# `wasm-tracing-allocator` **A global allocator for Wasm that traces allocations and deallocations for debugging purposes.** [![](https://docs.rs/wasm-tracing-allocator/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/wasm-tracing-allocator/) [![](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/wasm-tracing-allocator.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/wasm-tracing-allocator) [![](https://img.shields.io/crates/d/wasm-tracing-allocator.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/wasm-tracing-allocator) [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/rustwasm/wasm-tracing-allocator/_apis/build/status/rustwasm.wasm-tracing-allocator?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/rustwasm/wasm-tracing-allocator/_build/latest?definitionId=2&branchName=master) `wasm-tracing-allocator` enables you to better debug and analyze memory leaks and invalid frees in an environment where we don't have access to the conventional tools like Valgrind. The tracing hooks are safely implemented in JS, outside the Wasm module and its linear memory, to ensure that the tracing code doesn't perturb results. ### Table of Contents * [Enabling the Tracing Allocator](#enabling-the-tracing-allocator) * [Analyzing and Debugging](#analyzing-and-debugging) ### Enabling the Tracing Allocator First, add `wasm-tracing-allocator` to your `Cargo.toml`'s dependency list: ```toml [dependencies] wasm-tracing-allocator = "0.1.0" ``` Next, configure `wasm_tracing_allocator::WasmTracingAllocator` as the global allocator: ```rust // src/lib.rs use std::alloc::System; use wasm_tracing_allocator::WasmTracingAllocator; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL_ALLOCATOR: WasmTracingAllocator = WasmTracingAllocator(System); ``` Finally, make the JS implementations of the tracing hooks are available for your Wasm module to import: * On the Web, add this script *before* your Wasm module is instantiated: ```html ``` * On Node.js, require the hooks *before* your Wasm module is instantiated: ```js require("wasm-tracing-allocator"); ``` ### Analyzing and Debugging Use your developer tools console to invoke methods of the global `WasmTracingAllocator` object to get analyses about allocations and deallocations. The output is typically rendered with `console.table`: [![Example output](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rustwasm/wasm-tracing-allocator/master/live-allocations-dump.png)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rustwasm/wasm-tracing-allocator/master/live-allocations-dump.png) #### `WasmTracingAllocator.dumpLiveAllocations` Dump a table of live allocations to the console. ```js WasmTracingAllocator.dumpLiveAllocations({ keyLabel: String, valueLabel: String, getKey: Object => any, getValue: Object => Number, }); ``` * `keyLabel`: Optional. The string label used to describe the keys column in the table. * `valueLabel`: Optional. The string label used to describe the values column in the table. * `getKey`: Optional. Function from an allocation entry object to anything. The table will group and aggregate entries by their keys. Defaults to the stack at the time of the allocation. * `getValue`: Optional. Function from an allocation entry object to a number. The values for all entries with the same key are summed. Defaults to the byte size of each allocation; a potential alternative would be to ignore the argument and return `1` to count the number of allocations instead. #### `WasmTracingAllocator.dumpInvalidFrees` Dump a table of invalid frees (double frees, frees of things that were never allocated, etc...) to the console. ```js WasmTracingAllocator.dumpInvalidFrees({ keyLabel: String, valueLabel: String, getKey: Object => any, getValue: Object => Number, }); ``` * `keyLabel`: Optional. The string label used to describe the keys column in the table. * `valueLabel`: Optional. The string label used to describe the values column in the table. * `getKey`: Optional. Function from an invalid free entry object to anything. The table will group and aggregate entries by their keys. Defaults to the stack at the time of the deallocation. * `getValue`: Optional. Function from an invalid free entry object to a number. The values for all entries with the same key are summed. Defaults to counting the number of invalid frees.