# webdav-rs
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Reusable types for implementing WebDAV clients and servers based on
[RFC 4918][rfc].
This crate is intended to be used together with libraries that build on the
general-purpose [`http`][http] crate.
[rfc]: http://webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html
[http]: https://docs.rs/http/latest/http/
## Usage
cargo add webdav-meta --rename webdav
## Implemented features
HTTP Methods
HTTP methods are currently defined as static variables, but should be moved
to constants in the future.
- [X] `MKCOL`
- [X] `COPY`
- [X] `MOVE`
- [X] `LOCK`
- [X] `UNLOCK`
HTTP Headers
- [X] `DAV`
- [X] `Depth`
- [X] `Destination`
- [X] `If`
- [X] `Lock-Token`
- [X] `Overwrite`
- [X] `Timeout`
XML Elements
- [ ] `activelock`
- [X] `allprop`: internally implemented for
- [X] `collection`: internally implemented for
- [ ] `depth`
- [ ] `error`: currently just a string
- [ ] `exclusive`
- [X] `href`
- [X] `include`
- [ ] `location`
- [ ] `lockentry`
- [ ] `lockinfo`
- [ ] `lockroot`
- [ ] `lockscope`
- [ ] `locktoken`
- [ ] `locktype`
- [X] `multistatus`
- [ ] `owner`
- [X] `prop`
- [ ] `propertyupdate`
- [X] `propfind`
- [X] `propname`: internally implemented for
- [X] `propstat`
- [ ] `remove`
- [X] `response`
- [X] `responsedescription`
- [ ] `set`
- [ ] `shared`
- [ ] `status`
- [ ] `timeout`
- [ ] `write`
DAV properties
- [X] `creationdate`
- [X] `displayname`
- [X] `getcontentlanguage`
- [X] `getcontentlength`
- [X] `getcontenttype`
- [X] `getetag`
- [X] `getlastmodified`
- [X] `lockdiscovery`
- [X] `resourcetype`
- [X] `supportedlock`
## License
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or https://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.