[Ablr] Name=Life Regeneration on Blight // Replenish Life & Mana [Arpb] Name=Replenish Tip=Replenish Ubertip="Replenish the life and mana of a target friendly unit." Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R [Brpb] Bufftip=Replenish Buffubertip="This unit has been hit by Replenish; some of its hit points and mana have been restored." // Replenish Life (Obsidian Statue) [Arpl] Name=Essence of Blight Tip=Essence of Blight Ubertip="Restores hit points to nearby friendly units." Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=B Unhotkey=B [Brpl] Bufftip=Essence of Blight Buffubertip="This unit has been hit by Essence of Blight; some of its hit points have been restored." // Spirit Touch (Obsidian Statue) [Arpm] Name=Spirit Touch Tip=Spirit Touch Ubertip="Restores mana to nearby friendly units." Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C Order=replenishmana Orderon=replenishmanaon Orderoff=replenishmanaoff [Brpm] Bufftip=Spirit Touch Buffubertip="This unit has been hit by Spirit Touch; some of its mana has been restored." [Batp] Bufftip=Prioritize Buffubertip="This unit is in Prioritized mode; It'll engage enemy flying units first unless ordered otherwise" [Aatp] Name=Prioritize Tip=Prioritize Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffClick to Deactivate Prioritize.|r|r" Ubertip="Engages enemy flying units first unless ordered otherwise." Unubertip="Returns to default attack behavior." Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R // Exhume Corpses [Aexh] Name=Exhume Corpses Tip=Exhume Corpses Ubertip="Generates a corpse within the Meat Wagon every seconds." // Obsidian Statue mana battery [Amb2] Name=Replenish Mana Tip=Replenish Mana Ubertip="Replenish the mana of a target friendly unit." Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R Order=replenish // Destroyer Form [Aave] Name=Destroyer Form // Orb of Annihilation [Afak] Name=Orb of Annihilation Tip="Orb of Annihilation" Ubertip="Adds bonus damage to the Destroyer's attack and causes his attacks to do area of effect damage." Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting.|r|r" Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting.|r" Hotkey=O Unhotkey=O // Devour Magic [Advm] Name=Devour Magic Tip="Devour Magic" Ubertip="Consumes all magical buffs from units in an area. Each unit that is devoured of magic gives the Destroyer hit points and mana. |n|cffffcc00Deals damage to summoned units.|r" Hotkey=D // Aura of Blight [Aabr] Name=Aura of Blight Tip=Aura of Blight Ubertip="Gives all friendly Undead nearby units a bonus to hit point regeneration. The aura does not stack with the regenerative effects of Blight." [Babr] Bufftip=Aura of Blight Buffubertip="This unit is under the effects of Aura of Blight; it has a bonus to hit point regeneration." // Absorb Mana [Aabs] Name=Absorb Mana Tip="Absorb Mana" Ubertip="Takes all mana from one of your units and gives it to the Destroyer." Hotkey=B // Burrow [Abur] Name=Burrow EditorSuffix= (Crypt Fiend) Tip=Burrow Untip=Unburrow Ubertip="The Crypt Fiend digs into the ground, becomes invisible, and gains a regeneration rate of hit points per second. |nThe Crypt Fiend cannot attack while burrowed." Unubertip="The Crypt Fiend pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=B Unhotkey=B // Burrow (scarab lvl 2) [Abu2] Name=Burrow EditorSuffix= (Scarab lvl 2) Tip=Burrow Untip=Unburrow Ubertip="The Carrion Beetle digs into the ground and becomes invisible." Unubertip="The Carrion Beetle pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=B Unhotkey=B // Burrow (scarab lvl 3) [Abu3] Name=Burrow EditorSuffix= (Scarab lvl 3) Tip=Burrow Untip=Unburrow Ubertip="The Carrion Beetle digs into the ground and becomes invisible." Unubertip="The Carrion Beetle pops out of the ground and becomes visible again." Hotkey=B Unhotkey=B // Impale [AUim] Name=Impale Tip=Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Impale - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Slams the ground with the Crypt Lord's massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for seconds.","Slams the ground with the Crypt Lord's massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for seconds.","Slams the ground with the Crypt Lord's massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for seconds." Hotkey=E Researchtip="Learn Impale - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Slams the ground with the Crypt Lord's massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - damage, second stun. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - damage, second stun. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - damage, second stun." Researchhotkey=E [BUim] Bufftip=Impale Buffubertip="This unit has been impaled; it is in the air for a short duration." [AUts] Name=Spiked Carapace Tip=Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Enhances the Crypt Lord's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving the Crypt Lord bonus armor and returning % of melee attack damage to enemies.","Enhances the Crypt Lord's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him bonus armor and returning % of melee attack damage to enemies.","Enhances the Crypt Lord's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him bonus armor and returning % of melee attack damage to enemies." Researchtip="Learn Spiked Carapace - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="The Crypt Lord forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increases its defense and returns damage to enemy melee attackers. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - % damage returned, bonus armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - % damage returned, bonus armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - % damage returned, bonus armor." Researchhotkey=S // Carrion Beetles [AUcb] Name=Carrion Beetles Tip=Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Progenerates Beetle from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles.","Progenerates Beetle from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Can learn Burrow. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles.","Progenerates Beetle from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Can learn Burrow. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles." Ubertip:melee,V1="Progenerates Beetles from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles.","Progenerates Beetles from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Can learn Burrow. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles.","Progenerates Beetles from a target corpse. Beetles have hit points, and deal - damage. Can learn Burrow. Beetles are permanent until killed. |nMaximum of Beetles." Hotkey=C Researchtip="Learn Carrion Beetles - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="The Crypt Lord progenerates Carrion Beetle from a target corpse to attack the Crypt Lord's enemies. Beetles are permanent, but only can be controlled at a time. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - hit points, - damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - hit points, - damage, Beetles can learn Burrow. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - hit points, - damage, Beetles can learn Burrow." Researchubertip:melee,V1="The Crypt Lord progenerates Carrion Beetles from a target corpse to attack the Crypt Lord's enemies. Beetles are permanent, but only can be controlled at a time. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - hit points, - damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - hit points, - damage, Beetles can learn Burrow. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - hit points, - damage, Beetles can learn Burrow." Researchhotkey=C Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." [BUcb] Bufftip=Carrion Beetles Buffubertip="Summoned units take damage from dispels." // Locust Swarm [AUls] Name=Locust Swarm Tip=Locust Swarm Ubertip="Creates a swarm of angry locusts that bite and tear at nearby enemy units. As they chew the enemy flesh, they convert it into a substance that restores hit points to the Crypt Lord when they return. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=L Researchtip="Learn Locust Swarm" Researchubertip="Creates a swarm of angry locusts that bite and tear at nearby enemy units. As they chew the enemy flesh, they convert it into a substance that restores hit points to the Crypt Lord when they return. |nLasts seconds." Researchhotkey=L [BUlo] Bufftip=Locust // Meat Wagon Cargo Hold [Amtc] Name=Cargo Hold // True Sight [Atru] Name=True Sight Tip=True Sight Ubertip="Reveals nearby invisible units." EditorSuffix= (Shade) // Acolyte Harvest [Aaha] Name=Gather Tip=Gather Ubertip="Mines gold from Haunted Gold Mines." Untip=Return Resources Unubertip="Return the carried resources to the nearest town hall." Hotkey=G Unhotkey=R EditorSuffix= (Acolyte Gold) // Unsummon [Auns] Name=Unsummon Building Tip=Unsummon Building Ubertip="Unsummons your building to regain % of the spent resources." Hotkey=U [Buns] Bufftip=Unsummon // Graveyard [Agyd] Name=Create Corpse //Tip=Create Corpse //Ubertip="Create a corpse." //Hotkey=O // Sacrifice (Acolyte's button) [Alam] Name=Sacrifice Tip=Sacrifice Ubertip="Target a Sacrificial Pit to sacrifice the Acolyte and turn it into a Shade. Shades are invisible spirits that can see invisible units. |nShades cannot attack." Hotkey=C