use std::time::Duration; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use serial_test::serial; use tokio::process::Command; use wadm_types::api::StatusType; use wash_lib::app::validate_manifest_file; use wash_lib::cli::get::parse_watch_interval; use wash_lib::cli::output::{AppDeployCommandOutput, AppValidateOutput}; mod common; use common::TestWashInstance; // Using tinygo hello world example manifest const TINYGO_HELLO_WORLD_MANIFEST_CONTENT: &str = r#" apiVersion: kind: Application metadata: name: tinygo-hello-world annotations: description: 'HTTP hello world demo in Golang (TinyGo), using the WebAssembly Component Model and WebAssembly Interfaces Types (WIT)' wasmCloud team | http,outgoing-http,http-server,tinygo,golang,example spec: components: - name: http-component type: component properties: image: file://./build/http_hello_world_s.wasm traits: - type: spreadscaler properties: instances: 1 - name: httpserver type: capability properties: image: traits: - type: link properties: target: http-component namespace: wasi package: http interfaces: [incoming-handler] source_config: - name: default-http properties: address: "#; /// Ensure a simple WADM manifest passes validation #[tokio::test] async fn app_validate_simple() -> Result<()> { let pass = "./tests/fixtures/wadm/simple.wadm.yaml"; tokio::fs::try_exists(pass).await?; let output = Command::new(env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_wash")) .args([ "app", "validate", "./tests/fixtures/wadm/manifests/simple.wadm.yaml", "--output", "json", ]) .kill_on_drop(true) .output() .await .context("failed to execute wash app validate")?; let cmd_output: AppValidateOutput = serde_json::from_slice(&output.stdout).context("failed to build JSON from output")?; assert!(cmd_output.valid, "valid output"); assert!(cmd_output.errors.is_empty(), "no errors"); assert!(cmd_output.warnings.is_empty(), "no warnings"); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] #[cfg_attr(not(can_reach_ghcr_io), ignore = " is not reachable")] async fn test_validate_complete_wadm_manifest() { let test_dir = std::env::temp_dir().join("validate_complete_wadm_manifest"); let manifest_file_path = test_dir.join("wadm_manifest.yaml"); // Create the test directory tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&test_dir) .await .expect("Failed to create test directory"); // Write out the manifest tokio::fs::write(&manifest_file_path, TINYGO_HELLO_WORLD_MANIFEST_CONTENT) .await .expect("Failed to write test manifest file"); let result = validate_manifest_file(&manifest_file_path, true).await; assert!(result.is_ok(), "Validation failed: {:?}", result.err()); // Clean up test directory tokio::fs::remove_dir_all(&test_dir) .await .expect("Failed to clean up test directory"); } #[test] fn test_parse_watch_interval_milliseconds() { // Test parsing normal millisecond input let result = parse_watch_interval("1500").unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, Duration::from_millis(1500)); } #[test] fn test_parse_watch_interval_humantime_seconds() { // Test parsing humantime input (5s) let result = parse_watch_interval("5s").unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, Duration::from_secs(5)); } #[test] fn test_parse_watch_interval_invalid_input() { // Test invalid input let result = parse_watch_interval("invalid"); assert!(result.is_err()); assert_eq!( result.unwrap_err(), "Invalid duration: 'invalid'. Expected a duration like '5s', '1m', '100ms', or milliseconds as an integer." ); } /// Ensure that `wash app undeploy --all` and `wash app --delete-undeployed` work #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_undeploy_all_and_delete_undeployed() -> Result<()> { let instance = TestWashInstance::create().await?; // Deploy the application let AppDeployCommandOutput { success, deployed, model_name, model_version, } = instance .deploy_app("./tests/fixtures/wadm/manifests/simple.wadm.yaml") .await?; assert!(success && deployed); assert_eq!(model_name, "sample"); assert_eq!(model_version, "v0.0.1"); // Wait until the app is deployed via wash app get tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), async { loop { if instance.list_apps().await.is_ok_and(|output| { output.applications.iter().any(|a| { == "sample" && == StatusType::Deployed }) }) { break; } tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(250)).await; } }) .await .context("timed out waiting for app to be deployed")?; // Perform an undeploy all instance.undeploy_all_apps().await?; // Wait until the app is deployed via wash app get tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), async { loop { eprintln!("resp: {:#?}", instance.list_apps().await); if instance.list_apps().await.is_ok_and(|output| { output.applications.iter().any(|a| { == "sample" && == StatusType::Undeployed }) }) { break; } tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(250)).await; } }) .await .context("timed out waiting for app to be undeployed")?; // Perform delete all instance.delete_all_undeployed_apps().await?; // Wait until the app is deployed via wash app get tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), async { loop { if instance .list_apps() .await .is_ok_and(|output| output.applications.is_empty()) { break; } tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(250)).await; } }) .await .context("timed out waiting for app to be deleted")?; Ok(()) } /// Ensure that `wash app undeploy --all` and `wash app --delete-undeployed` work // Should break when we deprecate the `wash app list` command #[tokio::test] #[serial] async fn test_app_without_name_is_same_as_wash_app_list() -> Result<()> { let instance = TestWashInstance::create().await?; // Deploy the application let AppDeployCommandOutput { success, deployed, model_name, model_version, } = instance .deploy_app("./tests/fixtures/wadm/manifests/simple.wadm.yaml") .await?; assert!(success && deployed); assert_eq!(model_name, "sample"); assert_eq!(model_version, "v0.0.1"); // Wait until the app is deployed via wash app get tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), async { loop { if instance.list_apps().await.is_ok_and(|output| { output.applications.iter().any(|a| { == "sample" && == StatusType::Deployed }) }) { break; } tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(250)).await; } }) .await .context("timed out waiting for app to be deployed")?; // Get all the apps with wash app get without specifying the app name let listed_apps = instance.list_apps().await?; assert_eq!(listed_apps.applications.len(), 1); let only_app_from_list = listed_apps.applications.first(); assert!(only_app_from_list.is_some()); let only_app_from_list = only_app_from_list.unwrap(); // Get all apps with wash app list let listed_apps_with_get = instance.get_apps().await?; assert_eq!(listed_apps_with_get.applications.len(), 1); let app_with_get = listed_apps_with_get.applications.first(); assert!(app_with_get.is_some()); let app_with_get = app_with_get.unwrap(); // The two response the same (maybe &ModelSummary should impl Eq, PartialEq) assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(only_app_from_list.description, app_with_get.description); assert_eq!( only_app_from_list.detailed_status, app_with_get.detailed_status ); assert_eq!(only_app_from_list.version, app_with_get.version); Ok(()) }