color = "#00DD88", likeliness = 0.01, variability = 20 }, { color = "#FFA500", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#00FF7F", weight = 10, distance = 0, variability = 50 } ] fire = [ { color = "#FF4500", weight = 30, variability = 30 , salt = [ { color = "#990000", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 30 }] }, { color = "#FFFF00", weight = 20, distance = 10, salt = [ { color = "#AAAA00", likeliness = 0.01, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#FF0000", weight = 20, variability = 30 }, { color = "#8B0000", weight = 10 } ] forest = [ { color = "#228B22", weight = 40, variability = 30, salt = [ { color = "#FFD700", likeliness = 0.005, variability = 10 }, { color = "#FF00AA", likeliness = 0.005, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#9ACD32", weight = 20, variability = 30, distance = 10 }, { color = "#8B4513", weight = 20, distance = 10, salt = [ { color = "#BE7846", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 10 }] } ] ocean = [ { color = "#000080", weight = 60, salt = [ { color = "#111111", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 20 }] }, { color = "#4B0082", weight = 30, salt = [ { color = "#8F44C6", likeliness = 0.01, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#66CDAA", weight = 30 } ] blood = [ { color = "#800000", weight = 30, salt = [ { color = "#220000", likeliness = 0.03, variability = 20 }, { color = "#CC0011", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#FA8072", weight = 20 }, { color = "#DC143C", weight = 10 } ] dusk = [ { color = "#7B68EE", weight = 30, salt = [ { color = "#CC00CC", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 10 }] }, { color = "#FF69B4", weight = 20, variability = 30 }, { color = "#FF8C00", weight = 20, variability = 30, salt = [ { color = "#BB5500", likeliness = 0.01, variability = 20 }] } ] shadow = [ { color = "#4B0082", weight = 30 }, { color = "#800080", weight = 20, variability = 30, distance = 5, salt = [ { color = "#200030", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 5 }] }, { color = "#000000", weight = 10, variability = 5, distance = 5, salt = [ { color = "#500050", likeliness = 0.02, variability = 10 }] } ] [shapes] # Both tilings and patterns # Empty list means all available # Examples: # cstr_or_ccir_and_any_tiling = ["crossed-stripes", "concentric-circles"] # ftri_and_del = ["free-triangle", "delaunay"] # all = [] # # All names: # Tilings # "H" / "hex." / "hexagons" # "T" / "tri." / "triangles" # "H&T" / "hex.&tri." / "hexagons&squares" # "S&T" / "squ.&tri." / "squares&triangles" # "R" / "rho." / "rhombus" # "D" / "del." / "delaunay" # "P" / "pen." / "pentagons" # Patterns # "FC" / "f-cir." / "free-circles" # "FT" / "f-tri." / "free-triangles" # "FR" / "f-str." / "free-stripes" # "FP" / "f-spi." / "free-spirals" # "CC" / "c-cir." / "concentric-circles" # "PS" / "p-str." / "parallel-stripes" # "CS" / "c-str." / "crossed-stripes" # "PW" / "p-wav." / "parallel-waves" # "PT" / "p-saw." / "parallel-sawteeth" all = [] [data.patterns] nb_free_triangles = 15 nb_free_circles = 15 nb_free_stripes = 15 nb_parallel_stripes = 15 nb_concentric_circles = 13 nb_crossed_stripes = 13 nb_free_spirals = 3 nb_parallel_waves = 10 nb_parallel_sawteeth = 10 var_parallel_stripes = 10 # Variability of the orientation var_crossed_stripes = 10 width_spiral = 0.2 # As a proportion of the window height width_stripe = 0.2 width_wave = 0.7 width_sawtooth = 0.5 tightness_spiral = 0.3 # As a proportion of width_spiral [data.tilings] size_hex = 10.0 # In absolute size size_tri = 10.0 size_hex_and_tri = 10.0 size_squ_and_tri = 10.0 size_rho = 14.0 size_pen = 14.0 nb_delaunay = 20000 [[entry]] themes = ["night"] # List of possible themes linked to this entry span = "0000-0559" # Time frame of availability for this entry as "HHMM-HHMM" (begin-end) shapes = ["all"] # Named shape configuration # Not used here: # `weight = W` # gives certain entries different ponderations when several of them overlap on a single time frame. # `line_color = C` # override line settings [[entry]] themes = ["dawn"] span = "0600-0729" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["spring"] span = "0730-0859" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["sky"] span = "0900-1029" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["rust"] span = "1030-1159" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["fire"] span = "1200-1329" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["forest"] span = "1330-1459" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["ocean"] span = "1500-1629" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["blood"] span = "1630-1759" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["dusk"] span = "1800-1929" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["shadow"] span = "1930-2059" shapes = ["all"] [[entry]] themes = ["night"] span = "2100-2359" shapes = ["all"]