Used to represent native events (XEvents for the X11 backend, MSGs for Win32). Converts a #GdkAtom into a pointer type. a #GdkAtom. Positioning hints for aligning a window relative to a rectangle. These hints determine how the window should be positioned in the case that the window would fall off-screen if placed in its ideal position. For example, %GDK_ANCHOR_FLIP_X will replace %GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST with %GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST and vice versa if the window extends beyond the left or right edges of the monitor. If %GDK_ANCHOR_SLIDE_X is set, the window can be shifted horizontally to fit on-screen. If %GDK_ANCHOR_RESIZE_X is set, the window can be shrunken horizontally to fit. In general, when multiple flags are set, flipping should take precedence over sliding, which should take precedence over resizing. allow flipping anchors horizontally allow flipping anchors vertically allow sliding window horizontally allow sliding window vertically allow resizing window horizontally allow resizing window vertically allow flipping anchors on both axes allow sliding window on both axes allow resizing window on both axes GdkAppLaunchContext is an implementation of #GAppLaunchContext that handles launching an application in a graphical context. It provides startup notification and allows to launch applications on a specific screen or workspace. ## Launching an application |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkAppLaunchContext *context; context = gdk_display_get_app_launch_context (display); gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen (screen); gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (event->time); if (!g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri ("", context, &error)) g_warning ("Launching failed: %s\n", error->message); g_object_unref (context); ]| Creates a new #GdkAppLaunchContext. Use gdk_display_get_app_launch_context() instead a new #GdkAppLaunchContext Sets the workspace on which applications will be launched when using this context when running under a window manager that supports multiple workspaces, as described in the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( When the workspace is not specified or @desktop is set to -1, it is up to the window manager to pick one, typically it will be the current workspace. a #GdkAppLaunchContext the number of a workspace, or -1 Sets the display on which applications will be launched when using this context. See also gdk_app_launch_context_set_screen(). Use gdk_display_get_app_launch_context() instead a #GdkAppLaunchContext a #GdkDisplay Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context. Window Managers can use this information when displaying startup notification. See also gdk_app_launch_context_set_icon_name(). a #GdkAppLaunchContext a #GIcon, or %NULL Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context. The @icon_name will be interpreted in the same way as the Icon field in desktop files. See also gdk_app_launch_context_set_icon(). If both @icon and @icon_name are set, the @icon_name takes priority. If neither @icon or @icon_name is set, the icon is taken from either the file that is passed to launched application or from the #GAppInfo for the launched application itself. a #GdkAppLaunchContext an icon name, or %NULL Sets the screen on which applications will be launched when using this context. See also gdk_app_launch_context_set_display(). If both @screen and @display are set, the @screen takes priority. If neither @screen or @display are set, the default screen and display are used. a #GdkAppLaunchContext a #GdkScreen Sets the timestamp of @context. The timestamp should ideally be taken from the event that triggered the launch. Window managers can use this information to avoid moving the focus to the newly launched application when the user is busy typing in another window. This is also known as 'focus stealing prevention'. a #GdkAppLaunchContext a timestamp An opaque type representing a string as an index into a table of strings on the X server. Determines the string corresponding to an atom. a newly-allocated string containing the string corresponding to @atom. When you are done with the return value, you should free it using g_free(). a #GdkAtom. Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. the atom corresponding to @atom_name. a string. if %TRUE, GDK is allowed to not create a new atom, but just return %GDK_NONE if the requested atom doesn’t already exists. Currently, the flag is ignored, since checking the existance of an atom is as expensive as creating it. Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. Note that this function is identical to gdk_atom_intern() except that if a new #GdkAtom is created the string itself is used rather than a copy. This saves memory, but can only be used if the string will always exist. It can be used with statically allocated strings in the main program, but not with statically allocated memory in dynamically loaded modules, if you expect to ever unload the module again (e.g. do not use this function in GTK+ theme engines). the atom corresponding to @atom_name a static string Flags describing the current capabilities of a device/tool. X axis is present Y axis is present Pressure axis is present X tilt axis is present Y tilt axis is present Wheel axis is present Distance axis is present Z-axis rotation is present Slider axis is present An enumeration describing the way in which a device axis (valuator) maps onto the predefined valuator types that GTK+ understands. Note that the X and Y axes are not really needed; pointer devices report their location via the x/y members of events regardless. Whether X and Y are present as axes depends on the GDK backend. the axis is ignored. the axis is used as the x axis. the axis is used as the y axis. the axis is used for pressure information. the axis is used for x tilt information. the axis is used for y tilt information. the axis is used for wheel information. the axis is used for pen/tablet distance information. (Since: 3.22) the axis is used for pen rotation information. (Since: 3.22) the axis is used for pen slider information. (Since: 3.22) a constant equal to the numerically highest axis value. The middle button. The primary button. This is typically the left mouse button, or the right button in a left-handed setup. The secondary button. This is typically the right mouse button, or the left button in a left-handed setup. A set of values describing the possible byte-orders for storing pixel values in memory. The values are stored with the least-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0xcc, 0xee, 0xff, 0x00. The values are stored with the most-significant byte first. For instance, the 32-bit value 0xffeecc would be stored in memory as 0x00, 0xff, 0xee, 0xcc. Represents the current time, and can be used anywhere a time is expected. A #GdkColor is used to describe a color, similar to the XColor struct used in the X11 drawing API. Use #GdkRGBA For allocated colors, the pixel value used to draw this color on the screen. Not used anymore. The red component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity The green component of the color The blue component of the color Makes a copy of a #GdkColor. The result must be freed using gdk_color_free(). Use #GdkRGBA a copy of @color a #GdkColor Compares two colors. Use #GdkRGBA %TRUE if the two colors compare equal a #GdkColor another #GdkColor Frees a #GdkColor created with gdk_color_copy(). Use #GdkRGBA a #GdkColor A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores #GdkColors. Use #GdkRGBA The hash function applied to @color a #GdkColor Returns a textual specification of @color in the hexadecimal form “\#rrrrggggbbbb” where “r”, “g” and “b” are hex digits representing the red, green and blue components respectively. The returned string can be parsed by gdk_color_parse(). Use #GdkRGBA a newly-allocated text string a #GdkColor Parses a textual specification of a color and fill in the @red, @green, and @blue fields of a #GdkColor. The string can either one of a large set of standard names (taken from the X11 `rgb.txt` file), or it can be a hexadecimal value in the form “\#rgb” “\#rrggbb”, “\#rrrgggbbb” or “\#rrrrggggbbbb” where “r”, “g” and “b” are hex digits of the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively. (White in the four forms is “\#fff”, “\#ffffff”, “\#fffffffff” and “\#ffffffffffff”). Use #GdkRGBA %TRUE if the parsing succeeded the string specifying the color the #GdkColor to fill in Specifies the crossing mode for #GdkEventCrossing. crossing because of pointer motion. crossing because a grab is activated. crossing because a grab is deactivated. crossing because a GTK+ grab is activated. crossing because a GTK+ grab is deactivated. crossing because a GTK+ widget changed state (e.g. sensitivity). crossing because a touch sequence has begun, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the window. crossing because a touch sequence has ended, this event is synthetic as the pointer might have not left the window. crossing because of a device switch (i.e. a mouse taking control of the pointer after a touch device), this event is synthetic as the pointer didn’t leave the window. A #GdkCursor represents a cursor. Its contents are private. Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors for the default display. See gdk_cursor_new_for_display(). To make the cursor invisible, use %GDK_BLANK_CURSOR. Use gdk_cursor_new_for_display() instead. a new #GdkCursor cursor to create Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors. a new #GdkCursor the #GdkDisplay for which the cursor will be created cursor to create Creates a new cursor by looking up @name in the current cursor theme. A recommended set of cursor names that will work across different platforms can be found in the CSS specification: - "none" - ![](default_cursor.png) "default" - ![](help_cursor.png) "help" - ![](pointer_cursor.png) "pointer" - ![](context_menu_cursor.png) "context-menu" - ![](progress_cursor.png) "progress" - ![](wait_cursor.png) "wait" - ![](cell_cursor.png) "cell" - ![](crosshair_cursor.png) "crosshair" - ![](text_cursor.png) "text" - ![](vertical_text_cursor.png) "vertical-text" - ![](alias_cursor.png) "alias" - ![](copy_cursor.png) "copy" - ![](no_drop_cursor.png) "no-drop" - ![](move_cursor.png) "move" - ![](not_allowed_cursor.png) "not-allowed" - ![](grab_cursor.png) "grab" - ![](grabbing_cursor.png) "grabbing" - ![](all_scroll_cursor.png) "all-scroll" - ![](col_resize_cursor.png) "col-resize" - ![](row_resize_cursor.png) "row-resize" - ![](n_resize_cursor.png) "n-resize" - ![](e_resize_cursor.png) "e-resize" - ![](s_resize_cursor.png) "s-resize" - ![](w_resize_cursor.png) "w-resize" - ![](ne_resize_cursor.png) "ne-resize" - ![](nw_resize_cursor.png) "nw-resize" - ![](sw_resize_cursor.png) "sw-resize" - ![](se_resize_cursor.png) "se-resize" - ![](ew_resize_cursor.png) "ew-resize" - ![](ns_resize_cursor.png) "ns-resize" - ![](nesw_resize_cursor.png) "nesw-resize" - ![](nwse_resize_cursor.png) "nwse-resize" - ![](zoom_in_cursor.png) "zoom-in" - ![](zoom_out_cursor.png) "zoom-out" a new #GdkCursor, or %NULL if there is no cursor with the given name the #GdkDisplay for which the cursor will be created the name of the cursor Creates a new cursor from a pixbuf. Not all GDK backends support RGBA cursors. If they are not supported, a monochrome approximation will be displayed. The functions gdk_display_supports_cursor_alpha() and gdk_display_supports_cursor_color() can be used to determine whether RGBA cursors are supported; gdk_display_get_default_cursor_size() and gdk_display_get_maximal_cursor_size() give information about cursor sizes. If @x or @y are `-1`, the pixbuf must have options named “x_hot” and “y_hot”, resp., containing integer values between `0` and the width resp. height of the pixbuf. (Since: 3.0) On the X backend, support for RGBA cursors requires a sufficently new version of the X Render extension. a new #GdkCursor. the #GdkDisplay for which the cursor will be created the #GdkPixbuf containing the cursor image the horizontal offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor. the vertical offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor. Creates a new cursor from a cairo image surface. Not all GDK backends support RGBA cursors. If they are not supported, a monochrome approximation will be displayed. The functions gdk_display_supports_cursor_alpha() and gdk_display_supports_cursor_color() can be used to determine whether RGBA cursors are supported; gdk_display_get_default_cursor_size() and gdk_display_get_maximal_cursor_size() give information about cursor sizes. On the X backend, support for RGBA cursors requires a sufficently new version of the X Render extension. a new #GdkCursor. the #GdkDisplay for which the cursor will be created the cairo image surface containing the cursor pixel data the horizontal offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor the vertical offset of the “hotspot” of the cursor Returns the cursor type for this cursor. a #GdkCursorType a #GdkCursor Returns the display on which the #GdkCursor is defined. the #GdkDisplay associated to @cursor a #GdkCursor. Returns a #GdkPixbuf with the image used to display the cursor. Note that depending on the capabilities of the windowing system and on the cursor, GDK may not be able to obtain the image data. In this case, %NULL is returned. a #GdkPixbuf representing @cursor, or %NULL a #GdkCursor Returns a cairo image surface with the image used to display the cursor. Note that depending on the capabilities of the windowing system and on the cursor, GDK may not be able to obtain the image data. In this case, %NULL is returned. a #cairo_surface_t representing @cursor, or %NULL a #GdkCursor Location to store the hotspot x position, or %NULL Location to store the hotspot y position, or %NULL Adds a reference to @cursor. Use g_object_ref() instead Same @cursor that was passed in a #GdkCursor Removes a reference from @cursor, deallocating the cursor if no references remain. Use g_object_unref() instead a #GdkCursor Predefined cursors. Note that these IDs are directly taken from the X cursor font, and many of these cursors are either not useful, or are not available on other platforms. The recommended way to create cursors is to use gdk_cursor_new_from_name(). ![](X_cursor.png) ![](arrow.png) ![](based_arrow_down.png) ![](based_arrow_up.png) ![](boat.png) ![](bogosity.png) ![](bottom_left_corner.png) ![](bottom_right_corner.png) ![](bottom_side.png) ![](bottom_tee.png) ![](box_spiral.png) ![](center_ptr.png) ![](circle.png) ![](clock.png) ![](coffee_mug.png) ![](cross.png) ![](cross_reverse.png) ![](crosshair.png) ![](diamond_cross.png) ![](dot.png) ![](dotbox.png) ![](double_arrow.png) ![](draft_large.png) ![](draft_small.png) ![](draped_box.png) ![](exchange.png) ![](fleur.png) ![](gobbler.png) ![](gumby.png) ![](hand1.png) ![](hand2.png) ![](heart.png) ![](icon.png) ![](iron_cross.png) ![](left_ptr.png) ![](left_side.png) ![](left_tee.png) ![](leftbutton.png) ![](ll_angle.png) ![](lr_angle.png) ![](man.png) ![](middlebutton.png) ![](mouse.png) ![](pencil.png) ![](pirate.png) ![](plus.png) ![](question_arrow.png) ![](right_ptr.png) ![](right_side.png) ![](right_tee.png) ![](rightbutton.png) ![](rtl_logo.png) ![](sailboat.png) ![](sb_down_arrow.png) ![](sb_h_double_arrow.png) ![](sb_left_arrow.png) ![](sb_right_arrow.png) ![](sb_up_arrow.png) ![](sb_v_double_arrow.png) ![](shuttle.png) ![](sizing.png) ![](spider.png) ![](spraycan.png) ![](star.png) ![](target.png) ![](tcross.png) ![](top_left_arrow.png) ![](top_left_corner.png) ![](top_right_corner.png) ![](top_side.png) ![](top_tee.png) ![](trek.png) ![](ul_angle.png) ![](umbrella.png) ![](ur_angle.png) ![](watch.png) ![](xterm.png) last cursor type Blank cursor. Since 2.16 type of cursors constructed with gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf() The #GdkDevice object represents a single input device, such as a keyboard, a mouse, a touchpad, etc. See the #GdkDeviceManager documentation for more information about the various kinds of master and slave devices, and their relationships. Frees an array of #GdkTimeCoord that was returned by gdk_device_get_history(). an array of #GdkTimeCoord. the length of the array. Determines information about the current keyboard grab. This is not public API and must not be used by applications. The symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ %TRUE if this application currently has the keyboard grabbed. the display for which to get the grab information device to get the grab information from location to store current grab window location to store boolean indicating whether the @owner_events flag to gdk_keyboard_grab() or gdk_pointer_grab() was %TRUE. Returns the associated device to @device, if @device is of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_MASTER, it will return the paired pointer or keyboard. If @device is of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, it will return the master device to which @device is attached to. If @device is of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_FLOATING, %NULL will be returned, as there is no associated device. The associated device, or %NULL a #GdkDevice Returns the axes currently available on the device. a #GdkDevice Interprets an array of double as axis values for a given device, and locates the value in the array for a given axis use. %TRUE if the given axis use was found, otherwise %FALSE a #GdkDevice pointer to an array of axes the use to look for location to store the found value. Returns the axis use for @index_. a #GdkAxisUse specifying how the axis is used. a pointer #GdkDevice. the index of the axis. Interprets an array of double as axis values for a given device, and locates the value in the array for a given axis label, as returned by gdk_device_list_axes() %TRUE if the given axis use was found, otherwise %FALSE. a pointer #GdkDevice. pointer to an array of axes #GdkAtom with the axis label. location to store the found value. Returns the device type for @device. the #GdkDeviceType for @device. a #GdkDevice Returns the #GdkDisplay to which @device pertains. a #GdkDisplay. This memory is owned by GTK+, and must not be freed or unreffed. a #GdkDevice Determines whether the pointer follows device motion. This is not meaningful for keyboard devices, which don't have a pointer. %TRUE if the pointer follows device motion a #GdkDevice Obtains the motion history for a pointer device; given a starting and ending timestamp, return all events in the motion history for the device in the given range of time. Some windowing systems do not support motion history, in which case, %FALSE will be returned. (This is not distinguishable from the case where motion history is supported and no events were found.) Note that there is also gdk_window_set_event_compression() to get more motion events delivered directly, independent of the windowing system. %TRUE if the windowing system supports motion history and at least one event was found. a #GdkDevice the window with respect to which which the event coordinates will be reported starting timestamp for range of events to return ending timestamp for the range of events to return location to store a newly-allocated array of #GdkTimeCoord, or %NULL location to store the length of @events, or %NULL If @index_ has a valid keyval, this function will return %TRUE and fill in @keyval and @modifiers with the keyval settings. %TRUE if keyval is set for @index. a #GdkDevice. the index of the macro button to get. return value for the keyval. return value for modifiers. Gets information about which window the given pointer device is in, based on events that have been received so far from the display server. If another application has a pointer grab, or this application has a grab with owner_events = %FALSE, %NULL may be returned even if the pointer is physically over one of this application's windows. the last window the device a #GdkDevice, with a source other than %GDK_SOURCE_KEYBOARD Determines the mode of the device. a #GdkInputSource a #GdkDevice Returns the number of axes the device currently has. the number of axes. a pointer #GdkDevice Returns the number of keys the device currently has. the number of keys. a #GdkDevice Determines the name of the device. a name a #GdkDevice Gets the current location of @device. As a slave device coordinates are those of its master pointer, This function may not be called on devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, unless there is an ongoing grab on them, see gdk_device_grab(). pointer device to query status about. location to store the #GdkScreen the @device is on, or %NULL. location to store root window X coordinate of @device, or %NULL. location to store root window Y coordinate of @device, or %NULL. Gets the current location of @device in double precision. As a slave device's coordinates are those of its master pointer, this function may not be called on devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, unless there is an ongoing grab on them. See gdk_device_grab(). pointer device to query status about. location to store the #GdkScreen the @device is on, or %NULL. location to store root window X coordinate of @device, or %NULL. location to store root window Y coordinate of @device, or %NULL. Returns the product ID of this device, or %NULL if this information couldn't be obtained. This ID is retrieved from the device, and is thus constant for it. See gdk_device_get_vendor_id() for more information. the product ID, or %NULL a slave #GdkDevice Returns the #GdkSeat the device belongs to. A #GdkSeat. This memory is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed. A #GdkDevice Determines the type of the device. a #GdkInputSource a #GdkDevice Gets the current state of a pointer device relative to @window. As a slave device’s coordinates are those of its master pointer, this function may not be called on devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, unless there is an ongoing grab on them. See gdk_device_grab(). a #GdkDevice. a #GdkWindow. an array of doubles to store the values of the axes of @device in, or %NULL. location to store the modifiers, or %NULL. Returns the vendor ID of this device, or %NULL if this information couldn't be obtained. This ID is retrieved from the device, and is thus constant for it. This function, together with gdk_device_get_product_id(), can be used to eg. compose #GSettings paths to store settings for this device. |[<!-- language="C" --> static GSettings * get_device_settings (GdkDevice *device) { const gchar *vendor, *product; GSettings *settings; GdkDevice *device; gchar *path; vendor = gdk_device_get_vendor_id (device); product = gdk_device_get_product_id (device); path = g_strdup_printf ("/org/example/app/devices/%s:%s/", vendor, product); settings = g_settings_new_with_path (DEVICE_SCHEMA, path); g_free (path); return settings; } ]| the vendor ID, or %NULL a slave #GdkDevice Obtains the window underneath @device, returning the location of the device in @win_x and @win_y. Returns %NULL if the window tree under @device is not known to GDK (for example, belongs to another application). As a slave device coordinates are those of its master pointer, This function may not be called on devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, unless there is an ongoing grab on them, see gdk_device_grab(). the #GdkWindow under the device position, or %NULL. pointer #GdkDevice to query info to. return location for the X coordinate of the device location, relative to the window origin, or %NULL. return location for the Y coordinate of the device location, relative to the window origin, or %NULL. Obtains the window underneath @device, returning the location of the device in @win_x and @win_y in double precision. Returns %NULL if the window tree under @device is not known to GDK (for example, belongs to another application). As a slave device coordinates are those of its master pointer, This function may not be called on devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE, unless there is an ongoing grab on them, see gdk_device_grab(). the #GdkWindow under the device position, or %NULL. pointer #GdkDevice to query info to. return location for the X coordinate of the device location, relative to the window origin, or %NULL. return location for the Y coordinate of the device location, relative to the window origin, or %NULL. Grabs the device so that all events coming from this device are passed to this application until the device is ungrabbed with gdk_device_ungrab(), or the window becomes unviewable. This overrides any previous grab on the device by this client. Note that @device and @window need to be on the same display. Device grabs are used for operations which need complete control over the given device events (either pointer or keyboard). For example in GTK+ this is used for Drag and Drop operations, popup menus and such. Note that if the event mask of an X window has selected both button press and button release events, then a button press event will cause an automatic pointer grab until the button is released. X does this automatically since most applications expect to receive button press and release events in pairs. It is equivalent to a pointer grab on the window with @owner_events set to %TRUE. If you set up anything at the time you take the grab that needs to be cleaned up when the grab ends, you should handle the #GdkEventGrabBroken events that are emitted when the grab ends unvoluntarily. Use gdk_seat_grab() instead. %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab was successful. a #GdkDevice. To get the device you can use gtk_get_current_event_device() or gdk_event_get_device() if the grab is in reaction to an event. Also, you can use gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer() but only in code that isn’t triggered by a #GdkEvent and there aren’t other means to get a meaningful #GdkDevice to operate on. the #GdkWindow which will own the grab (the grab window) specifies the grab ownership. if %FALSE then all device events are reported with respect to @window and are only reported if selected by @event_mask. If %TRUE then pointer events for this application are reported as normal, but pointer events outside this application are reported with respect to @window and only if selected by @event_mask. In either mode, unreported events are discarded. specifies the event mask, which is used in accordance with @owner_events. the cursor to display while the grab is active if the device is a pointer. If this is %NULL then the normal cursors are used for @window and its descendants, and the cursor for @window is used elsewhere. the timestamp of the event which led to this pointer grab. This usually comes from the #GdkEvent struct, though %GDK_CURRENT_TIME can be used if the time isn’t known. Returns a #GList of #GdkAtoms, containing the labels for the axes that @device currently has. A #GList of #GdkAtoms, free with g_list_free(). a pointer #GdkDevice If the device if of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_MASTER, it will return the list of slave devices attached to it, otherwise it will return %NULL the list of slave devices, or %NULL. The list must be freed with g_list_free(), the contents of the list are owned by GTK+ and should not be freed. a #GdkDevice Specifies how an axis of a device is used. a pointer #GdkDevice the index of the axis specifies how the axis is used Specifies the X key event to generate when a macro button of a device is pressed. a #GdkDevice the index of the macro button to set the keyval to generate the modifiers to set Sets a the mode of an input device. The mode controls if the device is active and whether the device’s range is mapped to the entire screen or to a single window. Note: This is only meaningful for floating devices, master devices (and slaves connected to these) drive the pointer cursor, which is not limited by the input mode. %TRUE if the mode was successfully changed. a #GdkDevice. the input mode. Release any grab on @device. Use gdk_seat_ungrab() instead. a #GdkDevice a timestap (e.g. %GDK_CURRENT_TIME). Warps @device in @display to the point @x,@y on the screen @screen, unless the device is confined to a window by a grab, in which case it will be moved as far as allowed by the grab. Warping the pointer creates events as if the user had moved the mouse instantaneously to the destination. Note that the pointer should normally be under the control of the user. This function was added to cover some rare use cases like keyboard navigation support for the color picker in the #GtkColorSelectionDialog. the device to warp. the screen to warp @device to. the X coordinate of the destination. the Y coordinate of the destination. Associated pointer or keyboard with this device, if any. Devices of type #GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_MASTER always come in keyboard/pointer pairs. Other device types will have a %NULL associated device. The axes currently available for this device. The #GdkDeviceManager the #GdkDevice pertains to. The #GdkDisplay the #GdkDevice pertains to. Whether the device is represented by a cursor on the screen. Devices of type %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_MASTER will have %TRUE here. Source type for the device. Number of axes in the device. The device name. The maximal number of concurrent touches on a touch device. Will be 0 if the device is not a touch device or if the number of touches is unknown. Product ID of this device, see gdk_device_get_product_id(). #GdkSeat of this device. Device role in the device manager. Vendor ID of this device, see gdk_device_get_vendor_id(). The ::changed signal is emitted either when the #GdkDevice has changed the number of either axes or keys. For example In X this will normally happen when the slave device routing events through the master device changes (for example, user switches from the USB mouse to a tablet), in that case the master device will change to reflect the new slave device axes and keys. The ::tool-changed signal is emitted on pen/eraser #GdkDevices whenever tools enter or leave proximity. The new current tool In addition to a single pointer and keyboard for user interface input, GDK contains support for a variety of input devices, including graphics tablets, touchscreens and multiple pointers/keyboards interacting simultaneously with the user interface. Such input devices often have additional features, such as sub-pixel positioning information and additional device-dependent information. In order to query the device hierarchy and be aware of changes in the device hierarchy (such as virtual devices being created or removed, or physical devices being plugged or unplugged), GDK provides #GdkDeviceManager. By default, and if the platform supports it, GDK is aware of multiple keyboard/pointer pairs and multitouch devices. This behavior can be changed by calling gdk_disable_multidevice() before gdk_display_open(). There should rarely be a need to do that though, since GDK defaults to a compatibility mode in which it will emit just one enter/leave event pair for all devices on a window. To enable per-device enter/leave events and other multi-pointer interaction features, gdk_window_set_support_multidevice() must be called on #GdkWindows (or gtk_widget_set_support_multidevice() on widgets). window. See the gdk_window_set_support_multidevice() documentation for more information. On X11, multi-device support is implemented through XInput 2. Unless gdk_disable_multidevice() is called, the XInput 2 #GdkDeviceManager implementation will be used as the input source. Otherwise either the core or XInput 1 implementations will be used. For simple applications that don’t have any special interest in input devices, the so-called “client pointer” provides a reasonable approximation to a simple setup with a single pointer and keyboard. The device that has been set as the client pointer can be accessed via gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer(). Conceptually, in multidevice mode there are 2 device types. Virtual devices (or master devices) are represented by the pointer cursors and keyboard foci that are seen on the screen. Physical devices (or slave devices) represent the hardware that is controlling the virtual devices, and thus have no visible cursor on the screen. Virtual devices are always paired, so there is a keyboard device for every pointer device. Associations between devices may be inspected through gdk_device_get_associated_device(). There may be several virtual devices, and several physical devices could be controlling each of these virtual devices. Physical devices may also be “floating”, which means they are not attached to any virtual device. # Master and slave devices |[ carlos@sacarino:~$ xinput list ⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)] ⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E6 Pen stylus id=10 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E6 Finger touch id=11 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=13 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint id=14 [slave pointer (2)] ⎜ ↳ Wacom ISDv4 E6 Pen eraser id=16 [slave pointer (2)] ⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)] ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ Video Bus id=7 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ Sleep Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ Integrated Camera id=9 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=12 [slave keyboard (3)] ↳ ThinkPad Extra Buttons id=15 [slave keyboard (3)] ]| By default, GDK will automatically listen for events coming from all master devices, setting the #GdkDevice for all events coming from input devices. Events containing device information are #GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY, #GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, #GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, #GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS, #GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE, #GDK_SCROLL, #GDK_KEY_PRESS, #GDK_KEY_RELEASE, #GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY, #GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY, #GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE, #GDK_PROXIMITY_IN, #GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT, #GDK_DRAG_ENTER, #GDK_DRAG_LEAVE, #GDK_DRAG_MOTION, #GDK_DRAG_STATUS, #GDK_DROP_START, #GDK_DROP_FINISHED and #GDK_GRAB_BROKEN. When dealing with an event on a master device, it is possible to get the source (slave) device that the event originated from via gdk_event_get_source_device(). On a standard session, all physical devices are connected by default to the "Virtual Core Pointer/Keyboard" master devices, hence routing all events through these. This behavior is only modified by device grabs, where the slave device is temporarily detached for as long as the grab is held, and more permanently by user modifications to the device hierarchy. On certain application specific setups, it may make sense to detach a physical device from its master pointer, and mapping it to an specific window. This can be achieved by the combination of gdk_device_grab() and gdk_device_set_mode(). In order to listen for events coming from devices other than a virtual device, gdk_window_set_device_events() must be called. Generally, this function can be used to modify the event mask for any given device. Input devices may also provide additional information besides X/Y. For example, graphics tablets may also provide pressure and X/Y tilt information. This information is device-dependent, and may be queried through gdk_device_get_axis(). In multidevice mode, virtual devices will change axes in order to always represent the physical device that is routing events through it. Whenever the physical device changes, the #GdkDevice:n-axes property will be notified, and gdk_device_list_axes() will return the new device axes. Devices may also have associated “keys” or macro buttons. Such keys can be globally set to map into normal X keyboard events. The mapping is set using gdk_device_set_key(). In GTK+ 3.20, a new #GdkSeat object has been introduced that supersedes #GdkDeviceManager and should be preferred in newly written code. Returns the client pointer, that is, the