use std::fs::read_to_string; use std::net::TcpListener; use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4}; use std::{ env, fs::{create_dir_all, remove_dir_all}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context, Result}; use oci_client::Reference; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng}; use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, SystemExt}; use tempfile::TempDir; use tokio::{ fs::File, io::AsyncWriteExt, process::{Child, Command}, time::Duration, }; use wash_lib::cli::output::{ AppDeleteCommandOutput, AppDeployCommandOutput, AppGetCommandOutput, AppListCommandOutput, AppUndeployCommandOutput, CallCommandOutput, GetHostsCommandOutput, PullCommandOutput, StartCommandOutput, StopCommandOutput, UpCommandOutput, }; use wash_lib::common::CommandGroupUsage; use wash_lib::config::{host_pid_file, wadm_pid_file}; use wash_lib::start::{ ensure_nats_server, start_nats_server, NatsConfig, WADM_BINARY, WASMCLOUD_HOST_BIN, }; use wasmcloud_control_interface::Host; #[allow(unused)] pub const LOCAL_REGISTRY: &str = "localhost:5001"; #[allow(unused)] pub const HELLO_OCI_REF: &str = ""; #[allow(unused)] pub const HTTP_JSONIFY_OCI_REF: &str = ""; #[allow(unused)] pub const PROVIDER_HTTPSERVER_OCI_REF: &str = ""; #[allow(unused)] pub const FERRIS_SAYS_OCI_REF: &str = ""; pub const DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG: &str = "40000"; #[allow(unused)] const WKG_CONFIG_FILE: &str = "wkg_config.toml"; /// Helper function to create the `wash` binary process #[allow(unused)] pub fn wash() -> std::process::Command { std::process::Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) } #[allow(unused)] pub fn output_to_string(output: std::process::Output) -> Result { String::from_utf8(output.stdout).with_context(|| "Failed to convert output bytes to String") } #[allow(unused)] pub async fn fetch_artifact_digest(url: &str) -> Result { let image: Reference = url.to_lowercase().parse()?; let mut protocol = "http"; if url.starts_with("https://") { protocol = "https" } let reference = image .tag() .or(image.digest()) .context("Could not find a valid tag or digest in the provided artifact URL")?; let manifest_url = format!( "{}://{}/v2/{}/manifests/{}", protocol, image.registry(), image.repository(), reference ); let accept_manifest_media_types = [ oci_client::manifest::IMAGE_MANIFEST_MEDIA_TYPE, oci_client::manifest::OCI_IMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE, ] .join(","); let client = reqwest::Client::new(); let resp = client .get(manifest_url) .header(reqwest::header::ACCEPT, accept_manifest_media_types) .send() .await .context("Unable to query the provided artifact URL")?; let header = resp .headers() .get("Docker-Content-Digest") .context("Could not find Docker-Content-Digest header for provided artifact URL")?; let digest = header .to_str() .context("Unable to convert Docker-Content-Digest header to value")?; Ok(digest.to_owned()) } #[allow(unused)] pub fn get_json_output(output: std::process::Output) -> Result { let output_str = output_to_string(output)?; let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&output_str) .with_context(|| "Failed to parse json from output string")?; Ok(json) } #[allow(unused)] /// Creates a subfolder in the test directory for use with a specific test /// It's preferred that the same test that calls this function also /// uses `std::fs::remove_dir_all` to remove the subdirectory pub fn test_dir_with_subfolder(subfolder: &str) -> PathBuf { let root_dir = &env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"); let with_subfolder = PathBuf::from(format!("{root_dir}/tests/output/{subfolder}")); remove_dir_all(with_subfolder.clone()); create_dir_all(with_subfolder.clone()); with_subfolder } #[allow(unused)] /// Returns a `PathBuf` by appending the subfolder and file arguments /// to the test fixtures directory. This does _not_ create the file, /// so the test is responsible for initialization and modification of this file pub fn test_dir_file(subfolder: &str, file: &str) -> PathBuf { let root_dir = &env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"); PathBuf::from(format!("{root_dir}/tests/output/{subfolder}/{file}")) } #[allow(unused)] /// writes content to specified file path... creates file if it doesn't exist pub async fn set_test_file_content(path: &PathBuf, content: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut file = File::create(path).await.context(format!( "failed to open/create test file {}", path.to_string_lossy() ))?; file.write_all(content.as_bytes()).await.context(format!