use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf}; use anyhow::Result; use clap::Subcommand; use nkeys::{KeyPair, KeyPairType}; use serde_json::json; use wash_lib::cli::CommandOutput; use wash_lib::config::cfg_dir; use wash_lib::keys::{fs::KeyDir, KeyManager}; const NKEYS_EXTENSION: &str = ".nk"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Subcommand)] #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] pub enum KeysCliCommand { #[clap(name = "gen", about = "Generates a keypair")] GenCommand { /// The type of keypair to generate. May be Account, User, Module (or Component), Service (or Provider), Server (or Host), Operator, Cluster, Curve (xkey) keytype: String, }, #[clap(name = "get", about = "Retrieves a keypair and prints the contents")] GetCommand { #[clap(help = "The name of the key to output")] keyname: String, #[clap( short = 'd', long = "directory", env = "WASH_KEYS", hide_env_values = true, help = "Absolute path to where keypairs are stored. Defaults to `$HOME/.wash/keys`" )] directory: Option, }, #[clap(name = "list", about = "Lists all keypairs in a directory")] ListCommand { #[clap( short = 'd', long = "directory", env = "WASH_KEYS", hide_env_values = true, help = "Absolute path to where keypairs are stored. Defaults to `$HOME/.wash/keys`" )] directory: Option, }, } pub fn handle_command(command: KeysCliCommand) -> Result { match command { KeysCliCommand::GenCommand { keytype } => { let kt = keytype_parser(&keytype)?; generate(&kt) } KeysCliCommand::GetCommand { keyname, directory } => get(&keyname, directory), KeysCliCommand::ListCommand { directory } => list(directory), } } pub fn keytype_parser(keytype: &str) -> Result { match keytype.to_lowercase().as_str() { "account" => Ok(KeyPairType::Account), "user" => Ok(KeyPairType::User), "module" | "component" => Ok(KeyPairType::Module), "service" | "provider" => Ok(KeyPairType::Service), "server" | "host" => Ok(KeyPairType::Server), "operator" => Ok(KeyPairType::Operator), "cluster" => Ok(KeyPairType::Cluster), "x25519" | "curve" => Ok(KeyPairType::Curve), _ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "Invalid key type. Must be one of Account, User, Module (or Component), Service (or Provider), Server (or Host), Operator, Cluster" )), } } /// Generates a keypair of the specified KeyPairType pub fn generate(kt: &KeyPairType) -> Result { let kp = KeyPair::new(kt.clone()); let seed = kp.seed()?; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert("public_key".to_string(), json!(kp.public_key())); map.insert("seed".to_string(), json!(seed)); Ok(CommandOutput::new( format!( "Public Key: {}\nSeed: {}\n\nRemember that the seed is private, treat it as a secret.", kp.public_key(), seed, ), map, )) } /// Retrieves a keypair by name in a specified directory, or $WASH_KEYS ($HOME/.wash/keys) if directory is not specified pub fn get(keyname: &str, directory: Option) -> Result { let key_dir = KeyDir::new(determine_directory(directory)?)?; // Trim off the ".nk" for backwards compat let key = key_dir .get(keyname.trim_end_matches(NKEYS_EXTENSION))? .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Key {} doesn't exist", keyname))?; Ok(CommandOutput::from_key_and_text("seed", key.seed()?)) } /// Lists all keypairs (file extension .nk) in a specified directory or $WASH_KEYS($HOME/.wash/keys) if directory is not specified pub fn list(directory: Option) -> Result { let key_dir = KeyDir::new(determine_directory(directory)?)?; let keys = key_dir.list_names()?; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert("keys".to_string(), json!(keys)); Ok(CommandOutput::new( format!( "====== Keys found in {} ======\n{}", key_dir.display(), keys.join("\n") ), map, )) } fn determine_directory(directory: Option) -> Result { if let Some(d) = directory { Ok(d) } else { let d = cfg_dir()?.join("keys"); Ok(d) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{generate, keytype_parser, KeysCliCommand}; use clap::Parser; use nkeys::KeyPairType; use serde::Deserialize; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(Debug, Parser)] struct Cmd { #[clap(subcommand)] keys: KeysCliCommand, } #[test] fn test_generate_basic_test() { let kt = KeyPairType::Account; let keypair = generate(&kt).unwrap(); assert!(keypair.text.contains("Public Key: ")); assert!(keypair.text.contains("Seed: ")); assert!(keypair .text .contains("Remember that the seed is private, treat it as a secret.")); assert_ne!(keypair.text, ""); assert!(!; } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] struct KeyPairJson { public_key: String, seed: String, } #[test] fn test_generate_valid_keypair() { let sample_public_key = "MBBLAHS7MCGNQ6IR4ZDSGRIAF7NVS7FCKFTKGO5JJJKN2QQRVAH7BSIO"; let sample_seed = "SMAH45IUULL57OSX23NOOOTLSVNQOORMDLE3Y3PQLJ4J5MY7MN2K7BIFI4"; let kt = KeyPairType::Module; let keypair_json = generate(&kt).unwrap(); let keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str(serde_json::to_string(& .unwrap(); assert_eq!(keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert_eq!(keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(keypair.public_key.starts_with('M')); assert!(keypair.seed.starts_with("SM")); } #[test] fn test_generate_all_types() { let sample_public_key = "MBBLAHS7MCGNQ6IR4ZDSGRIAF7NVS7FCKFTKGO5JJJKN2QQRVAH7BSIO"; let sample_seed = "SMAH45IUULL57OSXNOOAKOTLSVNQOORMDLE3Y3PQLJ4J5MY7MN2K7BIFI4"; let account_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Account).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let user_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::User).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let module_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Module).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let service_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Service).