master pointer that acts as the core pointer for this application. In X11, window managers may change this depending on the interaction pattern under the presence of several pointers. You should use this function seldomly, only in code that isn’t triggered by a #GdkEvent and there aren’t other means to get a meaningful #GdkDevice to operate on. Use gdk_seat_get_pointer() instead. The client pointer. This memory is owned by GDK and must not be freed or unreferenced. a #GdkDeviceManager Gets the #GdkDisplay associated to @device_manager. the #GdkDisplay to which @device_manager is associated to, or %NULL. This memory is owned by GDK and must not be freed or unreferenced. a #GdkDeviceManager Returns the list of devices of type @type currently attached to @device_manager. , use gdk_seat_get_pointer(), gdk_seat_get_keyboard() and gdk_seat_get_slaves() instead. a list of #GdkDevices. The returned list must be freed with g_list_free (). The list elements are owned by GTK+ and must not be freed or unreffed. a #GdkDeviceManager device type to get. The ::device-added signal is emitted either when a new master pointer is created, or when a slave (Hardware) input device is plugged in. the newly added #GdkDevice. The ::device-changed signal is emitted whenever a device has changed in the hierarchy, either slave devices being disconnected from their master device or connected to another one, or master devices being added or removed a slave device. If a slave device is detached from all master devices (gdk_device_get_associated_device() returns %NULL), its #GdkDeviceType will change to %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_FLOATING, if it's attached, it will change to %GDK_DEVICE_TYPE_SLAVE. the #GdkDevice that changed. The ::device-removed signal is emitted either when a master pointer is removed, or when a slave (Hardware) input device is unplugged. the just removed #GdkDevice. #GdkDevicePad is an interface implemented by devices of type %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD, it allows querying the features provided by the pad device. Tablet pads may contain one or more groups, each containing a subset of the buttons/rings/strips available. gdk_device_pad_get_n_groups() can be used to obtain the number of groups, gdk_device_pad_get_n_features() and gdk_device_pad_get_feature_group() can be combined to find out the number of buttons/rings/strips the device has, and how are they grouped. Each of those groups have different modes, which may be used to map each individual pad feature to multiple actions. Only one mode is effective (current) for each given group, different groups may have different current modes. The number of available modes in a group can be found out through gdk_device_pad_get_group_n_modes(), and the current mode for a given group will be notified through the #GdkEventPadGroupMode event. Returns the group the given @feature and @idx belong to, or -1 if feature/index do not exist in @pad. The group number of the queried pad feature. a #GdkDevicePad the feature type to get the group from the index of the feature to get the group from Returns the number of modes that @group may have. The number of modes available in @group. a #GdkDevicePad group to get the number of available modes from Returns the number of features a tablet pad has. The amount of elements of type @feature that this pad has. a #GdkDevicePad a pad feature Returns the number of groups this pad device has. Pads have at least one group. A pad group is a subcollection of buttons/strip/rings that is affected collectively by a same current mode. The number of button/ring/strip groups in the pad. a #GdkDevicePad A pad feature. a button a ring-shaped interactive area a straight interactive area Gets the hardware ID of this tool, or 0 if it's not known. When non-zero, the identificator is unique for the given tool model, meaning that two identical tools will share the same @hardware_id, but will have different serial numbers (see gdk_device_tool_get_serial()). This is a more concrete (and device specific) method to identify a #GdkDeviceTool than gdk_device_tool_get_tool_type(), as a tablet may support multiple devices with the same #GdkDeviceToolType, but having different hardware identificators. The hardware identificator of this tool. a #GdkDeviceTool Gets the serial of this tool, this value can be used to identify a physical tool (eg. a tablet pen) across program executions. The serial ID for this tool a #GdkDeviceTool Gets the #GdkDeviceToolType of the tool. The physical type for this tool. This can be used to figure out what sort of pen is being used, such as an airbrush or a pencil. a #GdkDeviceTool Indicates the specific type of tool being used being a tablet. Such as an airbrush, pencil, etc. Tool is of an unknown type. Tool is a standard tablet stylus. Tool is standard tablet eraser. Tool is a brush stylus. Tool is a pencil stylus. Tool is an airbrush stylus. Tool is a mouse. Tool is a lens cursor. Indicates the device type. See [above][GdkDeviceManager.description] for more information about the meaning of these device types. Device is a master (or virtual) device. There will be an associated focus indicator on the screen. Device is a slave (or physical) device. Device is a physical device, currently not attached to any virtual device. #GdkDisplay objects purpose are two fold: - To manage and provide information about input devices (pointers and keyboards) - To manage and provide information about the available #GdkScreens GdkDisplay objects are the GDK representation of an X Display, which can be described as a workstation consisting of a keyboard, a pointing device (such as a mouse) and one or more screens. It is used to open and keep track of various GdkScreen objects currently instantiated by the application. It is also used to access the keyboard(s) and mouse pointer(s) of the display. Most of the input device handling has been factored out into the separate #GdkDeviceManager object. Every display has a device manager, which you can obtain using gdk_display_get_device_manager(). Gets the default #GdkDisplay. This is a convenience function for: `gdk_display_manager_get_default_display (gdk_display_manager_get ())`. a #GdkDisplay, or %NULL if there is no default display. Opens a display. a #GdkDisplay, or %NULL if the display could not be opened the name of the display to open Opens the default display specified by command line arguments or environment variables, sets it as the default display, and returns it. gdk_parse_args() must have been called first. If the default display has previously been set, simply returns that. An internal function that should not be used by applications. This symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ the default display, if it could be opened, otherwise %NULL. Emits a short beep on @display a #GdkDisplay Closes the connection to the windowing system for the given display, and cleans up associated resources. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if there is an ongoing grab on @device for @display. %TRUE if there is a grab in effect for @device. a #GdkDisplay a #GdkDevice Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system; this happens automatically when the main loop blocks waiting for new events, but if your application is drawing without returning control to the main loop, you may need to call this function explicitly. A common case where this function needs to be called is when an application is executing drawing commands from a thread other than the thread where the main loop is running. This is most useful for X11. On windowing systems where requests are handled synchronously, this function will do nothing. a #GdkDisplay Returns a #GdkAppLaunchContext suitable for launching applications on the given display. a new #GdkAppLaunchContext for @display. Free with g_object_unref() when done a #GdkDisplay Returns the default size to use for cursors on @display. the default cursor size. a #GdkDisplay Returns the default group leader window for all toplevel windows on @display. This window is implicitly created by GDK. See gdk_window_set_group(). The default group leader window for @display a #GdkDisplay Get the default #GdkScreen for @display. the default #GdkScreen object for @display a #GdkDisplay Returns the default #GdkSeat for this display. the default seat. a #GdkDisplay Returns the #GdkDeviceManager associated to @display. Use gdk_display_get_default_seat() and #GdkSeat operations. A #GdkDeviceManager, or %NULL. This memory is owned by GDK and must not be freed or unreferenced. a #GdkDisplay. Gets the next #GdkEvent to be processed for @display, fetching events from the windowing system if necessary. the next #GdkEvent to be processed, or %NULL if no events are pending. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). a #GdkDisplay Gets the maximal size to use for cursors on @display. a #GdkDisplay the return location for the maximal cursor width the return location for the maximal cursor height Gets a monitor associated with this display. the #GdkMonitor, or %NULL if @monitor_num is not a valid monitor number a #GdkDisplay number of the monitor Gets the monitor in which the point (@x, @y) is located, or a nearby monitor if the point is not in any monitor. the monitor containing the point a #GdkDisplay the x coordinate of the point the y coordinate of the point Gets the monitor in which the largest area of @window resides, or a monitor close to @window if it is outside of all monitors. the monitor with the largest overlap with @window a #GdkDisplay a #GdkWindow Gets the number of monitors that belong to @display. The returned number is valid until the next emission of the #GdkDisplay::monitor-added or #GdkDisplay::monitor-removed signal. the number of monitors a #GdkDisplay Gets the number of screen managed by the @display. The number of screens is always 1. number of screens. a #GdkDisplay Gets the name of the display. a string representing the display name. This string is owned by GDK and should not be modified or freed. a #GdkDisplay Gets the current location of the pointer and the current modifier mask for a given display. Use gdk_device_get_position() instead. a #GdkDisplay location to store the screen that the cursor is on, or %NULL. location to store root window X coordinate of pointer, or %NULL. location to store root window Y coordinate of pointer, or %NULL. location to store current modifier mask, or %NULL Gets the primary monitor for the display. The primary monitor is considered the monitor where the “main desktop” lives. While normal application windows typically allow the window manager to place the windows, specialized desktop applications such as panels should place themselves on the primary monitor. the primary monitor, or %NULL if no primary monitor is configured by the user a #GdkDisplay Returns a screen object for one of the screens of the display. There is only one screen; use gdk_display_get_default_screen() to get it. the #GdkScreen object a #GdkDisplay the screen number Obtains the window underneath the mouse pointer, returning the location of the pointer in that window in @win_x, @win_y for @screen. Returns %NULL if the window under the mouse pointer is not known to GDK (for example, belongs to another application). Use gdk_device_get_window_at_position() instead. the window under the mouse pointer, or %NULL a #GdkDisplay return location for x coordinate of the pointer location relative to the window origin, or %NULL return location for y coordinate of the pointer location relative & to the window origin, or %NULL Returns whether the display has events that are waiting to be processed. %TRUE if there are events ready to be processed. a #GdkDisplay Finds out if the display has been closed. %TRUE if the display is closed. a #GdkDisplay Release any keyboard grab Use gdk_device_ungrab(), together with gdk_device_grab() instead. a #GdkDisplay. a timestap (e.g #GDK_CURRENT_TIME). Returns the list of available input devices attached to @display. The list is statically allocated and should not be freed. Use gdk_device_manager_list_devices() instead. a list of #GdkDevice a #GdkDisplay Returns the list of seats known to @display. the list of seats known to the #GdkDisplay a #GdkDisplay Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading, using a given identifier. GTK+ will call this function automatically for #GtkWindow with custom startup-notification identifier unless gtk_window_set_auto_startup_notification() is called to disable that feature. a #GdkDisplay a startup-notification identifier, for which notification process should be completed Gets a copy of the first #GdkEvent in the @display’s event queue, without removing the event from the queue. (Note that this function will not get more events from the windowing system. It only checks the events that have already been moved to the GDK event queue.) a copy of the first #GdkEvent on the event queue, or %NULL if no events are in the queue. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). a #GdkDisplay Test if the pointer is grabbed. Use gdk_display_device_is_grabbed() instead. %TRUE if an active X pointer grab is in effect a #GdkDisplay Release any pointer grab. Use gdk_device_ungrab(), together with gdk_device_grab() instead. a #GdkDisplay. a timestap (e.g. %GDK_CURRENT_TIME). Appends a copy of the given event onto the front of the event queue for @display. a #GdkDisplay a #GdkEvent. Request #GdkEventOwnerChange events for ownership changes of the selection named by the given atom. whether #GdkEventOwnerChange events will be sent. a #GdkDisplay the #GdkAtom naming the selection for which ownership change notification is requested Sets the double click distance (two clicks within this distance count as a double click and result in a #GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS event). See also gdk_display_set_double_click_time(). Applications should not set this, it is a global user-configured setting. a #GdkDisplay distance in pixels Sets the double click time (two clicks within this time interval count as a double click and result in a #GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS event). Applications should not set this, it is a global user-configured setting. a #GdkDisplay double click time in milliseconds (thousandths of a second) Issues a request to the clipboard manager to store the clipboard data. On X11, this is a special program that works according to the [FreeDesktop Clipboard Specification]( a #GdkDisplay a #GdkWindow belonging to the clipboard owner a timestamp an array of targets that should be saved, or %NULL if all available targets should be saved. length of the @targets array Returns whether the speicifed display supports clipboard persistance; i.e. if it’s possible to store the clipboard data after an application has quit. On X11 this checks if a clipboard daemon is running. %TRUE if the display supports clipboard persistance. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if gdk_window_set_composited() can be used to redirect drawing on the window using compositing. Currently this only works on X11 with XComposite and XDamage extensions available. Compositing is an outdated technology that only ever worked on X11. %TRUE if windows may be composited. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if cursors can use an 8bit alpha channel on @display. Otherwise, cursors are restricted to bilevel alpha (i.e. a mask). whether cursors can have alpha channels. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if multicolored cursors are supported on @display. Otherwise, cursors have only a forground and a background color. whether cursors can have multiple colors. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if gdk_window_input_shape_combine_mask() can be used to modify the input shape of windows on @display. %TRUE if windows with modified input shape are supported a #GdkDisplay Returns whether #GdkEventOwnerChange events will be sent when the owner of a selection changes. whether #GdkEventOwnerChange events will be sent. a #GdkDisplay Returns %TRUE if gdk_window_shape_combine_mask() can be used to create shaped windows on @display. %TRUE if shaped windows are supported a #GdkDisplay Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system and waits until all requests have been handled. This is often used for making sure that the display is synchronized with the current state of the program. Calling gdk_display_sync() before gdk_error_trap_pop() makes sure that any errors generated from earlier requests are handled before the error trap is removed. This is most useful for X11. On windowing systems where requests are handled synchronously, this function will do nothing. a #GdkDisplay Warps the pointer of @display to the point @x,@y on the screen @screen, unless the pointer is confined to a window by a grab, in which case it will be moved as far as allowed by the grab. Warping the pointer creates events as if the user had moved the mouse instantaneously to the destination. Note that the pointer should normally be under the control of the user. This function was added to cover some rare use cases like keyboard navigation support for the color picker in the #GtkColorSelectionDialog. Use gdk_device_warp() instead. a #GdkDisplay the screen of @display to warp the pointer to the x coordinate of the destination the y coordinate of the destination The ::closed signal is emitted when the connection to the windowing system for @display is closed. %TRUE if the display was closed due to an error The ::monitor-added signal is emitted whenever a monitor is added. the monitor that was just added The ::monitor-removed signal is emitted whenever a monitor is removed. the monitor that was just removed The ::opened signal is emitted when the connection to the windowing system for @display is opened. The ::seat-added signal is emitted whenever a new seat is made known to the windowing system. the seat that was just added The ::seat-removed signal is emitted whenever a seat is removed by the windowing system. the seat that was just removed The purpose of the #GdkDisplayManager singleton object is to offer notification when displays appear or disappear or the default display changes. You can use gdk_display_manager_get() to obtain the #GdkDisplayManager singleton, but that should be rarely necessary. Typically, initializing GTK+ opens a display that you can work with without ever accessing the #GdkDisplayManager. The GDK library can be built with support for multiple backends. The #GdkDisplayManager object determines which backend is used at runtime. When writing backend-specific code that is supposed to work with multiple GDK backends, you have to consider both compile time and runtime. At compile time, use the #GDK_WINDOWING_X11, #GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32 macros, etc. to find out which backends are present in the GDK library you are building your application against. At runtime, use type-check macros like GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY() to find out which backend is in use: ## Backend-specific code ## {#backend-specific} |[<!-- language="C" --> #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11 if (GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY (display)) { // make X11-specific calls here } else #endif #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ if (GDK_IS_QUARTZ_DISPLAY (display)) { // make Quartz-specific calls here } else #endif g_error ("Unsupported GDK backend"); ]| Gets the singleton #GdkDisplayManager object. When called for the first time, this function consults the `GDK_BACKEND` environment variable to find out which of the supported GDK backends to use (in case GDK has been compiled with multiple backends). Applications can use gdk_set_allowed_backends() to limit what backends can be used. The global #GdkDisplayManager singleton; gdk_parse_args(), gdk_init(), or gdk_init_check() must have been called first. Gets the default #GdkDisplay. a #GdkDisplay, or %NULL if there is no default display. a #GdkDisplayManager List all currently open displays. a newly allocated #GSList of #GdkDisplay objects. Free with g_slist_free() when you are done with it. a #GdkDisplayManager Opens a display. a #GdkDisplay, or %NULL if the display could not be opened a #GdkDisplayManager the name of the display to open Sets @display as the default display. a #GdkDisplayManager a #GdkDisplay The ::display-opened signal is emitted when a display is opened. the opened display Used in #GdkDragContext to indicate what the destination should do with the dropped data. Means nothing, and should not be used. Copy the data. Move the data, i.e. first copy it, then delete it from the source using the DELETE target of the X selection protocol. Add a link to the data. Note that this is only useful if source and destination agree on what it means. Special action which tells the source that the destination will do something that the source doesn’t understand. Ask the user what to do with the data. Used in #GdkDragContext to the reason of a cancelled DND operation. There is no suitable drop target. Drag cancelled by the user Unspecified error. Determines the bitmask of actions proposed by the source if gdk_drag_context_get_suggested_action() returns %GDK_ACTION_ASK. the #GdkDragAction flags a #GdkDragContext Returns the destination window for the DND operation. a #GdkWindow a #GdkDragContext Returns the #GdkDevice associated to the drag context. The #GdkDevice associated to @context. a #GdkDragContext Returns the window on which the drag icon should be rendered during the drag operation. Note that the window may not be available until the drag operation has begun. GDK will move the window in accordance with the ongoing drag operation. The window is owned by @context and will be destroyed when the drag operation is over. the drag window, or %NULL a #GdkDragContext Returns the drag protocol that is used by this context. the drag protocol a #GdkDragContext Determines the action chosen by the drag destination. a #GdkDragAction value a #GdkDragContext Returns the #GdkWindow where the DND operation started. a #GdkWindow a #GdkDragContext Determines the suggested drag action of the context. a #GdkDragAction value a #GdkDragContext Retrieves the list of targets of the context. a #GList of targets a #GdkDragContext Requests the drag and drop operation to be managed by @context. When a drag and drop operation becomes managed, the #GdkDragContext will internally handle all input and source-side #GdkEventDND events as required by the windowing system. Once the drag and drop operation is managed, the drag context will emit the following signals: - The #GdkDragContext::action-changed signal whenever the final action to be performed by the drag and drop operation changes. - The #GdkDragContext::drop-performed signal after the user performs the drag and drop gesture (typically by releasing the mouse button). - The #GdkDragContext::dnd-finished signal after the drag and drop operation concludes (after all #GdkSelection transfers happen). - The #GdkDragContext::cancel signal if the drag and drop operation is finished but doesn't happen over an accepting destination, or is cancelled through other means. #TRUE if the drag and drop operation is managed. a #GdkDragContext Window to use for IPC messaging/events the actions supported by the drag source Associates a #GdkDevice to @context, so all Drag and Drop events for @context are emitted as if they came from this device. a #GdkDragContext a #GdkDevice Sets the position of the drag window that will be kept under the cursor hotspot. Initially, the hotspot is at the top left corner of the drag window. a #GdkDragContext x coordinate of the drag window hotspot y coordinate of the drag window hotspot A new action is being chosen for the drag and drop operation. This signal will only be emitted if the #GdkDragContext manages the drag and drop operation. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. The action currently chosen The drag and drop operation was cancelled. This signal will only be emitted if the #GdkDragContext manages the drag and drop operation. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. The reason the context was cancelled The drag and drop operation was finished, the drag destination finished reading all data. The drag source can now free all miscellaneous data. This signal will only be emitted if the #GdkDragContext manages the drag and drop operation. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. The drag and drop operation was performed on an accepting client. This signal will only be emitted if the #GdkDragContext manages the drag and drop operation. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. the time at which the drop happened. Used in #GdkDragContext to indicate the protocol according to which DND is done. no protocol. The Motif DND protocol. No longer supported The Xdnd protocol. An extension to the Xdnd protocol for unclaimed root window drops. The simple WM_DROPFILES protocol. The complex OLE2 DND protocol (not implemented). Intra-application DND. Wayland DND protocol. #GdkDrawingContext is an object that represents the current drawing state of a #GdkWindow. It's possible to use a #GdkDrawingContext to draw on a #GdkWindow via rendering API like Cairo or OpenGL. A #GdkDrawingContext can only be created by calling gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and will be valid until a call to gdk_window_end_draw_frame(). #GdkDrawingContext is available since GDK 3.22 Retrieves a Cairo context to be used to draw on the #GdkWindow that created the #GdkDrawingContext. The returned context is guaranteed to be valid as long as the #GdkDrawingContext is valid, that is between a call to gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and gdk_window_end_draw_frame(). a Cairo context to be used to draw the contents of the #GdkWindow. The context is owned by the #GdkDrawingContext and should not be destroyed Retrieves a copy of the clip region used when creating the @context. a Cairo region a #GdkDrawingContext Retrieves the window that created the drawing @context. a #GdkWindow a #GdkDrawingContext Checks whether the given #GdkDrawingContext is valid. %TRUE if the context is valid a #GdkDrawingContext The clip region applied to the drawing context. The #GdkWindow that created the drawing context. Use this macro as the return value for continuing the propagation of an event handler. Use this macro as the return value for stopping the propagation of an event handler. A #GdkEvent contains a union of all of the event types, and allows access to the data fields in a number of ways. The event type is always the first field in all of the event types, and can always be accessed with the following code, no matter what type of event it is: |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkEvent *event; GdkEventType type; type = event->type; ]| To access other fields of the event, the pointer to the event can be cast to the appropriate event type, or the union member name can be used. For example if the event type is %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS then the x coordinate of the button press can be accessed with: |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkEvent *event; gdouble x; x = ((GdkEventButton*)event)->x; ]| or: |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkEvent *event; gdouble x; x = event->button.x; ]| the #GdkEventType a #GdkEventAny a #GdkEventExpose a #GdkEventVisibility a #GdkEventMotion a #GdkEventButton a #GdkEventTouch a #GdkEventScroll a #GdkEventKey a #GdkEventCrossing a #GdkEventFocus a #GdkEventConfigure a #GdkEventProperty a #GdkEventSelection a #GdkEventOwnerChange a #GdkEventProximity a #GdkEventDND a #GdkEventWindowState a #GdkEventSetting a #GdkEventGrabBroken a #GdkEventTouchpadSwipe a #GdkEventTouchpadPinch a #GdkEventPadButton a #GdkEventPadAxis a #GdkEventPadGroupMode Creates a new event of the given type. All fields are set to 0. a newly-allocated #GdkEvent. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). a #GdkEventType If both events contain X/Y information, this function will return %TRUE and return in @angle the relative angle from @event1 to @event2. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis towards the positive Y axis. %TRUE if the angle could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the relative angle between both events If both events contain X/Y information, the center of both coordinates will be returned in @x and @y. %TRUE if the center could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the X coordinate of the center return location for the Y coordinate of the center If both events have X/Y information, the distance between both coordinates (as in a straight line going from @event1 to @event2) will be returned. %TRUE if the distance could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the distance Copies a #GdkEvent, copying or incrementing the reference count of the resources associated with it (e.g. #GdkWindow’s and strings). a copy of @event. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). a #GdkEvent Frees a #GdkEvent, freeing or decrementing any resources associated with it. Note that this function should only be called with events returned from functions such as gdk_event_peek(), gdk_event_get(), gdk_event_copy() and gdk_event_new(). a #GdkEvent. Extract the axis value for a particular axis use from an event structure. %TRUE if the specified axis was found, otherwise %FALSE a #GdkEvent the axis use to look for location to store the value found Extract the button number from an event. %TRUE if the event delivered a button number a #GdkEvent location to store mouse button number Extracts the click count from an event. %TRUE if the event delivered a click count a #GdkEvent location to store click count Extract the event window relative x/y coordinates from an event. %TRUE if the event delivered event window coordinates a #GdkEvent location to put event window x coordinate location to put event window y coordinate If the event contains a “device” field, this function will return it, else it will return %NULL. a #GdkDevice, or %NULL. a #GdkEvent. If the event was generated by a device that supports different tools (eg. a tablet), this function will return a #GdkDeviceTool representing the tool that caused the event. Otherwise, %NULL will be returned. Note: the #GdkDeviceTool<!-- -->s will be constant during the application lifetime, if settings must be stored persistently across runs, see gdk_device_tool_get_serial() The current device tool, or %NULL a #GdkEvent If @event if of type %GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN, %GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE, %GDK_TOUCH_END or %GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL, returns the #GdkEventSequence to which the event belongs. Otherwise, return %NULL. the event sequence that the event belongs to a #GdkEvent Retrieves the type of the event. a #GdkEventType a #GdkEvent Extracts the hardware keycode from an event. Also see gdk_event_get_scancode(). %TRUE if the event delivered a hardware keycode a #GdkEvent location to store the keycode Extracts the keyval from an event. %TRUE if the event delivered a key symbol a #GdkEvent location to store the keyval #event: a #GdkEvent Returns whether this event is an 'emulated' pointer event (typically from a touch event), as opposed to a real one. %TRUE if this event is emulated Extract the root window relative x/y coordinates from an event. %TRUE if the event delivered root window coordinates a #GdkEvent location to put root window x coordinate location to put root window y coordinate Gets the keyboard low-level scancode of a key event. This is usually hardware_keycode. On Windows this is the high word of WM_KEY{DOWN,UP} lParam which contains the scancode and some extended flags. The associated keyboard scancode or 0 a #GdkEvent Returns the screen for the event. The screen is typically the screen for `event->any.window`, but for events such as mouse events, it is the screen where the pointer was when the event occurs - that is, the screen which has the root window to which `event->motion.x_root` and `event->motion.y_root` are relative. the screen for the event a #GdkEvent Retrieves the scroll deltas from a #GdkEvent See also: gdk_event_get_scroll_direction() %TRUE if the event contains smooth scroll information and %FALSE otherwise a #GdkEvent return location for X delta return location for Y delta Extracts the scroll direction from an event. If @event is not of type %GDK_SCROLL, the contents of @direction are undefined. If you wish to handle both discrete and smooth scrolling, you should check the return value of this function, or of gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas(); for instance: |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkScrollDirection direction; double vscroll_factor = 0.0; double x_scroll, y_scroll; if (gdk_event_get_scroll_direction (event, &direction)) { // Handle discrete scrolling with a known constant delta; const double delta = 12.0; switch (direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: vscroll_factor = -delta; break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: vscroll_factor = delta; break; default: // no scrolling break; } } else if (gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas (event, &x_scroll, &y_scroll)) { // Handle smooth scrolling directly vscroll_factor = y_scroll; } ]| %TRUE if the event delivered a scroll direction and %FALSE otherwise a #GdkEvent location to store the scroll direction Returns the #GdkSeat this event was generated for. The #GdkSeat of this event a #GdkEvent This function returns the hardware (slave) #GdkDevice that has triggered the event, falling back to the virtual (master) device (as in gdk_event_get_device()) if the event wasn’t caused by interaction with a hardware device. This may happen for example in synthesized crossing events after a #GdkWindow updates its geometry or a grab is acquired/released. If the event does not contain a device field, this function will return %NULL. a #GdkDevice, or %NULL. a #GdkEvent If the event contains a “state” field, puts that field in @state. Otherwise stores an empty state (0). Returns %TRUE if there was a state field in the event. @event may be %NULL, in which case it’s treated as if the event had no state field. %TRUE if there was a state field in the event a #GdkEvent or %NULL return location for state Returns the time stamp from @event, if there is one; otherwise returns #GDK_CURRENT_TIME. If @event is %NULL, returns #GDK_CURRENT_TIME. time stamp field from @event a #GdkEvent Extracts the #GdkWindow associated with an event. The #GdkWindow associated with the event a #GdkEvent Check whether a scroll event is a stop scroll event. Scroll sequences with smooth scroll information may provide a stop scroll event once the interaction with the device finishes, e.g. by lifting a finger. This stop scroll event is the signal that a widget may trigger kinetic scrolling based on the current velocity. Stop scroll events always have a a delta of 0/0. %TRUE if the event is a scroll stop event a #GdkEvent Appends a copy of the given event onto the front of the event queue for event->any.window’s display, or the default event queue if event->any.window is %NULL. See gdk_display_put_event(). a #GdkEvent. Sets the device for @event to @device. The event must have been allocated by GTK+, for instance, by gdk_event_copy(). a #GdkEvent a #GdkDevice Sets the device tool for this event, should be rarely used. a #GdkEvent tool to set on the event, or %NULL Sets the screen for @event to @screen. The event must have been allocated by GTK+, for instance, by gdk_event_copy(). a #GdkEvent a #GdkScreen Sets the slave device for @event to @device. The event must have been allocated by GTK+, for instance by gdk_event_copy(). a #GdkEvent a #GdkDevice This function returns whether a #GdkEventButton should trigger a context menu, according to platform conventions. The right mouse button always triggers context menus. Additionally, if gdk_keymap_get_modifier_mask() returns a non-0 mask for %GDK_MODIFIER_INTENT_CONTEXT_MENU, then the left mouse button will also trigger a context menu if this modifier is pressed. This function should always be used instead of simply checking for event->button == %GDK_BUTTON_SECONDARY. %TRUE if the event should trigger a context menu. a #GdkEvent, currently only button events are meaningful values Checks all open displays for a #GdkEvent to process,to be processed on, fetching events from the windowing system if necessary. See gdk_display_get_event(). the next #GdkEvent to be processed, or %NULL if no events are pending. