#![cfg(not(miri))] use anyhow::Result; use wasmtime::*; #[test] fn test_import_calling_export() { const WAT: &str = r#" (module (type $t0 (func)) (import "" "imp" (func $.imp (type $t0))) (func $run call $.imp) (func $other) (export "run" (func $run)) (export "other" (func $other)) ) "#; let mut store = Store::>::default(); let module = Module::new(store.engine(), WAT).expect("failed to create module"); let callback_func = Func::new( &mut store, FuncType::new(None, None), move |mut caller, _, _| { caller .data() .unwrap() .call(&mut caller, &[], &mut []) .expect("expected function not to trap"); Ok(()) }, ); let imports = vec![callback_func.into()]; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, imports.as_slice()) .expect("failed to instantiate module"); let run_func = instance .get_func(&mut store, "run") .expect("expected a run func in the module"); let other_func = instance .get_func(&mut store, "other") .expect("expected an other func in the module"); *store.data_mut() = Some(other_func); run_func .call(&mut store, &[], &mut []) .expect("expected function not to trap"); } #[test] fn test_returns_incorrect_type() -> Result<()> { const WAT: &str = r#" (module (import "env" "evil" (func $evil (result i32))) (func (export "run") (result i32) (call $evil) ) ) "#; let mut store = Store::<()>::default(); let module = Module::new(store.engine(), WAT)?; let callback_func = Func::new( &mut store, FuncType::new(None, Some(ValType::I32)), |_, _, results| { // Evil! Returns I64 here instead of promised in the signature I32. results[0] = Val::I64(228); Ok(()) }, ); let imports = vec![callback_func.into()]; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, imports.as_slice())?; let run_func = instance .get_func(&mut store, "run") .expect("expected a run func in the module"); let mut result = [Val::I32(0)]; let trap = run_func .call(&mut store, &[], &mut result) .expect_err("the execution should fail"); assert!(format!("{:?}", trap).contains("function attempted to return an incompatible value")); Ok(()) }