syntax = "proto3"; package wechaty.puppet; option go_package=""; option java_package="io.github.wechaty.grpc.puppet"; option csharp_namespace = "github.wechaty.grpc.puppet"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; import "wechaty/puppet/file_box.proto"; enum MessageType { MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; MESSAGE_TYPE_ATTACHMENT = 1; MESSAGE_TYPE_AUDIO = 2; MESSAGE_TYPE_CONTACT = 3; MESSAGE_TYPE_EMOTICON = 4; MESSAGE_TYPE_IMAGE = 5; MESSAGE_TYPE_TEXT = 6; MESSAGE_TYPE_VIDEO = 7; MESSAGE_TYPE_CHAT_HISTORY = 8; MESSAGE_TYPE_LOCATION = 9; MESSAGE_TYPE_MINI_PROGRAM = 10; MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSFER = 11; MESSAGE_TYPE_RED_ENVELOPE = 12; MESSAGE_TYPE_RECALLED = 13; MESSAGE_TYPE_URL = 14; } enum ImageType { IMAGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; IMAGE_TYPE_THUMBNAIL = 1; IMAGE_TYPE_HD = 2; IMAGE_TYPE_ARTWORK = 3; } message MessagePayloadRequest { string id = 1; } message MessagePayloadResponse { string id = 1; string filename = 2; string text = 3; uint64 timestamp = 4; MessageType type = 5; string from_id = 6; string room_id = 7; string to_id = 8; repeated string mention_ids = 9; } message MessageImageRequest { string id = 1; ImageType type = 2; } message MessageImageResponse { /** * Huan(202011) TODO: * 1. rename to file_box * 2. replace it by FileBoxChunk with stream support */ string filebox = 1; } message MessageImageStreamRequest { string id = 1; ImageType type = 2; } message MessageImageStreamResponse { FileBoxChunk file_box_chunk = 1; } message MessageContactRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageContactResponse { string id = 1; } message MessageFileRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageFileResponse { /** * Huan(202011) deprecated: use MessageFileStreamResponse instead */ string filebox = 1; } message MessageFileStreamRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageFileStreamResponse { FileBoxChunk file_box_chunk = 1; } message MessageMiniProgramRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageMiniProgramResponse { string mini_program = 1; } message MessageUrlRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageUrlResponse { string url_link = 1; } message MessageSendContactRequest { string conversation_id = 1; string contact_id = 2; } message MessageSendContactResponse { // nullable google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageSendFileRequest { string conversation_id = 1; string filebox = 2; } message MessageSendFileResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageSendFileStreamRequest { oneof payload { string conversation_id = 1; FileBoxChunk file_box_chunk = 2; }; } message MessageSendFileStreamResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageSendTextRequest { string conversation_id = 1; string text = 2; // Huan(202011) FIXME: Issue #99 // repeated string mentional_ids = 3; } message MessageSendTextResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageSendMiniProgramRequest { string conversation_id = 1; string mini_program = 2; } message MessageSendMiniProgramResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageSendUrlRequest { string conversation_id = 1; string url_link = 2; } message MessageSendUrlResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; } message MessageRecallRequest { string id = 1; } message MessageRecallResponse { bool success = 1; } message MessageForwardRequest{ string message_id = 1; string conversation_id = 2; } message MessageForwardResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue id = 1; }