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let server_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Server).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let operator_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Operator).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); let cluster_keypair: KeyPairJson = serde_json::from_str( serde_json::to_string(&generate(&KeyPairType::Cluster).unwrap().map) .unwrap() .as_str(), ) .unwrap(); assert!(account_keypair.public_key.starts_with('A')); assert_eq!(account_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(account_keypair.seed.starts_with("SA")); assert_eq!(account_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(user_keypair.public_key.starts_with('U')); assert_eq!(user_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(user_keypair.seed.starts_with("SU")); assert_eq!(user_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(module_keypair.public_key.starts_with('M')); assert_eq!(module_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(module_keypair.seed.starts_with("SM")); assert_eq!(module_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(service_keypair.public_key.starts_with('V')); assert_eq!(service_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(service_keypair.seed.starts_with("SV")); assert_eq!(service_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(server_keypair.public_key.starts_with('N')); assert_eq!(server_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(server_keypair.seed.starts_with("SN")); assert_eq!(server_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(operator_keypair.public_key.starts_with('O')); assert_eq!(operator_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(operator_keypair.seed.starts_with("SO")); assert_eq!(operator_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); assert!(cluster_keypair.public_key.starts_with('C')); assert_eq!(cluster_keypair.public_key.len(), sample_public_key.len()); assert!(cluster_keypair.seed.starts_with("SC")); assert_eq!(cluster_keypair.seed.len(), sample_seed.len()); } #[test] /// Enumerates multiple options of the `gen` command to ensure API doesn't /// change between versions. This test will fail if `wash keys gen ` /// changes syntax, ordering of required elements, or flags. fn test_gen_comprehensive() { let key_gen_types = [ "acCount", "usEr", "module", "COMPONENT", "SERVICE", "provider", "server", "HOST", "operator", "CLUSTER", ]; key_gen_types .iter() .map(|cmd| cmd.to_lowercase()) .for_each(|cmd| { let gen_cmd: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "gen", &cmd]).unwrap(); match gen_cmd.keys { KeysCliCommand::GenCommand { keytype } => { use KeyPairType::*; let parsed_keytype = keytype_parser(&keytype).unwrap(); match parsed_keytype { Account => assert_eq!(&cmd, "account"), User => assert_eq!(&cmd, "user"), Module => assert!(cmd.eq("module") || cmd.eq("component")), Service => assert!(cmd.eq("service") || cmd.eq("provider")), Server => assert!(cmd.eq("server") || cmd.eq("host")), Operator => assert_eq!(&cmd, "operator"), Cluster => assert_eq!(&cmd, "cluster"), Curve => assert_eq!(&cmd, "curve"), } } _ => panic!("`keys gen` constructed incorrect command"), }; }); } #[test] fn test_invalid_keytype_input() { let key_gen_types = [ "accout", "USE", "moDUl", "actors", "SEVICE", "provder", "srver", "hos", "opERtoR", "cluter", ]; key_gen_types .iter() .map(|cmd| cmd.to_lowercase()) .for_each(|cmd| { let gen_cmd: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "gen", &cmd]).unwrap(); match gen_cmd.keys { KeysCliCommand::GenCommand { keytype } => { let parsed_keytype = keytype_parser(&keytype); assert!( parsed_keytype.is_err(), "Invalid keytype parsed successfully" ); } _ => panic!("`keys gen` constructed incorrect command"), }; }); } #[test] fn test_get_basic() { const KEYNAME: &str = "get_basic_test.nk"; const KEYPATH: &str = "./tests/fixtures"; let gen_basic: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "get", KEYNAME, "--directory", KEYPATH]).unwrap(); match gen_basic.keys { KeysCliCommand::GetCommand { keyname, .. } => assert_eq!(keyname, KEYNAME), other_cmd => panic!("keys get generated other command {other_cmd:?}"), } } #[test] /// Enumerates multiple options of the `get` command to ensure API doesn't /// change between versions. This test will fail if `wash keys get` /// changes syntax, ordering of required elements, or flags. fn test_get_comprehensive() { const KEYPATH: &str = "./tests/fixtures"; const KEYNAME: &str = "get_comprehensive_test.nk"; let get_all_flags: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "get", KEYNAME, "-d", KEYPATH]).unwrap(); match get_all_flags.keys { KeysCliCommand::GetCommand { keyname, directory } => { assert_eq!(keyname, KEYNAME); assert_eq!(directory, Some(PathBuf::from(KEYPATH))); } other_cmd => panic!("keys get generated other command {other_cmd:?}"), } } #[test] /// Enumerates multiple options of the `list` command to ensure API doesn't /// change between versions. This test will fail if `wash keys list` /// changes syntax, ordering of required elements, or flags. fn test_list_comprehensive() { const KEYPATH: &str = "./"; let list_basic: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "list", "-d", KEYPATH]).unwrap(); match list_basic.keys { KeysCliCommand::ListCommand { .. } => (), other_cmd => panic!("keys get generated other command {other_cmd:?}"), } let list_all_flags: Cmd = clap::Parser::try_parse_from(["keys", "list", "-d", KEYPATH]).unwrap(); match list_all_flags.keys { KeysCliCommand::ListCommand { directory } => { assert_eq!(directory, Some(PathBuf::from(KEYPATH))); } other_cmd => panic!("keys get generated other command {other_cmd:?}"), } } }