use assert_cmd::prelude::*; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::process::Command; #[test] fn cargo_readme_up_to_date() { println!("Checking that `cargo readme >` is up to date..."); let expected = Command::new("cargo") .arg("readme") .current_dir(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .output() .expect("should run `cargo readme` OK") .stdout; let expected = String::from_utf8(expected).unwrap(); let actual = fs::read_to_string(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/")) .expect("should open file"); if actual != expected { panic!("Run `cargo readme >` to update"); } } fn assert_snip>(cmd: &mut Command, expected_path: P) { let expected_path = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("tests") .join(expected_path); let actual_path = expected_path.with_extension("wasm.actual"); cmd.arg("--skip-producers-section") .arg("-o") .arg(&actual_path) .assert() .success(); let expected = fs::read(&expected_path).expect("should open expected wasm file"); let actual = fs::read(&actual_path).expect("should open snipped.wasm file"); if actual != expected { panic!( "snipping did not result in expected wasm file: {} != {}", expected_path.display(), actual_path.display(), ); } } fn wasm_snip() -> Command { let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin("wasm-snip").unwrap(); cmd.arg( Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) .join("tests") .join("hello.wasm"), ); cmd } #[test] fn snip_me() { assert_snip( wasm_snip().arg("_ZN5hello7snip_me17hf15dbd799e7ad6aaE"), "snip_me.wasm", ); } #[test] fn patterns() { assert_snip(wasm_snip().arg("-p").arg(".*alloc.*"), "no_alloc.wasm"); } #[test] fn snip_rust_fmt_code() { assert_snip(wasm_snip().arg("--snip-rust-fmt-code"), "no_fmt.wasm"); } #[test] fn snip_rust_panicking_code() { assert_snip( wasm_snip().arg("--snip-rust-panicking-code"), "no_panicking.wasm", ); }