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). Sets the function to call to handle all events from GDK. Note that GTK+ uses this to install its own event handler, so it is usually not useful for GTK+ applications. (Although an application can call this function then call gtk_main_do_event() to pass events to GTK+.) the function to call to handle events from GDK. user data to pass to the function. the function to call when the handler function is removed, i.e. when gdk_event_handler_set() is called with another event handler. If there is an event waiting in the event queue of some open display, returns a copy of it. See gdk_display_peek_event(). a copy of the first #GdkEvent on some event queue, or %NULL if no events are in any queues. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). Request more motion notifies if @event is a motion notify hint event. This function should be used instead of gdk_window_get_pointer() to request further motion notifies, because it also works for extension events where motion notifies are provided for devices other than the core pointer. Coordinate extraction, processing and requesting more motion events from a %GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY event usually works like this: |[<!-- language="C" --> { // motion_event handler x = motion_event->x; y = motion_event->y; // handle (x,y) motion gdk_event_request_motions (motion_event); // handles is_hint events } ]| a valid #GdkEvent Contains the fields which are common to all event structs. Any event pointer can safely be cast to a pointer to a #GdkEventAny to access these fields. the type of the event. the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. Used for button press and button release events. The @type field will be one of %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS or %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE, Double and triple-clicks result in a sequence of events being received. For double-clicks the order of events will be: - %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE - %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE Note that the first click is received just like a normal button press, while the second click results in a %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS being received just after the %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS. Triple-clicks are very similar to double-clicks, except that %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS is inserted after the third click. The order of the events is: - %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE - %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE - %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS - %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE For a double click to occur, the second button press must occur within 1/4 of a second of the first. For a triple click to occur, the third button press must also occur within 1/2 second of the first button press. the type of the event (%GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS or %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. @x, @y translated to the axes of @device, or %NULL if @device is the mouse. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. the button which was pressed or released, numbered from 1 to 5. Normally button 1 is the left mouse button, 2 is the middle button, and 3 is the right button. On 2-button mice, the middle button can often be simulated by pressing both mouse buttons together. the master device that the event originated from. Use gdk_event_get_source_device() to get the slave device. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. Generated when a window size or position has changed. the type of the event (%GDK_CONFIGURE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the new x coordinate of the window, relative to its parent. the new y coordinate of the window, relative to its parent. the new width of the window. the new height of the window. Generated when the pointer enters or leaves a window. the type of the event (%GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY or %GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the window that was entered or left. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the crossing mode (%GDK_CROSSING_NORMAL, %GDK_CROSSING_GRAB, %GDK_CROSSING_UNGRAB, %GDK_CROSSING_GTK_GRAB, %GDK_CROSSING_GTK_UNGRAB or %GDK_CROSSING_STATE_CHANGED). %GDK_CROSSING_GTK_GRAB, %GDK_CROSSING_GTK_UNGRAB, and %GDK_CROSSING_STATE_CHANGED were added in 2.14 and are always synthesized, never native. the kind of crossing that happened (%GDK_NOTIFY_INFERIOR, %GDK_NOTIFY_ANCESTOR, %GDK_NOTIFY_VIRTUAL, %GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR or %GDK_NOTIFY_NONLINEAR_VIRTUAL). %TRUE if @window is the focus window or an inferior. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. Generated during DND operations. the type of the event (%GDK_DRAG_ENTER, %GDK_DRAG_LEAVE, %GDK_DRAG_MOTION, %GDK_DRAG_STATUS, %GDK_DROP_START or %GDK_DROP_FINISHED). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the #GdkDragContext for the current DND operation. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen, only set for %GDK_DRAG_MOTION and %GDK_DROP_START. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen, only set for %GDK_DRAG_MOTION and %GDK_DROP_START. Generated when all or part of a window becomes visible and needs to be redrawn. the type of the event (%GDK_EXPOSE or %GDK_DAMAGE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. bounding box of @region. the region that needs to be redrawn. the number of contiguous %GDK_EXPOSE events following this one. The only use for this is “exposure compression”, i.e. handling all contiguous %GDK_EXPOSE events in one go, though GDK performs some exposure compression so this is not normally needed. Describes a change of keyboard focus. the type of the event (%GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. %TRUE if the window has gained the keyboard focus, %FALSE if it has lost the focus. Specifies the type of function passed to gdk_event_handler_set() to handle all GDK events. the #GdkEvent to process. user data set when the event handler was installed with gdk_event_handler_set(). Generated when a pointer or keyboard grab is broken. On X11, this happens when the grab window becomes unviewable (i.e. it or one of its ancestors is unmapped), or if the same application grabs the pointer or keyboard again. Note that implicit grabs (which are initiated by button presses) can also cause #GdkEventGrabBroken events. the type of the event (%GDK_GRAB_BROKEN) the window which received the event, i.e. the window that previously owned the grab %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. %TRUE if a keyboard grab was broken, %FALSE if a pointer grab was broken %TRUE if the broken grab was implicit If this event is caused by another grab in the same application, @grab_window contains the new grab window. Otherwise @grab_window is %NULL. Describes a key press or key release event. the type of the event (%GDK_KEY_PRESS or %GDK_KEY_RELEASE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. the key that was pressed or released. See the `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` header file for a complete list of GDK key codes. the length of @string. a string containing an approximation of the text that would result from this keypress. The only correct way to handle text input of text is using input methods (see #GtkIMContext), so this field is deprecated and should never be used. (gdk_unicode_to_keyval() provides a non-deprecated way of getting an approximate translation for a key.) The string is encoded in the encoding of the current locale (Note: this for backwards compatibility: strings in GTK+ and GDK are typically in UTF-8.) and NUL-terminated. In some cases, the translation of the key code will be a single NUL byte, in which case looking at @length is necessary to distinguish it from the an empty translation. the raw code of the key that was pressed or released. the keyboard group. a flag that indicates if @hardware_keycode is mapped to a modifier. Since 2.10 A set of bit-flags to indicate which events a window is to receive. Most of these masks map onto one or more of the #GdkEventType event types above. See the [input handling overview][chap-input-handling] for details of [event masks][event-masks] and [event propagation][event-propagation]. %GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK is deprecated. It is a special mask to reduce the number of %GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY events received. When using %GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK, fewer %GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY events will be sent, some of which are marked as a hint (the is_hint member is %TRUE). To receive more motion events after a motion hint event, the application needs to asks for more, by calling gdk_event_request_motions(). Since GTK 3.8, motion events are already compressed by default, independent of this mechanism. This compression can be disabled with gdk_window_set_event_compression(). See the documentation of that function for details. If %GDK_TOUCH_MASK is enabled, the window will receive touch events from touch-enabled devices. Those will come as sequences of #GdkEventTouch with type %GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE, enclosed by two events with type %GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN and %GDK_TOUCH_END (or %GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL). gdk_event_get_event_sequence() returns the event sequence for these events, so different sequences may be distinguished. receive expose events receive all pointer motion events deprecated. see the explanation above receive pointer motion events while any button is pressed receive pointer motion events while 1 button is pressed receive pointer motion events while 2 button is pressed receive pointer motion events while 3 button is pressed receive button press events receive button release events receive key press events receive key release events receive window enter events receive window leave events receive focus change events receive events about window configuration change receive property change events receive visibility change events receive proximity in events receive proximity out events receive events about window configuration changes of child windows receive scroll events receive touch events. Since 3.4 receive smooth scrolling events. Since 3.4 receive touchpad gesture events. Since 3.18 receive tablet pad events. Since 3.22 the combination of all the above event masks. Generated when the pointer moves. the type of the event. the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. @x, @y translated to the axes of @device, or %NULL if @device is the mouse. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. set to 1 if this event is just a hint, see the %GDK_POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK value of #GdkEventMask. the master device that the event originated from. Use gdk_event_get_source_device() to get the slave device. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. Generated when the owner of a selection changes. On X11, this information is only available if the X server supports the XFIXES extension. the type of the event (%GDK_OWNER_CHANGE). the window which received the event %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the new owner of the selection, or %NULL if there is none the reason for the ownership change as a #GdkOwnerChange value the atom identifying the selection the timestamp of the event the time at which the selection ownership was taken over Generated during %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD interaction with tactile sensors. the type of the event (%GDK_PAD_RING or %GDK_PAD_STRIP). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the pad group the ring/strip belongs to. A %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have one or more groups containing a set of buttons/rings/strips each. number of strip/ring that was interacted. This number is 0-indexed. The current mode of @group. Different groups in a %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have different current modes. The current value for the given axis. Generated during %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD button presses and releases. the type of the event (%GDK_PAD_BUTTON_PRESS or %GDK_PAD_BUTTON_RELEASE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the pad group the button belongs to. A %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have one or more groups containing a set of buttons/rings/strips each. The pad button that was pressed. The current mode of @group. Different groups in a %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have different current modes. Generated during %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD mode switches in a group. the type of the event (%GDK_PAD_GROUP_MODE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the pad group that is switching mode. A %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have one or more groups containing a set of buttons/rings/strips each. The new mode of @group. Different groups in a %GDK_SOURCE_TABLET_PAD device may have different current modes. Describes a property change on a window. the type of the event (%GDK_PROPERTY_NOTIFY). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the property that was changed. the time of the event in milliseconds. whether the property was changed (%GDK_PROPERTY_NEW_VALUE) or deleted (%GDK_PROPERTY_DELETE). Proximity events are generated when using GDK’s wrapper for the XInput extension. The XInput extension is an add-on for standard X that allows you to use nonstandard devices such as graphics tablets. A proximity event indicates that the stylus has moved in or out of contact with the tablet, or perhaps that the user’s finger has moved in or out of contact with a touch screen. This event type will be used pretty rarely. It only is important for XInput aware programs that are drawing their own cursor. the type of the event (%GDK_PROXIMITY_IN or %GDK_PROXIMITY_OUT). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the master device that the event originated from. Use gdk_event_get_source_device() to get the slave device. Generated from button presses for the buttons 4 to 7. Wheel mice are usually configured to generate button press events for buttons 4 and 5 when the wheel is turned. Some GDK backends can also generate “smooth” scroll events, which can be recognized by the %GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH scroll direction. For these, the scroll deltas can be obtained with gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas(). the type of the event (%GDK_SCROLL). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the window. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. the direction to scroll to (one of %GDK_SCROLL_UP, %GDK_SCROLL_DOWN, %GDK_SCROLL_LEFT, %GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT or %GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH). the master device that the event originated from. Use gdk_event_get_source_device() to get the slave device. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen. the x coordinate of the scroll delta the y coordinate of the scroll delta Generated when a selection is requested or ownership of a selection is taken over by another client application. the type of the event (%GDK_SELECTION_CLEAR, %GDK_SELECTION_NOTIFY or %GDK_SELECTION_REQUEST). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the selection. the target to which the selection should be converted. the property in which to place the result of the conversion. the time of the event in milliseconds. the window on which to place @property or %NULL if none. Generated when a setting is modified. the type of the event (%GDK_SETTING). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. what happened to the setting (%GDK_SETTING_ACTION_NEW, %GDK_SETTING_ACTION_CHANGED or %GDK_SETTING_ACTION_DELETED). the name of the setting. Used for touch events. @type field will be one of %GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN, %GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE, %GDK_TOUCH_END or %GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL. Touch events are grouped into sequences by means of the @sequence field, which can also be obtained with gdk_event_get_event_sequence(). Each sequence begins with a %GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN event, followed by any number of %GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE events, and ends with a %GDK_TOUCH_END (or %GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL) event. With multitouch devices, there may be several active sequences at the same time. the type of the event (%GDK_TOUCH_BEGIN, %GDK_TOUCH_UPDATE, %GDK_TOUCH_END, %GDK_TOUCH_CANCEL) the window which received the event %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the time of the event in milliseconds. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the window the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the window @x, @y translated to the axes of @device, or %NULL if @device is the mouse a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType the event sequence that the event belongs to whether the event should be used for emulating pointer event the master device that the event originated from. Use gdk_event_get_source_device() to get the slave device. the x coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen the y coordinate of the pointer relative to the root of the screen Generated during touchpad swipe gestures. the type of the event (%GDK_TOUCHPAD_PINCH) the window which received the event %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly the current phase of the gesture The number of fingers triggering the pinch the time of the event in milliseconds The X coordinate of the pointer The Y coordinate of the pointer Movement delta in the X axis of the swipe focal point Movement delta in the Y axis of the swipe focal point The angle change in radians, negative angles denote counter-clockwise movements The current scale, relative to that at the time of the corresponding %GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_BEGIN event The X coordinate of the pointer, relative to the root of the screen. The Y coordinate of the pointer, relative to the root of the screen. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. Generated during touchpad swipe gestures. the type of the event (%GDK_TOUCHPAD_SWIPE) the window which received the event %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly the current phase of the gesture The number of fingers triggering the swipe the time of the event in milliseconds The X coordinate of the pointer The Y coordinate of the pointer Movement delta in the X axis of the swipe focal point Movement delta in the Y axis of the swipe focal point The X coordinate of the pointer, relative to the root of the screen. The Y coordinate of the pointer, relative to the root of the screen. a bit-mask representing the state of the modifier keys (e.g. Control, Shift and Alt) and the pointer buttons. See #GdkModifierType. Specifies the type of the event. Do not confuse these events with the signals that GTK+ widgets emit. Although many of these events result in corresponding signals being emitted, the events are often transformed or filtered along the way. In some language bindings, the values %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS and %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS would translate into something syntactically invalid (eg `Gdk.EventType.2ButtonPress`, where a symbol is not allowed to start with a number). In that case, the aliases %GDK_DOUBLE_BUTTON_PRESS and %GDK_TRIPLE_BUTTON_PRESS can be used instead. a special code to indicate a null event. the window manager has requested that the toplevel window be hidden or destroyed, usually when the user clicks on a special icon in the title bar. the window has been destroyed. all or part of the window has become visible and needs to be redrawn. the pointer (usually a mouse) has moved. a mouse button has been pressed. a mouse button has been double-clicked (clicked twice within a short period of time). Note that each click also generates a %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS event. alias for %GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, added in 3.6. a mouse button has been clicked 3 times in a short period of time. Note that each click also generates a %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS event. alias for %GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS, added in 3.6. a mouse button has been released. a key has been pressed. a key has been released. the pointer has entered the window. the pointer has left the window. the keyboard focus has entered or left the window. the size, position or stacking order of the window has changed. Note that GTK+ discards these events for %GDK_WINDOW_CHILD windows. the window has been mapped. the window has been unmapped. a property on the window has been changed or deleted. the application has lost ownership of a selection. another application has requested a selection. a selection has been received. an input device has moved into contact with a sensing surface (e.g. a touchscreen or graphics tablet). an input device has moved out of contact with a sensing surface. the mouse has entered the window while a drag is in progress. the mouse has left the window while a drag is in progress. the mouse has moved in the window while a drag is in progress. the status of the drag operation initiated by the window has changed. a drop operation onto the window has started. the drop operation initiated by the window has completed. a message has been received from another application. the window visibility status has changed. the scroll wheel was turned the state of a window has changed. See #GdkWindowState for the possible window states a setting has been modified. the owner of a selection has changed. This event type was added in 2.6 a pointer or keyboard grab was broken. This event type was added in 2.8. the content of the window has been changed. This event type was added in 2.14. A new touch event sequence has just started. This event type was added in 3.4. A touch event sequence has been updated. This event type was added in 3.4. A touch event sequence has finished. This event type was added in 3.4. A touch event sequence has been canceled. This event type was added in 3.4. A touchpad swipe gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field. This event type was added in 3.18. A touchpad pinch gesture event, the current state is determined by its phase field. This event type was added in 3.18. A tablet pad button press event. This event type was added in 3.22. A tablet pad button release event. This event type was added in 3.22. A tablet pad axis event from a "ring". This event type was added in 3.22. A tablet pad axis event from a "strip". This event type was added in 3.22. A tablet pad group mode change. This event type was added in 3.22. marks the end of the GdkEventType enumeration. Added in 2.18 Generated when the window visibility status has changed. Modern composited windowing systems with pervasive transparency make it impossible to track the visibility of a window reliably, so this event can not be guaranteed to provide useful information. the type of the event (%GDK_VISIBILITY_NOTIFY). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. the new visibility state (%GDK_VISIBILITY_FULLY_OBSCURED, %GDK_VISIBILITY_PARTIAL or %GDK_VISIBILITY_UNOBSCURED). Generated when the state of a toplevel window changes. the type of the event (%GDK_WINDOW_STATE). the window which received the event. %TRUE if the event was sent explicitly. mask specifying what flags have changed. the new window state, a combination of #GdkWindowState bits. Specifies the type of function used to filter native events before they are converted to GDK events. When a filter is called, @event is unpopulated, except for `event->window`. The filter may translate the native event to a GDK event and store the result in @event, or handle it without translation. If the filter translates the event and processing should continue, it should return %GDK_FILTER_TRANSLATE. a #GdkFilterReturn value. the native event to filter. the GDK event to which the X event will be translated. user data set when the filter was installed. Specifies the result of applying a #GdkFilterFunc to a native event. event not handled, continue processing. native event translated into a GDK event and stored in the `event` structure that was passed in. event handled, terminate processing. A #GdkFrameClock tells the application when to update and repaint a window. This may be synced to the vertical refresh rate of the monitor, for example. Even when the frame clock uses a simple timer rather than a hardware-based vertical sync, the frame clock helps because it ensures everything paints at the same time (reducing the total number of frames). The frame clock can also automatically stop painting when it knows the frames will not be visible, or scale back animation framerates. #GdkFrameClock is designed to be compatible with an OpenGL-based implementation or with mozRequestAnimationFrame in Firefox, for example. A frame clock is idle until someone requests a frame with gdk_frame_clock_request_phase(). At some later point that makes sense for the synchronization being implemented, the clock will process a frame and emit signals for each phase that has been requested. (See the signals of the #GdkFrameClock class for documentation of the phases. %GDK_FRAME_CLOCK_PHASE_UPDATE and the #GdkFrameClock::update signal are most interesting for application writers, and are used to update the animations, using the frame time given by gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(). The frame time is reported in microseconds and generally in the same timescale as g_get_monotonic_time(), however, it is not the same as g_get_monotonic_time(). The frame time does not advance during the time a frame is being painted, and outside of a frame, an attempt is made so that all calls to gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() that are called at a “similar” time get the same value. This means that if different animations are timed by looking at the difference in time between an initial value from gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() and the value inside the #GdkFrameClock::update signal of the clock, they will stay exactly synchronized. Starts updates for an animation. Until a matching call to gdk_frame_clock_end_updating() is made, the frame clock will continually request a new frame with the %GDK_FRAME_CLOCK_PHASE_UPDATE phase. This function may be called multiple times and frames will be requested until gdk_frame_clock_end_updating() is called the same number of times. a #GdkFrameClock Stops updates for an animation. See the documentation for gdk_frame_clock_begin_updating(). a #GdkFrameClock Gets the frame timings for the current frame. the #GdkFrameTimings for the frame currently being processed, or even no frame is being processed, for the previous frame. Before any frames have been processed, returns %NULL. a #GdkFrameClock A #GdkFrameClock maintains a 64-bit counter that increments for each frame drawn. inside frame processing, the value of the frame counter for the current frame. Outside of frame processing, the frame counter for the last frame. a #GdkFrameClock Gets the time that should currently be used for animations. Inside the processing of a frame, it’s the time used to compute the animation position of everything in a frame. Outside of a frame, it's the time of the conceptual “previous frame,” which may be either the actual previous frame time, or if that’s too old, an updated time. a timestamp in microseconds, in the timescale of of g_get_monotonic_time(). a #GdkFrameClock #GdkFrameClock internally keeps a history of #GdkFrameTimings objects for recent frames that can be retrieved with gdk_frame_clock_get_timings(). The set of stored frames is the set from the counter values given by gdk_frame_clock_get_history_start() and gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_counter(), inclusive. the frame counter value for the oldest frame that is available in the internal frame history of the #GdkFrameClock. a #GdkFrameClock Using the frame history stored in the frame clock, finds the last known presentation time and refresh interval, and assuming that presentation times are separated by the refresh interval, predicts a presentation time that is a multiple of the refresh interval after the last presentation time, and later than @base_time. a #GdkFrameClock base time for determining a presentaton time a location to store the determined refresh interval, or %NULL. A default refresh interval of 1/60th of a second will be stored if no history is present. a location to store the next candidate presentation time after the given base time. 0 will be will be stored if no history is present. Retrieves a #GdkFrameTimings object holding timing information for the current frame or a recent frame. The #GdkFrameTimings object may not yet be complete: see gdk_frame_timings_get_complete(). the #GdkFrameTimings object for the specified frame, or %NULL if it is not available. See gdk_frame_clock_get_history_start(). a #GdkFrameClock the frame counter value identifying the frame to be received. Asks the frame clock to run a particular phase. The signal corresponding the requested phase will be emitted the next time the frame clock processes. Multiple calls to gdk_frame_clock_request_phase() will be combined together and only one frame processed. If you are displaying animated content and want to continually request the %GDK_FRAME_CLOCK_PHASE_UPDATE phase for a period of time, you should use gdk_frame_clock_begin_updating() instead, since this allows GTK+ to adjust system parameters to get maximally smooth animations. a #GdkFrameClock the phase that is requested This signal ends processing of the frame. Applications should generally not handle this signal. This signal begins processing of the frame. Applications should generally not handle this signal. This signal is used to flush pending motion events that are being batched up and compressed together. Applications should not handle this signal. This signal is emitted as the second step of toolkit and application processing of the frame. Any work to update sizes and positions of application elements should be performed. GTK+ normally handles this internally. This signal is emitted as the third step of toolkit and application processing of the frame. The frame is repainted. GDK normally handles this internally and produces expose events, which are turned into GTK+ #GtkWidget::draw signals. This signal is emitted after processing of the frame is finished, and is handled internally by GTK+ to resume normal event processing. Applications should not handle this signal. This signal is emitted as the first step of toolkit and application processing of the frame. Animations should be updated using gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(). Applications can connect directly to this signal, or use gtk_widget_add_tick_callback() as a more convenient interface. #GdkFrameClockPhase is used to represent the different paint clock phases that can be requested. The elements of the enumeration correspond to the signals of #GdkFrameClock. no phase corresponds to GdkFrameClock::flush-events. Should not be handled by applications. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::before-paint. Should not be handled by applications. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::update. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::layout. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::paint. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::resume-events. Should not be handled by applications. corresponds to GdkFrameClock::after-paint. Should not be handled by applications. A #GdkFrameTimings object holds timing information for a single frame of the application’s displays. To retrieve #GdkFrameTimings objects, use gdk_frame_clock_get_timings() or gdk_frame_clock_get_current_timings(). The information in #GdkFrameTimings is useful for precise synchronization of video with the event or audio streams, and for measuring quality metrics for the application’s display, such as latency and jitter. The timing information in a #GdkFrameTimings is filled in incrementally as the frame as drawn and passed off to the window system for processing and display to the user. The accessor functions for #GdkFrameTimings can return 0 to indicate an unavailable value for two reasons: either because the information is not yet available, or because it isn't available at all. Once gdk_frame_timings_get_complete() returns %TRUE for a frame, you can be certain that no further values will become available and be stored in the #GdkFrameTimings. %TRUE if all information that will be available for the frame has been filled in. a #GdkFrameTimings Gets the frame counter value of the #GdkFrameClock when this this frame was drawn. the frame counter value for this frame a #GdkFrameTimings Returns the frame time for the frame. This is the time value that is typically used to time animations for the frame. See gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time(). the frame time for the frame, in the timescale of g_get_monotonic_time() A #GdkFrameTimings Gets the predicted time at which this frame will be displayed. Although no predicted time may be available, if one is available, it will be available while the frame is being generated, in contrast to gdk_frame_timings_get_presentation_time(), which is only available after the frame has been presented. In general, if you are simply animating, you should use gdk_frame_clock_get_frame_time() rather than this function, but this function is useful for applications that want exact control over latency. For example, a movie player may want this information for Audio/Video synchronization. The predicted time at which the frame will be presented, in the timescale of g_get_monotonic_time(), or 0 if no predicted presentation time is available. a #GdkFrameTimings Reurns the presentation time. This is the time at which the frame became visible to the user. the time the frame was displayed to the user, in the timescale of g_get_monotonic_time(), or 0 if no presentation time is available. See gdk_frame_timings_get_complete() a #GdkFrameTimings Gets the natural interval between presentation times for the display that this frame was displayed on. Frame presentation usually happens during the “vertical blanking interval”. the refresh interval of the display, in microseconds, or 0 if the refresh interval is not available. See gdk_frame_timings_get_complete(). a #GdkFrameTimings Increases the reference count of @timings. @timings a #GdkFrameTimings Decreases the reference count of @timings. If @timings is no longer referenced, it will be freed. a #GdkFrameTimings Indicates which monitor (in a multi-head setup) a window should span over when in fullscreen mode. Fullscreen on current monitor only. Span across all monitors when fullscreen. #GdkGLContext is an object representing the platform-specific OpenGL drawing context. #GdkGLContexts are created for a #GdkWindow using gdk_window_create_gl_context(), and the context will match the #GdkVisual of the window. A #GdkGLContext is not tied to any particular normal framebuffer. For instance, it cannot draw to the #GdkWindow back buffer. The GDK repaint system is in full control of the painting to that. Instead, you can create render buffers or textures and use gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl() in the draw function of your widget to draw them. Then GDK will handle the integration of your rendering with that of other widgets. Support for #GdkGLContext is platform-specific, context creation can fail, returning %NULL context. A #GdkGLContext has to be made "current" in order to start using it, otherwise any OpenGL call will be ignored. ## Creating a new OpenGL context ## In order to create a new #GdkGLContext instance you need a #GdkWindow, which you typically get during the realize call of a widget. A #GdkGLContext is not realized until either gdk_gl_context_make_current(), or until it is realized using gdk_gl_context_realize(). It is possible to specify details of the GL context like the OpenGL version to be used, or whether the GL context should have extra state validation enabled after calling gdk_window_create_gl_context() by calling gdk_gl_context_realize(). If the realization fails you have the option to change the settings of the #GdkGLContext and try again. ## Using a GdkGLContext ## You will need to make the #GdkGLContext the current context before issuing OpenGL calls; the system sends OpenGL commands to whichever context is current. It is possible to have multiple contexts, so you always need to ensure that the one which you want to draw with is the current one before issuing commands: |[<!