# # This manifest should be used as an override for testing, with the hello-world-rust # template. # # This manifest adds a new component (ferris-says) that isn't used but *should* be deployed # by something like `wash dev`, when the override is used # --- apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1 kind: Application metadata: name: rust-hello-world annotations: version: v0.0.1 description: 'HTTP hello world demo in Rust, using the WebAssembly Component Model and WebAssembly Interfaces Types (WIT)' spec: components: - name: http-handler type: component properties: image: file://./build/http_hello_world_s.wasm traits: - type: spreadscaler properties: instances: 1 - name: ferris-says type: component properties: image: ghcr.io/wasmcloud/components/ferris-says-rust:0.1.0 traits: - type: spreadscaler properties: instances: 1 - name: httpserver type: capability properties: image: ghcr.io/wasmcloud/http-server:0.23.2 traits: # Establish a unidirectional link from this http server provider (the "source") # to the `http-handler` component (the "target") so the component can handle incoming HTTP requests, # # The source (this provider) is configured such that the HTTP server listens on - type: link properties: target: http-handler namespace: wasi package: http interfaces: [incoming-handler] source_config: - name: default-http properties: address: