use anyhow::Result; use wasmer::*; use wasmer_vm::WeakOrStrongInstanceRef; const MEM_WAT: &str = " (module (func $host_fn (import \"env\" \"host_fn\") (param) (result)) (func (export \"call_host_fn\") (param) (result) (call $host_fn)) (memory $mem 0) (export \"memory\" (memory $mem)) ) "; const GLOBAL_WAT: &str = " (module (func $host_fn (import \"env\" \"host_fn\") (param) (result)) (func (export \"call_host_fn\") (param) (result) (call $host_fn)) (global $global i32 (i32.const 11)) (export \"global\" (global $global)) ) "; const TABLE_WAT: &str = " (module (func $host_fn (import \"env\" \"host_fn\") (param) (result)) (func (export \"call_host_fn\") (param) (result) (call $host_fn)) (table $table 4 4 funcref) (export \"table\" (table $table)) ) "; const FUNCTION_WAT: &str = " (module (func $host_fn (import \"env\" \"host_fn\") (param) (result)) (func (export \"call_host_fn\") (param) (result) (call $host_fn)) ) "; fn is_memory_instance_ref_strong(memory: &Memory) -> Option { // This is safe because we're calling it from a test to test the internals unsafe { memory .get_vm_memory() .instance_ref .as_ref() .map(|v| matches!(v, WeakOrStrongInstanceRef::Strong(_))) } } fn is_table_instance_ref_strong(table: &Table) -> Option { // This is safe because we're calling it from a test to test the internals unsafe { table .get_vm_table() .instance_ref .as_ref() .map(|v| matches!(v, WeakOrStrongInstanceRef::Strong(_))) } } fn is_global_instance_ref_strong(global: &Global) -> Option { // This is safe because we're calling it from a test to test the internals unsafe { global .get_vm_global() .instance_ref .as_ref() .map(|v| matches!(v, WeakOrStrongInstanceRef::Strong(_))) } } fn is_function_instance_ref_strong(f: &Function) -> Option { // This is safe because we're calling it from a test to test the internals unsafe { f.get_vm_function() .instance_ref .as_ref() .map(|v| matches!(v, WeakOrStrongInstanceRef::Strong(_))) } } fn is_native_function_instance_ref_strong(f: &NativeFunc) -> Option where Args: WasmTypeList, Rets: WasmTypeList, { // This is safe because we're calling it from a test to test the internals unsafe { f.get_vm_function() .instance_ref .as_ref() .map(|v| matches!(v, WeakOrStrongInstanceRef::Strong(_))) } } #[test] fn strong_weak_behavior_works_memory() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone, Debug, WasmerEnv, Default)] struct MemEnv { #[wasmer(export)] memory: LazyInit, } let host_fn = |env: &MemEnv| { let mem = env.memory_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(is_memory_instance_ref_strong(&mem), Some(false)); let mem_clone = mem.clone(); assert_eq!(is_memory_instance_ref_strong(&mem_clone), Some(true)); assert_eq!(is_memory_instance_ref_strong(&mem), Some(false)); }; let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = { let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, MEM_WAT)?; let env = MemEnv::default(); let instance = Instance::new( &module, &imports! { "env" => { "host_fn" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, host_fn) } }, )?; { let mem = instance.exports.get_memory("memory")?; assert_eq!(is_memory_instance_ref_strong(&mem), Some(true)); } let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?;; f };; Ok(()) } #[test] fn strong_weak_behavior_works_global() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone, Debug, WasmerEnv, Default)] struct GlobalEnv { #[wasmer(export)] global: LazyInit, } let host_fn = |env: &GlobalEnv| { let global = env.global_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(is_global_instance_ref_strong(&global), Some(false)); let global_clone = global.clone(); assert_eq!(is_global_instance_ref_strong(&global_clone), Some(true)); assert_eq!(is_global_instance_ref_strong(&global), Some(false)); }; let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = { let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, GLOBAL_WAT)?; let env = GlobalEnv::default(); let instance = Instance::new( &module, &imports! { "env" => { "host_fn" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, host_fn) } }, )?; { let global = instance.exports.get_global("global")?; assert_eq!(is_global_instance_ref_strong(&global), Some(true)); } let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?;; f };; Ok(()) } #[test] fn strong_weak_behavior_works_table() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone, WasmerEnv, Default)] struct TableEnv { #[wasmer(export)] table: LazyInit, } let host_fn = |env: &TableEnv| { let table = env.table_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(is_table_instance_ref_strong(&table), Some(false)); let table_clone = table.clone(); assert_eq!(is_table_instance_ref_strong(&table_clone), Some(true)); assert_eq!(is_table_instance_ref_strong(&table), Some(false)); }; let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = { let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, TABLE_WAT)?; let env = TableEnv::default(); let instance = Instance::new( &module, &imports! { "env" => { "host_fn" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, host_fn) } }, )?; { let table = instance.exports.get_table("table")?; assert_eq!(is_table_instance_ref_strong(&table), Some(true)); } let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?;; f };; Ok(()) } #[test] fn strong_weak_behavior_works_function() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone, WasmerEnv, Default)] struct FunctionEnv { #[wasmer(export)] call_host_fn: LazyInit, } let host_fn = |env: &FunctionEnv| { let function = env.call_host_fn_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!(is_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(false)); let function_clone = function.clone(); assert_eq!(is_function_instance_ref_strong(&function_clone), Some(true)); assert_eq!(is_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(false)); }; let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = { let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, FUNCTION_WAT)?; let env = FunctionEnv::default(); let instance = Instance::new( &module, &imports! { "env" => { "host_fn" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, host_fn) } }, )?; { let function = instance.exports.get_function("call_host_fn")?; assert_eq!(is_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(true)); } let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?;; f };; Ok(()) } #[test] fn strong_weak_behavior_works_native_function() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone, WasmerEnv, Default)] struct FunctionEnv { #[wasmer(export)] call_host_fn: LazyInit>, } let host_fn = |env: &FunctionEnv| { let function = env.call_host_fn_ref().unwrap(); assert_eq!( is_native_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(false) ); let function_clone = function.clone(); assert_eq!( is_native_function_instance_ref_strong(&function_clone), Some(true) ); assert_eq!( is_native_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(false) ); }; let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = { let store = Store::default(); let module = Module::new(&store, FUNCTION_WAT)?; let env = FunctionEnv::default(); let instance = Instance::new( &module, &imports! { "env" => { "host_fn" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, env, host_fn) } }, )?; { let function: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?; assert_eq!( is_native_function_instance_ref_strong(&function), Some(true) ); } let f: NativeFunc<(), ()> = instance.exports.get_native_function("call_host_fn")?;; f };; Ok(()) }