#PangoFcDecoder is a virtual base class that implementations will inherit from. It's the interface that is used to define a custom encoding for a font. These objects are created in your code from a function callback that was originally registered with pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). Pango requires information about the supported charset for a font as well as the individual character to glyph conversions. Pango gets that information via the #get_charset and #get_glyph callbacks into your object implementation. Generates an #FcCharSet of supported characters for the fcfont given. The returned #FcCharSet will be a reference to an internal value stored by the #PangoFcDecoder and must not be modified or freed. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified or freed. a #PangoFcDecoder the #PangoFcFont to query. Generates a #PangoGlyph for the given Unicode point using the custom decoder. For complex scripts where there can be multiple glyphs for a single character, the decoder will return whatever glyph is most convenient for it. (Usually whatever glyph is directly in the fonts character map table.) the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't covered by the font. a #PangoFcDecoder a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Generates an #FcCharSet of supported characters for the fcfont given. The returned #FcCharSet will be a reference to an internal value stored by the #PangoFcDecoder and must not be modified or freed. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified or freed. a #PangoFcDecoder the #PangoFcFont to query. Generates a #PangoGlyph for the given Unicode point using the custom decoder. For complex scripts where there can be multiple glyphs for a single character, the decoder will return whatever glyph is most convenient for it. (Usually whatever glyph is directly in the fonts character map table.) the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't covered by the font. a #PangoFcDecoder a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Class structure for #PangoFcDecoder. the #FcCharset for @fcfont; must not be modified or freed. a #PangoFcDecoder the #PangoFcFont to query. the glyph index, or 0 if the glyph isn't covered by the font. a #PangoFcDecoder a #PangoFcFont to query. the Unicode code point to convert to a single #PangoGlyph. Callback function passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). a new reference to a custom decoder for this pattern, or %NULL if the default decoder handling should be used. a fully resolved #FcPattern specifying the font on the system user data passed to pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func() String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango reads from font patterns to populate list of OpenType features to be enabled for the font by default. The property will have a number of string elements, each of which is the OpenType feature tag of one feature to enable. This is equivalent to FC_FONT_FEATURES in versions of fontconfig that have that. String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango reads from font patterns to populate list of OpenType font variations to be used for a font. The property will have a string elements, each of which a comma-separated list of OpenType axis setting of the form AXIS=VALUE. #PangoFcFont is a base class for font implementations using the Fontconfig and FreeType libraries and is used in conjunction with #PangoFcFontMap. When deriving from this class, you need to implement all of its virtual functions other than shutdown() along with the get_glyph_extents() virtual function from #PangoFont. Creates a #PangoFontDescription that matches the specified Fontconfig pattern as closely as possible. Many possible Fontconfig pattern values, such as %FC_RASTERIZER or %FC_DPI, don't make sense in the context of #PangoFontDescription, so will be ignored. a new #PangoFontDescription. Free with pango_font_description_free(). a #FcPattern if %TRUE, the pattern will include the size from the @pattern; otherwise the resulting pattern will be unsized. (only %FC_SIZE is examined, not %FC_PIXEL_SIZE) Gets the glyph index for a given Unicode character for @font. If you only want to determine whether the font has the glyph, use pango_fc_font_has_char(). the glyph index, or 0, if the Unicode character doesn't exist in the font. a #PangoFcFont Unicode character to look up Returns the index of a glyph suitable for drawing @wc as an unknown character. Use PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH() instead. a glyph index into @font. a #PangoFcFont the Unicode character for which a glyph is needed. Determines whether @font has a glyph for the codepoint @wc. Use pango_font_has_char() %TRUE if @font has the requested codepoint. a #PangoFcFont Unicode codepoint to look up This function used to adjust each adjacent pair of glyphs in @glyphs according to kerning information in @font. Since 1.44, it does nothing. a #PangoFcFont a #PangoGlyphString Gets the FreeType <type>FT_Face</type> associated with a font, This face will be kept around until you call pango_fc_font_unlock_face(). Use pango_font_get_hb_font() instead the FreeType <type>FT_Face</type> associated with @font. a #PangoFcFont. Releases a font previously obtained with pango_fc_font_lock_face(). Use pango_font_get_hb_font() instead a #PangoFcFont. This function saves a callback method in the #PangoFcFontMap that will be called whenever new fonts are created. If the function returns a #PangoFcDecoder, that decoder will be used to determine both coverage via a #FcCharSet and a one-to-one mapping of characters to glyphs. This will allow applications to have application-specific encodings for various fonts. The #PangoFcFontMap to add this method to. The #PangoFcDecoderFindFunc callback function User data. A #GDestroyNotify callback that will be called when the fontmap is finalized and the decoder is released. Clear all cached information and fontsets for this font map; this should be called whenever there is a change in the output of the default_substitute() virtual function of the font map, or if fontconfig has been reinitialized to new configuration. a #PangoFcFontMap Informs font map that the fontconfig configuration (ie, FcConfig object) used by this font map has changed. This currently calls pango_fc_font_map_cache_clear() which ensures that list of fonts, etc will be regenerated using the updated configuration. a #PangoFcFontMap Creates a new context for this fontmap. This function is intended only for backend implementations deriving from #PangoFcFontMap; it is possible that a backend will store additional information needed for correct operation on the #PangoContext after calling this function. Use pango_font_map_create_context() instead. a new #PangoContext a #PangoFcFontMap Finds the decoder to use for @pattern. Decoders can be added to a font map using pango_fc_font_map_add_decoder_find_func(). a newly created #PangoFcDecoder object or %NULL if no decoder is set for @pattern. The #PangoFcFontMap to use. The #FcPattern to find the decoder for. Fetches FcConfig attached to a font map. See pango_fc_font_map_set_config(). the #FcConfig object attached to @fcfontmap, which might be %NULL. a #PangoFcFontMap Set the FcConfig for this font map to use. The default value is %NULL, which causes Fontconfig to use its global "current config". You can create a new FcConfig object and use this API to attach it to a font map. This is particularly useful for example, if you want to use application fonts with Pango. For that, you would create a fresh FcConfig, add your app fonts to it, and attach it to a new Pango font map. If @fcconfig is different from the previous config attached to the font map, pango_fc_font_map_config_changed() is called. This function acquires a reference to the FcConfig object; the caller does NOT need to retain a reference. a #PangoFcFontMap a #FcConfig, or %NULL Clears all cached information for the fontmap and marks all fonts open for the fontmap as dead. (See the shutdown() virtual function of #PangoFcFont.) This function might be used by a backend when the underlying windowing system for the font map exits. This function is only intended to be called only for backend implementations deriving from #PangoFcFontMap. a #PangoFcFontMap String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig if a #PangoGravity other than %PANGO_GRAVITY_SOUTH is desired. The property will have a #PangoGravity value as a string, like "east". This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules to choose different fonts for horizontal and vertical writing directions. String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig. The property will have a string equal to what g_get_prgname() returns. This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules that only affect certain applications. This is equivalent to FC_PRGNAME in versions of fontconfig that have that. String representing a fontconfig property name that Pango sets on any fontconfig pattern it passes to fontconfig. The property will have an integer value equal to what pango_version() returns. This can be used to write fontconfig configuration rules that only affect certain pango versions (or only pango-using applications, or only non-pango-using applications).