syntax = "proto3"; package wechaty.puppet; option go_package=""; option java_package="io.github.wechaty.grpc.puppet"; option csharp_namespace = "github.wechaty.grpc.puppet"; import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; message RoomListRequest {} message RoomListResponse { repeated string ids = 1; } message RoomPayloadRequest { string id = 1; } message RoomPayloadResponse { string id = 1; string topic = 2; string avatar = 3; string owner_id = 4; repeated string admin_ids = 5; repeated string member_ids = 6; } message RoomAddRequest { string id = 1; string contact_id = 2; bool invite_only = 3; } message RoomAddResponse {} message RoomAvatarRequest { string id = 1; } message RoomAvatarResponse { /** * Huan(202011) TODO: * 1. rename to file_box * 2. replace it by FileBoxChunk with stream support */ string filebox = 1; } message RoomCreateRequest { repeated string contact_ids = 1; string topic = 2; } message RoomCreateResponse { string id = 1; } message RoomDelRequest { string id = 1; string contact_id = 2; } message RoomDelResponse {} message RoomQuitRequest { string id = 1; } message RoomQuitResponse {} message RoomTopicRequest { string id = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue topic = 2; } message RoomTopicResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue topic = 1; } message RoomQRCodeRequest { string id = 1; } message RoomQRCodeResponse { string qrcode = 1; } message RoomAnnounceRequest { string id = 1; google.protobuf.StringValue text = 2; } message RoomAnnounceResponse { google.protobuf.StringValue text = 1; }