use rand::prelude::*; use wasapi::*; #[macro_use] extern crate log; use simplelog::*; use windows::core::Error; // A selection of the possible errors use windows::Win32::Foundation::E_INVALIDARG; use windows::Win32::Media::Audio::{ AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED, AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE, AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_CREATE_FAILED, AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED, AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT, }; // Main loop fn main() { let _ = SimpleLogger::init( LevelFilter::Debug, ConfigBuilder::new() .set_time_format_rfc3339() .set_time_offset_to_local() .unwrap() .build(), ); initialize_mta().unwrap(); let channels = 2; let device = get_default_device(&Direction::Render).unwrap(); let mut audio_client = device.get_iaudioclient().unwrap(); let desired_format = WaveFormat::new(24, 24, &SampleType::Int, 44100, channels, None); // Make sure the format is supported, panic if not. let desired_format = audio_client .is_supported_exclusive_with_quirks(&desired_format) .unwrap(); // Blockalign is the number of bytes per frame let blockalign = desired_format.get_blockalign(); debug!("Desired playback format: {:?}", desired_format); let (def_period, min_period) = audio_client.get_periods().unwrap(); // Set some period as an example, using 128 byte alignment to satisfy for example Intel HDA devices. let desired_period = audio_client .calculate_aligned_period_near(3 * min_period / 2, Some(128), &desired_format) .unwrap(); debug!( "periods in 100ns units {}, minimum {}, wanted {}", def_period, min_period, desired_period ); let init_result = audio_client.initialize_client( &desired_format, desired_period, &Direction::Render, &ShareMode::Exclusive, false, ); match init_result { Ok(()) => debug!("IAudioClient::Initialize ok"), Err(e) => { if let Some(werr) = e.downcast_ref::() { // Some of the possible errors. See the documentation for the full list and descriptions. // match werr.code() { E_INVALIDARG => error!("IAudioClient::Initialize: Invalid argument"), AUDCLNT_E_BUFFER_SIZE_NOT_ALIGNED => { warn!("IAudioClient::Initialize: Unaligned buffer, trying to adjust the period."); // Try to recover following the example in the docs. // // Just panic on errors to keep it short and simple. // 1. Call IAudioClient::GetBufferSize and receive the next-highest-aligned buffer size (in frames). let buffersize = audio_client.get_bufferframecount().unwrap(); info!( "Client next-highest-aligned buffer size: {} frames", buffersize ); // 2. Call IAudioClient::Release, skipped since this will happen automatically when we drop the client. // 3. Calculate the aligned buffer size in 100-nanosecond units. let aligned_period = calculate_period_100ns( buffersize as i64, desired_format.get_samplespersec() as i64, ); info!("Aligned period in 100ns units: {}", aligned_period); // 4. Get a new IAudioClient audio_client = device.get_iaudioclient().unwrap(); // 5. Call Initialize again on the created audio client. audio_client .initialize_client( &desired_format, aligned_period, &Direction::Render, &ShareMode::Exclusive, false, ) .unwrap(); debug!("IAudioClient::Initialize ok"); } AUDCLNT_E_DEVICE_IN_USE => { error!("IAudioClient::Initialize: The device is already in use"); panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize failed"); } AUDCLNT_E_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT => { error!( "IAudioClient::Initialize The device does not support the audio format" ); panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize failed"); } AUDCLNT_E_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_NOT_ALLOWED => { error!("IAudioClient::Initialize: Exclusive mode is not allowed"); panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize failed"); } AUDCLNT_E_ENDPOINT_CREATE_FAILED => { error!("IAudioClient::Initialize: Failed to create endpoint"); panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize failed"); } _ => { error!( "IAudioClient::Initialize: Other error, HRESULT: {:#010x}, info: {:?}", werr.code().0, werr.message() ); panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize failed"); } }; } else { panic!("IAudioClient::Initialize: Other error {:?}", e); } } }; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let h_event = audio_client.set_get_eventhandle().unwrap(); let render_client = audio_client.get_audiorenderclient().unwrap(); audio_client.start_stream().unwrap(); loop { let buffer_frame_count = audio_client.get_available_space_in_frames().unwrap(); let mut data = vec![0u8; buffer_frame_count as usize * blockalign as usize]; for frame in data.chunks_exact_mut(blockalign as usize) { let sample: u32 = rng.gen(); let sample_bytes = sample.to_le_bytes(); for value in frame.chunks_exact_mut(blockalign as usize / channels) { for (bufbyte, samplebyte) in value.iter_mut().zip(sample_bytes.iter()) { *bufbyte = *samplebyte; } } } trace!("write"); render_client .write_to_device(buffer_frame_count as usize, &data, None) .unwrap(); trace!("write ok"); if h_event.wait_for_event(1000).is_err() { error!("error, stopping playback"); audio_client.stop_stream().unwrap(); break; } } }