EditorSuffix= (Acolyte) // Sacrifice (Sacrificial Pit's button) [Asac] Name=Sacrifice Tip=Sacrifice Ubertip="Target an Acolyte to sacrifice it and turn it into a Shade. Shades are invisible spirits that can see invisible units. |nShades cannot attack." Hotkey=C EditorSuffix= (Sacrificial Pit) // Cannibalize [Acan] Name=Cannibalize Tip=Cannibalize Ubertip="Consumes a nearby corpse to heal hit points per second." Hotkey=C // Cannibalize [Acn2] Name=Cannibalize Tip=Cannibalize Ubertip="Consumes a nearby corpse to heal hit points per second." Hotkey=C // Spider Attack [Aspa] Name=Spider Attack // This ability modifies the unit's attack. [Bspa] Bufftip=Spiderling // Web [Aweb] Name=Web Tip=Web Untip="|cffc3dbff|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Ubertip="Binds a target enemy air unit in webbing, forcing it to the ground. Webbed units can be hit as though they were land units. |nLasts seconds." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=W Unhotkey=W // Web buff on ground units [Bweb] Bufftip=Web Buffubertip="This unit is webbed; it is stuck to the ground and cannot move." EditorSuffix= (Ground) // Web buff on air units [Bwea] Bufftip=Web Buffubertip="This unit is webbed; it is stuck to the ground and cannot move." EditorSuffix= (Air) // Stone Form [Astn] Name=Stone Form Tip=Stone Form Ubertip="Transforms the Gargoyle into a statue that is immune to spells, gains additional armor and has a regeneration rate of hit points per second. |nThe Gargoyle cannot attack in this form." Hotkey=F Untip=Gargoyle Form Unubertip="Returns the Gargoyle to the air." Unhotkey=F // Load Corpse [Amel] Name=Get Corpse Tip=Get Corpse Ubertip="Picks up a nearby corpse for later use." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C // Unload Corpse [Amed] Name=Drop Corpse Tip=Drop All Corpses Ubertip="Drops all corpses for immediate use." Hotkey=D // Disease Cloud [Aapl] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Infects nearby enemy living units with Disease Cloud. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." [Aap1] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Infects nearby enemy living units with Disease Cloud. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." // Disease Cloud [Aap2] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Infects nearby enemy living units with Disease Cloud. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." EditorSuffix= (Plague Ward) [Aap3] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Infects nearby enemy living units with Disease Cloud. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." EditorSuffix= (Neutral Hostile) [Aap4] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Infects nearby enemy living units with Disease Cloud. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." EditorSuffix= (Neutral Hostile no damage) [Bapl] Bufftip=Disease Buffubertip="This unit is diseased; it will take damage over time." // Disease Cloud [Apts] Name=Disease Cloud Tip=Disease Cloud Ubertip="Drops a Disease Cloud with each attack. Disease Cloud deals damage per second. |nLasts seconds." EditorSuffix= (Meat Wagon) // Frost Breath [Afrb] Name=Frost Breath // This ability modifies the unit's attack. // Frost Attack [Afra] Name=Frost Attack Tip=Frost Attack Ubertip="Adds a cold effect to this unit's attacks that slows enemy units' movement speed." // Frost Attack (1,2 button pos version) [Afr2] Name=Frost Attack Tip=Frost Attack Ubertip="Adds a cold effect to this unit's attacks that slows enemy units' movement speed." // Freezing Breath [Afrz] Name=Freezing Breath Tip=Freezing Breath Ubertip="When used on a building, temporarily stops all building activities. |nLasts seconds." [Bfrz] Bufftip=Freezing Breath Buffubertip="This building is frozen; its abilities cannot be used and it cannot be repaired." // Raise Dead [Arai] Name=Raise Dead Tip=Raise Dead Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Ubertip="Raises skeletons from a corpse." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R [Brai] Bufftip=Skeletal Minion Buffubertip="Summoned units take damage from dispels." // Unholy Frenzy [Auhf] Name=Unholy Frenzy Tip=Unholy Frenzy Ubertip="Increases the attack rate of a target unit by %, but drains hit points per second. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=U // Unholy Frenzy AOE [Auuf] Name=Incite Unholy Frenzy Tip=Incite Unholy Frenzy Ubertip="Sacrifices a target friendly Undead unit. All nearby non-mechanical units gain Unholy Frenzy, increasing attack rate by % but draining them of hit points per second. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=U // Unholy Frenzy (Warlock) [Suhf] Name=Unholy Frenzy Tip=Unholy Frenzy Ubertip="Increases the attack rate of a target unit by %, but drains hit points per second. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=U EditorSuffix= (Warlock) [Buhf] Bufftip=Unholy Frenzy Buffubertip="This unit has Unholy Frenzy; its attack rate is increased, but it takes damage over time." // Curse [Acrs] Name=Curse Tip=Curse Ubertip="Curses a target enemy unit, causing it to have a % chance to miss on an attack. |nLasts seconds." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=C Unhotkey=C [Bcrs] Bufftip=Curse Buffubertip="This unit is Cursed; it can miss when it attacks." // Anti-magic Shell [Aams] Name=Anti-magic Shell Tip=Anti-magic Shell Ubertip="Creates a barrier that stops spells from affecting a target unit. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=N // Anti-magic Shell [Aam2] Name=Anti-magic Shell Tip=Anti-magic Shell Ubertip="Creates a barrier that stops points of spell damage from affecting a target unit. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=N EditorSuffix= (Magic Resistance) [Bams] Bufftip=Anti-magic Shell Buffubertip="This unit has Anti-magic Shell; it cannot be targeted by spells. It can be dispelled." [Bam2] Bufftip=Anti-magic Shell Buffubertip="This unit has Anti-magic Shell; damage spells must destroy the shell to affect the unit." EditorSuffix= (Extra) // Possession [Apos] Name=Possession Tip=Possession Ubertip="Displaces the soul of an enemy, giving you permanent control of it, but destroying the caster's body. |nPossession cannot be used on flying units, Heroes, or creeps above level ." Hotkey=O // Possession [Aps2] Name=Possession Tip=Possession Ubertip="Stuns a target unit and the Banshee for seconds, during which the Banshee takes extra damage from attacks. She then displaces the soul of the enemy, giving you permanent control of it, but destroying the caster's body. |nPossession cannot be used on flying units, Heroes, or creeps above level ." Hotkey=O EditorSuffix= (Channeling) [Bpos] Bufftip=Possession Buffubertip="This unit is being possessed." // Death Coil [AUdc] Name=Death Coil Tip=Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead or Demon unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead or Demon unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead or Demon unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit." Ubertip:custom,V0="A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit." Ubertip:custom,V1="A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit." Ubertip:melee,V0="A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit.","A coil of death that can heal a friendly Undead unit for hit points, or deal half damage to an enemy living unit." Hotkey=C Researchtip="Learn Death Coil - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit, or heal a friendly Undead or Demon unit. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Heals for hit points." Researchubertip:custom,V0="A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly Undead unit. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Heals for hit points." Researchubertip:custom,V1="A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly Undead unit. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Heals for hit points." Researchubertip:melee,V0="A coil of death that can damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly Undead unit. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Heals for hit points. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Heals for hit points." Researchhotkey=C // Unholy Aura [AUau] Name=Unholy Aura Tip=Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and life regeneration rate.","Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and life regeneration rate.","Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed by % and life regeneration rate." Researchtip="Learn Unholy Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of nearby friendly units. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - % movement, minor regeneration bonus. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - % movement, moderate regeneration bonus. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - % movement, greater regeneration bonus." Researchhotkey=U [BUau] Bufftip=Unholy Aura Buffubertip="This unit is under the effects of Unholy Aura; it has an increased movement speed and hit point regeneration." // Death Pact [AUdp] Name=Death Pact Tip=Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Kills a target friendly Undead unit, giving % of its hit points to the Death Knight.","Kills a target friendly Undead unit, giving % of its hit points to the Death Knight.","Kills a target friendly Undead unit, giving % of its hit points to the Death Knight." Hotkey=E Researchtip="Learn Death Pact - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Kills a target friendly Undead unit, giving a percentage of its hit points to the Death Knight. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - % conversion. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - % conversion. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - % conversion." Researchhotkey=E // Animate Dead [AUan] Name=Animate Dead Tip=Animate Dead Ubertip="Raises dead units in an area to fight for the Death Knight for seconds. Animated units are invulnerable." Hotkey=D Researchtip="Learn Animate Dead" Researchubertip="Raises dead units in an area to fight for the Death Knight for seconds. Animated units are invulnerable." Researchhotkey=D [BUan] Bufftip=Animate Dead Buffubertip="Summoned units take damage from dispels." // Carrion Swarm [AUcs] Name=Carrion Swarm Tip=Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Sends a horde of bats to deal damage to each enemy unit in a cone.","Sends a horde of bats to deal damage to each enemy unit in a cone.","Sends a horde of bats to deal damage to each enemy unit in a cone." Hotkey=C Researchtip="Learn Carrion Swarm - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Sends a horde of bats to damage enemies. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - damage per unit. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - damage per unit. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - damage per unit." Researchhotkey=C // Sleep [AUsl] Name=Sleep Tip=Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Puts a target enemy unit to sleep for seconds. A sleeping unit can be awoken by attacking it.","Puts a target enemy unit to sleep for seconds. A sleeping unit can be awoken by attacking it.","Puts a target enemy unit to sleep for seconds. A sleeping unit can be awoken by attacking it." Hotkey=E Researchtip="Learn Sleep - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Puts a target enemy unit to sleep. A sleeping unit can be awoken by attacking it. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - second sleep for mana. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - second sleep for mana. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - second sleep for mana." Researchhotkey=E [BUsl] Bufftip=Sleep Buffubertip="This unit is sleeping; it cannot move, attack, or cast spells. Attacking it will wake it up." // Vampiric Aura [AUav] Name=Vampiric Aura Tip=Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Nearby friendly melee units gain % of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.","Nearby friendly melee units gain % of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.","Nearby friendly melee units gain % of their attack damage when they hit enemy units." Researchtip="Learn Vampiric Aura - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit enemy units. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Gains % of attack damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Gains % of attack damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Gains % of attack damage." Researchhotkey=V [BUav] Bufftip=Vampiric Aura Buffubertip="This unit is under the effects of Vampiric Aura; damage it deals to enemy units will restore hit points." // Frost Nova [AUfn] Name=Frost Nova Tip=Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals damage to the target, and nova damage. Cold damage slows units' movement and attack rate for seconds.","Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals damage to the target, and nova damage. Cold damage slows units' movement and attack rate for seconds.","Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals damage to the target, and nova damage. Cold damage slows units' movement and attack rate for seconds." Hotkey=N Researchtip="Learn Frost Nova - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rate. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - target damage, nova damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - target damage, nova damage. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - target damage, nova damage." Researchhotkey=N // Frost Armor [AUfa] Name=Frost Armor Tip=Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds.","Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds.","Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=F Researchtip="Learn Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Adds armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Adds armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Adds armor." Researchhotkey=F // Frost Armor (Autocast) [AUfu] Name=Frost Armor EditorSuffix= (Autocast) Tip=Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds.","Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds.","Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it for seconds. |nLasts seconds." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=F Researchtip="Learn Frost Armor - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows melee units that attack it. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Adds armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Adds armor. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Adds armor." Researchhotkey=F [BUfa] Bufftip=Frost Armor Buffubertip="This unit has Frost Armor; it has increased armor, and melee units that attack it will have their movement speed and attack rate reduced for a short duration." // Dark Ritual [AUdr] Name=Dark Ritual Tip=Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 1|r],Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 2|r],Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level 3|r] Ubertip="Sacrifices a target friendly Undead unit to convert % of its hit points into mana for the Lich.","Sacrifices a target friendly Undead unit to convert % of its hit points into mana for the Lich.","Sacrifices a target friendly Undead unit to convert % of its hit points into mana for the Lich." Hotkey=R Researchtip="Learn Dark Ritual - [|cffffcc00Level %d|r]" Researchubertip="Sacrifices a target friendly Undead unit to convert its hit points into mana for the Lich. |n|n|cffffcc00Level 1|r - % of hit points to mana. |n|cffffcc00Level 2|r - % of hit points to mana. |n|cffffcc00Level 3|r - % of hit points to mana." Researchhotkey=R // Death And Decay [AUdd] Name=Death And Decay Tip=Death And Decay Ubertip="Damages everything in its area of effect by % of its base hit points per second. Also destroys trees. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=D Researchtip="Learn Death And Decay" Researchubertip="Damages everything in its area of effect by % of its base hit points per second. Also destroys trees." Researchhotkey=D [BUdd] Bufftip=Death and Decay Buffubertip="This unit is under Death and Decay; it will take damage over time." // Cripple [Acri] Name=Cripple Tip=Cripple Ubertip="Reduces movement speed by %, attack rate by %, and damage by % of a target enemy unit. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=C // Cripple (Warlock) [Scri] Name=Cripple Tip=Cripple Ubertip="Reduces movement speed by %, attack rate by %, and damage by % of a target enemy unit. |nLasts seconds." Hotkey=C EditorSuffix= (Warlock) [Bcri] Bufftip=Cripple Buffubertip="This unit is Crippled; its movement speed, attack rate and damage have been reduced." // Restore [Arst] Name=Restore Tip=Restore Ubertip="Repairs mechanical units and structures at the cost of resources." Untip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to activate auto-casting." Unubertip="|cffc3dbffRight-click to deactivate auto-casting." Hotkey=R Unhotkey=R [AUin] Name=Inferno Tip=Inferno Ubertip="Calls an Infernal down from the sky, dealing damage and stunning enemy land units for seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts seconds." Hotkey=N Researchtip=Learn Inferno Researchubertip="Calls an Infernal down from the sky, dealing damage and stunning enemy land units for seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts seconds." Researchhotkey=N //Frost Breath (new, has icon) [Afrc] Name=Frost Attack Tip=Frost Attack Ubertip="Adds a cold effect to this unit's attacks that slows enemy units' movement speed." EditorSuffix= (New, Has Icon) //Passive - undead ghoul frenzy (Rugf) [Augf] Name=Ghoul Frenzy Tip=Ghoul Frenzy Ubertip="Increases Ghoul movement speed, and attack rate by %." EditorSuffix= (Icon) //Passive - Ghost (icon only, undead, Agho) [Augh] Name=Shade Tip=Shade Ubertip="This unit is permanently invisible." EditorSuffix= (Icon) //Passive - undead skeletal mastery (Rusm) [Ausm] Name=Skeletal Mastery Tip=Skeletal Mastery Ubertip="Causes one of the two skeletons created by Raise Dead to be a Skeletal Mage and increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors and Skeletal Mages by seconds." EditorSuffix= (Icon) //---------------------------------------------------- // Buffs with no in-game text // EditorName is for the Object Editor list only [BUcs] EditorName=Carrion Swarm (Caster) [BUsp] EditorName=Sleep (Pause) [BUst] EditorName=Sleep (Stun) [BUts] EditorName=Spiked Carapace [Bplg] EditorName=Disease Cloud [BUad] EditorName=Animate Dead (Extra) [Bpoc] EditorName=Possession (Caster) [XUdd] EditorName=Death And Decay (Effect) [Xfus] EditorName=Building Damage - Undead Small [Xfum] EditorName=Building Damage - Undead Medium [Xful] EditorName=Building Damage - Undead Large