use anyhow::Result; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering::SeqCst}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use wasmtime::*; fn module(engine: &Engine) -> Result { let mut wat = format!("(module\n"); wat.push_str("(import \"\" \"\" (memory 0))\n"); for i in 0..=33 { let offset = if i == 0 { 0 } else if i == 33 { !0 } else { 1u32 << (i - 1) }; for (width, instr) in [ (1, &["i32.load8_s"][..]), (2, &["i32.load16_s"]), (4, &["i32.load" /*, "f32.load"*/]), (8, &["i64.load" /*, "f64.load"*/]), #[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "s390x", target_arch = "riscv64")))] (16, &["v128.load"]), ] .iter() { for (j, instr) in instr.iter().enumerate() { wat.push_str(&format!( "(func (export \"{} {} v{}\") (param i32)\n", width, offset, j )); wat.push_str("local.get 0\n"); wat.push_str(instr); wat.push_str(&format!(" offset={}\n", offset)); wat.push_str("drop\n)"); } } } wat.push_str(")"); Module::new(engine, &wat) } struct TestFunc { width: u32, offset: u32, func: TypedFunc, } fn find_funcs(store: &mut Store<()>, instance: &Instance) -> Vec { let list = instance .exports(&mut *store) .map(|export| { let name =; let mut parts = name.split_whitespace(); (,, export.into_func().unwrap(), ) }) .collect::>(); list.into_iter() .map(|(width, offset, func)| TestFunc { width, offset, func: func.typed(&store).unwrap(), }) .collect() } fn test_traps(store: &mut Store<()>, funcs: &[TestFunc], addr: u32, mem: &Memory) { let mem_size = mem.data_size(&store) as u64; for func in funcs { let result = *store, addr); let base = u64::from(func.offset) + u64::from(addr); let range = base..base + u64::from(func.width); if range.start >= mem_size || range.end >= mem_size { assert!( result.is_err(), "access at {}+{}+{} succeeded but should have failed when memory has {} bytes", addr, func.offset, func.width, mem_size ); } else { assert!(result.is_ok()); } } } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn offsets_static_dynamic_oh_my() -> Result<()> { const GB: u64 = 1 << 30; let mut engines = Vec::new(); let sizes = [0, 1 * GB, 4 * GB]; for &static_memory_maximum_size in sizes.iter() { for &guard_size in sizes.iter() { for &guard_before_linear_memory in [true, false].iter() { let mut config = Config::new(); config.wasm_simd(true); config.static_memory_maximum_size(static_memory_maximum_size); config.dynamic_memory_guard_size(guard_size); config.static_memory_guard_size(guard_size); config.guard_before_linear_memory(guard_before_linear_memory); config.cranelift_debug_verifier(true); engines.push(Engine::new(&config)?); } } } engines.par_iter().for_each(|engine| { let module = module(&engine).unwrap(); for (min, max) in [(1, Some(2)), (1, None)].iter() { let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let mem = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(*min, *max)).unwrap(); let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[mem.into()]).unwrap(); let funcs = find_funcs(&mut store, &instance); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, 0, &mem); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, 65536, &mem); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, u32::MAX, &mem); mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, 0, &mem); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, 65536, &mem); test_traps(&mut store, &funcs, u32::MAX, &mem); } }); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn guards_present() -> Result<()> { const GUARD_SIZE: u64 = 65536; let mut config = Config::new(); config.static_memory_maximum_size(1 << 20); config.dynamic_memory_guard_size(GUARD_SIZE); config.static_memory_guard_size(GUARD_SIZE); config.guard_before_linear_memory(true); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let static_mem = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(1, Some(2)))?; let dynamic_mem = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(1, None))?; let assert_guards = |store: &Store<()>| unsafe { // guards before println!("check pre-static-mem"); assert_faults(static_mem.data_ptr(&store).offset(-(GUARD_SIZE as isize))); println!("check pre-dynamic-mem"); assert_faults(dynamic_mem.data_ptr(&store).offset(-(GUARD_SIZE as isize))); // guards after println!("check post-static-mem"); assert_faults( static_mem .data_ptr(&store) .add(static_mem.data_size(&store)), ); println!("check post-dynamic-mem"); assert_faults( dynamic_mem .data_ptr(&store) .add(dynamic_mem.data_size(&store)), ); }; assert_guards(&store); // static memory should start with the second page unmapped unsafe { assert_faults(static_mem.data_ptr(&store).add(65536)); } println!("growing"); static_mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); dynamic_mem.