Scripting with Lua ================== Webkitten includes a Lua 5.2 scripting engine for executing scripts based on input to the command bar and other event triggers. When a command is run in Webkitten, it is matched to a file found within a directory specified by the configuration option ````. For example, if ``reading-mode on`` is entered in the command bar, Webkitten checks the command search paths for a file named ``reading-mode.lua``, and if a match is found, the file contents are evaluated and the ``run()`` method is called, provided the script is not in some way malformed. Each command runs in a new Lua runtime, so there is no interaction between different commands. Event triggers -------------- The available entry points for running a command within Webkitten. Implement any of the following methods to run when an event is triggered. Note that some events are only triggered if a configuration prerequisite is met and that the ``description()`` method is required. .. glossary:: ``complete_commands()`` Provides completions to command arguments. The scope of the function includes a ``prefix`` variable which returns the full text the user has entered, as well as a table of each individual argument as ``arguments``. Returns a comma-delimited list of items as a string, or an empty string if no results were found. .. code-block:: lua function complete_command() return "open,close,save" end ``description()`` A summary of the script's purpose, intended for GUI bindings to display in autocompletion and help text. Returns a string. (required) .. code-block:: lua function description() return "An example script documenting all hooks" end ``on_fail_uri()`` Invoked when a URI fails to load. The current scope includes a ``webview_index`` and ``window_index`` indicating which view is active, as well as ``requested_uri`` indicating what URI was requested. This hook is only invoked if the command name is included in the configuration option ``commands.on-fail-uri``. .. code-block:: lua function on_fail_uri() log_debug("Failed to load " .. requested_uri) end ``on_load_uri()`` Invoked when a URI is loaded in a webview. The current scope includes a ``webview_index`` and ``window_index`` indicating which view is active, as well as ``requested_uri`` indicating what URI was requested. This hook is only invoked if the command name is included in the configuration option ``commands.on-load-uri``. .. code-block:: lua function on_load_uri() local uri = webview_uri(window_index, webview_index) log_debug(string.format("Just loaded %s", uri)) end ``on_request_uri()`` Invoked when a URI will be loaded in a webview. The current scope includes a ``webview_index`` and ``window_index`` indicating which view is active, as well as ``requested_uri`` indicating what URI was requested. This hook is only invoked if the command name is included in the configuration option ``commands.on-request-uri``. .. code-block:: lua function on_request_uri() log_debug("Requested to load " .. requested_uri) end ``run()`` The default hook, invoked when the user presses Return in the command bar. The scope of the function includes an ``arguments`` variable, which is a table of the space-delimited arguments which were passed with the function. Returns a boolean indicating whether to clear the bar text. .. code-block:: lua function run() log_info("Running the example script") return true end Constants --------- The Lua scripting engine provides a few constant values to make it easier to validate values or check configuration options. .. glossary:: ``CONFIG_FILE_PATH`` The path to the configuration file being used by Webkitten. It can be used as a convenience to do configuration value lookup. ``NOT_FOUND`` This is a possible value returned from the ``focused_window_index`` or ``focused_webview_index`` methods respectively, if there is no window or webview to correspond to the provided values. For example, if there are no windows open, ``focused_window_index()`` returns ``NOT_FOUND``. Provided methods ---------------- In addition to the `Lua standard libraries`_, the following global methods are provided for use within event triggers. .. glossary:: ``add_styles(window_index, webview_index, css)`` Inject CSS into a webview .. code-block:: lua function run() local window_index = focused_window_index() local webview_index = focused_webview_index(window_index) add_styles(window_index, webview_index, [[ body { background-color: red; } ]]) end ``close_webview(window_index, webview_index)`` Close a webview at a given index ``close_window(window_index)`` Close a window with a given index ``command_field_text(window_index)`` The text in the command bar of a window at a given index ``command_field_visible(window_index)`` Return ``true`` if in the command bar of a window at a given index is visible ``copy(string)`` Copy text to the native clipboard ``find(int, int, string)`` Find and highlight text in a webview ``focus_commandbar_in_window(window_index)`` Assign keyboard focus to the command field area of the window at a given index ``focus_webview(window_index, webview_index)`` Show a webview at a given index and assign keyboard focus to it ``focus_webview_in_window(window_index)`` Assign keyboard focus to the webview area of the window at a given index ``focused_webview_index(int)`` Returns the index of the focused webview in a window at a given index or ``NOT_FOUND`` ``focused_window_index()`` Returns the index of the focused window or ``NOT_FOUND`` ``go_back(window_index, webview_index)`` Returns to the previously loaded resource (if any) in a webview at a given index ``go_forward(window_index, webview_index)`` Loads the next resource (if any) in a webview at a given index ``hide_find(window_index, webview_index)`` Hide any GUI elements or highlighting relating to finding text onscreen ``hide_window(window_index)`` Hide a window at a given index ``load_uri(window_index, webview_index, string)`` Load a resource from a URI in a webview at a given index ``log_debug(message)`` Write text to the application log with a severity level of debug ``log_info(message)`` Write text to the application log with a severity level of info ``lookup_bool(string)`` Gets a bool value from the user's configuration file using the argument as a key ``lookup_string(config_path, key)`` Gets a string value from the user's configuration file using the argument as a key ``lookup_strings(config_path, key)`` Gets a table of strings from the user's configuration file using the argument as a key ``open_webview(window_index, uri)`` Open a new webview in a window at a given index and load the URI ``open_window(uri)`` Open a new window and load the URI ``reload_webview(int, int, bool)`` Reload a webview, optionally skipping content filters ``resize_window(window_index, width, height)`` Resize a window to the specified width and height ``run_javascript(window_index, webview_index, script)`` Run JavaScript source code in the webview at a given index ``set_command_field_text(window_index, text)`` Change the command field text in a window at a given index ``set_command_field_visible(window_index, is_visible)`` Change the command field visibility in a window at a given index ``set_window_title(window_index, title)`` Change the title in a window at a given index ``show_window(window_index)`` Show a previously hidden window by index ``webview_count(window_index)`` Returns the number of webviews contained in a window at a given index or zero if a window does not exist for that index ``webview_title(window_index, webview_index)`` The title of the web content in a webview at a given index ``webview_uri(window_index, webview_index)`` The URI of the loaded resource in a webview at a given index ``window_count()`` The number of windows currently open ``window_title(window_index)`` The title of the window at a given index or empty string if the index does not correspond to a window .. _`Lua standard libraries`: