
Easily stream terminal sessions

[![webout example](https://asciinema.org/a/360725.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/360725) ## Goals - Stream a terminal session - No support for full screen capture programs (top, vim or tmux) - Sessions are not persisted - CLI client to stream and watch a terminal session - Web client to watch terminal sessions ## Usage ### Stream terminal session ``` $ webout stream Webout session started View online: http://localhost:9000/session/82937d04-be96-459b-ab9d-d813fec738e3 Session id: 82937d04-be96-459b-ab9d-d813fec738e3 ``` Once done, exit `ctrl + d` or the `exit` command ``` $ exit Webout session ended! Bye :) ``` ### Watch terminal session ``` $ webout watch ``` ## Install For now only instaling from source works :sweat_smile: ``` git clone git@github.com:Bansco/webout.git cd webout cargo install --path . ``` ## LICENSE [MIT License](/LICENSE) © [Bansco](https://bansco.tech)