use macro_wasmer_universal_test::universal_test; use wasmer::*; #[cfg(feature = "js")] use wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test; #[universal_test] #[cfg_attr( feature = "js", ignore = "Closures with context are not supported in JS yet" )] fn typed_host_function_closure_panics() -> Result<(), String> { let mut store = Store::default(); let state = 3; Function::new_typed(&mut store, move |_: i32| { println!("{}", state); }); Ok(()) } #[universal_test] #[cfg_attr( feature = "js", ignore = "Closures with context are not supported in JS yet" )] fn typed_with_env_host_function_closure_panics() -> Result<(), String> { let mut store = Store::default(); let env: i32 = 4; let env = FunctionEnv::new(&mut store, env); let state = 3; Function::new_typed_with_env( &mut store, &env, move |_env: FunctionEnvMut, _: i32| { println!("{}", state); }, ); Ok(()) } #[universal_test] #[cfg_attr( feature = "js", ignore = "Closures with context are not supported in JS yet" )] fn non_typed_functions_and_closures_with_no_env_work() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut store = Store::default(); let wat = r#"(module (func $multiply1 (import "env" "multiply1") (param i32 i32) (result i32)) (func $multiply2 (import "env" "multiply2") (param i32 i32) (result i32)) (func $multiply3 (import "env" "multiply3") (param i32 i32) (result i32)) (func $multiply4 (import "env" "multiply4") (param i32 i32) (result i32)) (func (export "test") (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32) (call $multiply4 (call $multiply3 (call $multiply2 (call $multiply1 (local.get 0) (local.get 1)) (local.get 2)) (local.get 3)) (local.get 4))) )"#; let module = Module::new(&store, wat).unwrap(); let env: i32 = 10; let env = FunctionEnv::new(&mut store, env); let ty = FunctionType::new(vec![Type::I32, Type::I32], vec![Type::I32]); let captured_by_closure = 20; let import_object = imports! { "env" => { "multiply1" => Function::new_with_env(&mut store, &env, &ty, move |_env, args| { if let (Value::I32(v1), Value::I32(v2)) = (&args[0], &args[1]) { Ok(vec![Value::I32(v1 * v2 * captured_by_closure)]) } else { panic!("Invalid arguments"); } }), "multiply2" => Function::new_with_env(&mut store, &env, &ty, move |env, args| { if let (Value::I32(v1), Value::I32(v2)) = (&args[0], &args[1]) { Ok(vec![Value::I32(v1 * v2 * captured_by_closure *]) } else { panic!("Invalid arguments"); } }), "multiply3" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, &env, |_env: FunctionEnvMut<_>, arg1: i32, arg2: i32| -> i32 {arg1 * arg2 }), "multiply4" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, &env, |env: FunctionEnvMut, arg1: i32, arg2: i32| -> i32 {arg1 * arg2 * }), }, }; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &import_object)?; let test: TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32> = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&mut store, "test")?; let result = store, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)?; let manually_computed_result = 6 * (5 * (4 * (3 * 2 * 20) * 10 * 20)) * 10; assert_eq!(result, manually_computed_result); Ok(()) } static STATIC_CONTEXT_VAL: i32 = 1234; #[universal_test] #[cfg_attr( feature = "js", ignore = "Closures with context are not supported in JS yet" )] fn holochain_typed_function() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Declare WASM Module let wasm_bytes = wat2wasm( br#" (module (func $multiply_typed (import "env" "multiply_typed") (param i32) (result i32) ) (type $sum_t (func (param i32) (param i32) (result i32)) ) (func $sum_f (type $sum_t) (param $x i32) (param $y i32) (result i32) (call $multiply_typed (local.get $y) ) ) (export "sum" (func $sum_f))) "#, )?; let mut store = Store::default(); struct MyEnv {} let env = FunctionEnv::new(&mut store, MyEnv {}); let module = Module::new(&store, wasm_bytes)?; // Define some context data that the host function closure will use static STATIC_CONTEXT_VAL2: i32 = 1234; let context_val = 1234; fn my_val() -> i32 { 1234 } // Define the host function closure let multiply_by_3 = move |_env: FunctionEnvMut, a: i32| -> i32 { assert_eq!(STATIC_CONTEXT_VAL, 1234); assert_eq!(STATIC_CONTEXT_VAL2, 1234); assert_eq!(context_val, 1234); assert_eq!(my_val(), 1234); a * 3 }; // Define the host function and WASM instance let multiply_typed = Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, &env, multiply_by_3); let import_object = imports! { "env" => { "multiply_typed" => multiply_typed, } }; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &import_object)?; // Execute the WASM function 'sum' let sum: TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32> = instance.exports.get_function("sum")?.typed(&mut store)?; let result = store, 1, 2)?; assert_eq!(result, 6); Ok(()) }