--- name: CH32V103 Series mcu_type: 5 device_type: 0x15 support_net: false support_usb: true support_serial: true description: CH32V103 (RISC-V3A) Series config_registers: - offset: 0x00 name: RDPR_USER description: RDPR, nRDPR, USER, nUSER reset: 0x00FF5AA5 fields: # byte 0 - bit_range: [7, 0] name: RDPR description: Read Protection. 0xA5 for unprotected, otherwise read-protected(ignoring WRP) explaination: 0xa5: Unprotected _: Protected # byte 2 - bit_range: [16, 16] name: IWDG_SW description: Independent watchdog (IWDG) hardware enable explaination: 1: IWDG enabled by the software, and disabled by hardware 0: IWDG enabled by the software (decided along with the LSI clock) - bit_range: [17, 17] name: STOP_RST description: System reset control under the stop mode explaination: 1: Disable 0: Enable - bit_range: [18, 18] name: STANDBY_RST description: System reset control under the standby mode, STANDY_RST explaination: 1: Disable, entering standby-mode without RST 0: Enable - offset: 0x04 name: DATA description: Customizable 2 byte data, DATA0, nDATA0, DATA1, nDATA1 reset: 0xFF00FF00 type: u32 fields: - bit_range: [7, 0] name: DATA0 - bit_range: [23, 16] name: DATA1 - offset: 0x08 name: WRP # Each bit represents 4K bytes (16 pages) to store the write protection status description: Flash memory write protection status type: u32 reset: 0xFFFFFFFF explaination: 0xFFFFFFFF: Unprotected _: Some 4K sections are protected variants: - name: CH32V103C6T6 chip_id: 0x32 flash_size: 32K - name: CH32V103(C8T6|C8U6|R8T6) chip_id: 0x33 # 63 *8*6 alt_chip_ids: ["ALL"] flash_size: 64K