-- language="C" --> gdk_gl_context_make_current (context); ]| You can now perform your drawing using OpenGL commands. You can check which #GdkGLContext is the current one by using gdk_gl_context_get_current(); you can also unset any #GdkGLContext that is currently set by calling gdk_gl_context_clear_current(). Clears the current #GdkGLContext. Any OpenGL call after this function returns will be ignored until gdk_gl_context_make_current() is called. Retrieves the current #GdkGLContext. the current #GdkGLContext, or %NULL Retrieves the value set using gdk_gl_context_set_debug_enabled(). %TRUE if debugging is enabled a #GdkGLContext Retrieves the #GdkDisplay the @context is created for a #GdkDisplay or %NULL a #GdkGLContext Retrieves the value set using gdk_gl_context_set_forward_compatible(). %TRUE if the context should be forward compatible a #GdkGLContext Retrieves the major and minor version requested by calling gdk_gl_context_set_required_version(). a #GdkGLContext return location for the major version to request return location for the minor version to request Retrieves the #GdkGLContext that this @context share data with. a #GdkGLContext or %NULL a #GdkGLContext Checks whether the @context is using an OpenGL or OpenGL ES profile. %TRUE if the #GdkGLContext is using an OpenGL ES profile a #GdkGLContext Retrieves the OpenGL version of the @context. The @context must be realized prior to calling this function. a #GdkGLContext return location for the major version return location for the minor version Retrieves the #GdkWindow used by the @context. a #GdkWindow or %NULL a #GdkGLContext Whether the #GdkGLContext is in legacy mode or not. The #GdkGLContext must be realized before calling this function. When realizing a GL context, GDK will try to use the OpenGL 3.2 core profile; this profile removes all the OpenGL API that was deprecated prior to the 3.2 version of the specification. If the realization is successful, this function will return %FALSE. If the underlying OpenGL implementation does not support core profiles, GDK will fall back to a pre-3.2 compatibility profile, and this function will return %TRUE. You can use the value returned by this function to decide which kind of OpenGL API to use, or whether to do extension discovery, or what kind of shader programs to load. %TRUE if the GL context is in legacy mode a #GdkGLContext Makes the @context the current one. a #GdkGLContext Realizes the given #GdkGLContext. It is safe to call this function on a realized #GdkGLContext. %TRUE if the context is realized a #GdkGLContext Sets whether the #GdkGLContext should perform extra validations and run time checking. This is useful during development, but has additional overhead. The #GdkGLContext must not be realized or made current prior to calling this function. a #GdkGLContext whether to enable debugging in the context Sets whether the #GdkGLContext should be forward compatible. Forward compatibile contexts must not support OpenGL functionality that has been marked as deprecated in the requested version; non-forward compatible contexts, on the other hand, must support both deprecated and non deprecated functionality. The #GdkGLContext must not be realized or made current prior to calling this function. a #GdkGLContext whether the context should be forward compatible Sets the major and minor version of OpenGL to request. Setting @major and @minor to zero will use the default values. The #GdkGLContext must not be realized or made current prior to calling this function. a #GdkGLContext the major version to request the minor version to request Requests that GDK create a OpenGL ES context instead of an OpenGL one, if the platform and windowing system allows it. The @context must not have been realized. By default, GDK will attempt to automatically detect whether the underlying GL implementation is OpenGL or OpenGL ES once the @context is realized. You should check the return value of gdk_gl_context_get_use_es() after calling gdk_gl_context_realize() to decide whether to use the OpenGL or OpenGL ES API, extensions, or shaders. a #GdkGLContext: whether the context should use OpenGL ES instead of OpenGL, or -1 to allow auto-detection The #GdkDisplay used to create the #GdkGLContext. The #GdkGLContext that this context is sharing data with, or %NULL The #GdkWindow the gl context is bound to. Error enumeration for #GdkGLContext. OpenGL support is not available The requested visual format is not supported The requested profile is not supported The #GdkGeometry struct gives the window manager information about a window’s geometry constraints. Normally you would set these on the GTK+ level using gtk_window_set_geometry_hints(). #GtkWindow then sets the hints on the #GdkWindow it creates. gdk_window_set_geometry_hints() expects the hints to be fully valid already and simply passes them to the window manager; in contrast, gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() performs some interpretation. For example, #GtkWindow will apply the hints to the geometry widget instead of the toplevel window, if you set a geometry widget. Also, the @min_width/@min_height/@max_width/@max_height fields may be set to -1, and #GtkWindow will substitute the size request of the window or geometry widget. If the minimum size hint is not provided, #GtkWindow will use its requisition as the minimum size. If the minimum size is provided and a geometry widget is set, #GtkWindow will take the minimum size as the minimum size of the geometry widget rather than the entire window. The base size is treated similarly. The canonical use-case for gtk_window_set_geometry_hints() is to get a terminal widget to resize properly. Here, the terminal text area should be the geometry widget; #GtkWindow will then automatically set the base size to the size of other widgets in the terminal window, such as the menubar and scrollbar. Then, the @width_inc and @height_inc fields should be set to the size of one character in the terminal. Finally, the base size should be set to the size of one character. The net effect is that the minimum size of the terminal will have a 1x1 character terminal area, and only terminal sizes on the “character grid” will be allowed. Here’s an example of how the terminal example would be implemented, assuming a terminal area widget called “terminal” and a toplevel window “toplevel”: |[<!-- language="C" --> GdkGeometry hints; hints.base_width = terminal->char_width; hints.base_height = terminal->char_height; hints.min_width = terminal->char_width; hints.min_height = terminal->char_height; hints.width_inc = terminal->char_width; hints.height_inc = terminal->char_height; gtk_window_set_geometry_hints (GTK_WINDOW (toplevel), GTK_WIDGET (terminal), &hints, GDK_HINT_RESIZE_INC | GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE | GDK_HINT_BASE_SIZE); ]| The other useful fields are the @min_aspect and @max_aspect fields; these contain a width/height ratio as a floating point number. If a geometry widget is set, the aspect applies to the geometry widget rather than the entire window. The most common use of these hints is probably to set @min_aspect and @max_aspect to the same value, thus forcing the window to keep a constant aspect ratio. minimum width of window (or -1 to use requisition, with #GtkWindow only) minimum height of window (or -1 to use requisition, with #GtkWindow only) maximum width of window (or -1 to use requisition, with #GtkWindow only) maximum height of window (or -1 to use requisition, with #GtkWindow only) allowed window widths are @base_width + @width_inc * N where N is any integer (-1 allowed with #GtkWindow) allowed window widths are @base_height + @height_inc * N where N is any integer (-1 allowed with #GtkWindow) width resize increment height resize increment minimum width/height ratio maximum width/height ratio window gravity, see gtk_window_set_gravity() Defines how device grabs interact with other devices. All other devices’ events are allowed. Other devices’ events are blocked for the grab window. Other devices’ events are blocked for the whole application. Returned by gdk_device_grab(), gdk_pointer_grab() and gdk_keyboard_grab() to indicate success or the reason for the failure of the grab attempt. the resource was successfully grabbed. the resource is actively grabbed by another client. the resource was grabbed more recently than the specified time. the grab window or the @confine_to window are not viewable. the resource is frozen by an active grab of another client. the grab failed for some other reason. Since 3.16 Defines the reference point of a window and the meaning of coordinates passed to gtk_window_move(). See gtk_window_move() and the "implementation notes" section of the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( specification for more details. the reference point is at the top left corner. the reference point is in the middle of the top edge. the reference point is at the top right corner. the reference point is at the middle of the left edge. the reference point is at the center of the window. the reference point is at the middle of the right edge. the reference point is at the lower left corner. the reference point is at the middle of the lower edge. the reference point is at the lower right corner. the reference point is at the top left corner of the window itself, ignoring window manager decorations. An enumeration that describes the mode of an input device. the device is disabled and will not report any events. the device is enabled. The device’s coordinate space maps to the entire screen. the device is enabled. The device’s coordinate space is mapped to a single window. The manner in which this window is chosen is undefined, but it will typically be the same way in which the focus window for key events is determined. An enumeration describing the type of an input device in general terms. the device is a mouse. (This will be reported for the core pointer, even if it is something else, such as a trackball.) the device is a stylus of a graphics tablet or similar device. the device is an eraser. Typically, this would be the other end of a stylus on a graphics tablet. the device is a graphics tablet “puck” or similar device. the device is a keyboard. the device is a direct-input touch device, such as a touchscreen or tablet. This device type has been added in 3.4. the device is an indirect touch device, such as a touchpad. This device type has been added in 3.4. the device is a trackpoint. This device type has been added in 3.22 the device is a "pad", a collection of buttons, rings and strips found in drawing tablets. This device type has been added in 3.22. A #GdkKeymap defines the translation from keyboard state (including a hardware key, a modifier mask, and active keyboard group) to a keyval. This translation has two phases. The first phase is to determine the effective keyboard group and level for the keyboard state; the second phase is to look up the keycode/group/level triplet in the keymap and see what keyval it corresponds to. Returns the #GdkKeymap attached to the default display. Use gdk_keymap_get_for_display() instead the #GdkKeymap attached to the default display. Returns the #GdkKeymap attached to @display. the #GdkKeymap attached to @display. the #GdkDisplay. Maps the non-virtual modifiers (i.e Mod2, Mod3, ...) which are set in @state to the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) and set the corresponding bits in @state. GDK already does this before delivering key events, but for compatibility reasons, it only sets the first virtual modifier it finds, whereas this function sets all matching virtual modifiers. This function is useful when matching key events against accelerators. a #GdkKeymap pointer to the modifier mask to change Returns whether the Caps Lock modifer is locked. %TRUE if Caps Lock is on a #GdkKeymap Returns the direction of effective layout of the keymap. %PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR or %PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL if it can determine the direction. %PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL otherwise. a #GdkKeymap Returns the keyvals bound to @hardware_keycode. The Nth #GdkKeymapKey in @keys is bound to the Nth keyval in @keyvals. Free the returned arrays with g_free(). When a keycode is pressed by the user, the keyval from this list of entries is selected by considering the effective keyboard group and level. See gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state(). %TRUE if there were any entries a #GdkKeymap a keycode return location for array of #GdkKeymapKey, or %NULL return location for array of keyvals, or %NULL length of @keys and @keyvals Obtains a list of keycode/group/level combinations that will generate @keyval. Groups and levels are two kinds of keyboard mode; in general, the level determines whether the top or bottom symbol on a key is used, and the group determines whether the left or right symbol is used. On US keyboards, the shift key changes the keyboard level, and there are no groups. A group switch key might convert a keyboard between Hebrew to English modes, for example. #GdkEventKey contains a %group field that indicates the active keyboard group. The level is computed from the modifier mask. The returned array should be freed with g_free(). %TRUE if keys were found and returned a #GdkKeymap a keyval, such as %GDK_KEY_a, %GDK_KEY_Up, %GDK_KEY_Return, etc. return location for an array of #GdkKeymapKey return location for number of elements in returned array Returns the modifier mask the @keymap’s windowing system backend uses for a particular purpose. Note that this function always returns real hardware modifiers, not virtual ones (e.g. it will return #GDK_MOD1_MASK rather than #GDK_META_MASK if the backend maps MOD1 to META), so there are use cases where the return value of this function has to be transformed by gdk_keymap_add_virtual_modifiers() in order to contain the expected result. the modifier mask used for @intent. a #GdkKeymap the use case for the modifier mask Returns the current modifier state. the current modifier state. a #GdkKeymap Returns whether the Num Lock modifer is locked. %TRUE if Num Lock is on a #GdkKeymap Returns whether the Scroll Lock modifer is locked. %TRUE if Scroll Lock is on a #GdkKeymap Determines if keyboard layouts for both right-to-left and left-to-right languages are in use. %TRUE if there are layouts in both directions, %FALSE otherwise a #GdkKeymap Looks up the keyval mapped to a keycode/group/level triplet. If no keyval is bound to @key, returns 0. For normal user input, you want to use gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state() instead of this function, since the effective group/level may not be the same as the current keyboard state. a keyval, or 0 if none was mapped to the given @key a #GdkKeymap a #GdkKeymapKey with keycode, group, and level initialized Maps the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) which are set in @state to their non-virtual counterparts (i.e. Mod2, Mod3,...) and set the corresponding bits in @state. This function is useful when matching key events against accelerators. %FALSE if two virtual modifiers were mapped to the same non-virtual modifier. Note that %FALSE is also returned if a virtual modifier is mapped to a non-virtual modifier that was already set in @state. a #GdkKeymap pointer to the modifier state to map Translates the contents of a #GdkEventKey into a keyval, effective group, and level. Modifiers that affected the translation and are thus unavailable for application use are returned in @consumed_modifiers. See [Groups][key-group-explanation] for an explanation of groups and levels. The @effective_group is the group that was actually used for the translation; some keys such as Enter are not affected by the active keyboard group. The @level is derived from @state. For convenience, #GdkEventKey already contains the translated keyval, so this function isn’t as useful as you might think. @consumed_modifiers gives modifiers that should be masked outfrom @state when comparing this key press to a hot key. For instance, on a US keyboard, the `plus` symbol is shifted, so when comparing a key press to a `<Control>plus` accelerator `<Shift>` should be masked out. |[<!-- language="C" --> // We want to ignore irrelevant modifiers like ScrollLock #define ALL_ACCELS_MASK (GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_SHIFT_MASK | GDK_MOD1_MASK) gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state (keymap, event->hardware_keycode, event->state, event->group, &keyval, NULL, NULL, &consumed); if (keyval == GDK_PLUS && (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == GDK_CONTROL_MASK) // Control was pressed ]| An older interpretation @consumed_modifiers was that it contained all modifiers that might affect the translation of the key; this allowed accelerators to be stored with irrelevant consumed modifiers, by doing: |[<!-- language="C" --> // XXX Don’t do this XXX if (keyval == accel_keyval && (event->state & ~consumed & ALL_ACCELS_MASK) == (accel_mods & ~consumed)) // Accelerator was pressed ]| However, this did not work if multi-modifier combinations were used in the keymap, since, for instance, `<Control>` would be masked out even if only `<Control><Alt>` was used in the keymap. To support this usage as well as well as possible, all single modifier combinations that could affect the key for any combination of modifiers will be returned in @consumed_modifiers; multi-modifier combinations are returned only when actually found in @state. When you store accelerators, you should always store them with consumed modifiers removed. Store `<Control>plus`, not `<Control><Shift>plus`, %TRUE if there was a keyval bound to the keycode/state/group a #GdkKeymap a keycode a modifier state active keyboard group return location for keyval, or %NULL return location for effective group, or %NULL return location for level, or %NULL return location for modifiers that were used to determine the group or level, or %NULL The ::direction-changed signal gets emitted when the direction of the keymap changes. The ::keys-changed signal is emitted when the mapping represented by @keymap changes. The ::state-changed signal is emitted when the state of the keyboard changes, e.g when Caps Lock is turned on or off. See gdk_keymap_get_caps_lock_state(). A #GdkKeymapKey is a hardware key that can be mapped to a keyval. the hardware keycode. This is an identifying number for a physical key. indicates movement in a horizontal direction. Usually groups are used for two different languages. In group 0, a key might have two English characters, and in group 1 it might have two Hebrew characters. The Hebrew characters will be printed on the key next to the English characters. indicates which symbol on the key will be used, in a vertical direction. So on a standard US keyboard, the key with the number “1” on it also has the exclamation point ("!") character on it. The level indicates whether to use the “1” or the “!” symbol. The letter keys are considered to have a lowercase letter at level 0, and an uppercase letter at level 1, though only the uppercase letter is printed. This enum is used with gdk_keymap_get_modifier_mask() in order to determine what modifiers the currently used windowing system backend uses for particular purposes. For example, on X11/Windows, the Control key is used for invoking menu shortcuts (accelerators), whereas on Apple computers it’s the Command key (which correspond to %GDK_CONTROL_MASK and %GDK_MOD2_MASK, respectively). the primary modifier used to invoke menu accelerators. the modifier used to invoke context menus. Note that mouse button 3 always triggers context menus. When this modifier is not 0, it additionally triggers context menus when used with mouse button 1. the modifier used to extend selections using `modifier`-click or `modifier`-cursor-key the modifier used to modify selections, which in most cases means toggling the clicked item into or out of the selection. when any of these modifiers is pressed, the key event cannot produce a symbol directly. This is meant to be used for input methods, and for use cases like typeahead search. the modifier that switches between keyboard groups (AltGr on X11/Windows and Option/Alt on OS X). The set of modifier masks accepted as modifiers in accelerators. Needed because Command is mapped to MOD2 on OSX, which is widely used, but on X11 MOD2 is NumLock and using that for a mod key is problematic at best. Ref: A set of bit-flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in various event types. Typical modifier keys are Shift, Control, Meta, Super, Hyper, Alt, Compose, Apple, CapsLock or ShiftLock. Like the X Window System, GDK supports 8 modifier keys and 5 mouse buttons. Since 2.10, GDK recognizes which of the Meta, Super or Hyper keys are mapped to Mod2 - Mod5, and indicates this by setting %GDK_SUPER_MASK, %GDK_HYPER_MASK or %GDK_META_MASK in the state field of key events. Note that GDK may add internal values to events which include reserved values such as %GDK_MODIFIER_RESERVED_13_MASK. Your code should preserve and ignore them. You can use %GDK_MODIFIER_MASK to remove all reserved values. Also note that the GDK X backend interprets button press events for button 4-7 as scroll events, so %GDK_BUTTON4_MASK and %GDK_BUTTON5_MASK will never be set. the Shift key. a Lock key (depending on the modifier mapping of the X server this may either be CapsLock or ShiftLock). the Control key. the fourth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier, but normally it is the Alt key). the fifth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier). the sixth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier). the seventh modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier). the eighth modifier key (it depends on the modifier mapping of the X server which key is interpreted as this modifier). the first mouse button. the second mouse button. the third mouse button. the fourth mouse button. the fifth mouse button. A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code the Super modifier. Since 2.10 the Hyper modifier. Since 2.10 the Meta modifier. Since 2.10 A reserved bit flag; do not use in your own code not used in GDK itself. GTK+ uses it to differentiate between (keyval, modifiers) pairs from key press and release events. a mask covering all modifier types. GdkMonitor objects represent the individual outputs that are associated with a #GdkDisplay. GdkDisplay has APIs to enumerate monitors with gdk_display_get_n_monitors() and gdk_display_get_monitor(), and to find particular monitors with gdk_display_get_primary_monitor() or gdk_display_get_monitor_at_window(). GdkMonitor was introduced in GTK+ 3.22 and supersedes earlier APIs in GdkScreen to obtain monitor-related information. Gets the display that this monitor belongs to. the display a #GdkMonitor Retrieves the size and position of an individual monitor within the display coordinate space. The returned geometry is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor()). a #GdkMonitor a #GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor geometry Gets the height in millimeters of the monitor. the physical height of the monitor a #GdkMonitor Gets the name or PNP ID of the monitor's manufacturer, if available. Note that this value might also vary depending on actual display backend. PNP ID registry is located at the name of the manufacturer, or %NULL a #GdkMonitor Gets the a string identifying the monitor model, if available. the monitor model, or %NULL a #GdkMonitor Gets the refresh rate of the monitor, if available. The value is in milli-Hertz, so a refresh rate of 60Hz is returned as 60000. the refresh rate in milli-Hertz, or 0 a #GdkMonitor Gets the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordinates to the actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, but on very high density outputs this can be a higher value (often 2). This can be used if you want to create pixel based data for a particular monitor, but most of the time you’re drawing to a window where it is better to use gdk_window_get_scale_factor() instead. the scale factor a #GdkMonitor Gets information about the layout of red, green and blue primaries for each pixel in this monitor, if available. the subpixel layout a #GdkMonitor Gets the width in millimeters of the monitor. the physical width of the monitor a #GdkMonitor Retrieves the size and position of the “work area” on a monitor within the display coordinate space. The returned geometry is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor()). The work area should be considered when positioning menus and similar popups, to avoid placing them below panels, docks or other desktop components. Note that not all backends may have a concept of workarea. This function will return the monitor geometry if a workarea is not available, or does not apply. a #GdkMonitor a #GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor workarea Gets whether this monitor should be considered primary (see gdk_display_get_primary_monitor()). %TRUE if @monitor is primary a #GdkMonitor Specifies the kind of crossing for #GdkEventCrossing. See the X11 protocol specification of LeaveNotify for full details of crossing event generation. the window is entered from an ancestor or left towards an ancestor. the pointer moves between an ancestor and an inferior of the window. the window is entered from an inferior or left towards an inferior. the window is entered from or left towards a window which is neither an ancestor nor an inferior. the pointer moves between two windows which are not ancestors of each other and the window is part of the ancestor chain between one of these windows and their least common ancestor. an unknown type of enter/leave event occurred. Specifies why a selection ownership was changed. some other app claimed the ownership the window was destroyed the client was closed A special value, indicating that the background for a window should be inherited from the parent window. Extracts a #GdkAtom from a pointer. The #GdkAtom must have been stored in the pointer with GDK_ATOM_TO_POINTER(). a pointer containing a #GdkAtom. This is the priority that the idle handler processing window updates is given in the [GLib Main Loop][glib-The-Main-Event-Loop]. Defines the x and y coordinates of a point. the x coordinate of the point. the y coordinate of the point. Describes how existing data is combined with new data when using gdk_property_change(). the new data replaces the existing data. the new data is prepended to the existing data. the new data is appended to the existing data. Specifies the type of a property change for a #GdkEventProperty. the property value was changed. the property was deleted. A #GdkRGBA is used to represent a (possibly translucent) color, in a way that is compatible with cairo’s notion of color. The intensity of the red channel from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive The intensity of the green channel from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive The intensity of the blue channel from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive The opacity of the color from 0.0 for completely translucent to 1.0 for opaque Makes a copy of a #GdkRGBA. The result must be freed through gdk_rgba_free(). A newly allocated #GdkRGBA, with the same contents as @rgba a #GdkRGBA Compares two RGBA colors. %TRUE if the two colors compare equal a #GdkRGBA pointer another #GdkRGBA pointer Frees a #GdkRGBA created with gdk_rgba_copy() a #GdkRGBA A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores #GdkRGBAs. The hash value for @p a #GdkRGBA pointer Parses a textual representation of a color, filling in the @red, @green, @blue and @alpha fields of the @rgba #GdkRGBA. The string can be either one of: - A standard name (Taken from the X11 rgb.txt file). - A hexadecimal value in the form “\#rgb”, “\#rrggbb”, “\#rrrgggbbb” or ”\#rrrrggggbbbb” - A RGB color in the form “rgb(r,g,b)” (In this case the color will have full opacity) - A RGBA color in the form “rgba(r,g,b,a)” Where “r”, “g”, “b” and “a” are respectively the red, green, blue and alpha color values. In the last two cases, “r”, “g”, and “b” are either integers in the range 0 to 255 or percentage values in the range 0% to 100%, and a is a floating point value in the range 0 to 1. %TRUE if the parsing succeeded the #GdkRGBA to fill in the string specifying the color Returns a textual specification of @rgba in the form `rgb(r,g,b)` or `rgba(r g,b,a)`, where “r”, “g”, “b” and “a” represent the red, green, blue and alpha values respectively. “r”, “g”, and “b” are represented as integers in the range 0 to 255, and “a” is represented as a floating point value in the range 0 to 1. These string forms are string forms that are supported by the CSS3 colors module, and can be parsed by gdk_rgba_parse(). Note that this string representation may lose some precision, since “r”, “g” and “b” are represented as 8-bit integers. If this is a concern, you should use a different representation. A newly allocated text string a #GdkRGBA Defines the position and size of a rectangle. It is identical to #cairo_rectangle_int_t. Checks if the two given rectangles are equal. %TRUE if the rectangles are equal. a #GdkRectangle a #GdkRectangle Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. It is allowed for @dest to be the same as either @src1 or @src2. If the rectangles do not intersect, @dest’s width and height is set to 0 and its x and y values are undefined. If you are only interested in whether the rectangles intersect, but not in the intersecting area itself, pass %NULL for @dest. %TRUE if the rectangles intersect. a #GdkRectangle a #GdkRectangle return location for the intersection of @src1 and @src2, or %NULL Calculates the union of two rectangles. The union of rectangles @src1 and @src2 is the smallest rectangle which includes both @src1 and @src2 within it. It is allowed for @dest to be the same as either @src1 or @src2. Note that this function does not ignore 'empty' rectangles (ie. with zero width or height). a #GdkRectangle a #GdkRectangle return location for the union of @src1 and @src2 #GdkScreen objects are the GDK representation of the screen on which windows can be displayed and on which the pointer moves. X originally identified screens with physical screens, but nowadays it is more common to have a single #GdkScreen which combines several physical monitors (see gdk_screen_get_n_monitors()). GdkScreen is used throughout GDK and GTK+ to specify which screen the top level windows are to be displayed on. it is also used to query the screen specification and default settings such as the default visual (gdk_screen_get_system_visual()), the dimensions of the physical monitors (gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry()), etc. Gets the default screen for the default display. (See gdk_display_get_default ()). a #GdkScreen, or %NULL if there is no default display. Gets the height of the default screen in pixels. The returned size is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). Use per-monitor information the height of the default screen in pixels. Returns the height of the default screen in millimeters. Note that on many X servers this value will not be correct. Use per-monitor information the height of the default screen in millimeters, though it is not always correct. Gets the width of the default screen in pixels. The returned size is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). Use per-monitor information the width of the default screen in pixels. Returns the width of the default screen in millimeters. Note that on many X servers this value will not be correct. Use per-monitor information the width of the default screen in millimeters, though it is not always correct. Returns the screen’s currently active window. On X11, this is done by inspecting the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property on the root window, as described in the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( If there is no currently currently active window, or the window manager does not support the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW hint, this function returns %NULL. On other platforms, this function may return %NULL, depending on whether it is implementable on that platform. The returned window should be unrefed using g_object_unref() when no longer needed. the currently active window, or %NULL. a #GdkScreen Gets the display to which the @screen belongs. the display to which @screen belongs a #GdkScreen Gets any options previously set with gdk_screen_set_font_options(). the current font options, or %NULL if no default font options have been set. a #GdkScreen Gets the height of @screen in pixels. The returned size is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). Use per-monitor information instead the height of @screen in pixels. a #GdkScreen Returns the height of @screen in millimeters. Note that this value is somewhat ill-defined when the screen has multiple monitors of different resolution. It is recommended to use the monitor dimensions instead. Use per-monitor information instead the heigth of @screen in millimeters. a #GdkScreen Returns the monitor number in which the point (@x,@y) is located. Use gdk_display_get_monitor_at_point() instead the monitor number in which the point (@x,@y) lies, or a monitor close to (@x,@y) if the point is not in any monitor. a #GdkScreen. the x coordinate in the virtual screen. the y coordinate in the virtual screen. Returns the number of the monitor in which the largest area of the bounding rectangle of @window resides. Use gdk_display_get_monitor_at_window() instead the monitor number in which most of @window is located, or if @window does not intersect any monitors, a monitor, close to @window. a #GdkScreen. a #GdkWindow Retrieves the #GdkRectangle representing the size and position of the individual monitor within the entire screen area. The returned geometry is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). Monitor numbers start at 0. To obtain the number of monitors of @screen, use gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(). Note that the size of the entire screen area can be retrieved via gdk_screen_get_width() and gdk_screen_get_height(). Use gdk_monitor_get_geometry() instead a #GdkScreen the monitor number a #GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor geometry Gets the height in millimeters of the specified monitor. Use gdk_monitor_get_height_mm() instead the height of the monitor, or -1 if not available a #GdkScreen number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) Returns the output name of the specified monitor. Usually something like VGA, DVI, or TV, not the actual product name of the display device. Use gdk_monitor_get_model() instead a newly-allocated string containing the name of the monitor, or %NULL if the name cannot be determined a #GdkScreen number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) Returns the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordinates to the actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, but on very high density outputs this can be a higher