( "failed to write content to test file {}", path.to_string_lossy() ))?; Ok(()) } #[allow(unused)] pub async fn start_nats(port: u16, nats_install_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result { let nats_binary = ensure_nats_server("v2.10.7", nats_install_dir).await?; let config = NatsConfig::new_standalone("", port, None); start_nats_server( nats_binary, std::process::Stdio::null(), config, CommandGroupUsage::UseParent, ) .await } /// Returns an open port on the interface, searching within the range endpoints, inclusive pub async fn find_open_port() -> Result { TcpListener::bind(SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0)) .context("failed to bind random port")? .local_addr() .map(|addr| addr.port()) .context("failed to get local address from opened TCP socket") } #[allow(unused)] pub struct TestWashInstance { /// ID of the host pub host_id: String, /// Directory that holds ephemeral data like log files (e.x. `washup.log`) generated by the host pub test_dir: PathBuf, /// Port on which NATS is running (normally randomized) pub nats_port: u16, /// Command that can be executed to kill the server (returned @ server startup) pub kill_cmd: String, /// Host seed generated when starting the host pub host_seed: String, /// Cluster seed generated when starting the host pub cluster_seed: String, /// Deployed WADM manifest path (if there was one specified during `wash up`) pub deployed_wadm_manifest_path: Option, /// NATS server child process nats: Child, } impl Drop for TestWashInstance { fn drop(&mut self) { let TestWashInstance { test_dir, kill_cmd, .. } = self; // Attempt to stop the host (this may fail) let kill_cmd = (*kill_cmd).to_string(); let (_wash, down) = kill_cmd.trim_matches('"').split_once(' ').unwrap(); wash() .args(vec![ down, "--host-id", &self.host_id, "--ctl-port", &self.nats_port.to_string(), ]) .output() .expect("Could not spawn wash down process"); // Attempt to stop NATS self.nats .start_kill() .expect("failed to start_kill() on nats instance"); remove_dir_all(test_dir).expect("failed to remove temporary directory during cleanup"); } } /// Arguments for creating a new `TestWashInstance` #[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] struct TestWashInstanceNewArgs { /// Extra arguments to feed to `wash up` pub extra_args: Vec, } #[allow(unused)] impl TestWashInstance { /// Create a new [`TestWashInstance`] pub async fn create() -> Result { Self::new(TestWashInstanceNewArgs::default()).await } /// Create a new [`TestWashInstance`], with extra arguments to `wash up` pub async fn create_with_extra_args( args: impl IntoIterator>, ) -> Result { Self::new(TestWashInstanceNewArgs { extra_args: args .into_iter() .map(|v| v.as_ref().to_string()) .collect::>(), }) .await } async fn new(args: TestWashInstanceNewArgs) -> Result { let test_id: String = rand::thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(6) .map(char::from) .collect(); let test_name = format!("test-{test_id}"); let test_dir = test_dir_with_subfolder(test_name.as_str()); let log_path = test_dir.join("washup.log"); let stdout = tokio::fs::File::create(&log_path) .await .context("failed to create log file for wash up test {test_name}")?; let nats_port = find_open_port().await?; let nats = start_nats(nats_port, &test_dir).await?; // Create pre-determined seeds let cluster_seed = nkeys::KeyPair::new_cluster(); let cluster_seed_str = &cluster_seed .seed() .context("failed to generate cluster seed")?; // Create a pre-determined keypair for the host to use let host_seed = nkeys::KeyPair::new_server(); let host_seed_str = &host_seed.seed().context("failed to generate host seed")?; let host_id = host_seed.public_key(); // Start building the `wash up` command let mut cmd = tokio::process::Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")); cmd.kill_on_drop(true); // Compile list of arguments to `wash up` let mut cmd_args = [ "up", "--nats-port", nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), "--nats-connect-only", "--output", "json", "--detached", "--host-seed", host_seed_str, "--cluster-seed", cluster_seed_str, "--multi-local", ] .iter() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect::>(); for arg in args.extra_args { cmd_args.push(arg); } // Run `wash up` command let mut up_cmd = cmd .args(cmd_args) .stdout(stdout.into_std().await) .kill_on_drop(true) .spawn() .context("Could not spawn wash up process")?; let status = up_cmd .wait() .await .context("up command failed to complete")?; assert!(status.success()); let out = read_to_string(&log_path).context("could not read output of wash up")?; let UpCommandOutput { kill_cmd, wasmcloud_log, deployed_wadm_manifest_path, .. } = serde_json::from_str::(&out).with_context(|| { format!("failed to parse wash up cmd output, received:===\n{out}\n===") })?; // Wait until the host starts by checking the logs let logs_path = String::from(wasmcloud_log.to_string().trim_matches('"')); tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(15), async move { loop { match tokio::fs::read_to_string(&logs_path).await { Ok(file_contents) => { if file_contents.contains("started") { // After wasmcloud says it's ready, it still requires some seconds to start up. tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)).await; break; } } _ => { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } } } }) .await?; Ok(TestWashInstance { test_dir, kill_cmd: kill_cmd.to_string(), deployed_wadm_manifest_path, nats, nats_port, host_seed: host_seed_str.into(), cluster_seed: cluster_seed_str.into(), host_id, }) } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash pull` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn pull(&self, oci_ref: &str) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args(["pull", oci_ref, "--output", "json"]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .with_context(|| format!