use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::{read_to_string, write}, io::Write}; use libflate::gzip::Encoder; use serde_json::from_str; // this is the obscure 'formfeed' char, not found in the dictionary. // It's like a newline. const DELIMITER: char = 0x0C as char; fn main() { // Tell Cargo that if the dictionary file changes, to rerun this build script. println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/dictionary.json"); // load the dictionary in, sort alphabetically by word let dict = { let dict_str = read_to_string("./src/dictionary.json").expect("Failed to read `dictionary.json` file"); let mut dict = from_str::>(&dict_str) .expect("Failed to parse `dictionary.json` file") .iter() .map(|(a, b)| (a.clone(), b.clone())) .collect::>(); dict.sort_by(|(word_a, _), (word_b, _)| word_a.cmp(&word_b)); dict }; // create an intermediate uncompressed format, slightly more efficient than JSON let mut ir = String::new(); for (word, definition) in dict.iter() { let word = word.to_uppercase(); let cleaned_word = word.trim(); let cleaned_def = definition.trim(); ir += &format!("{}{}{}{}", cleaned_word, DELIMITER, cleaned_def, DELIMITER); } // for some reason running `gzip -9 --keep ./src/` (on the ir) gives better compression by like, 600kb, // - if you are a good person you will figure out how to correct the compressor config / algorithm used here let compressed = { let mut encoder = Encoder::new(Vec::new()).expect("Failed to create compressor"); encoder.write_all(ir.as_bytes()).expect("Failed to compress dictionary"); encoder.finish().into_result().expect("Failed to compress dictionary") }; let target_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); write(format!("{}/{}", target_dir, "dictionary.gz"), compressed).expect(&format!("Failed to write compressed dictionary to `{}/dictionary.gz`", target_dir)); }