use std::fs::{DirBuilder, File}; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; pub fn start_sync< AP, Args, Arg, P > ( application : AP, args: Args, path : P, ) -> String where AP : AsRef< Path >, Args : IntoIterator< Item = Arg >, Arg : AsRef< std::ffi::OsStr >, P : AsRef< Path >, { let ( application, path ) = ( application.as_ref(), path.as_ref() ); let args = args.into_iter().map( | a | a.as_ref().into() ).collect::< Vec< std::ffi::OsString > >(); let child = Command::new( application ).args( &args ).stdout( Stdio::piped() ).stderr( Stdio::piped() ).current_dir( path ).spawn().unwrap(); let output = child.wait_with_output().unwrap(); String::from_utf8( output.stdout ).unwrap() } #[ test ] fn help_command_with_optional_params() { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let toml = format! ( r#"[package] name = "wca_hello_test" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] wca = {{path = "{}"}}"#, env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ).replace( "\\", "/" ) ) ; let main = r#"use wca::{ Type, VerifiedCommand }; fn main(){ let ca = wca::CommandsAggregator::former() .command( "echo" ) .hint( "prints all subjects and properties" ) .subject().hint( "Subject" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .property( "property" ).hint( "simple property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!( "= Args\n{:?}\n\n= Properties\n{:?}\n", o.args, o.props ) } ) .end() .perform(); let args = std::env::args().skip( 1 ).collect::< Vec< String > >(); ca.perform( args ).unwrap(); } "#; File::create( temp.path().join( "Cargo.toml" ) ).unwrap().write_all( toml.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); DirBuilder::new().create( temp.join( "src" ) ).unwrap(); File::create( temp.path().join( "src" ).join( "" ) ).unwrap().write_all( main.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); let result = start_sync( "cargo", [ "r", ".help", "echo" ], temp.path() ); assert_eq! ( "Help command\n\n.echo < subjects > < properties > - prints all subjects and properties\n\nSubjects:\n\t- Subject [?String]\nProperties:\n\tproperty - simple property [?String]\n", result ); } #[ test ] fn help_command_with_nature_order() { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let toml = format! ( r#"[package] name = "wca_hello_test" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] wca = {{path = "{}"}}"#, env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ).replace( "\\", "/" ) ) ; let main = r#"fn main() { use wca::{ Type, VerifiedCommand, Order }; let ca = wca::CommandsAggregator::former() .command( "c" ) .hint( "c" ) .property( "c-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .property( "b-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .property( "a-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("c") } ) .end() .command( "b" ) .hint( "b" ) .property( "b-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("b") } ) .end() .command( "a" ) .hint( "a" ) .property( "a-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("a") } ) .end() .order( Order::Nature ) .perform(); let args = std::env::args().skip( 1 ).collect::< Vec< String > >(); ca.perform( args ).unwrap(); }"#; File::create( temp.path().join( "Cargo.toml" ) ).unwrap().write_all( toml.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); DirBuilder::new().create( temp.join( "src" ) ).unwrap(); File::create( temp.path().join( "src" ).join( "" ) ).unwrap().write_all( main.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); let result = start_sync( "cargo", [ "r", ".help" ], temp.path() ); assert_eq! ( "Help command\n\n.c - c\n.b - b\n.a - a\n", result ); let result = start_sync( "cargo", [ "r", ".help", "c" ], temp.path() ); println!( "{result}" ); assert_eq! ( "Help command\n\n.c - c\n\nProperties:\n\tc-property - [?String]\n\tb-property - [?String]\n\ta-property - [?String]\n", result ); } #[ test ] fn help_command_with_lexicography_order() { let temp = assert_fs::TempDir::new().unwrap(); let toml = format! ( r#"[package] name = "wca_hello_test" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] wca = {{path = "{}"}}"#, env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ).replace( "\\", "/" ) ) ; let main = r#"fn main() { use wca::{ Type, VerifiedCommand, Order }; let ca = wca::CommandsAggregator::former() .command( "c" ) .hint( "c" ) .property( "c-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .property( "b-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .property( "a-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("c") } ) .end() .command( "b" ) .hint( "b" ) .property( "b-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("b") } ) .end() .command( "a" ) .hint( "a" ) .property( "a-property" ).kind( Type::String ).optional( true ).end() .routine( | o : VerifiedCommand | { println!("a") } ) .end() .order( Order::Lexicography ) .perform(); let args = std::env::args().skip( 1 ).collect::< Vec< String > >(); ca.perform( args ).unwrap(); }"#; File::create( temp.path().join( "Cargo.toml" ) ).unwrap().write_all( toml.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); DirBuilder::new().create( temp.join( "src" ) ).unwrap(); File::create( temp.path().join( "src" ).join( "" ) ).unwrap().write_all( main.as_bytes() ).unwrap(); let result = start_sync( "cargo", [ "r", ".help" ], temp.path() ); assert_eq! ( "Help command\n\n.a - a\n.b - b\n.c - c\n", result ); let result = start_sync( "cargo", [ "r", ".help", "c" ], temp.path() ); assert_eq! ( "Help command\n\n.c - c\n\nProperties:\n\ta-property - [?String]\n\tb-property - [?String]\n\tc-property - [?String]\n", result ); }