("failed to pull OCI artifact [{oci_ref}]"))?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to parse output of `wash pull`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash start component` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn start_component( &self, oci_ref: impl AsRef, component_id: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "start", "component", oci_ref.as_ref(), component_id.as_ref(), "--output", "json", "--timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--ctl-port", &self.nats_port.to_string(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to start component")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash start component`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash start provider` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn start_provider( &self, oci_ref: impl AsRef, component_id: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "start", "provider", oci_ref.as_ref(), component_id.as_ref(), "--output", "json", "--timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--ctl-port", &self.nats_port.to_string(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to start provider")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash start provider`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash get hosts` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn get_hosts(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "get", "hosts", "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", &self.nats_port.to_string(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to call get hosts")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to parse output of `wash get hosts`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash call` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn call_component( &self, component_id: impl AsRef, operation: impl AsRef, data: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let component_id = component_id.as_ref(); let operation = operation.as_ref(); let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "call", component_id, operation, "--rpc-timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--rpc-port", &self.nats_port.to_string(), "--output", "json", "--http-body", data.as_ref(), ]) .output() .await .with_context(|| { format!("failed to call operation [{operation}] on component [{component_id}]") })?; ensure!(output.status.success(), "wash call invocation failed"); serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash call` output") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash stop component` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn stop_component( &self, component_id: impl AsRef, host_id: Option, ) -> Result { // Build dynamic arg list to feed to `wash stop component` let mut args: Vec = [ "stop", "component", component_id.as_ref(), "--output", "json", "--timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ] .iter() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect(); // Add --host-id to args if specified // Add host name to argument list if provided if let Some(host_id) = host_id { args.extend(["--host-id".into(), host_id]); } let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args(&args) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to stop component")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash stop component`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash stop provider` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn stop_provider( &self, provider_id: impl AsRef, host_id: Option, ) -> Result { // Dynamically build arg list to `wash stop provider` let mut args: Vec = ["stop", "provider", provider_id.as_ref()] .iter() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect(); // Add the rest of the arguments args.extend( [ "--output", "json", "--timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_str(), ] .iter() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect::>(), ); // Add host name to argument list if provided if let Some(host_id) = host_id { args.extend(["--host-id".into(), host_id]); } let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args(&args) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to stop provider")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash stop provider`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash stop host` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn stop_host(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "stop", "host", self.host_id.as_ref(), "--output", "json", "--timeout-ms", DEFAULT_WASH_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS_ARG, "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to stop host")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to parse output of `wash stop host`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash app deploy` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn deploy_app(&self, name_or_path: &str) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "deploy", name_or_path, "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to deploy