macro_rules! is_not( ($input:expr, $arr:expr) => ( { #[inline(always)] fn as_bytes<T: $crate::AsBytes>(b: &T) -> &[u8] { b.as_bytes() } let expected = $arr; let bytes = as_bytes(&expected); let mut parsed = false; let mut index = 0; for idx in 0..$input.len() { index = idx; for &i in bytes.iter() { if $input[idx] == i { parsed = true; break; } } if parsed { break; } } if index == 0 { $crate::IResult::Error($crate::Err::Position($crate::ErrorCode::IsNot as u32,$input)) } else { $crate::IResult::Done(&$input[index..], &$input[0..index]) } } ); );
is_not!(&[T:AsBytes]) => &[T] -> IResult<&[T], &[T]>
returns the longest list of bytes that do not appear in the provided array
named!( not_space, is_not!( " \t\r\n" ) ); let r = not_space(&b"abcdefgh\nijkl"[..]); assert_eq!(r, Done(&b"\nijkl"[..], &b"abcdefgh"[..]));