value (often 2). This can be used if you want to create pixel based data for a particular monitor, but most of the time you’re drawing to a window where it is better to use gdk_window_get_scale_factor() instead. Use gdk_monitor_get_scale_factor() instead the scale factor screen to get scale factor for number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) Gets the width in millimeters of the specified monitor, if available. Use gdk_monitor_get_width_mm() instead the width of the monitor, or -1 if not available a #GdkScreen number of the monitor, between 0 and gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen) Retrieves the #GdkRectangle representing the size and position of the “work area” on a monitor within the entire screen area. The returned geometry is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). The work area should be considered when positioning menus and similar popups, to avoid placing them below panels, docks or other desktop components. Note that not all backends may have a concept of workarea. This function will return the monitor geometry if a workarea is not available, or does not apply. Monitor numbers start at 0. To obtain the number of monitors of @screen, use gdk_screen_get_n_monitors(). Use gdk_monitor_get_workarea() instead a #GdkScreen the monitor number a #GdkRectangle to be filled with the monitor workarea Returns the number of monitors which @screen consists of. Use gdk_display_get_n_monitors() instead number of monitors which @screen consists of a #GdkScreen Gets the index of @screen among the screens in the display to which it belongs. (See gdk_screen_get_display()) the index a #GdkScreen Gets the primary monitor for @screen. The primary monitor is considered the monitor where the “main desktop” lives. While normal application windows typically allow the window manager to place the windows, specialized desktop applications such as panels should place themselves on the primary monitor. If no primary monitor is configured by the user, the return value will be 0, defaulting to the first monitor. Use gdk_display_get_primary_monitor() instead An integer index for the primary monitor, or 0 if none is configured. a #GdkScreen. Gets the resolution for font handling on the screen; see gdk_screen_set_resolution() for full details. the current resolution, or -1 if no resolution has been set. a #GdkScreen Gets a visual to use for creating windows with an alpha channel. The windowing system on which GTK+ is running may not support this capability, in which case %NULL will be returned. Even if a non-%NULL value is returned, its possible that the window’s alpha channel won’t be honored when displaying the window on the screen: in particular, for X an appropriate windowing manager and compositing manager must be running to provide appropriate display. This functionality is not implemented in the Windows backend. For setting an overall opacity for a top-level window, see gdk_window_set_opacity(). a visual to use for windows with an alpha channel or %NULL if the capability is not available. a #GdkScreen Gets the root window of @screen. the root window a #GdkScreen Retrieves a desktop-wide setting such as double-click time for the #GdkScreen @screen. FIXME needs a list of valid settings here, or a link to more information. %TRUE if the setting existed and a value was stored in @value, %FALSE otherwise. the #GdkScreen where the setting is located the name of the setting location to store the value of the setting Get the system’s default visual for @screen. This is the visual for the root window of the display. The return value should not be freed. the system visual a #GdkScreen. Obtains a list of all toplevel windows known to GDK on the screen @screen. A toplevel window is a child of the root window (see gdk_get_default_root_window()). The returned list should be freed with g_list_free(), but its elements need not be freed. list of toplevel windows, free with g_list_free() The #GdkScreen where the toplevels are located. Gets the width of @screen in pixels. The returned size is in ”application pixels”, not in ”device pixels” (see gdk_screen_get_monitor_scale_factor()). Use per-monitor information instead the width of @screen in pixels. a #GdkScreen Gets the width of @screen in millimeters. Note that this value is somewhat ill-defined when the screen has multiple monitors of different resolution. It is recommended to use the monitor dimensions instead. Use per-monitor information instead the width of @screen in millimeters. a #GdkScreen Returns a #GList of #GdkWindows representing the current window stack. On X11, this is done by inspecting the _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING property on the root window, as described in the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( If the window manager does not support the _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING hint, this function returns %NULL. On other platforms, this function may return %NULL, depending on whether it is implementable on that platform. The returned list is newly allocated and owns references to the windows it contains, so it should be freed using g_list_free() and its windows unrefed using g_object_unref() when no longer needed. a list of #GdkWindows for the current window stack, or %NULL. a #GdkScreen Returns whether windows with an RGBA visual can reasonably be expected to have their alpha channel drawn correctly on the screen. On X11 this function returns whether a compositing manager is compositing @screen. Whether windows with RGBA visuals can reasonably be expected to have their alpha channels drawn correctly on the screen. a #GdkScreen Lists the available visuals for the specified @screen. A visual describes a hardware image data format. For example, a visual might support 24-bit color, or 8-bit color, and might expect pixels to be in a certain format. Call g_list_free() on the return value when you’re finished with it. a list of visuals; the list must be freed, but not its contents the relevant #GdkScreen. Determines the name to pass to gdk_display_open() to get a #GdkDisplay with this screen as the default screen. a newly allocated string, free with g_free() a #GdkScreen Sets the default font options for the screen. These options will be set on any #PangoContext’s newly created with gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen(). Changing the default set of font options does not affect contexts that have already been created. a #GdkScreen a #cairo_font_options_t, or %NULL to unset any previously set default font options. Sets the resolution for font handling on the screen. This is a scale factor between points specified in a #PangoFontDescription and cairo units. The default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13 units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3). a #GdkScreen the resolution in “dots per inch”. (Physical inches aren’t actually involved; the terminology is conventional.) The ::composited-changed signal is emitted when the composited status of the screen changes The ::monitors-changed signal is emitted when the number, size or position of the monitors attached to the screen change. Only for X11 and OS X for now. A future implementation for Win32 may be a possibility. The ::size-changed signal is emitted when the pixel width or height of a screen changes. Specifies the direction for #GdkEventScroll. the window is scrolled up. the window is scrolled down. the window is scrolled to the left. the window is scrolled to the right. the scrolling is determined by the delta values in #GdkEventScroll. See gdk_event_get_scroll_deltas(). Since: 3.4 The #GdkSeat object represents a collection of input devices that belong to a user. Returns the capabilities this #GdkSeat currently has. the seat capabilities a #GdkSeat Returns the #GdkDisplay this seat belongs to. a #GdkDisplay. This object is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed. a #GdkSeat Returns the master device that routes keyboard events. a master #GdkDevice with keyboard capabilities. This object is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed. a #GdkSeat Returns the master device that routes pointer events. a master #GdkDevice with pointer capabilities. This object is owned by GTK+ and must not be freed. a #GdkSeat Returns the slave devices that match the given capabilities. A list of #GdkDevices. The list must be freed with g_list_free(), the elements are owned by GDK and must not be freed. a #GdkSeat capabilities to get devices for Grabs the seat so that all events corresponding to the given @capabilities are passed to this application until the seat is ungrabbed with gdk_seat_ungrab(), or the window becomes hidden. This overrides any previous grab on the seat by this client. As a rule of thumb, if a grab is desired over %GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_POINTER, all other "pointing" capabilities (eg. %GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_TOUCH) should be grabbed too, so the user is able to interact with all of those while the grab holds, you should thus use %GDK_SEAT_CAPABILITY_ALL_POINTING most commonly. Grabs are used for operations which need complete control over the events corresponding to the given capabilities. For example in GTK+ this is used for Drag and Drop operations, popup menus and such. Note that if the event mask of a #GdkWindow has selected both button press and button release events, or touch begin and touch end, then a press event will cause an automatic grab until the button is released, equivalent to a grab on the window with @owner_events set to %TRUE. This is done because most applications expect to receive paired press and release events. If you set up anything at the time you take the grab that needs to be cleaned up when the grab ends, you should handle the #GdkEventGrabBroken events that are emitted when the grab ends unvoluntarily. %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab was successful. a #GdkSeat the #GdkWindow which will own the grab capabilities that will be grabbed if %FALSE then all device events are reported with respect to @window and are only reported if selected by @event_mask. If %TRUE then pointer events for this application are reported as normal, but pointer events outside this application are reported with respect to @window and only if selected by @event_mask. In either mode, unreported events are discarded. the cursor to display while the grab is active. If this is %NULL then the normal cursors are used for @window and its descendants, and the cursor for @window is used elsewhere. the event that is triggering the grab, or %NULL if none is available. function to prepare the window to be grabbed, it can be %NULL if @window is visible before this call. user data to pass to @prepare_func Releases a grab added through gdk_seat_grab(). a #GdkSeat #GdkDisplay of this seat. The ::device-added signal is emitted when a new input device is related to this seat. the newly added #GdkDevice. The ::device-removed signal is emitted when an input device is removed (e.g. unplugged). the just removed #GdkDevice. The ::tool-added signal is emitted whenever a new tool is made known to the seat. The tool may later be assigned to a device (i.e. on proximity with a tablet). The device will emit the #GdkDevice::tool-changed signal accordingly. A same tool may be used by several devices. the new #GdkDeviceTool known to the seat This signal is emitted whenever a tool is no longer known to this @seat. the just removed #GdkDeviceTool Flags describing the seat capabilities. No input capabilities The seat has a pointer (e.g. mouse) The seat has touchscreen(s) attached The seat has drawing tablet(s) attached The seat has keyboard(s) attached The union of all pointing capabilities The union of all capabilities Type of the callback used to set up @window so it can be grabbed. A typical action would be ensuring the window is visible, although there's room for other initialization actions. the #GdkSeat being grabbed the #GdkWindow being grabbed user data passed in gdk_seat_grab() Specifies the kind of modification applied to a setting in a #GdkEventSetting. a setting was added. a setting was changed. a setting was deleted. This enumeration describes how the red, green and blue components of physical pixels on an output device are laid out. The layout is not known Not organized in this way The layout is horizontal, the order is RGB The layout is horizontal, the order is BGR The layout is vertical, the order is RGB The layout is vertical, the order is BGR A #GdkTimeCoord stores a single event in a motion history. The timestamp for this event. the values of the device’s axes. Specifies the current state of a touchpad gesture. All gestures are guaranteed to begin with an event with phase %GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_BEGIN, followed by 0 or several events with phase %GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_UPDATE. A finished gesture may have 2 possible outcomes, an event with phase %GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_END will be emitted when the gesture is considered successful, this should be used as the hint to perform any permanent changes. Cancelled gestures may be so for a variety of reasons, due to hardware or the compositor, or due to the gesture recognition layers hinting the gesture did not finish resolutely (eg. a 3rd finger being added during a pinch gesture). In these cases, the last event will report the phase %GDK_TOUCHPAD_GESTURE_PHASE_CANCEL, this should be used as a hint to undo any visible/permanent changes that were done throughout the progress of the gesture. See also #GdkEventTouchpadSwipe and #GdkEventTouchpadPinch. The gesture has begun. The gesture has been updated. The gesture was finished, changes should be permanently applied. The gesture was cancelled, all changes should be undone. Specifies the visiblity status of a window for a #GdkEventVisibility. the window is completely visible. the window is partially visible. the window is not visible at all. A #GdkVisual contains information about a particular visual. Get the visual with the most available colors for the default GDK screen. The return value should not be freed. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best visual Get the best available depth for the default GDK screen. “Best” means “largest,” i.e. 32 preferred over 24 preferred over 8 bits per pixel. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best available depth Return the best available visual type for the default GDK screen. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best visual type Combines gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth() and gdk_visual_get_best_with_type(). Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best visual with both @depth and @visual_type, or %NULL if none a bit depth a visual type Get the best visual with depth @depth for the default GDK screen. Color visuals and visuals with mutable colormaps are preferred over grayscale or fixed-colormap visuals. The return value should not be freed. %NULL may be returned if no visual supports @depth. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best visual for the given depth a bit depth Get the best visual of the given @visual_type for the default GDK screen. Visuals with higher color depths are considered better. The return value should not be freed. %NULL may be returned if no visual has type @visual_type. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() best visual of the given type a visual type Get the system’s default visual for the default GDK screen. This is the visual for the root window of the display. The return value should not be freed. Use gdk_screen_get_system_visual (gdk_screen_get_default ()). system visual Returns the number of significant bits per red, green and blue value. Not all GDK backend provide a meaningful value for this function. Use gdk_visual_get_red_pixel_details() and its variants to learn about the pixel layout of TrueColor and DirectColor visuals The number of significant bits per color value for @visual. a #GdkVisual Obtains values that are needed to calculate blue pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. The “mask” is the significant bits within the pixel. The “shift” is the number of bits left we must shift a primary for it to be in position (according to the "mask"). Finally, "precision" refers to how much precision the pixel value contains for a particular primary. a #GdkVisual A pointer to a #guint32 to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL Returns the byte order of this visual. The information returned by this function is only relevant when working with XImages, and not all backends return meaningful information for this. This information is not useful A #GdkByteOrder stating the byte order of @visual. A #GdkVisual. Returns the size of a colormap for this visual. You have to use platform-specific APIs to manipulate colormaps. This information is not useful, since GDK does not provide APIs to operate on colormaps. The size of a colormap that is suitable for @visual. A #GdkVisual. Returns the bit depth of this visual. The bit depth of this visual. A #GdkVisual. Obtains values that are needed to calculate green pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. The “mask” is the significant bits within the pixel. The “shift” is the number of bits left we must shift a primary for it to be in position (according to the "mask"). Finally, "precision" refers to how much precision the pixel value contains for a particular primary. a #GdkVisual A pointer to a #guint32 to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL Obtains values that are needed to calculate red pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. The “mask” is the significant bits within the pixel. The “shift” is the number of bits left we must shift a primary for it to be in position (according to the "mask"). Finally, "precision" refers to how much precision the pixel value contains for a particular primary. A #GdkVisual A pointer to a #guint32 to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL A pointer to a #gint to be filled in, or %NULL Gets the screen to which this visual belongs the screen to which this visual belongs. a #GdkVisual Returns the type of visual this is (PseudoColor, TrueColor, etc). A #GdkVisualType stating the type of @visual. A #GdkVisual. A set of values that describe the manner in which the pixel values for a visual are converted into RGB values for display. Each pixel value indexes a grayscale value directly. Each pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into grayscale values. The color map can be changed by an application. Each pixel value is an index into a predefined, unmodifiable color map that maps pixel values into RGB values. Each pixel is an index into a color map that maps pixel values into rgb values. The color map can be changed by an application. Each pixel value directly contains red, green, and blue components. Use gdk_visual_get_red_pixel_details(), etc, to obtain information about how the components are assembled into a pixel value. Each pixel value contains red, green, and blue components as for %GDK_VISUAL_TRUE_COLOR, but the components are mapped via a color table into the final output table instead of being converted directly. These are hints originally defined by the Motif toolkit. The window manager can use them when determining how to decorate the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window. all decorations should be applied. a frame should be drawn around the window. the frame should have resize handles. a titlebar should be placed above the window. a button for opening a menu should be included. a minimize button should be included. a maximize button should be included. These are hints originally defined by the Motif toolkit. The window manager can use them when determining the functions to offer for the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window. all functions should be offered. the window should be resizable. the window should be movable. the window should be minimizable. the window should be maximizable. the window should be closable. Creates a new #GdkWindow using the attributes from @attributes. See #GdkWindowAttr and #GdkWindowAttributesType for more details. Note: to use this on displays other than the default display, @parent must be specified. the new #GdkWindow a #GdkWindow, or %NULL to create the window as a child of the default root window for the default display. attributes of the new window mask indicating which fields in @attributes are valid Obtains the window underneath the mouse pointer, returning the location of that window in @win_x, @win_y. Returns %NULL if the window under the mouse pointer is not known to GDK (if the window belongs to another application and a #GdkWindow hasn’t been created for it with gdk_window_foreign_new()) NOTE: For multihead-aware widgets or applications use gdk_display_get_window_at_pointer() instead. Use gdk_device_get_window_at_position() instead. window under the mouse pointer return location for origin of the window under the pointer return location for origin of the window under the pointer Constrains a desired width and height according to a set of geometry hints (such as minimum and maximum size). a #GdkGeometry structure a mask indicating what portions of @geometry are set desired width of window desired height of the window location to store resulting width location to store resulting height Calls gdk_window_process_updates() for all windows (see #GdkWindow) in the application. With update debugging enabled, calls to gdk_window_invalidate_region() clear the invalidated region of the screen to a noticeable color, and GDK pauses for a short time before sending exposes to windows during gdk_window_process_updates(). The net effect is that you can see the invalid region for each window and watch redraws as they occur. This allows you to diagnose inefficiencies in your application. In essence, because the GDK rendering model prevents all flicker, if you are redrawing the same region 400 times you may never notice, aside from noticing a speed problem. Enabling update debugging causes GTK to flicker slowly and noticeably, so you can see exactly what’s being redrawn when, in what order. The --gtk-debug=updates command line option passed to GTK+ programs enables this debug option at application startup time. That's usually more useful than calling gdk_window_set_debug_updates() yourself, though you might want to use this function to enable updates sometime after application startup time. %TRUE to turn on update debugging Adds an event filter to @window, allowing you to intercept events before they reach GDK. This is a low-level operation and makes it easy to break GDK and/or GTK+, so you have to know what you're doing. Pass %NULL for @window to get all events for all windows, instead of events for a specific window. If you are interested in X GenericEvents, bear in mind that XGetEventData() has been already called on the event, and XFreeEventData() must not be called within @function. a #GdkWindow filter callback data to pass to filter callback Emits a short beep associated to @window in the appropriate display, if supported. Otherwise, emits a short beep on the display just as gdk_display_beep(). a toplevel #GdkWindow Indicates that you are beginning the process of redrawing @region on @window, and provides you with a #GdkDrawingContext. If @window is a top level #GdkWindow, backed by a native window implementation, a backing store (offscreen buffer) large enough to contain @region will be created. The backing store will be initialized with the background color or background surface for @window. Then, all drawing operations performed on @window will be diverted to the backing store. When you call gdk_window_end_frame(), the contents of the backing store will be copied to @window, making it visible on screen. Only the part of @window contained in @region will be modified; that is, drawing operations are clipped to @region. The net result of all this is to remove flicker, because the user sees the finished product appear all at once when you call gdk_window_end_draw_frame(). If you draw to @window directly without calling gdk_window_begin_draw_frame(), the user may see flicker as individual drawing operations are performed in sequence. When using GTK+, the widget system automatically places calls to gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and gdk_window_end_draw_frame() around emissions of the `GtkWidget::draw` signal. That is, if you’re drawing the contents of the widget yourself, you can assume that the widget has a cleared background, is already set as the clip region, and already has a backing store. Therefore in most cases, application code in GTK does not need to call gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() explicitly. a #GdkDrawingContext context that should be used to draw the contents of the window; the returned context is owned by GDK. a #GdkWindow a Cairo region Begins a window move operation (for a toplevel window). This function assumes that the drag is controlled by the client pointer device, use gdk_window_begin_move_drag_for_device() to begin a drag with a different device. a toplevel #GdkWindow the button being used to drag, or 0 for a keyboard-initiated drag root window X coordinate of mouse click that began the drag root window Y coordinate of mouse click that began the drag timestamp of mouse click that began the drag Begins a window move operation (for a toplevel window). You might use this function to implement a “window move grip,” for example. The function works best with window managers that support the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( but has a fallback implementation for other window managers. a toplevel #GdkWindow the device used for the operation the button being used to drag, or 0 for a keyboard-initiated drag root window X coordinate of mouse click that began the drag root window Y coordinate of mouse click that began the drag timestamp of mouse click that began the drag A convenience wrapper around gdk_window_begin_paint_region() which creates a rectangular region for you. See gdk_window_begin_paint_region() for details. Use gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() instead a #GdkWindow rectangle you intend to draw to Indicates that you are beginning the process of redrawing @region. A backing store (offscreen buffer) large enough to contain @region will be created. The backing store will be initialized with the background color or background surface for @window. Then, all drawing operations performed on @window will be diverted to the backing store. When you call gdk_window_end_paint(), the backing store will be copied to @window, making it visible onscreen. Only the part of @window contained in @region will be modified; that is, drawing operations are clipped to @region. The net result of all this is to remove flicker, because the user sees the finished product appear all at once when you call gdk_window_end_paint(). If you draw to @window directly without calling gdk_window_begin_paint_region(), the user may see flicker as individual drawing operations are performed in sequence. The clipping and background-initializing features of gdk_window_begin_paint_region() are conveniences for the programmer, so you can avoid doing that work yourself. When using GTK+, the widget system automatically places calls to gdk_window_begin_paint_region() and gdk_window_end_paint() around emissions of the expose_event signal. That is, if you’re writing an expose event handler, you can assume that the exposed area in #GdkEventExpose has already been cleared to the window background, is already set as the clip region, and already has a backing store. Therefore in most cases, application code need not call gdk_window_begin_paint_region(). (You can disable the automatic calls around expose events on a widget-by-widget basis by calling gtk_widget_set_double_buffered().) If you call this function multiple times before calling the matching gdk_window_end_paint(), the backing stores are pushed onto a stack. gdk_window_end_paint() copies the topmost backing store onscreen, subtracts the topmost region from all other regions in the stack, and pops the stack. All drawing operations affect only the topmost backing store in the stack. One matching call to gdk_window_end_paint() is required for each call to gdk_window_begin_paint_region(). Use gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() instead a #GdkWindow region you intend to draw to Begins a window resize operation (for a toplevel window). This function assumes that the drag is controlled by the client pointer device, use gdk_window_begin_resize_drag_for_device() to begin a drag with a different device. a toplevel #GdkWindow the edge or corner from which the drag is started the button being used to drag, or 0 for a keyboard-initiated drag root window X coordinate of mouse click that began the drag root window Y coordinate of mouse click that began the drag timestamp of mouse click that began the drag (use gdk_event_get_time()) Begins a window resize operation (for a toplevel window). You might use this function to implement a “window resize grip,” for example; in fact #GtkStatusbar uses it. The function works best with window managers that support the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( but has a fallback implementation for other window managers. a toplevel #GdkWindow the edge or corner from which the drag is started the device used for the operation the button being used to drag, or 0 for a keyboard-initiated drag root window X coordinate of mouse click that began the drag root window Y coordinate of mouse click that began the drag timestamp of mouse click that began the drag (use gdk_event_get_time()) Does nothing, present only for compatiblity. this function is no longer needed a toplevel #GdkWindow Transforms window coordinates from a parent window to a child window, where the parent window is the normal parent as returned by gdk_window_get_parent() for normal windows, and the window's embedder as returned by gdk_offscreen_window_get_embedder() for offscreen windows. For normal windows, calling this function is equivalent to subtracting the return values of gdk_window_get_position() from the parent coordinates. For offscreen windows however (which can be arbitrarily transformed), this function calls the GdkWindow::from-embedder: signal to translate the coordinates. You should always use this function when writing generic code that walks down a window hierarchy. See also: gdk_window_coords_to_parent() a child window X coordinate in parent’s coordinate system Y coordinate in parent’s coordinate system return location for X coordinate in child’s coordinate system return location for Y coordinate in child’s coordinate system Transforms window coordinates from a child window to its parent window, where the parent window is the normal parent as returned by gdk_window_get_parent() for normal windows, and the window's embedder as returned by gdk_offscreen_window_get_embedder() for offscreen windows. For normal windows, calling this function is equivalent to adding the return values of gdk_window_get_position() to the child coordinates. For offscreen windows however (which can be arbitrarily transformed), this function calls the GdkWindow::to-embedder: signal to translate the coordinates. You should always use this function when writing generic code that walks up a window hierarchy. See also: gdk_window_coords_from_parent() a child window X coordinate in child’s coordinate system Y coordinate in child’s coordinate system return location for X coordinate in parent’s coordinate system, or %NULL return location for Y coordinate in parent’s coordinate system, or %NULL Creates a new #GdkGLContext matching the framebuffer format to the visual of the #GdkWindow. The context is disconnected from any particular window or surface. If the creation of the #GdkGLContext failed, @error will be set. Before using the returned #GdkGLContext, you will need to call gdk_gl_context_make_current() or gdk_gl_context_realize(). the newly created #GdkGLContext, or %NULL on error a #GdkWindow Create a new image surface that is efficient to draw on the given @window. Initially the surface contents are all 0 (transparent if contents have transparency, black otherwise.) The @width and @height of the new surface are not affected by the scaling factor of the @window, or by the @scale argument; they are the size of the surface in device pixels. If you wish to create an image surface capable of holding the contents of @window you can use: |[<!-- language="C" --> int scale = gdk_window_get_scale_factor (window); int width = gdk_window_get_width (window) * scale; int height = gdk_window_get_height (window) * scale; // format is set elsewhere cairo_surface_t *surface = gdk_window_create_similar_image_surface (window, format, width, height, scale); ]| Note that unlike cairo_surface_create_similar_image(), the new surface's device scale is set to @scale, or to the scale factor of @window if @scale is 0. a pointer to the newly allocated surface. The caller owns the surface and should call cairo_surface_destroy() when done with it. This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a “nil” surface if @other is already in an error state or any other error occurs. window to make new surface similar to, or %NULL if none the format for the new surface width of the new surface height of the new surface the scale of the new surface, or 0 to use same as @window Create a new surface that is as compatible as possible with the given @window. For example the new surface will have the same fallback resolution and font options as @window. Generally, the new surface will also use the same backend as @window, unless that is not possible for some reason. The type of the returned surface may be examined with cairo_surface_get_type(). Initially the surface contents are all 0 (transparent if contents have transparency, black otherwise.) a pointer to the newly allocated surface. The caller owns the surface and should call cairo_surface_destroy() when done with it. This function always returns a valid pointer, but it will return a pointer to a “nil” surface if @other is already in an error state or any other error occurs. window to make new surface similar to the content for the new surface width of the new surface height of the new surface Attempt to deiconify (unminimize) @window. On X11 the window manager may choose to ignore the request to deiconify. When using GTK+, use gtk_window_deiconify() instead of the #GdkWindow variant. Or better yet, you probably want to use gtk_window_present_with_time(), which raises the window, focuses it, unminimizes it, and puts it on the current desktop. a toplevel #GdkWindow Destroys the window system resources associated with @window and decrements @window's reference count. The window system resources for all children of @window are also destroyed, but the children’s reference counts are not decremented. Note that a window will not be destroyed automatically when its reference count reaches zero. You must call this function yourself before that happens. a #GdkWindow Does nothing, present only for compatiblity. this function is no longer needed a toplevel #GdkWindow Indicates that the drawing of the contents of @window started with gdk_window_begin_frame() has been completed. This function will take care of destroying the #GdkDrawingContext. It is an error to call this function without a matching gdk_window_begin_frame() first. a #GdkWindow the #GdkDrawingContext created by gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() Indicates that the backing store created by the most recent call to gdk_window_begin_paint_region() should be copied onscreen and deleted, leaving the next-most-recent backing store or no backing store at all as the active paint region. See gdk_window_begin_paint_region() for full details. It is an error to call this function without a matching gdk_window_begin_paint_region() first. a #GdkWindow Tries to ensure that there is a window-system native window for this GdkWindow. This may fail in some situations, returning %FALSE. Offscreen window and children of them can never have native windows. Some backends may not support native child windows. %TRUE if the window has a native window, %FALSE otherwise a #GdkWindow This function does nothing. a #GdkWindow Sets keyboard focus to @window. In most cases, gtk_window_present_with_time() should be used on a #GtkWindow, rather than calling this function. a #GdkWindow timestamp of the event triggering the window focus Temporarily freezes a window and all its descendants such that it won't receive expose events. The window will begin receiving expose events again when gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates_libgtk_only() is called. If gdk_window_freeze_toplevel_updates_libgtk_only() has been called more than once, gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates_libgtk_only() must be called an equal number of times to begin processing exposes. This function is not part of the GDK public API and is only for use by GTK+. This symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ a #GdkWindow Temporarily freezes a window such that it won’t receive expose events. The window will begin receiving expose events again when gdk_window_thaw_updates() is called. If gdk_window_freeze_updates() has been called more than once, gdk_window_thaw_updates() must be called an equal number of times to begin processing exposes. a #GdkWindow Moves the window into fullscreen mode. This means the window covers the entire screen and is above any panels or task bars. If the window was already fullscreen, then this function does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to put @window in a fullscreen state, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “fullscreen”; so you can’t rely on the fullscreenification actually happening. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. a toplevel #GdkWindow Moves the window into fullscreen mode on the given monitor. This means the window covers the entire screen and is above any panels or task bars. If the window was already fullscreen, then this function does nothing. UNRELEASED a toplevel #GdkWindow Which monitor to display fullscreen on. This function informs GDK that the geometry of an embedded offscreen window has changed. This is necessary for GDK to keep track of which offscreen window the pointer is in. an embedded offscreen #GdkWindow Determines whether or not the desktop environment shuld be hinted that the window does not want to receive input focus. whether or not the window should receive input focus. a toplevel #GdkWindow. Gets the pattern used to clear the background on @window. Don't use this function The pattern to use for the background or %NULL if there is no background. a window Gets the list of children of @window known to GDK. This function only returns children created via GDK, so for example it’s useless when used with the root window; it only returns windows an application created itself. The returned list must be freed, but the elements in the list need not be. list of child windows inside @window a #GdkWindow Gets the list of children of @window known to GDK with a particular @user_data set on it. The returned list must be freed, but the elements in the list need not be. The list is returned in (relative) stacking order, i.e. the lowest window is first. list of child windows inside @window a #GdkWindow user data to look for Computes the region of a window that potentially can be written to by drawing primitives. This region may not take into account other factors such as if the window is obscured by other windows, but no area outside of this region will be affected by drawing primitives. a #cairo_region_t. This must be freed with cairo_region_destroy() when you are done. a #GdkWindow Determines whether @window is composited. See gdk_window_set_composited(). Compositing is an outdated technology that only ever worked on X11. %TRUE if the window is composited. a #GdkWindow Retrieves a #GdkCursor pointer for the cursor currently set on the specified #GdkWindow, or %NULL. If the return value is %NULL then there is no custom cursor set on the specified window, and it is using the cursor for its parent window. a #GdkCursor, or %NULL. The returned object is owned by the #GdkWindow and should not be unreferenced directly. Use gdk_window_set_cursor() to unset the cursor of the window a #GdkWindow Returns the decorations set on the GdkWindow with gdk_window_set_decorations(). %TRUE if the window has decorations set, %FALSE otherwise. The toplevel #GdkWindow to get the decorations from The window decorations will be written here Retrieves a #GdkCursor pointer for the @device currently set on the specified #GdkWindow, or %NULL. If the return value is %NULL then there is no custom cursor set on the specified window, and it is using the cursor for its parent window. a #GdkCursor, or %NULL. The returned object is owned by the #GdkWindow and should not be unreferenced directly. Use gdk_window_set_cursor() to unset the cursor of the window a #GdkWindow. a master, pointer #GdkDevice. Returns the event mask for @window corresponding to an specific device. device event mask for @window a #GdkWindow. a #GdkDevice. Obtains the current device position and modifier state. The position is given in coordinates relative to the upper left corner of @window. Use gdk_window_get_device_position_double() if you need subpixel precision. The window underneath @device (as with gdk_device_get_window_at_position()), or %NULL if the window is not known to GDK. a #GdkWindow. pointer #GdkDevice to query to. return location for the X coordinate of @device, or %NULL. return location for the Y coordinate of @device, or %NULL. return location for the modifier mask, or %NULL. Obtains the current device position in doubles and modifier state. The position is given in coordinates relative to the upper left corner of @window. The window underneath @device (as with gdk_device_get_window_at_position()), or %NULL if the window is not known to GDK. a #GdkWindow. pointer #GdkDevice to query to. return location for the X coordinate of @device, or %NULL. return location for the Y coordinate of @device, or %NULL. return location for the modifier mask, or %NULL. Gets the #GdkDisplay associated with a #GdkWindow. the #GdkDisplay associated with @window a #GdkWindow Finds out the DND protocol supported by a window. the supported DND protocol. the destination window location of the window where the drop should happen. This may be @window or a proxy window, or %NULL if @window does not support Drag and Drop. Obtains the parent of @window, as known to GDK. Works like gdk_window_get_parent() for normal windows, but returns the window’s embedder for offscreen windows. See also: gdk_offscreen_window_get_embedder() effective parent of @window a #GdkWindow Gets the toplevel window that’s an ancestor of @window. Works like gdk_window_get_toplevel(), but treats an offscreen window's embedder as its parent, using gdk_window_get_effective_parent(). See also: gdk_offscreen_window_get_embedder() the effective toplevel window containing @window a #GdkWindow Get the current event compression setting for this window. %TRUE if motion events will be compressed a #GdkWindow Gets the event mask for @window for all master input devices. See gdk_window_set_events(). event mask for @window a #GdkWindow Determines whether or not the desktop environment should be hinted that the window does not want to receive input focus when it is mapped. whether or not the window wants to receive input focus when it is mapped. a toplevel #GdkWindow. Gets the frame clock for the window. The frame clock for a window never changes unless the window is reparented to a new toplevel window. the frame clock window to get frame clock for Obtains the bounding box of the window, including window manager titlebar/borders if any. The frame position is given in root window coordinates. To get the position of the window itself (rather than the frame) in root window coordinates, use gdk_window_get_origin(). a toplevel #GdkWindow rectangle to fill with bounding box of the window frame Obtains the #GdkFullscreenMode of the @window. The #GdkFullscreenMode applied to the window when fullscreen. a toplevel #GdkWindow Any of the return location arguments to this function may be %NULL, if you aren’t interested in getting the value of that field. The X and Y coordinates returned are relative to the parent window of @window, which for toplevels usually means relative to the window decorations (titlebar, etc.) rather than relative to the root window (screen-size background window). On the X11 platform, the geometry is obtained from the X server, so reflects the latest position of @window; this may be out-of-sync with the position of @window delivered in the most-recently-processed #GdkEventConfigure. gdk_window_get_position() in contrast gets the position from the most recent configure event. Note: If @window is not a toplevel, it is much better to call gdk_window_get_position(), gdk_window_get_width() and gdk_window_get_height() instead, because it avoids the roundtrip to the X server and because these functions support the full 32-bit coordinate space, whereas gdk_window_get_geometry() is restricted to the 16-bit coordinates of X11. a #GdkWindow return location for X coordinate of window (relative to its parent) return location for Y coordinate of window (relative to its parent) return location for width of window return location for height of window Returns the group leader window for @window. See gdk_window_set_group(). the group leader window for @window a toplevel #GdkWindow Returns the height of the given @window. On the X11 platform the returned size is the size reported in the most-recently-processed configure event, rather than the current size on the X server. The height of @window a #GdkWindow Determines whether or not the window manager is hinted that @window has modal behaviour. whether or not the window has the modal hint set. A toplevel #GdkWindow. Obtains the position of a window in root window coordinates. (Compare with gdk_window_get_position() and gdk_window_get_geometry() which return the position of a window relative to its parent window.) not meaningful, ignore a #GdkWindow return location for X coordinate return location for Y coordinate Obtains the parent of @window, as known to GDK. Does not query the X server; thus this returns the parent as passed to gdk_window_new(), not the actual parent. This should never matter unless you’re using Xlib calls mixed with GDK calls on the X11 platform. It may also matter for toplevel windows, because the window manager may choose to reparent them. Note that you should use gdk_window_get_effective_parent() when writing generic code that walks up a window hierarchy, because gdk_window_get_parent() will most likely not do what you expect if there are offscreen windows in the hierarchy. parent of @window a #GdkWindow Returns whether input to the window is passed through to the window below. See gdk_window_set_pass_through() for details a #GdkWindow Obtains the current pointer position and modifier state. The position is given in coordinates relative to the upper left corner of @window. Use gdk_window_get_device_position() instead. the window containing the pointer (as with gdk_window_at_pointer()), or %NULL if the window containing the pointer isn’t known to GDK a #GdkWindow return location for X coordinate of pointer or %NULL to not return the X coordinate return location for Y coordinate of pointer or %NULL to not return the Y coordinate return location for modifier mask or %NULL to not return the modifier mask Obtains the position of the window as reported in the most-recently-processed #GdkEventConfigure. Contrast with gdk_window_get_geometry() which queries the X server for the current window position, regardless of which events have been received or processed. The position coordinates are relative to the window’s parent window. a #GdkWindow X coordinate of window Y coordinate of window Obtains the position of a window position in root window coordinates. This is similar to gdk_window_get_origin() but allows you to pass in any position in the window, not just the origin. a #GdkWindow X coordinate in window Y coordinate in window return location for X coordinate return location for Y coordinate Obtains the top-left corner of the window manager frame in root window coordinates. a toplevel #GdkWindow return location for X position of window frame return location for Y position of window frame Returns the internal scale factor that maps from window coordiantes to the actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, but on very high density outputs this can be a higher value (often 2). A higher value means that drawing is automatically scaled up to a higher resolution, so any code doing drawing will automatically look nicer. However, if you are supplying pixel-based data the scale value can be used to determine whether to use a pixel resource with higher resolution data. The scale of a window may change during runtime, if this happens a configure event will be sent to the toplevel window. the scale factor window to get scale factor for Gets the #GdkScreen associated with a #GdkWindow. the #GdkScreen associated with @window a #GdkWindow Returns the event mask for @window corresponding to the device class specified by @source. source event mask for @window a #GdkWindow a #GdkInputSource to define the source class. Gets the bitwise OR of the currently active window state flags, from the #GdkWindowState enumeration. window state bitfield a #GdkWindow Returns %TRUE if the window is aware of the existence of multiple devices. %TRUE if the window handles multidevice features. a #GdkWindow. Gets the toplevel window that’s an ancestor of @window. Any window type but %GDK_WINDOW_CHILD is considered a toplevel window, as is a %GDK_WINDOW_CHILD window that has a root window as parent. Note that you should use gdk_window_get_effective_toplevel() when you want to get to a window’s toplevel as seen on screen, because gdk_window_get_toplevel() will most likely not do what you expect if there are offscreen windows in the hierarchy. the toplevel window containing @window a #GdkWindow This function returns the type hint set for a window. The type hint set for @window A toplevel #GdkWindow Transfers ownership of the update area from @window to the caller of the function. That is, after calling this function, @window will no longer have an invalid/dirty region; the update area is removed from @window and handed to you. If a window has no update area, gdk_window_get_update_area() returns %NULL. You are responsible for calling cairo_region_destroy() on the returned region if it’s non-%NULL. the update area for @window a #GdkWindow Retrieves the user data for @window, which is normally the widget that @window belongs to. See gdk_window_set_user_data(). a #GdkWindow return location for user data Computes the region of the @window that is potentially visible. This does not necessarily take into account if the window is obscured by other windows, but no area outside of this region is visible. a #cairo_region_t. This must be freed with cairo_region_destroy() when you are done. a #GdkWindow Gets the #GdkVisual describing the pixel format of @window. a #GdkVisual a #GdkWindow Returns the width of the given @window. On the X11 platform the returned size is the size reported in the most-recently-processed configure event, rather than the current size on the X server. The width of @window a #GdkWindow Gets the type of the window. See #GdkWindowType. type of window a #GdkWindow Checks whether the window has a native window or not. Note that you can use gdk_window_ensure_native() if a native window is needed. %TRUE if the @window has a native window, %FALSE otherwise. a #GdkWindow For toplevel windows, withdraws them, so they will no longer be known to the window manager; for all windows, unmaps them, so they won’t be displayed. Normally done automatically as part of gtk_widget_hide(). a #GdkWindow Asks to iconify (minimize) @window. The window manager may choose to ignore the request, but normally will honor it. Using gtk_window_iconify() is preferred, if you have a #GtkWindow widget. This function only makes sense when @window is a toplevel window. a toplevel #GdkWindow Like gdk_window_shape_combine_region(), but the shape applies only to event handling. Mouse events which happen while the pointer position corresponds to an unset bit in the mask will be passed on the window below @window. An input shape is typically used with RGBA windows. The alpha channel of the window defines which pixels are invisible and allows for nicely antialiased borders, and the input shape controls where the window is “clickable”. On the X11 platform, this requires version 1.1 of the shape extension. On the Win32 platform, this functionality is not present and the function does nothing. a #GdkWindow region of window to be non-transparent X position of @shape_region in @window coordinates Y position of @shape_region in @window coordinates Adds @region to the update area for @window. The update area is the region that needs to be redrawn, or “dirty region.” The call gdk_window_process_updates() sends one or more expose events to the window, which together cover the entire update area. An application would normally redraw the contents of @window in response to those expose events. GDK will call gdk_window_process_all_updates() on your behalf whenever your program returns to the main loop and becomes idle, so normally there’s no need to do that manually, you just need to invalidate regions that you know should be redrawn. The @child_func parameter controls whether the region of each child window that intersects @region will also be invalidated. Only children for which @child_func returns #TRUE will have the area invalidated. a #GdkWindow a #cairo_region_t function to use to decide if to recurse to a child, %NULL means never recurse. data passed to @child_func A convenience wrapper around gdk_window_invalidate_region() which invalidates a rectangular region. See gdk_window_invalidate_region() for details. a #GdkWindow rectangle to invalidate or %NULL to invalidate the whole window whether to also invalidate child windows Adds @region to the update area for @window. The update area is the region that needs to be redrawn, or “dirty region.” The call gdk_window_process_updates() sends one or more expose events to the window, which together cover the entire update area. An application would normally redraw the contents of @window in response to those expose events. GDK will call gdk_window_process_all_updates() on your behalf whenever your program returns to the main loop and becomes idle, so normally there’s no need to do that manually, you just need to invalidate regions that you know should be redrawn. The @invalidate_children parameter controls whether the region of each child window that intersects @region will also be invalidated. If %FALSE, then the update area for child windows will remain unaffected. See gdk_window_invalidate_maybe_recurse if you need fine grained control over which children are invalidated. a #GdkWindow a #cairo_region_t %TRUE to also invalidate child windows Check to see if a window is destroyed.. %TRUE if the window is destroyed a #GdkWindow Determines whether or not the window is an input only window. %TRUE if @window is input only a toplevel #GdkWindow Determines whether or not the window is shaped. %TRUE if @window is shaped a toplevel #GdkWindow Check if the window and all ancestors of the window are mapped. (This is not necessarily "viewable" in the X sense, since we only check as far as we have GDK window parents, not to the root window.) %TRUE if the window is viewable a #GdkWindow Checks whether the window has been mapped (with gdk_window_show() or gdk_window_show_unraised()). %TRUE if the window is mapped a #GdkWindow Lowers @window to the bottom of the Z-order (stacking order), so that other windows with the same parent window appear above @window. This is true whether or not the other windows are visible. If @window is a toplevel, the window manager may choose to deny the request to move the window in the Z-order, gdk_window_lower() only requests the restack, does not guarantee it. Note that gdk_window_show() raises the window again, so don’t call this function before gdk_window_show(). (Try gdk_window_show_unraised().) a #GdkWindow If you call this during a paint (e.g. between gdk_window_begin_paint_region() and gdk_window_end_paint() then GDK will mark the current clip region of the window as being drawn. This is required when mixing GL rendering via gdk_cairo_draw_from_gl() and cairo rendering, as otherwise GDK has no way of knowing when something paints over the GL-drawn regions. This is typically called automatically by GTK+ and you don't need to care about this. a #GdkWindow a #cairo_t Maximizes the window. If the window was already maximized, then this function does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to maximize @window, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “maximized”; so you can’t rely on the maximization actually happening. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. On Windows, reliably maximizes the window. a toplevel #GdkWindow Merges the input shape masks for any child windows into the input shape mask for @window. i.e. the union of all input masks for @window and its children will become the new input mask for @window. See gdk_window_input_shape_combine_region(). This function is distinct from gdk_window_set_child_input_shapes() because it includes @window’s input shape mask in the set of shapes to be merged. a #GdkWindow Merges the shape masks for any child windows into the shape mask for @window. i.e. the union of all masks for @window and its children will become the new mask for @window. See gdk_window_shape_combine_region(). This function is distinct from gdk_window_set_child_shapes() because it includes @window’s shape mask in the set of shapes to be merged. a #GdkWindow Repositions a window relative to its parent window. For toplevel windows, window managers may ignore or modify the move; you should probably use gtk_window_move() on a #GtkWindow widget anyway, instead of using GDK functions. For child windows, the move will reliably succeed. If you’re also planning to resize the window, use gdk_window_move_resize() to both move and resize simultaneously, for a nicer visual effect. a #GdkWindow X coordinate relative to window’s parent Y coordinate relative to window’s parent Move the part of @window indicated by @region by @dy pixels in the Y direction and @dx pixels in the X direction. The portions of @region that not covered by the new position of @region are invalidated. Child windows are not moved. a #GdkWindow The #cairo_region_t to move Amount to move in the X direction Amount to move in the Y direction Equivalent to calling gdk_window_move() and gdk_window_resize(), except that both operations are performed at once, avoiding strange visual effects. (i.e. the user may be able to see the window first move, then resize, if you don’t use gdk_window_move_resize().) a #GdkWindow new X position relative to window’s parent new Y position relative to window’s parent new width new height Moves @window to @rect, aligning their anchor points. @rect is relative to the top-left corner of the window that @window is transient for. @rect_anchor and @window_anchor determine anchor points on @rect and @window to pin together. @rect's anchor point can optionally be offset by @rect_anchor_dx and @rect_anchor_dy, which is equivalent to offsetting the position of @window. @anchor_hints determines how @window will be moved if the anchor points cause it to move off-screen. For example, %GDK_ANCHOR_FLIP_X will replace %GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST with %GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_EAST and vice versa if @window extends beyond the left or right edges of the monitor. Connect to the #GdkWindow::moved-to-rect signal to find out how it was actually positioned. the #GdkWindow to move the destination #GdkRectangle to align @window with the point on @rect to align with @window's anchor point the point on @window to align with @rect's anchor point positioning hints to use when limited on space horizontal offset to shift @window, i.e. @rect's anchor point vertical offset to shift @window, i.e. @rect's anchor point Like gdk_window_get_children(), but does not copy the list of children, so the list does not need to be freed. a reference to the list of child windows in @window a #GdkWindow Sends one or more expose events to @window. The areas in each expose event will cover the entire update area for the window (see gdk_window_invalidate_region() for details). Normally GDK calls gdk_window_process_all_updates() on your behalf, so there’s no need to call this function unless you want to force expose events to be delivered immediately and synchronously (vs. the usual case, where GDK delivers them in an idle handler). Occasionally this is useful to produce nicer scrolling behavior, for example. a #GdkWindow whether to also process updates for child windows Raises @window to the top of the Z-order (stacking order), so that other windows with the same parent window appear below @window. This is true whether or not the windows are visible. If @window is a toplevel, the window manager may choose to deny the request to move the window in the Z-order, gdk_window_raise() only requests the restack, does not guarantee it. a #GdkWindow Registers a window as a potential drop destination. a #GdkWindow. Remove a filter previously added with gdk_window_add_filter(). a #GdkWindow previously-added filter function user data for previously-added filter function Reparents @window into the given @new_parent. The window being reparented will be unmapped as a side effect. a #GdkWindow new parent to move @window into X location inside the new parent Y location inside the new parent Resizes @window; for toplevel windows, asks the window manager to resize the window. The window manager may not allow the resize. When using GTK+, use gtk_window_resize() instead of this low-level GDK function. Windows may not be resized below 1x1. If you’re also planning to move the window, use gdk_window_move_resize() to both move and resize simultaneously, for a nicer visual effect. a #GdkWindow new width of the window new height of the window Changes the position of @window in the Z-order (stacking order), so that it is above @sibling (if @above is %TRUE) or below @sibling (if @above is %FALSE). If @sibling is %NULL, then this either raises (if @above is %TRUE) or lowers the window. If @window is a toplevel, the window manager may choose to deny the request to move the window in the Z-order, gdk_window_restack() only requests the restack, does not guarantee it. a #GdkWindow a #GdkWindow that is a sibling of @window, or %NULL a boolean Scroll the contents of @window, both pixels and children, by the given amount. @window itself does not move. Portions of the window that the scroll operation brings in from offscreen areas are invalidated. The invalidated region may be bigger than what would strictly be necessary. For X11, a minimum area will be invalidated if the window has no subwindows, or if the edges of the window’s parent do not extend beyond the edges of the window. In other cases, a multi-step process is used to scroll the window which may produce temporary visual artifacts and unnecessary invalidations. a #GdkWindow Amount to scroll in the X direction Amount to scroll in the Y direction Setting @accept_focus to %FALSE hints the desktop environment that the window doesn’t want to receive input focus. On X, it is the responsibility of the window manager to interpret this hint. ICCCM-compliant window manager usually respect it. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE if the window should receive input focus Sets the background color of @window. However, when using GTK+, influence the background of a widget using a style class or CSS — if you’re an application — or with gtk_style_context_set_background() — if you're implementing a custom widget. Don't use this function a #GdkWindow a #GdkColor Sets the background of @window. A background of %NULL means that the window won't have any background. On the X11 backend it's also possible to inherit the background from the parent window using gdk_x11_get_parent_relative_pattern(). The windowing system will normally fill a window with its background when the window is obscured then exposed. Don't use this function a #GdkWindow a pattern to use, or %NULL Sets the background color of @window. See also gdk_window_set_background_pattern(). Don't use this function a #GdkWindow a #GdkRGBA color Sets the input shape mask of @window to the union of input shape masks for all children of @window, ignoring the input shape mask of @window itself. Contrast with gdk_window_merge_child_input_shapes() which includes the input shape mask of @window in the masks to be merged. a #GdkWindow Sets the shape mask of @window to the union of shape masks for all children of @window, ignoring the shape mask of @window itself. Contrast with gdk_window_merge_child_shapes() which includes the shape mask of @window in the masks to be merged. a #GdkWindow Sets a #GdkWindow as composited, or unsets it. Composited windows do not automatically have their contents drawn to the screen. Drawing is redirected to an offscreen buffer and an expose event is emitted on the parent of the composited window. It is the responsibility of the parent’s expose handler to manually merge the off-screen content onto the screen in whatever way it sees fit. It only makes sense for child windows to be composited; see gdk_window_set_opacity() if you need translucent toplevel windows. An additional effect of this call is that the area of this window is no longer clipped from regions marked for invalidation on its parent. Draws done on the parent window are also no longer clipped by the child. This call is only supported on some systems (currently, only X11 with new enough Xcomposite and Xdamage extensions). You must call gdk_display_supports_composite() to check if setting a window as composited is supported before attempting to do so. Compositing is an outdated technology that only ever worked on X11. a #GdkWindow %TRUE to set the window as composited Sets the default mouse pointer for a #GdkWindow. Note that @cursor must be for the same display as @window. Use gdk_cursor_new_for_display() or gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf() to create the cursor. To make the cursor invisible, use %GDK_BLANK_CURSOR. Passing %NULL for the @cursor argument to gdk_window_set_cursor() means that @window will use the cursor of its parent window. Most windows should use this default. a #GdkWindow a cursor “Decorations” are the features the window manager adds to a toplevel #GdkWindow. This function sets the traditional Motif window manager hints that tell the window manager which decorations you would like your window to have. Usually you should use gtk_window_set_decorated() on a #GtkWindow instead of using the GDK function directly. The @decorations argument is the logical OR of the fields in the #GdkWMDecoration enumeration. If #GDK_DECOR_ALL is included in the mask, the other bits indicate which decorations should be turned off. If #GDK_DECOR_ALL is not included, then the other bits indicate which decorations should be turned on. Most window managers honor a decorations hint of 0 to disable all decorations, but very few honor all possible combinations of bits. a toplevel #GdkWindow decoration hint mask Sets a specific #GdkCursor for a given device when it gets inside @window. Use gdk_cursor_new_for_display() or gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf() to create the cursor. To make the cursor invisible, use %GDK_BLANK_CURSOR. Passing %NULL for the @cursor argument to gdk_window_set_cursor() means that @window will use the cursor of its parent window. Most windows should use this default. a #GdkWindow a master, pointer #GdkDevice a #GdkCursor Sets the event mask for a given device (Normally a floating device, not attached to any visible pointer) to @window. For example, an event mask including #GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK means the window should report button press events. The event mask is the bitwise OR of values from the #GdkEventMask enumeration. See the [input handling overview][event-masks] for details. a #GdkWindow #GdkDevice to enable events for. event mask for @window Determines whether or not extra unprocessed motion events in the event queue can be discarded. If %TRUE only the most recent event will be delivered. Some types of applications, e.g. paint programs, need to see all motion events and will benefit from turning off event compression. By default, event compression is enabled. a #GdkWindow %TRUE if motion events should be compressed The event mask for a window determines which events will be reported for that window from all master input devices. For example, an event mask including #GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK means the window should report button press events. The event mask is the bitwise OR of values from the #GdkEventMask enumeration. See the [input handling overview][event-masks] for details. a #GdkWindow event mask for @window Setting @focus_on_map to %FALSE hints the desktop environment that the window doesn’t want to receive input focus when it is mapped. focus_on_map should be turned off for windows that aren’t triggered interactively (such as popups from network activity). On X, it is the responsibility of the window manager to interpret this hint. Window managers following the window manager extension specification should respect it. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE if the window should receive input focus when mapped Specifies whether the @window should span over all monitors (in a multi-head setup) or only the current monitor when in fullscreen mode. The @mode argument is from the #GdkFullscreenMode enumeration. If #GDK_FULLSCREEN_ON_ALL_MONITORS is specified, the fullscreen @window will span over all monitors from the #GdkScreen. On X11, searches through the list of monitors from the #GdkScreen the ones which delimit the 4 edges of the entire #GdkScreen and will ask the window manager to span the @window over these monitors. If the XINERAMA extension is not available or not usable, this function has no effect. Not all window managers support this, so you can’t rely on the fullscreen window to span over the multiple monitors when #GDK_FULLSCREEN_ON_ALL_MONITORS is specified. a toplevel #GdkWindow fullscreen mode Sets hints about the window management functions to make available via buttons on the window frame. On the X backend, this function sets the traditional Motif window manager hint for this purpose. However, few window managers do anything reliable or interesting with this hint. Many ignore it entirely. The @functions argument is the logical OR of values from the #GdkWMFunction enumeration. If the bitmask includes #GDK_FUNC_ALL, then the other bits indicate which functions to disable; if it doesn’t include #GDK_FUNC_ALL, it indicates which functions to enable. a toplevel #GdkWindow bitmask of operations to allow on @window Sets the geometry hints for @window. Hints flagged in @geom_mask are set, hints not flagged in @geom_mask are unset. To unset all hints, use a @geom_mask of 0 and a @geometry of %NULL. This function provides hints to the windowing system about acceptable sizes for a toplevel window. The purpose of this is to constrain user resizing, but the windowing system will typically (but is not required to) also constrain the current size of the window to the provided values and constrain programatic resizing via gdk_window_resize() or gdk_window_move_resize(). Note that on X11, this effect has no effect on windows of type %GDK_WINDOW_TEMP or windows where override redirect has been turned on via gdk_window_set_override_redirect() since these windows are not resizable by the user. Since you can’t count on the windowing system doing the constraints for programmatic resizes, you should generally call gdk_window_constrain_size() yourself to determine appropriate sizes. a toplevel #GdkWindow geometry hints bitmask indicating fields of @geometry to pay attention to Sets the group leader window for @window. By default, GDK sets the group leader for all toplevel windows to a global window implicitly created by GDK. With this function you can override this default. The group leader window allows the window manager to distinguish all windows that belong to a single application. It may for example allow users to minimize/unminimize all windows belonging to an application at once. You should only set a non-default group window if your application pretends to be multiple applications. a toplevel #GdkWindow group leader window, or %NULL to restore the default group leader window Sets a list of icons for the window. One of these will be used to represent the window when it has been iconified. The icon is usually shown in an icon box or some sort of task bar. Which icon size is shown depends on the window manager. The window manager can scale the icon but setting several size icons can give better image quality since the window manager may only need to scale the icon by a small amount or not at all. Note that some platforms don't support window icons. The #GdkWindow toplevel window to set the icon of. A list of pixbufs, of different sizes. Windows may have a name used while minimized, distinct from the name they display in their titlebar. Most of the time this is a bad idea from a user interface standpoint. But you can set such a name with this function, if you like. After calling this with a non-%NULL @name, calls to gdk_window_set_title() will not update the icon title. Using %NULL for @name unsets the icon title; further calls to gdk_window_set_title() will again update the icon title as well. Note that some platforms don't support window icons. a toplevel #GdkWindow name of window while iconified (minimized) Registers an invalidate handler for a specific window. This will get called whenever a region in the window or its children is invalidated. This can be used to record the invalidated region, which is useful if you are keeping an offscreen copy of some region and want to keep it up to date. You can also modify the invalidated region in case you’re doing some effect where e.g. a child widget appears in multiple places. a #GdkWindow a #GdkWindowInvalidateHandlerFunc callback function Set if @window must be kept above other windows. If the window was already above, then this function does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to keep @window above, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “keep above”; so you can’t rely on the window being kept above. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. a toplevel #GdkWindow whether to keep @window above other windows Set if @window must be kept below other windows. If the window was already below, then this function does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to keep @window below, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “keep below”; so you can’t rely on the window being kept below. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. a toplevel #GdkWindow whether to keep @window below other windows The application can use this hint to tell the window manager that a certain window has modal behaviour. The window manager can use this information to handle modal windows in a special way. You should only use this on windows for which you have previously called gdk_window_set_transient_for() A toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE if the window is modal, %FALSE otherwise. Set @window to render as partially transparent, with opacity 0 being fully transparent and 1 fully opaque. (Values of the opacity parameter are clamped to the [0,1] range.) For toplevel windows this depends on support from the windowing system that may not always be there. For instance, On X11, this works only on X screens with a compositing manager running. On Wayland, there is no per-window opacity value that the compositor would apply. Instead, use `gdk_window_set_opaque_region (window, NULL)` to tell the compositor that the entire window is (potentially) non-opaque, and draw your content with alpha, or use gtk_widget_set_opacity() to set an overall opacity for your widgets. For child windows this function only works for non-native windows. For setting up per-pixel alpha topelevels, see gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual(), and for non-toplevels, see gdk_window_set_composited(). Support for non-toplevel windows was added in 3.8. a top-level or non-native #GdkWindow opacity For optimisation purposes, compositing window managers may like to not draw obscured regions of windows, or turn off blending during for these regions. With RGB windows with no transparency, this is just the shape of the window, but with ARGB32 windows, the compositor does not know what regions of the window are transparent or not. This function only works for toplevel windows. GTK+ will update this property automatically if the @window background is opaque, as we know where the opaque regions are. If your window background is not opaque, please update this property in your #GtkWidget::style-updated handler. a top-level or non-native #GdkWindow a region, or %NULL An override redirect window is not under the control of the window manager. This means it won’t have a titlebar, won’t be minimizable, etc. - it will be entirely under the control of the application. The window manager can’t see the override redirect window at all. Override redirect should only be used for short-lived temporary windows, such as popup menus. #GtkMenu uses an override redirect window in its implementation, for example. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE if window should be override redirect Sets whether input to the window is passed through to the window below. The default value of this is %FALSE, which means that pointer events that happen inside the window are send first to the window, but if the event is not selected by the event mask then the event is sent to the parent window, and so on up the hierarchy. If @pass_through is %TRUE then such pointer events happen as if the window wasn't there at all, and thus will be sent first to any windows below @window. This is useful if the window is used in a transparent fashion. In the terminology of the web this would be called "pointer-events: none". Note that a window with @pass_through %TRUE can still have a subwindow without pass through, so you can get events on a subset of a window. And in that cases you would get the in-between related events such as the pointer enter/leave events on its way to the destination window. a #GdkWindow a boolean When using GTK+, typically you should use gtk_window_set_role() instead of this low-level function. The window manager and session manager use a window’s role to distinguish it from other kinds of window in the same application. When an application is restarted after being saved in a previous session, all windows with the same title and role are treated as interchangeable. So if you have two windows with the same title that should be distinguished for session management purposes, you should set the role on those windows. It doesn’t matter what string you use for the role, as long as you have a different role for each non-interchangeable kind of window. a toplevel #GdkWindow a string indicating its role Newer GTK+ windows using client-side decorations use extra geometry around their frames for effects like shadows and invisible borders. Window managers that want to maximize windows or snap to edges need to know where the extents of the actual frame lie, so that users don’t feel like windows are snapping against random invisible edges. Note that this property is automatically updated by GTK+, so this function should only be used by applications which do not use GTK+ to create toplevel windows. a #GdkWindow The left extent The right extent The top extent The bottom extent Toggles whether a window should appear in a pager (workspace switcher, or other desktop utility program that displays a small thumbnail representation of the windows on the desktop). If a window’s semantic type as specified with gdk_window_set_type_hint() already fully describes the window, this function should not be called in addition, instead you should allow the window to be treated according to standard policy for its semantic type. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE to skip the pager Toggles whether a window should appear in a task list or window list. If a window’s semantic type as specified with gdk_window_set_type_hint() already fully describes the window, this function should not be called in addition, instead you should allow the window to be treated according to standard policy for its semantic type. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE to skip the taskbar Sets the event mask for any floating device (i.e. not attached to any visible pointer) that has the source defined as @source. This event mask will be applied both to currently existing, newly added devices after this call, and devices being attached/detached. a #GdkWindow a #GdkInputSource to define the source class. event mask for @window When using GTK+, typically you should use gtk_window_set_startup_id() instead of this low-level function. a toplevel #GdkWindow a string with startup-notification identifier Used to set the bit gravity of the given window to static, and flag it so all children get static subwindow gravity. This is used if you are implementing scary features that involve deep knowledge of the windowing system. Don’t worry about it. static gravities haven't worked on anything but X11 for a long time. %FALSE a #GdkWindow %TRUE to turn on static gravity This function will enable multidevice features in @window. Multidevice aware windows will need to handle properly multiple, per device enter/leave events, device grabs and grab ownerships. a #GdkWindow. %TRUE to enable multidevice support in @window. Sets the title of a toplevel window, to be displayed in the titlebar. If you haven’t explicitly set the icon name for the window (using gdk_window_set_icon_name()), the icon name will be set to @title as well. @title must be in UTF-8 encoding (as with all user-readable strings in GDK/GTK+). @title may not be %NULL. a toplevel #GdkWindow title of @window Indicates to the window manager that @window is a transient dialog associated with the application window @parent. This allows the window manager to do things like center @window on @parent and keep @window above @parent. See gtk_window_set_transient_for() if you’re using #GtkWindow or #GtkDialog. a toplevel #GdkWindow another toplevel #GdkWindow The application can use this call to provide a hint to the window manager about the functionality of a window. The window manager can use this information when determining the decoration and behaviour of the window. The hint must be set before the window is mapped. A toplevel #GdkWindow A hint of the function this window will have Toggles whether a window needs the user's urgent attention. a toplevel #GdkWindow %TRUE if the window is urgent For most purposes this function is deprecated in favor of g_object_set_data(). However, for historical reasons GTK+ stores the #GtkWidget that owns a #GdkWindow as user data on the #GdkWindow. So, custom widget implementations should use this function for that. If GTK+ receives an event for a #GdkWindow, and the user data for the window is non-%NULL, GTK+ will assume the user data is a #GtkWidget, and forward the event to that widget. a #GdkWindow user data Makes pixels in @window outside @shape_region be transparent, so that the window may be nonrectangular. If @shape_region is %NULL, the shape will be unset, so the whole window will be opaque again. @offset_x and @offset_y are ignored if @shape_region is %NULL. On the X11 platform, this uses an X server extension which is widely available on most common platforms, but not available on very old X servers, and occasionally the implementation will be buggy. On servers without the shape extension, this function will do nothing. This function works on both toplevel and child windows. a #GdkWindow region of window to be non-transparent X position of @shape_region in @window coordinates Y position of @shape_region in @window coordinates Like gdk_window_show_unraised(), but also raises the window to the top of the window stack (moves the window to the front of the Z-order). This function maps a window so it’s visible onscreen. Its opposite is gdk_window_hide(). When implementing a #GtkWidget, you should call this function on the widget's #GdkWindow as part of the “map” method. a #GdkWindow Shows a #GdkWindow onscreen, but does not modify its stacking order. In contrast, gdk_window_show() will raise the window to the top of the window stack. On the X11 platform, in Xlib terms, this function calls XMapWindow() (it also updates some internal GDK state, which means that you can’t really use XMapWindow() directly on a GDK window). a #GdkWindow Asks the windowing system to show the window menu. The window menu is the menu shown when right-clicking the titlebar on traditional windows managed by the window manager. This is useful for windows using client-side decorations, activating it with a right-click on the window decorations. %TRUE if the window menu was shown and %FALSE otherwise. a #GdkWindow a #GdkEvent to show the menu for “Pins” a window such that it’s on all workspaces and does not scroll with viewports, for window managers that have scrollable viewports. (When using #GtkWindow, gtk_window_stick() may be more useful.) On the X11 platform, this function depends on window manager support, so may have no effect with many window managers. However, GDK will do the best it can to convince the window manager to stick the window. For window managers that don’t support this operation, there’s nothing you can do to force it to happen. a toplevel #GdkWindow Thaws a window frozen with gdk_window_freeze_toplevel_updates_libgtk_only(). This function is not part of the GDK public API and is only for use by GTK+. This symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ a #GdkWindow Thaws a window frozen with gdk_window_freeze_updates(). a #GdkWindow Moves the window out of fullscreen mode. If the window was not fullscreen, does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to move @window out of the fullscreen state, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “fullscreen”; so you can’t rely on the unfullscreenification actually happening. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. a toplevel #GdkWindow Unmaximizes the window. If the window wasn’t maximized, then this function does nothing. On X11, asks the window manager to unmaximize @window, if the window manager supports this operation. Not all window managers support this, and some deliberately ignore it or don’t have a concept of “maximized”; so you can’t rely on the unmaximization actually happening. But it will happen with most standard window managers, and GDK makes a best effort to get it to happen. On Windows, reliably unmaximizes the window. a toplevel #GdkWindow Reverse operation for gdk_window_stick(); see gdk_window_stick(), and gtk_window_unstick(). a toplevel #GdkWindow Withdraws a window (unmaps it and asks the window manager to forget about it). This function is not really useful as gdk_window_hide() automatically withdraws toplevel windows before hiding them. a toplevel #GdkWindow The mouse pointer for a #GdkWindow. See gdk_window_set_cursor() and gdk_window_get_cursor() for details. The ::create-surface signal is emitted when an offscreen window needs its surface (re)created, which happens either when the window is first drawn to, or when the window is being resized. The first signal handler that returns a non-%NULL surface will stop any further signal emission, and its surface will be used. Note that it is not possible to access the window's previous surface from within any callback of this signal. Calling gdk_offscreen_window_get_surface() will lead to a crash. the newly created #cairo_surface_t for the offscreen window the width of the offscreen surface to create the height of the offscreen surface to create The ::from-embedder signal is emitted to translate coordinates in the embedder of an offscreen window to the offscreen window. See also #GdkWindow::to-embedder. x coordinate in the embedder window y coordinate in the embedder window return location for the x coordinate in the offscreen window return location for the y coordinate in the offscreen window Emitted when the position of @window is finalized after being moved to a destination rectangle. @window might be flipped over the destination rectangle in order to keep it on-screen, in which case @flipped_x and @flipped_y will be set to %TRUE accordingly. @flipped_rect is the ideal position of @window after any possible flipping, but before any possible sliding. @final_rect is @flipped_rect, but possibly translated in the case that flipping is still ineffective in keeping @window on-screen. the position of @window after any possible flipping or %NULL if the backend can't obtain it the final position of @window or %NULL if the backend can't obtain it %TRUE if the anchors were flipped horizontally %TRUE if the anchors were flipped vertically The ::pick-embedded-child signal is emitted to find an embedded child at the given position. the #GdkWindow of the embedded child at @x, @y, or %NULL x coordinate in the window y coordinate in the window The ::to-embedder signal is emitted to translate coordinates in an offscreen window to its embedder. See also #GdkWindow::from-embedder. x coordinate in the offscreen window y coordinate in the offscreen window return location for the x coordinate in the embedder window return location for the y coordinate in the embedder window Attributes to use for a newly-created window. title of the window (for toplevel windows) event mask (see gdk_window_set_events()) X coordinate relative to parent window (see gdk_window_move()) Y coordinate relative to parent window (see gdk_window_move()) width of window height of window #GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT (normal window) or #GDK_INPUT_ONLY (invisible window that receives events) #GdkVisual for window type of window cursor for the window (see gdk_window_set_cursor()) don’t use (see gtk_window_set_wmclass()) don’t use (see gtk_window_set_wmclass()) %TRUE to bypass the window manager a hint of the function of the window Used to indicate which fields in the #GdkWindowAttr struct should be honored. For example, if you filled in the “cursor” and “x” fields of #GdkWindowAttr, pass “@GDK_WA_X | @GDK_WA_CURSOR” to gdk_window_new(). Fields in #GdkWindowAttr not covered by a bit in this enum are required; for example, the @width/@height, @wclass, and @window_type fields are required, they have no corresponding flag in #GdkWindowAttributesType. Honor the title field Honor the X coordinate field Honor the Y coordinate field Honor the cursor field Honor the visual field Honor the wmclass_class and wmclass_name fields Honor the override_redirect field Honor the type_hint field A function of this type is passed to gdk_window_invalidate_maybe_recurse(). It gets called for each child of the window to determine whether to recursively invalidate it or now. %TRUE to invalidate @window recursively a #GdkWindow user data Determines a window edge or corner. the top left corner. the top edge. the top right corner. the left edge. the right edge. the lower left corner. the lower edge. the lower right corner. Used to indicate which fields of a #GdkGeometry struct should be paid attention to. Also, the presence/absence of @GDK_HINT_POS, @GDK_HINT_USER_POS, and @GDK_HINT_USER_SIZE is significant, though they don't directly refer to #GdkGeometry fields. @GDK_HINT_USER_POS will be set automatically by #GtkWindow if you call gtk_window_move(). @GDK_HINT_USER_POS and @GDK_HINT_USER_SIZE should be set if the user specified a size/position using a --geometry command-line argument; gtk_window_parse_geometry() automatically sets these flags. indicates that the program has positioned the window min size fields are set max size fields are set base size fields are set aspect ratio fields are set resize increment fields are set window gravity field is set indicates that the window’s position was explicitly set by the user indicates that the window’s size was explicitly set by the user Whenever some area of the window is invalidated (directly in the window or in a child window) this gets called with @region in the coordinate space of @window. You can use @region to just keep track of the dirty region, or you can actually change @region in case you are doing display tricks like showing a child in multiple places. a #GdkWindow a #cairo_region_t Specifies the state of a toplevel window. the window is not shown. the window is minimized. the window is maximized. the window is sticky. the window is maximized without decorations. the window is kept above other windows. the window is kept below other windows. the window is presented as focused (with active decorations). the window is in a tiled state, Since 3.10. Since 3.22.23, this is deprecated in favor of per-edge information. whether the top edge is tiled, Since 3.22.23 whether the top edge is resizable, Since 3.22.23 whether the right edge is tiled, Since 3.22.23 whether the right edge is resizable, Since 3.22.23 whether the bottom edge is tiled, Since 3.22.23 whether the bottom edge is resizable, Since 3.22.23 whether the left edge is tiled, Since 3.22.23 whether the left edge is resizable, Since 3.22.23 Describes the kind of window. root window; this window has no parent, covers the entire screen, and is created by the window system toplevel window (used to implement #GtkWindow) child window (used to implement e.g. #GtkEntry) override redirect temporary window (used to implement #GtkMenu) foreign window (see gdk_window_foreign_new()) offscreen window (see [Offscreen Windows][OFFSCREEN-WINDOWS]). Since 2.18 subsurface-based window; This window is visually tied to a toplevel, and is moved/stacked with it. Currently this window type is only implemented in Wayland. Since 3.14 These are hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function the window has. The window manager can use this when determining decoration and behaviour of the window. The hint must be set before mapping the window. See the [Extended Window Manager Hints]( specification for more details about window types. Normal toplevel window. Dialog window. Window used to implement a menu; GTK+ uses this hint only for torn-off menus, see #GtkTearoffMenuItem. Window used to implement toolbars. Window used to display a splash screen during application startup. Utility windows which are not detached toolbars or dialogs. Used for creating dock or panel windows. Used for creating the desktop background window. A menu that belongs to a menubar. A menu that does not belong to a menubar, e.g. a context menu. A tooltip. A notification - typically a “bubble” that belongs to a status icon. A popup from a combo box. A window that is used to implement a DND cursor. @GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT windows are the standard kind of window you might expect. Such windows receive events and are also displayed on screen. @GDK_INPUT_ONLY windows are invisible; they are usually placed above other windows in order to trap or filter the events. You can’t draw on @GDK_INPUT_ONLY windows. window for graphics and events window for events only Appends gdk option entries to the passed in option group. This is not public API and must not be used by applications. This symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ An option group. Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. the atom corresponding to @atom_name. a string. if %TRUE, GDK is allowed to not create a new atom, but just return %GDK_NONE if the requested atom doesn’t already exists. Currently, the flag is ignored, since checking the existance of an atom is as expensive as creating it. Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. Note that this function is identical to gdk_atom_intern() except that if a new #GdkAtom is created the string itself is used rather than a copy. This saves memory, but can only be used if the string will always exist. It can be used with statically allocated strings in the main program, but not with statically allocated memory in dynamically loaded modules, if you expect to ever unload the module again (e.g. do not use this function in GTK+ theme engines). the atom corresponding to @atom_name a static string Emits a short beep on the default display. Creates a Cairo context for drawing to @window. Note that calling cairo_reset_clip() on the resulting #cairo_t will produce undefined results, so avoid it at all costs. Typically, this function is used to draw on a #GdkWindow out of the paint cycle of the toolkit; this should be avoided, as it breaks various assumptions and optimizations. If you are drawing on a native #GdkWindow in response to a %GDK_EXPOSE event you should use gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and gdk_drawing_context_get_cairo_context() instead. GTK will automatically do this for you when drawing a widget. Use gdk_window_begin_draw_frame() and gdk_drawing_context_get_cairo_context() instead A newly created Cairo context. Free with cairo_destroy() when you are done drawing. a #GdkWindow This is the main way to draw GL content in GTK+. It takes a render buffer ID (@source_type == #GL_RENDERBUFFER) or a texture id (@source_type == #GL_TEXTURE) and draws it onto @cr with an OVER operation, respecting the current clip. The top left corner of the rectangle specified by @x, @y, @width and @height will be drawn at the current (0,0) position of the cairo_t. This will work for *all* cairo_t, as long as @window is realized, but the fallback implementation that reads back the pixels from the buffer may be used in the general case. In the case of direct drawing to a window with no special effects applied to @cr it will however use a more efficient approach. For #GL_RENDERBUFFER the code will always fall back to software for buffers with alpha components, so make sure you use #GL_TEXTURE if using alpha. Calling this may change the current GL context. a cairo context The window we're rendering for (not necessarily into) The GL ID of the source buffer The type of the @source The scale-factor that the @source buffer is allocated for The source x position in @source to start copying from in GL coordinates The source y position in @source to start copying from in GL coordinates The width of the region to draw The height of the region to draw This is a convenience function around cairo_clip_extents(). It rounds the clip extents to integer coordinates and returns a boolean indicating if a clip area exists. %TRUE if a clip rectangle exists, %FALSE if all of @cr is clipped and all drawing can be skipped a cairo context return location for the clip, or %NULL Retrieves the #GdkDrawingContext that created the Cairo context @cr. a #GdkDrawingContext, if any is set a Cairo context Adds the given rectangle to the current path of @cr. a cairo context a #GdkRectangle Adds the given region to the current path of @cr. a cairo context a #cairo_region_t Creates region that describes covers the area where the given @surface is more than 50% opaque. This function takes into account device offsets that might be set with cairo_surface_set_device_offset(). A #cairo_region_t; must be freed with cairo_region_destroy() a cairo surface Sets the specified #GdkColor as the source color of @cr. Use gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba() instead a cairo context a #GdkColor Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for @cr. The pattern has an extend mode of %CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of @pixbuf is @pixbuf_x, @pixbuf_y. a cairo context a #GdkPixbuf X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of @pixbuf Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of @pixbuf Sets the specified #GdkRGBA as the source color of @cr. a cairo context a #GdkRGBA Sets the given window as the source pattern for @cr. The pattern has an extend mode of %CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE and is aligned so that the origin of @window is @x, @y. The window contains all its subwindows when rendering. Note that the contents of @window are undefined outside of the visible part of @window, so use this function with care. a cairo context a #GdkWindow X coordinate of location to place upper left corner of @window Y coordinate of location to place upper left corner of @window Creates an image surface with the same contents as the pixbuf. a new cairo surface, must be freed with cairo_surface_destroy() a #GdkPixbuf the scale of the new surface, or 0 to use same as @window The window this will be drawn to, or %NULL Parses a textual specification of a color and fill in the @red, @green, and @blue fields of a #GdkColor. The string can either one of a large set of standard names (taken from the X11 `rgb.txt` file), or it can be a hexadecimal value in the form “\#rgb” “\#rrggbb”, “\#rrrgggbbb” or “\#rrrrggggbbbb” where “r”, “g” and “b” are hex digits of the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively. (White in the four forms is “\#fff”, “\#ffffff”, “\#fffffffff” and “\#ffffffffffff”). Use #GdkRGBA %TRUE if the parsing succeeded the string specifying the color the #GdkColor to fill in Disables multidevice support in GDK. This call must happen prior to gdk_display_open(), gtk_init(), gtk_init_with_args() or gtk_init_check() in order to take effect. Most common GTK+ applications won’t ever need to call this. Only applications that do mixed GDK/Xlib calls could want to disable multidevice support if such Xlib code deals with input devices in any way and doesn’t observe the presence of XInput 2. Aborts a drag without dropping. This function is called by the drag source. This function does not need to be called in managed drag and drop operations. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. a #GdkDragContext the timestamp for this operation Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. This function assumes that the drag is controlled by the client pointer device, use gdk_drag_begin_for_device() to begin a drag with a different device. This function is called by the drag source. a newly created #GdkDragContext the source window for this drag. the offered targets, as list of #GdkAtoms Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. This function is called by the drag source. a newly created #GdkDragContext the source window for this drag the device that controls this drag the offered targets, as list of #GdkAtoms Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. This function is called by the drag source. a newly created #GdkDragContext the source window for this drag the device that controls this drag the offered targets, as list of #GdkAtoms the x coordinate where the drag nominally started the y coordinate where the drag nominally started Drops on the current destination. This function is called by the drag source. This function does not need to be called in managed drag and drop operations. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. a #GdkDragContext the timestamp for this operation Inform GDK if the drop ended successfully. Passing %FALSE for @success may trigger a drag cancellation animation. This function is called by the drag source, and should be the last call before dropping the reference to the @context. The #GdkDragContext will only take the first gdk_drag_drop_done() call as effective, if this function is called multiple times, all subsequent calls will be ignored. a #GdkDragContext whether the drag was ultimatively successful Returns whether the dropped data has been successfully transferred. This function is intended to be used while handling a %GDK_DROP_FINISHED event, its return value is meaningless at other times. %TRUE if the drop was successful. a #GdkDragContext Finds the destination window and DND protocol to use at the given pointer position. This function is called by the drag source to obtain the @dest_window and @protocol parameters for gdk_drag_motion(). a #GdkDragContext a window which may be at the pointer position, but should be ignored, since it is put up by the drag source as an icon the screen where the destination window is sought the x position of the pointer in root coordinates the y position of the pointer in root coordinates location to store the destination window in location to store the DND protocol in Returns the selection atom for the current source window. the selection atom, or %GDK_NONE a #GdkDragContext. Updates the drag context when the pointer moves or the set of actions changes. This function is called by the drag source. This function does not need to be called in managed drag and drop operations. See gdk_drag_context_manage_dnd() for more information. a #GdkDragContext the new destination window, obtained by gdk_drag_find_window() the DND protocol in use, obtained by gdk_drag_find_window() the x position of the pointer in root coordinates the y position of the pointer in root coordinates the suggested action the possible actions the timestamp for this operation Selects one of the actions offered by the drag source. This function is called by the drag destination in response to gdk_drag_motion() called by the drag source. a #GdkDragContext the selected action which will be taken when a drop happens, or 0 to indicate that a drop will not be accepted the timestamp for this operation Ends the drag operation after a drop. This function is called by the drag destination. a #GdkDragContext %TRUE if the data was successfully received the timestamp for this operation Accepts or rejects a drop. This function is called by the drag destination in response to a drop initiated by the drag source. a #GdkDragContext %TRUE if the drop is accepted the timestamp for this operation Removes an error trap pushed with gdk_error_trap_push(). May block until an error has been definitively received or not received from the X server. gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored() is preferred if you don’t need to know whether an error occurred, because it never has to block. If you don't need the return value of gdk_error_trap_pop(), use gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored(). Prior to GDK 3.0, this function would not automatically sync for you, so you had to gdk_flush() if your last call to Xlib was not a blocking round trip. X error code or 0 on success Removes an error trap pushed with gdk_error_trap_push(), but without bothering to wait and see whether an error occurred. If an error arrives later asynchronously that was triggered while the trap was pushed, that error will be ignored. This function allows X errors to be trapped instead of the normal behavior of exiting the application. It should only be used if it is not possible to avoid the X error in any other way. Errors are ignored on all #GdkDisplay currently known to the #GdkDisplayManager. If you don’t care which error happens and just want to ignore everything, pop with gdk_error_trap_pop_ignored(). If you need the error code, use gdk_error_trap_pop() which may have to block and wait for the error to arrive from the X server. This API exists on all platforms but only does anything on X. You can use gdk_x11_display_error_trap_push() to ignore errors on only a single display. ## Trapping an X error |[<!-- language="C" --> gdk_error_trap_push (); // ... Call the X function which may cause an error here ... if (gdk_error_trap_pop ()) { // ... Handle the error here ... } ]| Checks all open displays for a #GdkEvent to process,to be processed on, fetching events from the windowing system if necessary. See gdk_display_get_event(). the next #GdkEvent to be processed, or %NULL if no events are pending. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). Sets the function to call to handle all events from GDK. Note that GTK+ uses this to install its own event handler, so it is usually not useful for GTK+ applications. (Although an application can call this function then call gtk_main_do_event() to pass events to GTK+.) the function to call to handle events from GDK. user data to pass to the function. the function to call when the handler function is removed, i.e. when gdk_event_handler_set() is called with another event handler. If there is an event waiting in the event queue of some open display, returns a copy of it. See gdk_display_peek_event(). a copy of the first #GdkEvent on some event queue, or %NULL if no events are in any queues. The returned #GdkEvent should be freed with gdk_event_free(). Request more motion notifies if @event is a motion notify hint event. This function should be used instead of gdk_window_get_pointer() to request further motion notifies, because it also works for extension events where motion notifies are provided for devices other than the core pointer. Coordinate extraction, processing and requesting more motion events from a %GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY event usually works like this: |[<!