[crates-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/webscan.svg [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/webscan [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/l/webscan.svg [examples-url]: https://github.com/shellrow/webscan/tree/main/examples # webscan [![Crates.io][crates-badge]][crates-url] ![License][license-badge] Cross-platform web scan library with the aim of being lightweight and fast. ## Features - URI SCAN - DOMAIN SCAN ## Usage Add `webscan` to your dependencies ```toml:Cargo.toml [dependencies] webscan = "0.4.0" ``` ## Example URI Scan Example ```rust extern crate webscan; use webscan::{UriScanner, ScanStatus, RequestMethod}; use tokio; use std::fs::{read_to_string, read}; use std::time::Duration; #[tokio::main] async fn main(){ let mut uri_scanner = match UriScanner::new(){ Ok(scanner) => (scanner), Err(e) => panic!("Error creating scanner: {}", e), }; let base_uri = String::from("http://localhost:8000/"); uri_scanner.set_base_uri(base_uri); let data = read_to_string("uris.txt"); let text = match data { Ok(content) => content, Err(e) => {panic!("Could not open or find uris.txt file: {}", e);} }; let word_list: Vec<&str> = text.trim().split("\n").collect(); for word in word_list { uri_scanner.add_word(word.to_string()); } match read("content.txt") { Ok(ct) => { let sep = b'\n'; ct.split(|b| b == &sep ) .for_each(|c| uri_scanner.add_content(c.to_vec())); }, Err(e) => {panic!("Could not open or find content.txt file: {}", e);} } uri_scanner.set_request_method(RequestMethod::Get); uri_scanner.set_timeout(Duration::from_millis(20000)); uri_scanner.set_accept_invalid_certs(false); uri_scanner.run_scan().await; let result = uri_scanner.get_result(); print!("Status: "); match result.scan_status { ScanStatus::Done => {println!("Normal end")}, ScanStatus::Timeout => {println!("Timed out")}, _ => {println!("Error")}, } println!("URI Scan Result:"); for (uri, status) in result.responses { println!("{} {}", uri, status); } println!("Scan Time: {:?}", result.scan_time); } ``` For more details see [Examples][examples-url] ## Supported platform - Linux - macOS(OS X) - Windows