app")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash app deploy`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash app list` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn list_apps(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "list", "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to list apps")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to parse output of `wash app get`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash app get` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn get_apps(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "get", "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to list apps")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to parse output of `wash app get`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash app undeploy --all` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn undeploy_all_apps(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "undeploy", "--all", "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to undeploy all apps")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash app undeploy --all`") } /// Trigger the equivalent of `wash app delete --all-undeployed` on a [`TestWashInstance`] pub(crate) async fn delete_all_undeployed_apps(&self) -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "delete", "--all-undeployed", "--output", "json", "--ctl-port", self.nats_port.to_string().as_ref(), ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to undeploy all apps")?; serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .context("failed to parse output of `wash app undeploy --all`") } } pub struct TestSetup { /// The path to the directory for the test. /// Added here so that the directory is not deleted until the end of the test. #[allow(dead_code)] pub test_dir: TempDir, /// The path to the created component's directory. #[allow(dead_code)] pub project_dir: PathBuf, } impl TestSetup { #[allow(dead_code)] /// Used to create a new [`TestSetup`] instance. This ensures a default wkg config is used for /// the test as well async fn new(test_dir: TempDir, project_dir: PathBuf) -> Result { let conf = wasm_pkg_client::Config::default(); conf.to_file(test_dir.path().join(WKG_CONFIG_FILE)).await?; Ok(Self { test_dir, project_dir, }) } #[allow(dead_code)] /// A helper that returns a new `wash` binary command configured to use the project directory /// and other test configuration pub fn base_command(&self) -> Command { let mut cmd = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")); cmd.current_dir(&self.project_dir); cmd.env( "WKG_CONFIG_FILE", self.test_dir.path().join(WKG_CONFIG_FILE), ); cmd.env("WKG_CACHE_DIR", self.test_dir.path().join("cache")); cmd } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub struct WorkspaceTestSetup { /// The path to the directory for the test. /// Added here so that the directory is not deleted until the end of the test. #[allow(dead_code)] pub test_dir: TempDir, /// The path to the created component's directory. #[allow(dead_code)] pub project_dirs: Vec, } /// Inits an component build test by setting up a test directory and creating an component from a template. /// Returns the paths of the test directory and component directory. #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init(component_name: &str, template_name: &str) -> Result { let test_dir = TempDir::new()?; // Get the current dir so we can reset it after creating the new component let project_dir = init_component_from_template(component_name, template_name, &test_dir).await?; TestSetup::new(test_dir, project_dir).await } /// Same as `init`, but takes a path to a template directory. If the given path is absolute, it is /// used as the template directory, otherwise this will use the top level directory of the /// repository as the root path it joins the relative path with #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_path(component_name: &str, path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let test_dir = TempDir::new()?; let joined_path = if path.as_ref().is_absolute() { path.as_ref().to_path_buf() } else { let root = get_workspace_root() .await .context("Couldn't get workspace root")?; root.join(path) }; let project_dir = init_component_from_template_path(component_name, joined_path, &test_dir).await?; TestSetup::new(test_dir, project_dir).await } /// Initializes a new component from a wasmCloud example in wasmcloud/wasmcloud #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_component_from_template( component_name: &str, template_name: &str, parent_dir: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let status = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "new", "component", component_name, "--template-name", template_name, "--silent", "--no-git-init", ]) .current_dir(parent_dir.as_ref()) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("Failed to generate project")?; assert!