//! This is an example of the [Kaleidoscope tutorial](https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/) //! made in Rust, using Inkwell. //! Currently, all features up to the [7th chapter](https://llvm.org/docs/tutorial/LangImpl07.html) //! are available. //! This example is supposed to be ran as a executable, which launches a REPL. //! The source code is in the following order: //! - Lexer, //! - Parser, //! - Compiler, //! - Program. //! //! Both the `Parser` and the `Compiler` may fail, in which case they would return //! an error represented by `Result`, for easier error reporting. extern crate wasmer_inkwell; use std::borrow::Borrow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{self, Write}; use std::iter::Peekable; use std::str::Chars; use std::ops::DerefMut; use self::wasmer_inkwell::builder::Builder; use self::wasmer_inkwell::context::Context; use self::wasmer_inkwell::module::Module; use self::wasmer_inkwell::passes::PassManager; use self::wasmer_inkwell::types::BasicMetadataTypeEnum; use self::wasmer_inkwell::values::{BasicValue, BasicMetadataValueEnum, FloatValue, FunctionValue, PointerValue}; use self::wasmer_inkwell::{OptimizationLevel, FloatPredicate}; use crate::Token::*; const ANONYMOUS_FUNCTION_NAME: &str = "anonymous"; // ====================================================================================== // LEXER ================================================================================ // ====================================================================================== /// Represents a primitive syntax token. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Token { Binary, Comma, Comment, Def, Else, EOF, Extern, For, Ident(String), If, In, LParen, Number(f64), Op(char), RParen, Then, Unary, Var } /// Defines an error encountered by the `Lexer`. pub struct LexError { pub error: &'static str, pub index: usize } impl LexError { pub fn new(msg: &'static str) -> LexError { LexError { error: msg, index: 0 } } pub fn with_index(msg: &'static str, index: usize) -> LexError { LexError { error: msg, index: index } } } /// Defines the result of a lexing operation; namely a /// `Token` on success, or a `LexError` on failure. pub type LexResult = Result; /// Defines a lexer which transforms an input `String` into /// a `Token` stream. pub struct Lexer<'a> { input: &'a str, chars: Box>>, pos: usize } impl<'a> Lexer<'a> { /// Creates a new `Lexer`, given its source `input`. pub fn new(input: &'a str) -> Lexer<'a> { Lexer { input, chars: Box::new(input.chars().peekable()), pos: 0 } } /// Lexes and returns the next `Token` from the source code. pub fn lex(&mut self) -> LexResult { let chars = self.chars.deref_mut(); let src = self.input; let mut pos = self.pos; // Skip whitespaces loop { // Note: the following lines are in their own scope to // limit how long 'chars' is borrowed, and in order to allow // it to be borrowed again in the loop by 'chars.next()'. { let ch = chars.peek(); if ch.is_none() { self.pos = pos; return Ok(Token::EOF); } if !ch.unwrap().is_whitespace() { break; } } chars.next(); pos += 1; } let start = pos; let next = chars.next(); if next.is_none() { return Ok(Token::EOF); } pos += 1; // Actually get the next token. let result = match next.unwrap() { '(' => Ok(Token::LParen), ')' => Ok(Token::RParen), ',' => Ok(Token::Comma), '#' => { // Comment loop { let ch = chars.next(); pos += 1; if ch == Some('\n') { break; } } Ok(Token::Comment) }, '.' | '0' ..= '9' => { // Parse number literal loop { let ch = match chars.peek() { Some(ch) => *ch, None => return Ok(Token::EOF) }; // Parse float. if ch != '.' && !ch.is_digit(16) { break; } chars.next(); pos += 1; } Ok(Token::Number(src[start..pos].parse().unwrap())) }, 'a' ..= 'z' | 'A' ..= 'Z' | '_' => { // Parse identifier loop { let ch = match chars.peek() { Some(ch) => *ch, None => return Ok(Token::EOF) }; // A word-like identifier only contains underscores and alphanumeric characters. if ch != '_' && !ch.is_alphanumeric() { break; } chars.next(); pos += 1; } match &src[start..pos] { "def" => Ok(Token::Def), "extern" => Ok(Token::Extern), "if" => Ok(Token::If), "then" => Ok(Token::Then), "else" => Ok(Token::Else), "for" => Ok(Token::For), "in" => Ok(Token::In), "unary" => Ok(Token::Unary), "binary" => Ok(Token::Binary), "var" => Ok(Token::Var), ident => Ok(Token::Ident(ident.to_string())) } }, op => { // Parse operator Ok(Token::Op(op)) } }; // Update stored position, and return self.pos = pos; result } } impl<'a> Iterator for Lexer<'a> { type Item = Token; /// Lexes the next `Token` and returns it. /// On EOF or failure, `None` will be returned. fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.lex() { Ok(EOF) | Err(_) => None, Ok(token) => Some(token) } } } // ====================================================================================== // PARSER =============================================================================== // ====================================================================================== /// Defines a primitive expression. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Expr { Binary { op: char, left: Box, right: Box }, Call { fn_name: String, args: Vec }, Conditional { cond: Box, consequence: Box, alternative: Box }, For { var_name: String, start: Box, end: Box, step: Option>, body: Box }, Number(f64), Variable(String), VarIn { variables: Vec<(String, Option)>, body: Box } } /// Defines the prototype (name and parameters) of a function. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Prototype { pub name: String, pub args: Vec, pub is_op: bool, pub prec: usize } /// Defines a user-defined or external function. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Function { pub prototype: Prototype, pub body: Option, pub is_anon: bool } /// Represents the `Expr` parser. pub struct Parser<'a> { tokens: Vec, pos: usize, prec: &'a mut HashMap } // I'm ignoring the 'must_use' lint in order to call 'self.advance' without checking // the result when an EOF is acceptable. #[allow(unused_must_use)] impl<'a> Parser<'a> { /// Creates a new parser, given an input `str` and a `HashMap` binding /// an operator and its precedence in binary expressions. pub fn new(input: String, op_precedence: &'a mut HashMap) -> Self { let mut lexer = Lexer::new(input.as_str()); let tokens = lexer.by_ref().collect(); Parser { tokens: tokens, prec: op_precedence, pos: 0 } } /// Parses the content of the parser. pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result { let result = match self.current()? { Def => self.parse_def(), Extern => self.parse_extern(), _ => self.parse_toplevel_expr() }; match result { Ok(result) => { if !self.at_end() { Err("Unexpected token after parsed expression.") } else { Ok(result) } }, err => err } } /// Returns the current `Token`, without performing safety checks beforehand. fn curr(&self) -> Token { self.tokens[self.pos].clone() } /// Returns the current `Token`, or an error that /// indicates that the end of the file has been unexpectedly reached if it is the case. fn current(&self) -> Result { if self.pos >= self.tokens.len() { Err("Unexpected end of file.") } else { Ok(self.tokens[self.pos].clone()) } } /// Advances the position, and returns an empty `Result` whose error /// indicates that the end of the file has been unexpectedly reached. /// This allows to use the `self.advance()?;` syntax. fn advance(&mut self) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let npos = self.pos + 1; self.pos = npos; if npos < self.tokens.len() { Ok(()) } else { Err("Unexpected end of file.") } } /// Returns a value indicating whether or not the `Parser` /// has reached the end of the input. fn at_end(&self) -> bool { self.pos >= self.tokens.len() } /// Returns the precedence of the current `Token`, or 0 if it is not recognized as a binary operator. fn get_tok_precedence(&self) -> i32 { if let Ok(Op(op)) = self.current() { *self.prec.get(&op).unwrap_or(&100) } else { -1 } } /// Parses the prototype of a function, whether external or user-defined. fn parse_prototype(&mut self) -> Result { let (id, is_operator, precedence) = match self.curr() { Ident(id) => { self.advance()?; (id, false, 0) }, Binary => { self.advance()?; let op = match self.curr() { Op(ch) => ch, _ => return Err("Expected operator in custom operator