# capability-provider/httpserver-rs/Makefile # short name that will be used for the executable name PROJECT = httpserver CAPABILITY_ID = wasmcloud:httpserver VENDOR = "wasmCloud" NAME = "HTTP Server" VERSION = $(shell cargo metadata --no-deps --format-version 1 | jq -r '.packages[] .version' | head -1) # During development iterations, REVISION should be incremented each build REVISION = 0 oci_url = localhost:5000/v2/$(PROJECT):$(VERSION) oci_insecure = --insecure include ../build/makefiles/provider.mk ifeq ($(shell nc -zt -w1 4222 || echo fail),fail) test:: docker run --rm -d --name nats-provider-test -p nats:2.9 -js cargo test -- --nocapture docker stop nats-provider-test else test:: cargo test -- --nocapture endif