(status.success()); let project_dir = parent_dir.as_ref().join(component_name); Ok(project_dir) } /// Initializes a new component from the given path pub async fn init_component_from_template_path( component_name: &str, path: impl AsRef, parent_dir: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let status = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "new", "component", component_name, "--path", path.as_ref().as_os_str().to_string_lossy().as_ref(), "--silent", "--no-git-init", ]) .current_dir(parent_dir.as_ref()) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("Failed to generate project")?; assert!(status.success()); let project_dir = parent_dir.as_ref().join(component_name); Ok(project_dir) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_provider(provider_name: &str, template_name: &str) -> Result { let test_dir = TempDir::new()?; let project_dir = init_provider_from_template(provider_name, template_name, &test_dir).await?; TestSetup::new(test_dir, project_dir).await } /// Same as `init_provider`, but takes a path to a template directory. If the given path is /// absolute, it is used as the template directory, otherwise this will use the top level directory /// of the repository as the root path it joins the relative path with #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_provider_path(provider_name: &str, path: impl AsRef) -> Result { let test_dir = TempDir::new()?; let joined_path = if path.as_ref().is_absolute() { path.as_ref().to_path_buf() } else { let root = get_workspace_root() .await .context("Couldn't get workspace root")?; root.join(path) }; let project_dir = init_provider_from_template_path(provider_name, joined_path, &test_dir).await?; TestSetup::new(test_dir, project_dir).await } /// Initializes a new provider from a template provider template #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_provider_from_template( provider_name: &str, template_name: &str, parent_dir: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let status = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "new", "provider", provider_name, "--template-name", template_name, "--silent", "--no-git-init", ]) .current_dir(parent_dir.as_ref()) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("Failed to generate provider")?; assert!(status.success()); let project_dir = parent_dir.as_ref().join(provider_name); Ok(project_dir) } /// Initializes a new provider from the given path #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_provider_from_template_path( provider_name: &str, path: impl AsRef, parent_dir: impl AsRef, ) -> Result { let status = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "new", "provider", provider_name, "--path", path.as_ref().as_os_str().to_string_lossy().as_ref(), "--silent", "--no-git-init", ]) .current_dir(parent_dir.as_ref()) .kill_on_drop(true) .status() .await .context("Failed to generate provider")?; assert!(status.success()); let project_dir = parent_dir.as_ref().join(provider_name); Ok(project_dir) } /// Wait until a process has a given count on the current machine #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_until_process_has_count( filter: &str, predicate: impl Fn(usize) -> bool, timeout: Duration, check_interval: Duration, ) -> Result<()> { // Check to see if process was removed let mut info = sysinfo::System::new_with_specifics( sysinfo::RefreshKind::new().with_processes(sysinfo::ProcessRefreshKind::new()), ); tokio::time::timeout(timeout, async move { loop { info.refresh_processes(); let count = info .processes() .values() .map(|p| p.exe().to_string_lossy()) .filter(|name| name.contains(filter)) .count(); if predicate(count) { break; }; tokio::time::sleep(check_interval).await; } }) .await .context(format!( "failed to find satisfactory amount of processes named [{filter}]" ))?; Ok(()) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_for_single_host( ctl_port: u16, timeout: Duration, check_interval: Duration, ) -> Result { tokio::time::timeout(timeout, async move { loop { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "get", "hosts", "--ctl-port", ctl_port.to_string().as_str(), "--output", "json", ]) .output() .await .context("get host command failed")?; // Continue until `wash get hosts` succeeds w/ non-empty content, until timeout // this may happen when a NATS instance is unavailable for a certain amount of time if !output.status.success() || output.stdout.is_empty() { continue; } let mut cmd_output: GetHostsCommandOutput = serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout) .with_context(|| { format!( "failed to parse get hosts command JSON output: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) ) })?; match &cmd_output.hosts[..] { [] => {} [_h] => break Ok(cmd_output.hosts.remove(0)), _ => bail!("unexpected received more than one host"), } tokio::time::sleep(check_interval).await; } }) .await .context("failed to wait for single host to exist")? } /// Inits an component build test by setting up a test directory and creating an component from a template. /// Returns the paths of the test directory and component directory. #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn init_workspace(component_names: Vec<&str>) -> Result { let test_dir = TempDir::new()?; let project_dirs: Vec<_> = futures::future::try_join_all(component_names.iter().map(|component_name| async { let project_dir = init_component_from_template(component_name, "hello-world-rust", &test_dir).await?; Result::::Ok(project_dir) })) .await?; let members = component_names .iter() .map(|component_name| format!