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); assert_guards(&store); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn guards_present_pooling() -> Result<()> { const GUARD_SIZE: u64 = 65536; let mut pool = PoolingAllocationConfig::default(); pool.instance_count(2).instance_memory_pages(10); let mut config = Config::new(); config.static_memory_maximum_size(1 << 20); config.dynamic_memory_guard_size(GUARD_SIZE); config.static_memory_guard_size(GUARD_SIZE); config.guard_before_linear_memory(true); config.allocation_strategy(InstanceAllocationStrategy::Pooling(pool)); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let mem1 = { let m = Module::new(&engine, "(module (memory (export \"\") 1 2))")?; Instance::new(&mut store, &m, &[])? .get_memory(&mut store, "") .unwrap() }; let mem2 = { let m = Module::new(&engine, "(module (memory (export \"\") 1))")?; Instance::new(&mut store, &m, &[])? .get_memory(&mut store, "") .unwrap() }; unsafe fn assert_guards(store: &Store<()>, mem: &Memory) { // guards before println!("check pre-mem"); assert_faults(mem.data_ptr(&store).offset(-(GUARD_SIZE as isize))); // unmapped just after memory println!("check mem"); assert_faults(mem.data_ptr(&store).add(mem.data_size(&store))); // guards after memory println!("check post-mem"); assert_faults(mem.data_ptr(&store).add(1 << 20)); } unsafe { assert_guards(&store, &mem1); assert_guards(&store, &mem2); println!("growing"); mem1.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); mem2.grow(&mut store, 1).unwrap(); assert_guards(&store, &mem1); assert_guards(&store, &mem2); } Ok(()) } unsafe fn assert_faults(ptr: *mut u8) { use std::io::Error; #[cfg(unix)] { // There's probably a faster way to do this here, but, uh, when in rome? match libc::fork() { 0 => { *ptr = 4; std::process::exit(0); } -1 => panic!("failed to fork: {}", Error::last_os_error()), n => { let mut status = 0; assert!( libc::waitpid(n, &mut status, 0) == n, "failed to wait: {}", Error::last_os_error() ); assert!(libc::WIFSIGNALED(status)); } } } #[cfg(windows)] { use windows_sys::Win32::System::Memory::*; let mut info = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit(); let r = VirtualQuery( ptr as *const _, info.as_mut_ptr(), std::mem::size_of_val(&info), ); if r == 0 { panic!("failed to VirtualAlloc: {}", Error::last_os_error()); } let info = info.assume_init(); assert_eq!(info.AllocationProtect, PAGE_NOACCESS); } } #[test] fn massive_64_bit_still_limited() -> Result<()> { // Creating a 64-bit memory which exceeds the limits of the address space // should still send a request to the `ResourceLimiter` to ensure that it // gets at least some chance to see that oom was requested. let mut config = Config::new(); config.wasm_memory64(true); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, MyLimiter { hit: false }); store.limiter(|x| x); let ty = MemoryType::new64(1 << 48, None); assert!(Memory::new(&mut store, ty).is_err()); assert!(; return Ok(()); struct MyLimiter { hit: bool, } impl ResourceLimiter for MyLimiter { fn memory_growing( &mut self, _current: usize, _request: usize, _max: Option, ) -> Result { self.hit = true; Ok(true) } fn table_growing( &mut self, _current: u32, _request: u32, _max: Option, ) -> Result { unreachable!() } } } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn tiny_static_heap() -> Result<()> { // The size of the memory in the module below is the exact same size as // the static memory size limit in the configuration. This is intended to // specifically test that a load of all the valid addresses of the memory // all pass bounds-checks in cranelift to help weed out any off-by-one bugs. let mut config = Config::new(); config.static_memory_maximum_size(65536); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let module = Module::new( &engine, r#" (module (memory 1 1) (func (export "run") (local $i i32) (loop (if (i32.eq (local.get $i) (i32.const 65536)) (return)) (drop (i32.load8_u (local.get $i))) (local.set $i (i32.add (local.get $i) (i32.const 1))) br 0 ) ) ) "#, )?; let i = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?; let f = i.get_typed_func::<(), ()>(&mut store, "run")?; store, ())?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn static_forced_max() -> Result<()> { let mut config = Config::new(); config.static_memory_maximum_size(5 * 65536); config.static_memory_forced(true); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); let mem = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(0, None))?; mem.grow(&mut store, 5).unwrap(); assert!(mem.grow(&mut store, 1).is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn dynamic_extra_growth_unchanged_pointer() -> Result<()> { const EXTRA_PAGES: u64 = 5; let mut config = Config::new(); config.static_memory_maximum_size(0); // 5 wasm pages extra config.dynamic_memory_reserved_for_growth(EXTRA_PAGES * (1 << 16)); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); fn assert_behaves_well(store: &mut Store<()>, mem: &Memory) -> Result<()> { let ptr = mem.data_ptr(&store); // Each growth here should retain the same linear pointer in memory and the // memory shouldn't get moved. for _ in 0..EXTRA_PAGES { mem.grow(&mut *store, 1)?; assert_eq!