declaration.") }; self.advance()?; let mut name = String::from("binary"); name.push(op); let prec = if let Number(prec) = self.curr() { self.advance()?; prec as usize } else { 0 }; self.prec.insert(op, prec as i32); (name, true, prec) }, Unary => { self.advance()?; let op = match self.curr() { Op(ch) => ch, _ => return Err("Expected operator in custom operator declaration.") }; let mut name = String::from("unary"); name.push(op); self.advance()?; (name, true, 0) }, _ => return Err("Expected identifier in prototype declaration.") }; match self.curr() { LParen => (), _ => return Err("Expected '(' character in prototype declaration.") } self.advance()?; if let RParen = self.curr() { self.advance(); return Ok(Prototype { name: id, args: vec![], is_op: is_operator, prec: precedence }); } let mut args = vec![]; loop { match self.curr() { Ident(name) => args.push(name), _ => return Err("Expected identifier in parameter declaration.") } self.advance()?; match self.curr() { RParen => { self.advance(); break; }, Comma => { self.advance(); }, _ => return Err("Expected ',' or ')' character in prototype declaration.") } } Ok(Prototype { name: id, args: args, is_op: is_operator, prec: precedence }) } /// Parses a user-defined function. fn parse_def(&mut self) -> Result { // Eat 'def' keyword self.pos += 1; // Parse signature of function let proto = self.parse_prototype()?; // Parse body of function let body = self.parse_expr()?; // Return new function Ok(Function { prototype: proto, body: Some(body), is_anon: false }) } /// Parses an external function declaration. fn parse_extern(&mut self) -> Result { // Eat 'extern' keyword self.pos += 1; // Parse signature of extern function let proto = self.parse_prototype()?; Ok(Function { prototype: proto, body: None, is_anon: false }) } /// Parses any expression. fn parse_expr(&mut self) -> Result { match self.parse_unary_expr() { Ok(left) => self.parse_binary_expr(0, left), err => err } } /// Parses a literal number. fn parse_nb_expr(&mut self) -> Result { // Simply convert Token::Number to Expr::Number match self.curr() { Number(nb) => { self.advance(); Ok(Expr::Number(nb)) }, _ => Err("Expected number literal.") } } /// Parses an expression enclosed in parenthesis. fn parse_paren_expr(&mut self) -> Result { match self.current()? { LParen => (), _ => return Err("Expected '(' character at start of parenthesized expression.") } self.advance()?; let expr = self.parse_expr()?; match self.current()? { RParen => (), _ => return Err("Expected ')' character at end of parenthesized expression.") } self.advance(); Ok(expr) } /// Parses an expression that starts with an identifier (either a variable or a function call). fn parse_id_expr(&mut self) -> Result { let id = match self.curr() { Ident(id) => id, _ => return Err("Expected identifier.") }; if self.advance().is_err() { return Ok(Expr::Variable(id)); } match self.curr() { LParen => { self.advance()?; if let RParen = self.curr() { return Ok(Expr::Call { fn_name: id, args: vec![] }); } let mut args = vec![]; loop { args.push(self.parse_expr()?); match self.current()? { Comma => (), RParen => break, _ => return Err("Expected ',' character in function call.") } self.advance()?; } self.advance(); Ok(Expr::Call { fn_name: id, args: args }) }, _ => Ok(Expr::Variable(id)) } } /// Parses an unary expression. fn parse_unary_expr(&mut self) -> Result { let op = match self.current()? { Op(ch) => { self.advance()?; ch }, _ => return self.parse_primary() }; let mut name = String::from("unary"); name.push(op); Ok(Expr::Call { fn_name: name, args: vec![ self.parse_unary_expr()? ] }) } /// Parses a binary expression, given its left-hand expression. fn parse_binary_expr(&mut self, prec: i32, mut left: Expr) -> Result { loop { let curr_prec = self.get_tok_precedence(); if curr_prec < prec || self.at_end() { return Ok(left); } let op = match self.curr() { Op(op) => op, _ => return Err("Invalid operator.") }; self.advance()?; let mut right = self.parse_unary_expr()?; let next_prec = self.get_tok_precedence(); if curr_prec < next_prec { right = self.parse_binary_expr(curr_prec + 1, right)?; } left = Expr::Binary { op: op, left: Box::new(left), right: