note[PreambleFormatting]: unnecessary whitespace in document preamble ┌─ tests/lints/preamble-ws/source.wdl:1:1 │ 1 │ #@ except: DescriptionMissing │ ^^^^ note[PreambleFormatting]: expected exactly one blank line between lint directives and preamble comments ┌─ tests/lints/preamble-ws/source.wdl:1:34 │ 1 │ #@ except: DescriptionMissing │ ╭─────────────────────────────────^ 2 │ │ ## This is a test of both missing and extraneous preamble whitespace. │ ╰^ note[VersionFormatting]: expected exactly one blank line between the last comment and the version statement ┌─ tests/lints/preamble-ws/source.wdl:2:70 │ 2 │ ## This is a test of both missing and extraneous preamble whitespace. │ ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────^ 3 │ │ version 1.1 │ ╰────────^