#!/bin/bash # Detect the operating system os=$(uname) # Get the network interface and IP address based on the OS if [ "$os" == "Linux" ]; then interface=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{print $5}') ip_address=$(ip addr show $interface | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) elif [ "$os" == "Darwin" ]; then # macOS interface=$(route -n get default | grep 'interface:' | awk '{print $2}') ip_address=$(ifconfig $interface | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}') else echo "Unsupported OS" exit 1 fi # Copy the example env file to .env if it doesn't exist [ ! -f .env ] && cp env.example .env # Check if DATABASE_URL is set in .env, if not, set it if ! grep -q "^DATABASE_URL" .env; then # Remove the existing DATABASE_URL line if [ "$os" == "Linux" ]; then sed -i '/^DATABASE_URL/d' .env elif [ "$os" == "Darwin" ]; then sed -i '' '/^DATABASE_URL/d' .env fi # Append the new DATABASE_URL line to a new line echo -e "\nDATABASE_URL=postgres://root:root@$ip_address:5440/webservice_tutorial" >> .env else echo "DATABASE_URL is already set in .env" fi