CREATE TABLE blog ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, slug VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, image_link TEXT NOT NULL, thumbnail_link TEXT NOT NULL, featured BOOLEAN NOT NULL, created TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, edited TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ); INSER INTO blog (title, slug, content, image_link, thumbnail_link, featured, created, edited) VALUES ('My First Blog Post', 'my-first-blog-post', 'This is the content of my first blog post.', '', '', TRUE, '2024-3-27T12:34:56Z', '2024-3-27T12:34:56Z'), ('My Second Blog Post', 'my-second-blog-post', 'This is the content of my second blog post.', '', '', FALSE, '2024-3-28T12:34:56Z', '2024-3-28T12:34:56Z'), ('My Third Blog Post', 'my-third-blog-post', 'This is the content of my third blog post.', '', '', TRUE, '2024-3-29T12:34:56Z', '2024-3-29T12:34:56Z');