parameters: llvmBuildAssetName: '' llvmVersion: '' steps: # Download the LLVM build from the GitHub releases for # The Azure Pipelines DownloadGithubRelease task requires a service connection, which don't work # when building pull requests. # Instead, just use wget/curl to download the release. Unfortunately, the Windows agent doesn't # wget, and the CentOS 7.0 builder has a version of curl with a https bug that makes it unusable. - script: curl --retry 5 -L -o ${{parameters.llvmBuildAssetName}}.zip${{parameters.llvmVersion}}/${{parameters.llvmBuildAssetName}}.zip displayName: Download LLVM build (Windows) workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace) condition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows_NT') - script: wget${{parameters.llvmVersion}}/${{parameters.llvmBuildAssetName}}.zip displayName: Download LLVM build (non-Windows) workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace) condition: ne(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Windows_NT') # Extract the LLVM build from the ZIP file downloaded from GitHub. - task: ExtractFiles@1 displayName: Extract LLVM Build inputs: archiveFilePatterns: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/${{parameters.llvmBuildAssetName}}.* destinationFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/llvm cleanDestinationFolder: false