use std::collections::HashSet; use wcloud::{Tokenizer, WordCloud, WordCloudSize, Word, DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_WORDS_TEXT}; use nanorand::{Rng, WyRand}; use palette::{Pixel, Srgb, Hsl, IntoColor}; use image::{ImageFormat, Rgba}; use std::time::Instant; fn main() { let script_text = include_str!("tlou1.txt") .replace("HAN", "Han") .replace("LUKE'S", "Luke"); let mut filter = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_WORDS_TEXT.lines() .collect::>(); let exclude_words = [ "oh", "alright", "okay", "gonna", "go", "c'mon", "hey", "em", "maybe", "uh", "Well", "ya", "yeah", "let", "see" ]; for word in exclude_words { filter.insert(word); } let tokenizer = Tokenizer::default() .with_max_words(100000) .with_filter(filter) .with_repeat(true); let max_font_size = Some(150.0); let wordcloud = WordCloud::default() .with_tokenizer(tokenizer) .with_word_margin(10) .with_min_font_size(5.0) .with_max_font_size(max_font_size) .with_relative_font_scaling(0.25); let mask_buf = include_bytes!("mask.png"); let mask_image = image::load_from_memory_with_format(mask_buf, ImageFormat::Png) .expect("Unable to load mask from memory") .to_luma8(); let mask = WordCloudSize::FromMask(mask_image); let color_func = |word: &Word, _rng: &mut WyRand| { // let lightness = rng.generate_range(40..100); // let saturation = word.frequency / 100.0; let freq = (word.frequency * 100.0) as u8; let saturation = match freq { 90..=100 => word.frequency, 20..=89 => 1.0, 10..=19 => 0.8, 6..=9 => 0.6, 3..=5 => 0.3, _ => 0.2, }; let col = Hsl::new(136.0, saturation, 0.5); let rgb: Srgb = col.into_color(); let raw: [u8; 3] = rgb.into_format() .into_raw(); Rgba([raw[0], raw[1], raw[2], 1]) }; let now = Instant::now(); let wordcloud_image = wordcloud.generate_from_text_with_color_func(&script_text, mask, 5.0, color_func); println!("Generated in {}ms", now.elapsed().as_millis());"examples/tlou1/tlou1.png") .expect("Unable to save image"); }