Magic number for #GdkPixdata structures. The length of a #GdkPixdata structure without the @pixel_data pointer. A #GdkPixdata contains pixbuf information in a form suitable for serialization and streaming. magic number. A valid #GdkPixdata structure must have #GDK_PIXBUF_MAGIC_NUMBER here. less than 1 to disable length checks, otherwise #GDK_PIXDATA_HEADER_LENGTH + length of @pixel_data. information about colorspace, sample width and encoding, in a #GdkPixdataType. Distance in bytes between rows. Width of the image in pixels. Height of the image in pixels. @width x @height pixels, encoded according to @pixdata_type and @rowstride. Deserializes (reconstruct) a #GdkPixdata structure from a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the #GdkPixdata fields in network byte order, plus the @pixel_data bytes the structure points to. The @pixdata contents are reconstructed byte by byte and are checked for validity. This function may fail with %GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE or %GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TYPE. Use #GResource instead. Upon successful deserialization %TRUE is returned, %FALSE otherwise. a #GdkPixdata structure to be filled in. length of the stream used for deserialization. stream of bytes containing a serialized #GdkPixdata structure. Converts a #GdkPixbuf to a #GdkPixdata. If @use_rle is %TRUE, the pixel data is run-length encoded into newly-allocated memory and a pointer to that memory is returned. Use #GResource instead. If @use_rle is %TRUE, a pointer to the newly-allocated memory for the run-length encoded pixel data, otherwise %NULL. a #GdkPixdata to fill. the data to fill @pixdata with. whether to use run-length encoding for the pixel data. Serializes a #GdkPixdata structure into a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the #GdkPixdata fields in network byte order, plus the @pixel_data bytes the structure points to. Use #GResource instead. A newly-allocated string containing the serialized #GdkPixdata structure. a valid #GdkPixdata structure to serialize. location to store the resulting stream length in. Generates C source code suitable for compiling images directly into programs. gdk-pixbuf ships with a program called [gdk-pixbuf-csource][gdk-pixbuf-csource], which offers a command line interface to this function. Use #GResource instead. a newly-allocated string containing the C source form of @pixdata. a #GdkPixdata to convert to C source. used for naming generated data structures or macros. a #GdkPixdataDumpType determining the kind of C source to be generated. An enumeration which is used by gdk_pixdata_to_csource() to determine the form of C source to be generated. The three values @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STREAM, @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_PIXDATA_STRUCT and @GDK_PIXDATA_DUMP_MACROS are mutually exclusive, as are @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_GTYPES and @GDK_PIXBUF_DUMP_CTYPES. The remaining elements are optional flags that can be freely added. Generate pixbuf data stream (a single string containing a serialized #GdkPixdata structure in network byte order). Generate #GdkPixdata structure (needs the #GdkPixdata structure definition from gdk-pixdata.h). Generate <function>*_ROWSTRIDE</function>, <function>*_WIDTH</function>, <function>*_HEIGHT</function>, <function>*_BYTES_PER_PIXEL</function> and <function>*_RLE_PIXEL_DATA</function> or <function>*_PIXEL_DATA</function> macro definitions for the image. Generate GLib data types instead of standard C data types. Generate standard C data types instead of GLib data types. Generate static symbols. Generate const symbols. Provide a <function>*_RUN_LENGTH_DECODE(image_buf, rle_data, size, bpp)</function> macro definition to decode run-length encoded image data. An enumeration containing three sets of flags for a #GdkPixdata struct: one for the used colorspace, one for the width of the samples and one for the encoding of the pixel data. each pixel has red, green and blue samples. each pixel has red, green and blue samples and an alpha value. mask for the colortype flags of the enum. each sample has 8 bits. mask for the sample width flags of the enum. the pixel data is in raw form. the pixel data is run-length encoded. Runs may be up to 127 bytes long; their length is stored in a single byte preceding the pixel data for the run. If a run is constant, its length byte has the high bit set and the pixel data consists of a single pixel which must be repeated. mask for the encoding flags of the enum. Converts a #GdkPixdata to a #GdkPixbuf. If @copy_pixels is %TRUE or if the pixel data is run-length-encoded, the pixel data is copied into newly-allocated memory; otherwise it is reused. Use #GResource instead. a new #GdkPixbuf. a #GdkPixdata to convert into a #GdkPixbuf. whether to copy raw pixel data; run-length encoded pixel data is always copied.