Box::new(right) }; } } /// Parses a conditional if..then..else expression. fn parse_conditional_expr(&mut self) -> Result { // eat 'if' token self.advance()?; let cond = self.parse_expr()?; // eat 'then' token match self.current() { Ok(Then) => self.advance()?, _ => return Err("Expected 'then' keyword.") } let then = self.parse_expr()?; // eat 'else' token match self.current() { Ok(Else) => self.advance()?, _ => return Err("Expected 'else' keyword.") } let otherwise = self.parse_expr()?; Ok(Expr::Conditional { cond: Box::new(cond), consequence: Box::new(then), alternative: Box::new(otherwise) }) } /// Parses a loop for..in.. expression. fn parse_for_expr(&mut self) -> Result { // eat 'for' token self.advance()?; let name = match self.curr() { Ident(n) => n, _ => return Err("Expected identifier in for loop.") }; // eat identifier self.advance()?; // eat '=' token match self.curr() { Op('=') => self.advance()?, _ => return Err("Expected '=' character in for loop.") } let start = self.parse_expr()?; // eat ',' token match self.current()? { Comma => self.advance()?, _ => return Err("Expected ',' character in for loop.") } let end = self.parse_expr()?; // parse (optional) step expression let step = match self.current()? { Comma => { self.advance()?; Some(self.parse_expr()?) }, _ => None }; // eat 'in' token match self.current()? { In => self.advance()?, _ => return Err("Expected 'in' keyword in for loop.") } let body = self.parse_expr()?; Ok(Expr::For { var_name: name, start: Box::new(start), end: Box::new(end), step: step.map(Box::new), body: Box::new(body) }) } /// Parses a var..in expression. fn parse_var_expr(&mut self) -> Result { // eat 'var' token self.advance()?; let mut variables = Vec::new(); // parse variables loop { let name = match self.curr() { Ident(name) => name, _ => return Err("Expected identifier in 'var..in' declaration.") }; self.advance()?; // read (optional) initializer let initializer = match self.curr() { Op('=') => Some({ self.advance()?; self.parse_expr()? }), _ => None }; variables.push((name, initializer)); match self.curr() { Comma => { self.advance()?; }, In => { self.advance()?; break; } _ => { return Err("Expected comma or 'in' keyword in variable declaration.") } } } // parse body let body = self.parse_expr()?; Ok(Expr::VarIn { variables: variables, body: Box::new(body) }) } /// Parses a primary expression (an identifier, a number or a parenthesized expression). fn parse_primary(&mut self) -> Result { match self.curr() { Ident(_) => self.parse_id_expr(), Number(_) => self.parse_nb_expr(), LParen => self.parse_paren_expr(), If => self.parse_conditional_expr(), For => self.parse_for_expr(), Var => self.parse_var_expr(), _ => Err("Unknown expression.") } } /// Parses a top-level expression and makes an anonymous function out of it, /// for easier compilation. fn parse_toplevel_expr(&mut self) -> Result { match self.parse_expr() { Ok(expr) => { Ok(Function { prototype: Prototype { name: ANONYMOUS_FUNCTION_NAME.to_string(), args: vec![], is_op: false, prec: 0 }, body: Some(expr), is_anon: true }) }, Err(err) => Err(err) } } } // ====================================================================================== // COMPILER ============================================================================= // ====================================================================================== /// Defines the `Expr` compiler. pub struct Compiler<'a, 'ctx> { pub context: &'ctx Context, pub builder: &'a Builder<'ctx>, pub fpm: &'a PassManager>, pub module: &'a Module<'ctx>, pub function: &'a Function, variables: HashMap>, fn_value_opt: Option> } impl<'a, 'ctx> Compiler<'a, 'ctx> { /// Gets a defined function given its name. #[inline] fn get_function(&self, name: &str) -> Option> { self.module.get_function(name) } /// Returns the `FunctionValue` representing the function being compiled. #[inline] fn fn_value(&self) -> FunctionValue<'ctx> { self.fn_value_opt.unwrap() } /// Creates a new stack allocation instruction in the entry block of the function. fn create_entry_block_alloca(&self, name: &str) -> PointerValue<'ctx> { let builder = self.context.create_builder(); let entry = self.fn_value().get_first_basic_block().unwrap(); match entry.get_first_instruction() { Some(first_instr) => builder.position_before(&first_instr), None => builder.position_at_end(entry) } builder.build_alloca(self.context.f64_type(), name) } /// Compiles the specified `Expr` into an LLVM `FloatValue`. fn compile_expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Result, &'static str> { match *expr { Expr::Number(nb) => Ok(self.context.f64_type().const_float(nb)), Expr::Variable(ref name) => { match self.variables.get(name.as_str()) { Some(var) => Ok(self.builder.build_load(*var, name.as_str()).into_float_value()), None => Err("Could not find a matching variable.") } }, Expr::VarIn { ref variables, ref body } => { let mut old_bindings = Vec::new(); for &(ref var_name, ref initializer) in variables { let var_name = var_name.as_str(); let initial_val = match *initializer { Some(ref init) => self.compile_expr(init)?, None => self.context.f64_type().const_float(0.) }; let alloca = self.create_entry_block_alloca(var_name); self.builder.build_store(alloca, initial_val); if let Some(old_binding) = self.variables.remove(var_name) { old_bindings.push(old_binding); } self.variables.insert(var_name.to_string(), alloca); } let body = self.compile_expr(body)?; for binding in old_bindings { self.variables.insert(binding.get_name().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), binding); } Ok(body) }, Expr::Binary { op, ref left, ref right } => { if op == '=' { // handle assignement let var_name = match *left.borrow() { Expr::Variable(ref var_name) => var_name, _ => { return Err("Expected variable as left-hand operator of assignement."); } }; let var_val = self.compile_expr(right)?; let var = self.variables.get(var_name.as_str()).ok_or("Undefined variable.")?; self.builder.build_store(*var, var_val); Ok(var_val) } else { let lhs = self.compile_expr(left)?; let rhs = self.compile_expr(right)?; match op { '+' => Ok(self.builder.build_float_add(lhs, rhs, "tmpadd")), '-' => Ok(self.builder.build_float_sub(lhs, rhs, "tmpsub")), '*' => Ok(self.builder.build_float_mul(lhs, rhs, "tmpmul")), '/' => Ok(self.builder.build_float_div(lhs, rhs, "tmpdiv")), '<' => Ok({ let cmp = self.builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::ULT, lhs, rhs, "tmpcmp"); self.builder.build_unsigned_int_to_float(cmp, self.context.f64_type(), "tmpbool") }), '>' => Ok({ let cmp = self.builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::ULT, rhs, lhs, "tmpcmp"); self.builder.build_unsigned_int_to_float(cmp, self.context.f64_type(), "tmpbool") }), custom => { let mut name = String::from("binary"); name.push(custom); match self.get_function(name.as_str()) { Some(fun) => { match self.builder.build_call(fun, &[lhs.into(), rhs.into()], "tmpbin").try_as_basic_value().left() { Some(value) => Ok(value.into_float_value()), None => Err("Invalid call produced.") } }, None => Err("Undefined binary operator.") } } } } }, Expr::Call { ref fn_name, ref args } => { match self.get_function(fn_name.as_str()) { Some(fun) => { let mut compiled_args = Vec::with_capacity(args.len()); for arg in args { compiled_args.push(self.compile_expr(arg)?); } let argsv: Vec = compiled_args.iter().by_ref().map(|&val| val.into()).collect(); match self.builder.build_call(fun, argsv.as_slice(), "tmp").try_as_basic_value().left() { Some(value) => Ok(value.into_float_value()), None => Err("Invalid call produced.") } }, None => Err("Unknown function.") } }, Expr::Conditional { ref cond, ref consequence, ref alternative } => { let parent = self.fn_value(); let zero_const = self.context.f64_type().const_float(0.0); // create condition by comparing without 0.0 and returning an int let cond = self.compile_expr(cond)?; let cond = self.builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::ONE, cond, zero_const, "ifcond"); // build branch let then_bb = self.context.append_basic_block(parent, "then"); let else_bb = self.context.append_basic_block(parent, "else"); let cont_bb = self.context.append_basic_block(parent, "ifcont"); self.builder.build_conditional_branch(cond, then_bb, else_bb); // build then block self.builder.position_at_end(then_bb); let