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Everything from generating new wasmCloud projects, starting local development infrastructure, interacting with OCI compliant registries, and deploying applications is contained within the subcommands of `wash`. Our goal with `wash` is to encapsulate our tools into a single binary to make developing WebAssembly with wasmCloud painless and simple. ## Installing wash ### Cargo ```bash cargo install --locked wash-cli ``` If you have [cargo-binstall](https://github.com/cargo-bins/cargo-binstall?tab=readme-ov-file#installation): ```bash cargo binstall wash-cli ``` ### Linux (deb/rpm + apt) ```bash # Debian / Ubuntu (deb) curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/wasmcloud/core/script.deb.sh | sudo bash # Fedora (rpm) curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/wasmcloud/core/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash sudo apt install wash ``` ### Linux (snap) ```bash sudo snap install wash --edge --devmode ``` ### Linux (brew) ```bash brew install wasmcloud/wasmcloud/wash ``` ### MacOS (brew) ```bash brew install wasmcloud/wasmcloud/wash ``` ### Windows (choco) ```powershell choco install wash ``` ### Nix ```bash nix run github:wasmCloud/wash ``` ## Proxy authentication In a scenario where you are behind a proxy, you can set the `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variables to the proxy URL. And if your proxy requires authentication, you can set the `WASH_PROXY_USERNAME` and `WASH_PROXY_PASSWORD` environment variables to the username and password, respectively. Since most passwords contain special characters, it's recommended to specify the value for 'WASH_PROXY_PASSWORD' in single quotes. For example, in a unix environment: ```console export WASH_PROXY_USERNAME='username' export WASH_PROXY_PASSWORD='p@ssw0rd' ``` ## Using wash `wash` has multiple subcommands, each specializing in one specific area of the wasmCloud development process. ```console Build: new Create a new project from a template build Build (and sign) a wasmCloud component or capability provider dev Start a developer loop to hot-reload a local wasmCloud component inspect Inspect a capability provider or Wasm component for signing information and interfaces par Create, inspect, and modify capability provider archive files Run: up Bootstrap a local wasmCloud environment down Tear down a local wasmCloud environment (launched with wash up) app Manage declarative applications and deployments (wadm) spy Spy on all invocations a component sends and receives ui Serve a web UI for wasmCloud Iterate: get Get information about different running wasmCloud resources start Start a component or capability provider scale Scale a component running in a host to a certain level of concurrency stop Stop a component, capability provider, or host update Update a component running in a host to newer image reference link Link one component to another on a set of interfaces call Invoke a simple function on a component running in a wasmCloud host label Label (or un-label) a host with a key=value label pair config Create configuration for components, capability providers and links Publish: pull Pull an artifact from an OCI compliant registry push Push an artifact to an OCI compliant registry Configure: completions Generate shell completions for wash ctx Manage wasmCloud host configuration contexts drain Manage contents of local wasmCloud caches keys Utilities for generating and managing signing keys claims Generate and manage JWTs for wasmCloud components and capability providers ``` ## Shell auto-complete `wash` has support for autocomplete for Zsh, Bash, Fish, and PowerShell. See [Completions](./Completions.md) for instructions for installing autocomplete for your shell. ## Contributing to wash Visit [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how to contribute to `wash` project.