-- language="C" --> { // motion_event handler x = motion_event->x; y = motion_event->y; // handle (x,y) motion gdk_event_request_motions (motion_event); // handles is_hint events } ]| a valid #GdkEvent If both events contain X/Y information, this function will return %TRUE and return in @angle the relative angle from @event1 to @event2. The rotation direction for positive angles is from the positive X axis towards the positive Y axis. %TRUE if the angle could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the relative angle between both events If both events contain X/Y information, the center of both coordinates will be returned in @x and @y. %TRUE if the center could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the X coordinate of the center return location for the Y coordinate of the center If both events have X/Y information, the distance between both coordinates (as in a straight line going from @event1 to @event2) will be returned. %TRUE if the distance could be calculated. first #GdkEvent second #GdkEvent return location for the distance Checks if any events are ready to be processed for any display. %TRUE if any events are pending. Flushes the output buffers of all display connections and waits until all requests have been processed. This is rarely needed by applications. Obtains the root window (parent all other windows are inside) for the default display and screen. the default root window Gets the name of the display, which usually comes from the `DISPLAY` environment variable or the `--display` command line option. Call gdk_display_get_name (gdk_display_get_default ())) instead. the name of the display. Gets the display name specified in the command line arguments passed to gdk_init() or gdk_parse_args(), if any. the display name, if specified explicitly, otherwise %NULL this string is owned by GTK+ and must not be modified or freed. Gets the program class. Unless the program class has explicitly been set with gdk_set_program_class() or with the `--class` commandline option, the default value is the program name (determined with g_get_prgname()) with the first character converted to uppercase. the program class. Gets whether event debugging output is enabled. %TRUE if event debugging output is enabled. Initializes the GDK library and connects to the windowing system. If initialization fails, a warning message is output and the application terminates with a call to `exit(1)`. Any arguments used by GDK are removed from the array and @argc and @argv are updated accordingly. GTK+ initializes GDK in gtk_init() and so this function is not usually needed by GTK+ applications. the number of command line arguments. the array of command line arguments. Initializes the GDK library and connects to the windowing system, returning %TRUE on success. Any arguments used by GDK are removed from the array and @argc and @argv are updated accordingly. GTK+ initializes GDK in gtk_init() and so this function is not usually needed by GTK+ applications. %TRUE if initialization succeeded. the number of command line arguments. the array of command line arguments. Grabs the keyboard so that all events are passed to this application until the keyboard is ungrabbed with gdk_keyboard_ungrab(). This overrides any previous keyboard grab by this client. If you set up anything at the time you take the grab that needs to be cleaned up when the grab ends, you should handle the #GdkEventGrabBroken events that are emitted when the grab ends unvoluntarily. Use gdk_device_grab() instead. %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab was successful. the #GdkWindow which will own the grab (the grab window). if %FALSE then all keyboard events are reported with respect to @window. If %TRUE then keyboard events for this application are reported as normal, but keyboard events outside this application are reported with respect to @window. Both key press and key release events are always reported, independant of the event mask set by the application. a timestamp from a #GdkEvent, or %GDK_CURRENT_TIME if no timestamp is available. Ungrabs the keyboard on the default display, if it is grabbed by this application. Use gdk_device_ungrab(), together with gdk_device_grab() instead. a timestamp from a #GdkEvent, or %GDK_CURRENT_TIME if no timestamp is available. Obtains the upper- and lower-case versions of the keyval @symbol. Examples of keyvals are #GDK_KEY_a, #GDK_KEY_Enter, #GDK_KEY_F1, etc. a keyval return location for lowercase version of @symbol return location for uppercase version of @symbol Converts a key name to a key value. The names are the same as those in the `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` header file but without the leading “GDK_KEY_”. the corresponding key value, or %GDK_KEY_VoidSymbol if the key name is not a valid key a key name Returns %TRUE if the given key value is in lower case. %TRUE if @keyval is in lower case, or if @keyval is not subject to case conversion. a key value. Returns %TRUE if the given key value is in upper case. %TRUE if @keyval is in upper case, or if @keyval is not subject to case conversion. a key value. Converts a key value into a symbolic name. The names are the same as those in the `gdk/gdkkeysyms.h` header file but without the leading “GDK_KEY_”. a string containing the name of the key, or %NULL if @keyval is not a valid key. The string should not be modified. a key value Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable. the lower case form of @keyval, or @keyval itself if it is already in lower case or it is not subject to case conversion. a key value. Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding ISO10646 (Unicode) character. the corresponding unicode character, or 0 if there is no corresponding character. a GDK key symbol Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable. the upper case form of @keyval, or @keyval itself if it is already in upper case or it is not subject to case conversion. a key value. Lists the available visuals for the default screen. (See gdk_screen_list_visuals()) A visual describes a hardware image data format. For example, a visual might support 24-bit color, or 8-bit color, and might expect pixels to be in a certain format. Call g_list_free() on the return value when you’re finished with it. Use gdk_screen_list_visuals (gdk_screen_get_default ()). a list of visuals; the list must be freed, but not its contents Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading. If the applications opens windows, this function is normally called after opening the application’s initial set of windows. GTK+ will call this function automatically after opening the first #GtkWindow unless gtk_window_set_auto_startup_notification() is called to disable that feature. Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading, using a given identifier. GTK+ will call this function automatically for #GtkWindow with custom startup-notification identifier unless gtk_window_set_auto_startup_notification() is called to disable that feature. a startup-notification identifier, for which notification process should be completed Gets the window that @window is embedded in. the embedding #GdkWindow, or %NULL if @window is not an mbedded offscreen window a #GdkWindow Gets the offscreen surface that an offscreen window renders into. If you need to keep this around over window resizes, you need to add a reference to it. The offscreen surface, or %NULL if not offscreen a #GdkWindow Sets @window to be embedded in @embedder. To fully embed an offscreen window, in addition to calling this function, it is also necessary to handle the #GdkWindow::pick-embedded-child signal on the @embedder and the #GdkWindow::to-embedder and #GdkWindow::from-embedder signals on @window. a #GdkWindow the #GdkWindow that @window gets embedded in Creates a #PangoContext for the default GDK screen. The context must be freed when you’re finished with it. When using GTK+, normally you should use gtk_widget_get_pango_context() instead of this function, to get the appropriate context for the widget you intend to render text onto. The newly created context will have the default font options (see #cairo_font_options_t) for the default screen; if these options change it will not be updated. Using gtk_widget_get_pango_context() is more convenient if you want to keep a context around and track changes to the screen’s font rendering settings. a new #PangoContext for the default display Creates a #PangoContext for @display. The context must be freed when you’re finished with it. When using GTK+, normally you should use gtk_widget_get_pango_context() instead of this function, to get the appropriate context for the widget you intend to render text onto. The newly created context will have the default font options (see #cairo_font_options_t) for the display; if these options change it will not be updated. Using gtk_widget_get_pango_context() is more convenient if you want to keep a context around and track changes to the font rendering settings. a new #PangoContext for @display the #GdkDisplay for which the context is to be created Creates a #PangoContext for @screen. The context must be freed when you’re finished with it. When using GTK+, normally you should use gtk_widget_get_pango_context() instead of this function, to get the appropriate context for the widget you intend to render text onto. The newly created context will have the default font options (see #cairo_font_options_t) for the screen; if these options change it will not be updated. Using gtk_widget_get_pango_context() is more convenient if you want to keep a context around and track changes to the screen’s font rendering settings. a new #PangoContext for @screen the #GdkScreen for which the context is to be created. Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn. @x_origin and @y_origin are the top left point to center the layout. @index_ranges should contain ranges of bytes in the layout’s text. Note that the regions returned correspond to logical extents of the text ranges, not ink extents. So the drawn layout may in fact touch areas out of the clip region. The clip region is mainly useful for highlightling parts of text, such as when text is selected. a clip region containing the given ranges a #PangoLayout X pixel where you intend to draw the layout with this clip Y pixel where you intend to draw the layout with this clip array of byte indexes into the layout, where even members of array are start indexes and odd elements are end indexes number of ranges in @index_ranges, i.e. half the size of @index_ranges Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn. @x_origin and @y_origin are the top left position of the layout. @index_ranges should contain ranges of bytes in the layout’s text. The clip region will include space to the left or right of the line (to the layout bounding box) if you have indexes above or below the indexes contained inside the line. This is to draw the selection all the way to the side of the layout. However, the clip region is in line coordinates, not layout coordinates. Note that the regions returned correspond to logical extents of the text ranges, not ink extents. So the drawn line may in fact touch areas out of the clip region. The clip region is mainly useful for highlightling parts of text, such as when text is selected. a clip region containing the given ranges a #PangoLayoutLine X pixel where you intend to draw the layout line with this clip baseline pixel where you intend to draw the layout line with this clip array of byte indexes into the layout, where even members of array are start indexes and odd elements are end indexes number of ranges in @index_ranges, i.e. half the size of @index_ranges Parse command line arguments, and store for future use by calls to gdk_display_open(). Any arguments used by GDK are removed from the array and @argc and @argv are updated accordingly. You shouldn’t call this function explicitly if you are using gtk_init(), gtk_init_check(), gdk_init(), or gdk_init_check(). the number of command line arguments. the array of command line arguments. Transfers image data from a #cairo_surface_t and converts it to an RGB(A) representation inside a #GdkPixbuf. This allows you to efficiently read individual pixels from cairo surfaces. For #GdkWindows, use gdk_pixbuf_get_from_window() instead. This function will create an RGB pixbuf with 8 bits per channel. The pixbuf will contain an alpha channel if the @surface contains one. A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1, or %NULL on error surface to copy from Source X coordinate within @surface Source Y coordinate within @surface Width in pixels of region to get Height in pixels of region to get Transfers image data from a #GdkWindow and converts it to an RGB(A) representation inside a #GdkPixbuf. In other words, copies image data from a server-side drawable to a client-side RGB(A) buffer. This allows you to efficiently read individual pixels on the client side. This function will create an RGB pixbuf with 8 bits per channel with the size specified by the @width and @height arguments scaled by the scale factor of @window. The pixbuf will contain an alpha channel if the @window contains one. If the window is off the screen, then there is no image data in the obscured/offscreen regions to be placed in the pixbuf. The contents of portions of the pixbuf corresponding to the offscreen region are undefined. If the window you’re obtaining data from is partially obscured by other windows, then the contents of the pixbuf areas corresponding to the obscured regions are undefined. If the window is not mapped (typically because it’s iconified/minimized or not on the current workspace), then %NULL will be returned. If memory can’t be allocated for the return value, %NULL will be returned instead. (In short, there are several ways this function can fail, and if it fails it returns %NULL; so check the return value.) A newly-created pixbuf with a reference count of 1, or %NULL on error Source window Source X coordinate within @window Source Y coordinate within @window Width in pixels of region to get Height in pixels of region to get Grabs the pointer (usually a mouse) so that all events are passed to this application until the pointer is ungrabbed with gdk_pointer_ungrab(), or the grab window becomes unviewable. This overrides any previous pointer grab by this client. Pointer grabs are used for operations which need complete control over mouse events, even if the mouse leaves the application. For example in GTK+ it is used for Drag and Drop, for dragging the handle in the #GtkHPaned and #GtkVPaned widgets. Note that if the event mask of an X window has selected both button press and button release events, then a button press event will cause an automatic pointer grab until the button is released. X does this automatically since most applications expect to receive button press and release events in pairs. It is equivalent to a pointer grab on the window with @owner_events set to %TRUE. If you set up anything at the time you take the grab that needs to be cleaned up when the grab ends, you should handle the #GdkEventGrabBroken events that are emitted when the grab ends unvoluntarily. Use gdk_device_grab() instead. %GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS if the grab was successful. the #GdkWindow which will own the grab (the grab window). if %FALSE then all pointer events are reported with respect to @window and are only reported if selected by @event_mask. If %TRUE then pointer events for this application are reported as normal, but pointer events outside this application are reported with respect to @window and only if selected by @event_mask. In either mode, unreported events are discarded. specifies the event mask, which is used in accordance with @owner_events. Note that only pointer events (i.e. button and motion events) may be selected. If non-%NULL, the pointer will be confined to this window during the grab. If the pointer is outside @confine_to, it will automatically be moved to the closest edge of @confine_to and enter and leave events will be generated as necessary. the cursor to display while the grab is active. If this is %NULL then the normal cursors are used for @window and its descendants, and the cursor for @window is used for all other windows. the timestamp of the event which led to this pointer grab. This usually comes from a #GdkEventButton struct, though %GDK_CURRENT_TIME can be used if the time isn’t known. Returns %TRUE if the pointer on the default display is currently grabbed by this application. Note that this does not take the inmplicit pointer grab on button presses into account. Use gdk_display_device_is_grabbed() instead. %TRUE if the pointer is currently grabbed by this application. Ungrabs the pointer on the default display, if it is grabbed by this application. Use gdk_device_ungrab(), together with gdk_device_grab() instead. a timestamp from a #GdkEvent, or %GDK_CURRENT_TIME if no timestamp is available. Prepare for parsing command line arguments for GDK. This is not public API and should not be used in application code. This symbol was never meant to be used outside of GTK+ Changes the contents of a property on a window. a #GdkWindow the property to change the new type for the property. If @mode is %GDK_PROP_MODE_PREPEND or %GDK_PROP_MODE_APPEND, then this must match the existing type or an error will occur. the new format for the property. If @mode is %GDK_PROP_MODE_PREPEND or %GDK_PROP_MODE_APPEND, then this must match the existing format or an error will occur. a value describing how the new data is to be combined with the current data. the data (a `guchar *` `gushort *`, or `gulong *`, depending on @format), cast to a `guchar *`. the number of elements of size determined by the format, contained in @data. Deletes a property from a window. a #GdkWindow the property to delete Retrieves a portion of the contents of a property. If the property does not exist, then the function returns %FALSE, and %GDK_NONE will be stored in @actual_property_type. The XGetWindowProperty() function that gdk_property_get() uses has a very confusing and complicated set of semantics. Unfortunately, gdk_property_get() makes the situation worse instead of better (the semantics should be considered undefined), and also prints warnings to stderr in cases where it should return a useful error to the program. You are advised to use XGetWindowProperty() directly until a replacement function for gdk_property_get() is provided. %TRUE if data was successfully received and stored in @data, otherwise %FALSE. a #GdkWindow the property to retrieve the desired property type, or %GDK_NONE, if any type of data is acceptable. If this does not match the actual type, then @actual_format and @actual_length will be filled in, a warning will be printed to stderr and no data will be returned. the offset into the property at which to begin retrieving data, in 4 byte units. the length of the data to retrieve in bytes. Data is considered to be retrieved in 4 byte chunks, so @length will be rounded up to the next highest 4 byte boundary (so be careful not to pass a value that might overflow when rounded up). if %TRUE, delete the property after retrieving the data. location to store the actual type of the property. location to store the actual return format of the data; either 8, 16 or 32 bits. location to store the length of the retrieved data, in bytes. Data returned in the 32 bit format is stored in a long variable, so the actual number of 32 bit elements should be be calculated via @actual_length / sizeof(glong) to ensure portability to 64 bit systems. location to store a pointer to the data. The retrieved data should be freed with g_free() when you are finished using it. This function returns the available bit depths for the default screen. It’s equivalent to listing the visuals (gdk_list_visuals()) and then looking at the depth field in each visual, removing duplicates. The array returned by this function should not be freed. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() return location for available depths return location for number of available depths This function returns the available visual types for the default screen. It’s equivalent to listing the visuals (gdk_list_visuals()) and then looking at the type field in each visual, removing duplicates. The array returned by this function should not be freed. Visual selection should be done using gdk_screen_get_system_visual() and gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual() return location for the available visual types return location for the number of available visual types Retrieves the contents of a selection in a given form. a #GdkWindow. an atom identifying the selection to get the contents of. the form in which to retrieve the selection. the timestamp to use when retrieving the selection. The selection owner may refuse the request if it did not own the selection at the time indicated by the timestamp. Determines the owner of the given selection. if there is a selection owner for this window, and it is a window known to the current process, the #GdkWindow that owns the selection, otherwise %NULL. Note that the return value may be owned by a different process if a foreign window was previously created for that window, but a new foreign window will never be created by this call. an atom indentifying a selection. Determine the owner of the given selection. Note that the return value may be owned by a different process if a foreign window was previously created for that window, but a new foreign window will never be created by this call. if there is a selection owner for this window, and it is a window known to the current process, the #GdkWindow that owns the selection, otherwise %NULL. a #GdkDisplay an atom indentifying a selection Sets the owner of the given selection. %TRUE if the selection owner was successfully changed to @owner, otherwise %FALSE. a #GdkWindow or %NULL to indicate that the the owner for the given should be unset. an atom identifying a selection. timestamp to use when setting the selection. If this is older than the timestamp given last time the owner was set for the given selection, the request will be ignored. if %TRUE, and the new owner is different from the current owner, the current owner will be sent a SelectionClear event. Sets the #GdkWindow @owner as the current owner of the selection @selection. %TRUE if the selection owner was successfully changed to owner, otherwise %FALSE. the #GdkDisplay a #GdkWindow or %NULL to indicate that the owner for the given should be unset an atom identifying a selection timestamp to use when setting the selection If this is older than the timestamp given last time the owner was set for the given selection, the request will be ignored if %TRUE, and the new owner is different from the current owner, the current owner will be sent a SelectionClear event Retrieves selection data that was stored by the selection data in response to a call to gdk_selection_convert(). This function will not be used by applications, who should use the #GtkClipboard API instead. the length of the retrieved data. the window on which the data is stored location to store a pointer to the retrieved data. If the retrieval failed, %NULL we be stored here, otherwise, it will be non-%NULL and the returned data should be freed with g_free() when you are finished using it. The length of the allocated memory is one more than the length of the returned data, and the final byte will always be zero, to ensure nul-termination of strings location to store the type of the property location to store the format of the property Sends a response to SelectionRequest event. window to which to deliver response. selection that was requested. target that was selected. property in which the selection owner stored the data, or %GDK_NONE to indicate that the request was rejected. timestamp. Send a response to SelectionRequest event. the #GdkDisplay where @requestor is realized window to which to deliver response selection that was requested target that was selected property in which the selection owner stored the data, or %GDK_NONE to indicate that the request was rejected timestamp Sets a list of backends that GDK should try to use. This can be be useful if your application does not work with certain GDK backends. By default, GDK tries all included backends. For example, |[<!-- language="C" --> gdk_set_allowed_backends ("wayland,quartz,*"); ]| instructs GDK to try the Wayland backend first, followed by the Quartz backend, and then all others. If the `GDK_BACKEND` environment variable is set, it determines what backends are tried in what order, while still respecting the set of allowed backends that are specified by this function. The possible backend names are x11, win32, quartz, broadway, wayland. You can also include a * in the list to try all remaining backends. This call must happen prior to gdk_display_open(), gtk_init(), gtk_init_with_args() or gtk_init_check() in order to take effect. a comma-separated list of backends Set the double click time for the default display. See gdk_display_set_double_click_time(). See also gdk_display_set_double_click_distance(). Applications should not set this, it is a global user-configured setting. double click time in milliseconds (thousandths of a second) Sets the program class. The X11 backend uses the program class to set the class name part of the `WM_CLASS` property on toplevel windows; see the ICCCM. The program class can still be overridden with the --class command line option. a string. Sets whether a trace of received events is output. Note that GTK+ must be compiled with debugging (that is, configured using the `--enable-debug` option) to use this option. %TRUE to output event debugging information. Obtains a desktop-wide setting, such as the double-click time, for the default screen. See gdk_screen_get_setting(). %TRUE if the setting existed and a value was stored in @value, %FALSE otherwise. the name of the setting. location to store the value of the setting. Retrieves a pixel from @window to force the windowing system to carry out any pending rendering commands. This function is intended to be used to synchronize with rendering pipelines, to benchmark windowing system rendering operations. a mapped #GdkWindow This function is intended to be used in GTK+ test programs. It will warp the mouse pointer to the given (@x,@y) coordinates within @window and simulate a button press or release event. Because the mouse pointer needs to be warped to the target location, use of this function outside of test programs that run in their own virtual windowing system (e.g. Xvfb) is not recommended. Also, gdk_test_simulate_button() is a fairly low level function, for most testing purposes, gtk_test_widget_click() is the right function to call which will generate a button press event followed by its accompanying button release event. whether all actions necessary for a button event simulation were carried out successfully a #GdkWindow to simulate a button event for x coordinate within @window for the button event y coordinate within @window for the button event Number of the pointer button for the event, usually 1, 2 or 3 Keyboard modifiers the event is setup with either %GDK_BUTTON_PRESS or %GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE This function is intended to be used in GTK+ test programs. If (@x,@y) are > (-1,-1), it will warp the mouse pointer to the given (@x,@y) coordinates within @window and simulate a key press or release event. When the mouse pointer is warped to the target location, use of this function outside of test programs that run in their own virtual windowing system (e.g. Xvfb) is not recommended. If (@x,@y) are passed as (-1,-1), the mouse pointer will not be warped and @window origin will be used as mouse pointer location for the event. Also, gdk_test_simulate_key() is a fairly low level function, for most testing purposes, gtk_test_widget_send_key() is the right function to call which will generate a key press event followed by its accompanying key release event. whether all actions necessary for a key event simulation were carried out successfully a #GdkWindow to simulate a key event for x coordinate within @window for the key event y coordinate within @window for the key event A GDK keyboard value Keyboard modifiers the event is setup with either %GDK_KEY_PRESS or %GDK_KEY_RELEASE Converts a text property in the given encoding to a list of UTF-8 strings. the number of strings in the resulting list a #GdkDisplay an atom representing the encoding of the text the format of the property the text to convert the length of @text, in bytes location to store the list of strings or %NULL. The list should be freed with g_strfreev(). A wrapper for the common usage of gdk_threads_add_idle_full() assigning the default priority, #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE. See gdk_threads_add_idle_full(). the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. function to call data to pass to @function Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending. If the function returns %FALSE it is automatically removed from the list of event sources and will not be called again. This variant of g_idle_add_full() calls @function with the GDK lock held. It can be thought of a MT-safe version for GTK+ widgets for the following use case, where you have to worry about idle_callback() running in thread A and accessing @self after it has been finalized in thread B: |[<!-- language="C" --> static gboolean idle_callback (gpointer data) { // gdk_threads_enter(); would be needed for g_idle_add() SomeWidget *self = data; // do stuff with self self->idle_id = 0; // gdk_threads_leave(); would be needed for g_idle_add() return FALSE; } static void some_widget_do_stuff_later (SomeWidget *self) { self->idle_id = gdk_threads_add_idle (idle_callback, self) // using g_idle_add() here would require thread protection in the callback } static void some_widget_finalize (GObject *object) { SomeWidget *self = SOME_WIDGET (object); if (self->idle_id) g_source_remove (self->idle_id); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } ]| the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. the priority of the idle source. Typically this will be in the range between #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE and #G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE function to call data to pass to @function function to call when the idle is removed, or %NULL A wrapper for the common usage of gdk_threads_add_timeout_full() assigning the default priority, #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT. See gdk_threads_add_timeout_full(). the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) function to call data to pass to @function Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the GDK lock, with the given priority. The function is called repeatedly until it returns %FALSE, at which point the timeout is automatically destroyed and the function will not be called again. The @notify function is called when the timeout is destroyed. The first call to the function will be at the end of the first @interval. Note that timeout functions may be delayed, due to the processing of other event sources. Thus they should not be relied on for precise timing. After each call to the timeout function, the time of the next timeout is recalculated based on the current time and the given interval (it does not try to “catch up” time lost in delays). This variant of g_timeout_add_full() can be thought of a MT-safe version for GTK+ widgets for the following use case: |[<!-- language="C" --> static gboolean timeout_callback (gpointer data) { SomeWidget *self = data; // do stuff with self self->timeout_id = 0; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void some_widget_do_stuff_later (SomeWidget *self) { self->timeout_id = g_timeout_add (timeout_callback, self) } static void some_widget_finalize (GObject *object) { SomeWidget *self = SOME_WIDGET (object); if (self->timeout_id) g_source_remove (self->timeout_id); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } ]| the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. the priority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE and #G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE. the time between calls to the function, in milliseconds (1/1000ths of a second) function to call data to pass to @function function to call when the timeout is removed, or %NULL A wrapper for the common usage of gdk_threads_add_timeout_seconds_full() assigning the default priority, #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT. For details, see gdk_threads_add_timeout_full(). the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. the time between calls to the function, in seconds function to call data to pass to @function A variant of gdk_threads_add_timeout_full() with second-granularity. See g_timeout_add_seconds_full() for a discussion of why it is a good idea to use this function if you don’t need finer granularity. the ID (greater than 0) of the event source. the priority of the timeout source. Typically this will be in the range between #G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE and #G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE. the time between calls to the function, in seconds function to call data to pass to @function function to call when the timeout is removed, or %NULL This function marks the beginning of a critical section in which GDK and GTK+ functions can be called safely and without causing race conditions. Only one thread at a time can be in such a critial section. All GDK and GTK+ calls should be made from the main thread Initializes GDK so that it can be used from multiple threads in conjunction with gdk_threads_enter() and gdk_threads_leave(). This call must be made before any use of the main loop from GTK+; to be safe, call it before gtk_init(). All GDK and GTK+ calls should be made from the main thread Leaves a critical region begun with gdk_threads_enter(). All GDK and GTK+ calls should be made from the main thread Allows the application to replace the standard method that GDK uses to protect its data structures. Normally, GDK creates a single #GMutex that is locked by gdk_threads_enter(), and released by gdk_threads_leave(); using this function an application provides, instead, a function @enter_fn that is called by gdk_threads_enter() and a function @leave_fn that is called by gdk_threads_leave(). The functions must provide at least same locking functionality as the default implementation, but can also do extra application specific processing. As an example, consider an application that has its own recursive lock that when held, holds the GTK+ lock as well. When GTK+ unlocks the GTK+ lock when entering a recursive main loop, the application must temporarily release its lock as well. Most threaded GTK+ apps won’t need to use this method. This method must be called before gdk_threads_init(), and cannot be called multiple times. All GDK and GTK+ calls should be made from the main thread function called to guard GDK function called to release the guard Convert from a ISO10646 character to a key symbol. the corresponding GDK key symbol, if one exists. or, if there is no corresponding symbol, wc | 0x01000000 a ISO10646 encoded character Converts an UTF-8 string into the best possible representation as a STRING. The representation of characters not in STRING is not specified; it may be as pseudo-escape sequences \x{ABCD}, or it may be in some other form of approximation. the newly-allocated string, or %NULL if the conversion failed. (It should not fail for any properly formed UTF-8 string unless system limits like memory or file descriptors are exceeded.) a UTF-8 string