then_val = self.compile_expr(consequence)?; self.builder.build_unconditional_branch(cont_bb); let then_bb = self.builder.get_insert_block().unwrap(); // build else block self.builder.position_at_end(else_bb); let else_val = self.compile_expr(alternative)?; self.builder.build_unconditional_branch(cont_bb); let else_bb = self.builder.get_insert_block().unwrap(); // emit merge block self.builder.position_at_end(cont_bb); let phi = self.builder.build_phi(self.context.f64_type(), "iftmp"); phi.add_incoming(&[ (&then_val, then_bb), (&else_val, else_bb) ]); Ok(phi.as_basic_value().into_float_value()) }, Expr::For { ref var_name, ref start, ref end, ref step, ref body } => { let parent = self.fn_value(); let start_alloca = self.create_entry_block_alloca(var_name); let start = self.compile_expr(start)?; self.builder.build_store(start_alloca, start); // go from current block to loop block let loop_bb = self.context.append_basic_block(parent, "loop"); self.builder.build_unconditional_branch(loop_bb); self.builder.position_at_end(loop_bb); let old_val = self.variables.remove(var_name.as_str()); self.variables.insert(var_name.to_owned(), start_alloca); // emit body self.compile_expr(body)?; // emit step let step = match *step { Some(ref step) => self.compile_expr(step)?, None => self.context.f64_type().const_float(1.0) }; // compile end condition let end_cond = self.compile_expr(end)?; let curr_var = self.builder.build_load(start_alloca, var_name); let next_var = self.builder.build_float_add(curr_var.into_float_value(), step, "nextvar"); self.builder.build_store(start_alloca, next_var); let end_cond = self.builder.build_float_compare(FloatPredicate::ONE, end_cond, self.context.f64_type().const_float(0.0), "loopcond"); let after_bb = self.context.append_basic_block(parent, "afterloop"); self.builder.build_conditional_branch(end_cond, loop_bb, after_bb); self.builder.position_at_end(after_bb); self.variables.remove(var_name); if let Some(val) = old_val { self.variables.insert(var_name.to_owned(), val); } Ok(self.context.f64_type().const_float(0.0)) } } } /// Compiles the specified `Prototype` into an extern LLVM `FunctionValue`. fn compile_prototype(&self, proto: &Prototype) -> Result, &'static str> { let ret_type = self.context.f64_type(); let args_types = std::iter::repeat(ret_type) .take(proto.args.len()) .map(|f| f.into()) .collect::>(); let args_types = args_types.as_slice(); let fn_type = self.context.f64_type().fn_type(args_types, false); let fn_val = self.module.add_function(proto.name.as_str(), fn_type, None); // set arguments names for (i, arg) in fn_val.get_param_iter().enumerate() { arg.into_float_value().set_name(proto.args[i].as_str()); } // finally return built prototype Ok(fn_val) } /// Compiles the specified `Function` into an LLVM `FunctionValue`. fn compile_fn(&mut self) -> Result, &'static str> { let proto = &self.function.prototype; let function = self.compile_prototype(proto)?; // got external function, returning only compiled prototype if self.function.body.is_none() { return Ok(function); } let entry = self.context.append_basic_block(function, "entry"); self.builder.position_at_end(entry); // update fn field self.fn_value_opt = Some(function); // build variables map self.variables.reserve(proto.args.len()); for (i, arg) in function.get_param_iter().enumerate() { let arg_name = proto.args[i].as_str(); let alloca = self.create_entry_block_alloca(arg_name); self.builder.build_store(alloca, arg); self.variables.insert(proto.args[i].clone(), alloca); } // compile body let body = self.compile_expr(self.function.body.as_ref().unwrap())?; self.builder.build_return(Some(&body)); // return the whole thing after verification and optimization if function.verify(true) { self.fpm.run_on(&function); Ok(function) } else { unsafe { function.delete(); } Err("Invalid generated function.") } } /// Compiles the specified `Function` in the given `Context` and using the specified `Builder`, `PassManager`, and `Module`. pub fn compile( context: &'ctx Context, builder: &'a Builder<'ctx>, pass_manager: &'a PassManager>, module: &'a Module<'ctx>, function: &Function, ) -> Result, &'static str> { let mut compiler = Compiler { context: context, builder: builder, fpm: pass_manager, module: module, function: function, fn_value_opt: None, variables: HashMap::new() }; compiler.compile_fn() } } // ====================================================================================== // PROGRAM ============================================================================== // ====================================================================================== // macro used to print & flush without printing a new line macro_rules! print_flush { ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => { print!