# Contribution guide for wally More info will be added here in the future. For now, if you want changes then please add an issue or create a PR! All issues, PRs, and comments on PRs are incredibly helpful. It may take us a while to get to your PR but if you feel it is important then please head to the #wally channel in the Roblox OSS discord server (find this in the top right of [wally.run](https://wally.run/)) and give us a ping! ## Creating a new wally release 1. Change versions in - `Cargo.toml` - `README.md` - `wally-registry-backend/Cargo.toml` - `wally-registry-frontend/package.json` - `wally-registry-frontend/src/pages/Install.mdx` 2. Run these commands to ensure the lockfiles are updates and tests pass - `cargo test` - `npm --prefix wally-registry-frontend i --package-lock-only` 3. Update `CHANGELOG.md` to reflect what has been added to the new release 4. Commit `git add . && git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z"` 5. Tag `git tag vX.Y.Z` 6. Publish to crates.io `cargo publish` 7. Push `git push && git push --tags` 8. Update release information (Thank you to lpg / rojo for inspiration for this release checklist)