use std::fmt::Write; use std::fs; use ring::digest; use webpki_ccadb::fetch_ccadb_roots; #[tokio::test] async fn new_generated_code_is_fresh() { let tls_roots_map = fetch_ccadb_roots().await; let mut code = String::with_capacity(256 * 1_024); code.push_str(HEADER); code.push_str("pub const TLS_SERVER_ROOT_CERTS: &[CertificateDer<'static>] = &[\n"); let mut encoded_cert_der = String::new(); for root in tls_roots_map.values() { // Verify the DER FP matches the metadata FP. let der = root.der(); let calculated_fp = digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, &der); let metadata_fp = hex::decode(&root.sha256_fingerprint).expect("malformed fingerprint"); assert_eq!(calculated_fp.as_ref(), metadata_fp.as_slice()); write!(&mut encoded_cert_der, "b\"").unwrap(); for &b in root.der().as_ref() { encoded_cert_der.push_str(&format!("\\x{:02X}", b)); } encoded_cert_der.push('"'); code.push_str(&format!( " // {:?}\n", root.common_name_or_certificate_name )); code.push_str(&format!( " CertificateDer::from_slice({encoded_cert_der}),\n" )); encoded_cert_der.clear(); } code.push_str("];\n"); // Check that the generated code matches the checked-in code let old = fs::read_to_string("src/").unwrap(); if old != code { fs::write("src/", code).unwrap(); panic!("generated code changed"); } } const HEADER: &str = r#"//! A compiled-in copy of the full X.509 root certificates trusted by Mozilla. //! //! You should generally prefer to use [`webpki-roots`] when using [`rustls`] or [`webpki`] as it is //! more space efficient and convenient for that use. //! //! This library is suitable for use in applications that can always be recompiled and instantly deployed. //! For applications that are deployed to end-users and cannot be recompiled, or which need certification //! before deployment, consider a library that uses the platform native certificate verifier such as //! [`rustls-platform-verifier`]. This has the additional benefit of supporting OS provided CA constraints //! and revocation data. //! //! [`webpki-roots`]: //! [`webpki`]: //! [`rustls`]: //! [`rustls-platform-verifier`]: // // This library is automatically generated from the Mozilla // IncludedCACertificateReportPEMCSV report via Don't edit it. // // The generation is done deterministically so you can verify it // yourself by inspecting and re-running the generation process. #![no_std] #![forbid(unsafe_code, unstable_features)] #![deny( elided_lifetimes_in_paths, trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts, unused_import_braces, unused_extern_crates, unused_qualifications )] use pki_types::CertificateDer; "#;