use std::io::Write; use wallust::{ args::Cli, args::Globals, config::Config, }; /// clap assertions #[test] fn verify_cli() { use clap::CommandFactory; Cli::command().debug_assert() } /// setting contents to a const allows to use `{` and other formatting special chars in the file. #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] const content: &str = include_str!("../wallust.toml"); /// test for a valid `--config_file` and for the provided file to be the new location #[test] fn config_file() { let mut tmp = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new().expect("init new temporal named pipe"); let g = Globals { config_file: Some(tmp.path().to_path_buf()), ..Globals::default() }; write!(tmp, "{content}").expect("should write to tmp correctly"); // in `src/` we error out if this fails anyway. let conf_dir = dirs::config_dir().unwrap(); // serde + logic to find out the new config let c = Config::new(&g).expect("should deserialize wallust.toml"); // config path directory should remain the same + an added `wallust/` assert_eq!(c.dir, conf_dir.join("wallust")); // c.file should be the new one provided assert_eq!(c.file, tmp.path().to_path_buf()); tmp.close().expect("temporal named pipe should close successfully"); } /// Test for `--config-dir` provided directory is used and should check `wallust.toml` inside it #[test] fn config_dir() { use std::fs::File; let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("init new temporal named pipe"); let joined = tmp.path().join("wallust.toml"); let mut conf_tmp = File::create(joined).expect("should created a tmp file"); write!(conf_tmp, "{content}").expect("should write to tmp correctly"); let g = Globals { config_dir: Some(tmp.path().to_path_buf()), ..Globals::default() }; let c = Config::new(&g).expect("should deserialize wallust.toml"); // config path directory should NOT remain the "original_conf", but changed to the one provided by the cli (args.config_dir) assert_eq!(c.dir, tmp.path().to_path_buf()); // config file should be inside the new provided dir assert_eq!(c.file, tmp.path().join("wallust.toml").to_path_buf()); tmp.close().expect("temporal directory should close successfully"); }