#include #include "wasmer_wasm.h" int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { const char *wat_string = "(module\n" " (global $one (export \"one\") f32 (f32.const 1))\n" " (global $some (export \"some\") (mut f32) (f32.const 0))\n" " (func (export \"get_one\") (result f32) (global.get $one))\n" " (func (export \"get_some\") (result f32) (global.get $some))\n" " (func (export \"set_some\") (param f32) (global.set $some (local.get 0))))"; wasm_byte_vec_t wat; wasm_byte_vec_new(&wat, strlen(wat_string), wat_string); wasm_byte_vec_t wasm_bytes; wat2wasm(&wat, &wasm_bytes); printf("Creating the store...\n"); wasm_engine_t* engine = wasm_engine_new(); wasm_store_t* store = wasm_store_new(engine); printf("Compiling module...\n"); wasm_module_t* module = wasm_module_new(store, &wasm_bytes); if (!module) { printf("> Error compiling module!\n"); return 1; } wasm_byte_vec_delete(&wasm_bytes); printf("Creating imports...\n"); wasm_extern_vec_t import_object = WASM_EMPTY_VEC; printf("Instantiating module...\n"); wasm_instance_t* instance = wasm_instance_new(store, module, &import_object, NULL); if (!instance) { printf("> Error instantiating module!\n"); return 1; } printf("Retrieving exports...\n"); wasm_extern_vec_t exports; wasm_instance_exports(instance, &exports); if (exports.size == 0) { printf("> Error accessing exports!\n"); return 1; } wasm_global_t* one = wasm_extern_as_global(exports.data[0]); if (one == NULL) { printf("> Failed to get the `one` global!\n"); return 1; } wasm_global_t* some = wasm_extern_as_global(exports.data[1]); if (some == NULL) { printf("> Failed to get the `some` global!\n"); return 1; } printf("Getting globals types information...\n"); wasm_globaltype_t* one_type = wasm_global_type(one); wasm_globaltype_t* some_type = wasm_global_type(some); wasm_mutability_t one_mutability = wasm_globaltype_mutability(one_type); const wasm_valtype_t* one_content = wasm_globaltype_content(one_type); wasm_valkind_t one_kind = wasm_valtype_kind(one_content); wasm_mutability_t some_mutability = wasm_globaltype_mutability(some_type); const wasm_valtype_t* some_content = wasm_globaltype_content(some_type); wasm_valkind_t some_kind = wasm_valtype_kind(some_content); printf("`one` type: %s %hhu\n", one_mutability == WASM_CONST ? "const" : "", one_kind); printf("`some` type: %s %hhu\n", some_mutability == WASM_CONST ? "const" : "", some_kind); printf("Getting global values..."); wasm_val_t one_value; wasm_global_get(one, &one_value); printf("`one` value: %.1f\n", one_value.of.f32); wasm_val_t some_value; wasm_global_get(some, &some_value); printf("`some` value: %.1f\n", some_value.of.f32); printf("Setting global values...\n"); wasm_val_t one_set_value = WASM_F32_VAL(42); wasm_global_set(one, &one_set_value); int error_length = wasmer_last_error_length(); if (error_length > 0) { char *error_message = malloc(error_length); wasmer_last_error_message(error_message, error_length); printf("Attempted to set an immutable global: `%s`\n", error_message); } wasm_val_t some_set_value = WASM_F32_VAL(21); wasm_global_set(some, &some_set_value); printf("`some` value: %.1f\n", some_value.of.f32); wasm_global_delete(some); wasm_global_delete(one); wasm_module_delete(module); wasm_instance_delete(instance); wasm_store_delete(store); wasm_engine_delete(engine); }