//allied building [Aall] Name="Shop Sharing, Allied Bldg." //burrow detection, fliers [Abdt] Name=Burrow Detection EditorSuffix=" (Fliers, Obsolete)" //purchase (shop) [Apit] Name=Shop Purchase Item [Amou] Name=Mount Tip=Morph Untip=De-Morph Ubertip="Morphs the hero into an alternate form." Unubertip="Returns the hero to normal form." Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R [Ahar] Name=Harvest Tip=Gather Ubertip="Mines gold from gold mines and harvests lumber from trees." Untip=Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall." Hotkey=G Unhotkey=E EditorSuffix= (Gold and Lumber) [Ahrl] Name=Harvest Tip=Gather Ubertip="Harvests lumber from trees." Untip=Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest Necropolis or Graveyard." Hotkey=G Unhotkey=E EditorSuffix= (Ghouls Lumber) [Arev] Name=Revive Hero [Aawa] Name=Revive Hero Instantly // passive 'detector' ability [Adet] Name=Detector [Adt1] Name=Detector [Adta] Name=Reveal Tip=Reveal Hotkey=R [Bdet] Bufftip=Detected Buffubertip="This unit is detected; an enemy player can see it." [Bvul] Bufftip=Invulnerable Buffubertip="This unit is invulnerable; it will not take damage from attacks and cannot be targeted by spells." [Bspe] Bufftip=Speed Bonus Buffubertip="This unit has a speed bonus; it moves more quickly than it normally does." [Bfro] Bufftip=Slowed Buffubertip="This unit is slowed; it moves more slowly than it normally does." // peon/peasant repair ability [Arep] Name=Repair Tip=Repair Ubertip="Repairs mechanical units and structures at the cost of resources." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R // Abilities that need names in the editor [AEpa] Name=Poison Arrows Tip=Poison Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Poison Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Poison Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Adds bonus fire damage to an attack against enemies, but drains mana with each shot fired.","Adds bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired.","Adds bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R Researchtip="Learn Poison Arrows - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Increases the damage of the Priestess' attack by adding fire. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - bonus damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - bonus damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - bonus damage." Researchhotkey=R [AEbu] Name=Build (Night Elf) [AGbu] Name=Build (Naga) [AHbu] Name=Build (Human) [AHer] Name=Hero [ANbu] Name=Build (Neutral) [AObu] Name=Build (Orc) [ARal] Name=Rally [AUbu] Name=Build (Undead) [Aalr] Name=Alarm [Aatk] Name=Attack [Afih] Name=On Fire (Human) [Afin] Name=On Fire (Night Elf) [Afio] Name=On Fire (Orc) [Afir] Name=On Fire [Afiu] Name=On Fire (Undead) [Aloc] Name=Locust [Amov] Name=Move [Atdp] Name=Drop Pilot [Atlp] Name=Load Pilot [Attu] Name=Turret // Stun buff [BSTN] Bufftip=Stunned Buffubertip="This unit is stunned; it cannot move, attack or cast spells." // Pause buff [BPSE] Bufftip=Stunned Buffubertip="This unit will not move." EditorSuffix= (Pause) [Xbdt] EditorName=Reveal (Effect) [Xbli] EditorName=Blight (Effect) [Xdis] EditorName=Hero Dissipate (Effect)