("\"{component_name}\"")) .collect::>() .join(","); let cargo_toml = format!( " [workspace] members = [{members}] " ); let mut cargo_path = PathBuf::from(test_dir.path()); cargo_path.push("Cargo.toml"); let mut file = File::create(cargo_path).await?; file.write_all(cargo_toml.as_bytes()).await?; Ok(WorkspaceTestSetup { test_dir, project_dirs, }) } /// Wait for no hosts to be running by checking for process names, /// expecting that the wasmcloud process invocation contains `wasmcloud_host` #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_for_no_hosts() -> Result<()> { wait_until_process_has_count( WASMCLOUD_HOST_BIN, |v| v == 0, Duration::from_secs(15), Duration::from_millis(250), ) .await .context("number of hosts running is still non-zero")?; let lockfile = host_pid_file()?; if wait_for_file_to_be_removed(&lockfile).await.is_err() { // If the PID file wasn't removed, attempt to delete it manually tokio::fs::remove_file(&lockfile).await.with_context(|| { format!( "failed to delete wasmcloud PID file at [{}]", lockfile.display() ) })?; } Ok(()) } /// Wait for a file to be removed. pub async fn wait_for_file_to_be_removed(file_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(15), async { loop { if !file_path.exists() { break; } tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)).await; } }) .await .with_context(|| { format!( "file {} was not removed by previous test", file_path.display() ) }) } /// Wait for NATS to start running by checking for process names. /// expecting that exactly one 'nats-server' process is running #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_for_nats_to_start() -> Result<()> { wait_until_process_has_count( "nats-server", |v| v == 1, Duration::from_secs(10), Duration::from_secs(1), ) .await .context("at least one nats-server process has not started") } /// Wait for no nats to be running by checking for process names #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_for_no_nats() -> Result<()> { wait_until_process_has_count( "nats-server", |v| v == 0, Duration::from_secs(10), Duration::from_millis(250), ) .await .context("number of nats-server processes should be zero") } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn wait_for_no_wadm() -> Result<()> { wait_until_process_has_count( WADM_BINARY, |v| v == 0, Duration::from_secs(15), Duration::from_millis(250), ) .await .context("number of wadm processes should be zero")?; let lockfile = wadm_pid_file()?; if wait_for_file_to_be_removed(&lockfile).await.is_err() { // If the PID file wasn't removed, attempt to delete it manually tokio::fs::remove_file(&lockfile).await.with_context(|| { format!("failed to delete wadm PID file at [{}]", lockfile.display()) })?; } Ok(()) } /// Helper that gets the top level directory of a workspace. #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn get_workspace_root() -> Result { let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO")) .args([ "locate-project", "--workspace", "-q", "--message-format=plain", ]) .output() .await?; if !output.status.success() { anyhow::bail!( "failed to get workspace root: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) ); } Ok(PathBuf::from(String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?) .parent() .unwrap() .to_path_buf()) } /// Gets the path to the fixture #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn fixture_dir() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("tests") .join("fixtures") } /// Loads the fixture with the given name into a temporary directory. This will copy the fixture /// from the tests/fixtures directory into a temporary directory and return the tempdir containing /// that directory (and its path) #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn load_fixture(fixture: &str) -> anyhow::Result { let temp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?; let fixture_path = fixture_dir().join(fixture); // This will error if it doesn't exist, which is what we want tokio::fs::metadata(&fixture_path).await?; let copied_path = temp_dir.path().join(fixture_path.file_name().unwrap()); copy_dir(&fixture_path, &copied_path).await?; TestSetup::new(temp_dir, copied_path).await } #[allow(dead_code)] async fn copy_dir(source: impl AsRef, destination: impl AsRef) -> anyhow::Result<()> { tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&destination).await?; let mut entries = tokio::fs::read_dir(source).await?; while let Some(entry) = entries.next_entry().await? { let filetype = entry.file_type().await?; if filetype.is_dir() { // Skip the deps directory in case it is there from debugging if entry.path().file_name().unwrap_or_default() == "deps" { continue; } Box::pin(copy_dir( entry.path(), destination.as_ref().join(entry.file_name()), )) .await?; } else { let path = entry.path(); let extension = path.extension().unwrap_or_default(); // Skip any .lock or .wasm files that might be there from debugging if extension == "lock" || extension == "wasm" { continue; } tokio::fs::copy(path, destination.as_ref().join(entry.file_name())).await?; } } Ok(()) }