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## Links
- [Language](https://github.com/elijah629/redditlang)
- [Docs](https://elijah629.github.io/redditlang)
- Visual Studio Code Extension
- [Github](https://github.com/elijah629/redditlang-vscode)
- [Visual Studio Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=elijah629.redditlang)
- [STL](https://github.com/elijah629/redditlang-std)
**redditLang** or PHL ( **P**rogramming **H**umor **L**anguage ) is a meme language devised by the r/ProgrammerHumor subreddit discord members
## Why Redditlang?
- 🔥 blazingly fast
- 🎮 cross platform
- very opinionated, only forcing the best of practices. For example, if you use inline macros, the police will be called with the message that a fire has broken out at your home, they will promptly come to put out your garbage code.
- sometimes typed
- If you still aren't devoting your entire career to this, it's like C ( minus the pointers ), Rust ( minus the copyright ) and JavaScript ( only the "good" features ) all in one neat package.
So what are you waiting for? Please invest your life savings in this!
_[Check out the Official VSCode extension here](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=elijah629.redditlang)_
> Compiler is WIP, if you are looking for it, it will be here.
> RedditLang will be compiled, a JIT implementation might exist in the future.
**note**: We have realized that we have a younger audience, so we have translated the spec into Gen Z Slang "to make it bussin". It is available [here](./RedditLang%20Spec%20GenZ.md), We will not convert this into an mdBook and this might might be outdated.
## Requirements
### Usage
- LLVM 15.x
- GCC or Clang
### Development
- Rust
- LLVM 15.x
- GCC or Clang
### Note
You might get an incorrect LLVM version when you install it with your systems package manager. Please head to [LLVM's official website](https://releases.llvm.org/) to find downloads for your OS.
## Contributing
**redditLang** is FOSS. You can find the source code on [Github](https://github.com/elijah629/redditlang). redditLang relies on the community to add bug fixes and features: if you'd like to contribute, please open a PR and message in the `#"RedditLang ( PHL )"` thread on the [r/ProgrammerHumor discord server](https://discord.com/invite/rph).
## License
The redditLang source, documentation, and STL are all released under the **MIT license**.