[Misc] // Range around selected ground area to search for a target CloseEnoughRange=100 // Radius of building blight dispel BuildingUnblightRadius=350 // Radius of creep notification when a new building gets placed BuildingPlacementNotifyRadius=600 // Radius of creep notification when a neutral building is in use NeutralUseNotifyRadius=900 // the angle in degrees structures face BuildingAngle=270 RootAngle=250 // half angle in radians that a unit must meet to be facing his target AttackHalfAngle=0.5 FoggedAttackRevealRadius=200.0 DyingRevealRadius=500.0 // death and decay impact gameplay, so duration is specified BoneDecayTime=88 StructureDecayTime=30 DecayTime=2 DissipateTime=3 CancelTime=6 BulletDeathTime=5 EffectDeathTime=5 FogFlashTime=3 CreepCampPathingCellDistance=26 // follow ranges FollowRange=300 StructureFollowRange=100 FollowItemRange=1000 // distance target can move between starting cast and spell effect SpellCastRangeBuffer=300 // largest possible collision radius for any widget MaxCollisionRadius=200 // rally point vertical offset when set on non-units RallyZOffset=200 RallyZOffsetHD=280 // duration of art animations that get scaled ScaledAnimTime=60 // max random reaction delay (seconds) ReactionDelay=0.25 // missile chance to miss if target is moving or on high ground ChanceToMiss=0.25 // game-seconds per game-day DayLength=480 Dawn=6 Dusk=18 // earth has a 24 hour day, how many does Azeroth have DayHours=24 // maximum amount of gold a gold mine can have GoldMineMaxGold=1000000 // this is the amount where a gold mine is considered low. LowGoldAmount=1500 // the length that a mine is considered owned after the last peon leaves it. GoldMineOwnDuration=2.0 // this is the speed units change visibility (smaller = "cloak" slower) InvisSpeed=0.4 // All selection circles will have this added to their z coord SelectionCircleBaseZ=16 // item shadow data ItemShadowFile=Shadow ItemShadowSize=120,120 ItemShadowOffset=50,50 // seconds between attack notifications AttackNotifyDelay=30.0 AttackNotifyRange=1250 // alliance resource trading increments TradingIncSmall=100 TradingIncLarge=200 MissDamageReduction=0.5