(ptr, mem.data_ptr(&store)); } // Growth afterwards though will be forced to move the pointer mem.grow(&mut *store, 1)?; let new_ptr = mem.data_ptr(&store); assert_ne!(ptr, new_ptr); for _ in 0..EXTRA_PAGES - 1 { mem.grow(&mut *store, 1)?; assert_eq!(new_ptr, mem.data_ptr(&store)); } Ok(()) } let mem = Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new(10, None))?; assert_behaves_well(&mut store, &mem)?; let module = Module::new(&engine, r#"(module (memory (export "mem") 10))"#)?; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?; let mem = instance.get_memory(&mut store, "mem").unwrap(); assert_behaves_well(&mut store, &mem)?; let module = Module::new( &engine, r#" (module (memory (export "mem") 10) (data (i32.const 0) "")) "#, )?; let instance = Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[])?; let mem = instance.get_memory(&mut store, "mem").unwrap(); assert_behaves_well(&mut store, &mem)?; Ok(()) } // This test exercises trying to create memories of the maximum 64-bit memory // size of `1 << 48` pages. This should always fail but in the process of // determining this failure we shouldn't hit any overflows or anything like that // (checked via debug-mode tests). #[test] fn memory64_maximum_minimum() -> Result<()> { let mut config = Config::new(); config.wasm_memory64(true); let engine = Engine::new(&config)?; let mut store = Store::new(&engine, ()); assert!(Memory::new(&mut store, MemoryType::new64(1 << 48, None)).is_err()); let module = Module::new( &engine, &format!( r#" (module (memory i64 {}) ) "#, 1u64 << 48, ), )?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[]).is_err()); let module = Module::new( &engine, &format!( r#" (module (memory i64 {}) (data (i64.const 0) "") ) "#, 1u64 << 48, ), )?; assert!(Instance::new(&mut store, &module, &[]).is_err()); Ok(()) } #[test] fn shared_memory_basics() -> Result<()> { let engine = Engine::default(); assert!(SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::new(1, None)).is_err()); assert!(SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::new(1, Some(1))).is_err()); assert!(SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::new64(1, None)).is_err()); assert!(SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::new64(1, Some(1))).is_err()); assert!(SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::shared(1, 0)).is_err()); let memory = SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::shared(1, 1))?; assert!(memory.ty().is_shared()); assert_eq!(memory.ty().minimum(), 1); assert_eq!(memory.ty().maximum(), Some(1)); assert_eq!(memory.size(), 1); assert_eq!(memory.data_size(), 65536); assert_eq!(, 65536); assert!(memory.grow(1).is_err()); // misaligned assert_eq!(memory.atomic_notify(1, 100), Err(Trap::HeapMisaligned)); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait32(1, 100, None), Err(Trap::HeapMisaligned) ); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait64(1, 100, None), Err(Trap::HeapMisaligned) ); // oob assert_eq!( memory.atomic_notify(1 << 20, 100), Err(Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds) ); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait32(1 << 20, 100, None), Err(Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds) ); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait64(1 << 20, 100, None), Err(Trap::MemoryOutOfBounds) ); // ok assert_eq!(memory.atomic_notify(8, 100), Ok(0)); assert_eq!(memory.atomic_wait32(8, 1, None), Ok(WaitResult::Mismatch)); assert_eq!(memory.atomic_wait64(8, 1, None), Ok(WaitResult::Mismatch)); // timeout let near_future = Instant::now() + Duration::new(0, 100); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait32(8, 0, Some(near_future)), Ok(WaitResult::TimedOut) ); assert_eq!( memory.atomic_wait64(8, 0, Some(near_future)), Ok(WaitResult::TimedOut) ); Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] fn shared_memory_wait_notify() -> Result<()> { const THREADS: usize = 8; const COUNT: usize = 100_000; let engine = Engine::default(); let memory = SharedMemory::new(&engine, MemoryType::shared(1, 1))?; let data = unsafe { &*( as *const AtomicU32) }; let locked = unsafe { &*( as *const AtomicU32) }; // Note that `SeqCst` is used here to not think much about the orderings // here, and it also somewhat more closely mirrors what's happening in wasm. let lock = || { while locked.swap(1, SeqCst) == 1 { memory.atomic_wait32(0, 1, None).unwrap(); } }; let unlock = || {, SeqCst); memory.atomic_notify(0, 1).unwrap(); }; std::thread::scope(|s| { for _ in 0..THREADS { s.spawn(|| { for _ in 0..COUNT { lock(); let next = data.load(SeqCst) + 1;, SeqCst); unlock(); } }); } }); assert_eq!(data.load(SeqCst), (THREADS * COUNT) as u32); Ok(()) }