# Contributing to rust-web3-closest-provider We appreciate your interest in contributing to the `rust-web3-closest-provider` project! We welcome contributions of all kinds, from bug fixes and documentation improvements to new features and enhancements. ## Getting Started Here are some resources to help you get started: - Project repository: [rust-web3-closest-provider](https://github.com/samuelsramko/rust-web3-closest-provider) - Issue tracker: [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/samuelsramko/rust-web3-closest-provider/issues) - Contributing guidelines: This document ## Code Style and Formatting We follow the [Rust style guide](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/edition-guide/rust-2018/style/). Please make sure your code adheres to these guidelines before submitting a pull request. ## Making Changes 1. **Fork the repository**: Create a fork of the `rust-web3-closest-provider` repository on GitHub. 2. **Create a branch**: Create a new branch for your feature or fix. 3. **Make your changes**: Make your changes to the codebase, ensuring they follow the style guide and are well-documented. 4. **Test your changes**: Run the tests to ensure your changes don't introduce any regressions. 5. **Commit your changes**: Commit your changes to your branch with a descriptive message. 6. **Push your changes**: Push your changes to your fork. 7. **Create a pull request**: Create a pull request to the main branch of the upstream repository. ## Pull Request Guidelines - Include a clear description of your changes. This should explain what you changed, why you changed it, and how it addresses any issues or improves the project. - Write well-formatted code. Your code should be easy to read and understand. - Add unit tests for new code. This helps ensure that your changes don't break anything. - Follow the existing code style. This makes your code look consistent with the rest of the project. ## Additional Notes - We encourage you to submit your changes early and often. This allows us to provide feedback and help you merge your changes more quickly. - We appreciate any contributions you make to the `rust-web3-closest-provider` project! ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.