# WASM Fuse Bus The WASM Fuse Bus allows WebAssembly modules to expose a file system to any runtime that supports the WASM General Purpose Bus # Reference Implementation A reference implementation exists here: https://github.com/tokera-com/ate/blob/master/tokera/src/bus/main.rs However this remains quite a low-level integration, once macros are defined that can emit the code for this interface it will be superceded by a similar implementation. # Backend Implementations In order to implment this BUS on your runtime one needs to chain to the ABI exposed in this library and implement the functions. For a reference implementation see below: https://github.com/tokera-com/ate/tree/master/tokterm/src/bus # Testing You can test your WASI program by uploading it to wapm.io and then heading over to the Tokera Shell https://tokera.sh