watched-command = "ls" interval = 3.0 # cursor line cursor-bg = "blue" cursor-boldness = "bold" # header lines header-lines = 1 header-fg = "blue" header-boldness = "non-bold" # selected lines selected-bg = "red" [keybindings] "esc" = [ "unselect-all", "help-hide" ] "q" = [ "exit" ] "j" = [ "cursor down 1" ] "A" = [ "select-all" ] "down" = [ "cursor down 1", "cursor down 1", "cursor down 1" ] "J" = [ "cursor down 3" ] "K" = [ "cursor up 1", "cursor up 1", "cursor up 1" ] "k" = [ "cursor up 1" ] "l" = [ "exec -- notify-send \"Printing $lines\"", "reload", "exec -- sleep 1", "unselect-all" ] "s" = [ "exec -- sleep 3" ] "S" = [ "exec & -- sleep 3; notify-send \"Hello world\"" ] "p" = [ "exec -- notify-send \"Executing echo\"", "exec -- echo \"Trying to overwrite watchbind's lines with stdout\"", "exec -- echo \"Trying to overwrite watchbind's lines with stderr\" >&2" ] "e" = [ "exec tui -- $EDITOR \"$line\"" ]