( $($x, )* ); std::io::stdout().flush().expect("Could not flush to standard output."); }; } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn putchard(x: f64) -> f64 { print_flush!("{}", x as u8 as char); x } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn printd(x: f64) -> f64 { println!("{}", x); x } // Adding the functions above to a global array, // so Rust compiler won't remove them. #[used] static EXTERNAL_FNS: [extern fn(f64) -> f64; 2] = [putchard, printd]; /// Entry point of the program; acts as a REPL. pub fn main() { // use self::inkwell::support::add_symbol; let mut display_lexer_output = false; let mut display_parser_output = false; let mut display_compiler_output = false; for arg in std::env::args() { match arg.as_str() { "--dl" => display_lexer_output = true, "--dp" => display_parser_output = true, "--dc" => display_compiler_output = true, _ => () } } let context = Context::create(); let module = context.create_module("repl"); let builder = context.create_builder(); // Create FPM let fpm = PassManager::create(&module); fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass(); fpm.add_reassociate_pass(); fpm.add_gvn_pass(); fpm.add_cfg_simplification_pass(); fpm.add_basic_alias_analysis_pass(); fpm.add_promote_memory_to_register_pass(); fpm.add_instruction_combining_pass(); fpm.add_reassociate_pass(); fpm.initialize(); let mut previous_exprs = Vec::new(); loop { println!(); print_flush!("?> "); // Read input from stdin let mut input = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Could not read from standard input."); if input.starts_with("exit") || input.starts_with("quit") { break; } else if input.chars().all(char::is_whitespace) { continue; } // Build precedence map let mut prec = HashMap::with_capacity(6); prec.insert('=', 2); prec.insert('<', 10); prec.insert('+', 20); prec.insert('-', 20); prec.insert('*', 40); prec.insert('/', 40); // Parse and (optionally) display input if display_lexer_output { println!("-> Attempting to parse lexed input: \n{:?}\n", Lexer::new(input.as_str()).collect::>()); } // make module let module = context.create_module("tmp"); // recompile every previously parsed function into the new module for prev in &previous_exprs { Compiler::compile(&context, &builder, &fpm, &module, prev).expect("Cannot re-add previously compiled function."); } let (name, is_anonymous) = match Parser::new(input, &mut prec).parse() { Ok(fun) => { let is_anon = fun.is_anon; if display_parser_output { if is_anon { println!("-> Expression parsed: \n{:?}\n", fun.body); } else { println!("-> Function parsed: \n{:?}\n", fun); } } match Compiler::compile(&context, &builder, &fpm, &module, &fun) { Ok(function) => { if display_compiler_output { // Not printing a new line since LLVM automatically // prefixes the generated string with one print_flush!("-> Expression compiled to IR:"); function.print_to_stderr(); } if !is_anon { // only add it now to ensure it is correct previous_exprs.push(fun); } (function.get_name().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), is_anon) }, Err(err) => { println!("!> Error compiling function: {}", err); continue; } } }, Err(err) => { println!("!> Error parsing expression: {}", err); continue; } }; if is_anonymous { let ee = module.create_jit_execution_engine(OptimizationLevel::None).unwrap(); let maybe_fn = unsafe { ee.get_function:: f64>(name.as_str()) }; let compiled_fn = match maybe_fn { Ok(f) => f, Err(err) => { println!("!> Error during execution: {:?}", err); continue; } }; unsafe { println!("=> {}", compiled_fn.call()); } } } }